To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (2024)

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To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (3)

Professional Trader, Author & Coach

Nial Fuller is a professional trader, author& coach who is considered ‘The Authority’ on Price Action Trading. He has taught over 25,000 students via his Price Action Trading Course since 2008. In 2016, Nial won the Million Dollar Trader Competition.



Forex Trading Articles by Nial Fuller To Make Big Money Trading, Don’t Think About the Money

To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (4)

By Nial Fuller in Forex Trading Articles by Nial Fuller |69 Comments

To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (5)Obviously, you’re into trading to make money, the dream is always to earn money and live the lifestyle of our choosing and enjoy the freedom trading brings. I know those are some of the things that lured me to trading in the beginning of my career.

Almost 100% of people coming into trading are drawn in by the desire to make money and improve their lifestyle. Whether you want to admit it or not, that is probably why you are on my blog; because you think you can make a lot of money trading or you think trading can bring you an amazing lifestyle change. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with those kinds of thoughts and feelings because they ARE obtainable goals if you study hard, perfect your craft and manage to keep your bankroll intact long enough to live to trade another day and come out the other side profitable.

I’m certainly not hear to squash the dreams and ambitions of newbie traders (I was once one myself), but what I am here to do is help you achieve those dreams, and in order to do that we first must put these life-changing dreams and goals to one side and look at what’s actually going to get us there, we need to get smart, we need to be real and cut through the noise.You will only make money as a trader if you’re in this game for the right reasons and for most traders, at least in the beginning, they are not trading for the right reasons…

Do you love the money or the process?

Let me ask you this; do you REALLY LOVE THE PROCESS of learning about markets, studying and looking at charts and trading in general? Do you TRULY enjoy it? Or, are you just sort of slugging along because you think you can make fast money? For most traders, especially beginning traders, the honest answer is the latter.

In trading, as with any business endeavor and life in general, if you aren’t IN LOVE with the process you areVERY RARELY (if ever) going to achieve the goal. Read that last sentence 5 times before you continue.

How can you make an honest assessment of whether you are in love with money or the process of trading?

Here are some signsthat prove you’re trading for the wrong reasons

  • You’re trading money you can’t afford to lose. If you’re doing this, it’ because you’re too focused on the money. People who risk money they really cannot afford to lose are doing so because they want to make money fast and they are only thinking about the prize, not the possibility of losing that money. Bottomline, don’t trade with money you really cannot afford to lose.
  • You’re thinking only of money, not enough about trading or your trading plan or strategy. Trading really shouldn’t be all about ‘money’ to you. The money is just a way to keep score in a game that tests your ability to remain disciplined and patient in a world of constant temptation. If you are trading properly and focused on the process and excited about the process, you will make money and that money is like the score, if you’re score is going up, you’re winning, if it’s going down you are losing. Ironically, when you focus too much on the score (money) you end up losing.
  • You’re already making plans of what you’ll do after you make XYZ money in the market, you only think about the rewards and not the risks. Like the last point, but a bit more specific; I know a lot of amateur traders who get super excited about the possibilities of what they will do with the money they make from trading. It’s great to have ambitions and goals, don’t get me wrong, but this cannot consume your thoughts. If you’re making plans of how you will spend money you haven’t made, your trading mindset is not right yet.
  • You trade for no good reason, even late at night before bed, pressing some buttons for the gamblers endorphin release, you need to be in a trade. If you end up trading all the time, entering one as another one closes out, you don’t want to trade anymore, you NEED it. This is trading addiction and I can promise you that it will very quickly drain your bank account.
  • You get enthralled by the next biggest trading thing (Like crypto currencies, which by the way, I think bitcoin and the like is basically a Ponzi-scheme and I encourage people to stay away). Stick to major markets, major Forex pairs and major stock indices and commodities, don’t trade every market under the sun, this will cause you to over-analyze and over-trade and lose money.

To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (6)

The right reasons to trade:

  • You should trade because you love trading, plain and simple. You must love the process of trading, not only the dream of the end-goal, or you will never achieve the end-goal
  • You’re becoming methodical and well-structured in your approach, making plans and keeping notes and spreadsheets, you’re taking this seriously. Once you start doing things like this you know you’re on the right track. Being methodical and having a trading plan and keeping a trading journal in spreadsheets of your trades is something traders do who truly enjoy the process. These things keep you accountable and help develop proper trading habits and routines.
  • You live and breathe markets, it’s what you do, it’s who you are, every precious moment of free time you’re reading a post on a blog like the one you’re reading now or you’re reading a classic trading book like The Market Wizards or Trading in the Zone or perhaps studying chapters in my price action courses, you’re studying charts religiously, even if you’re out and about.
  • Your family and friends don’t understand you any more, the conversations have turned into things people can’t relate to, you feel alone, isolated, and feel desperate to find others who think the same way.
  • You love self-improvement. Trading, more than anything else, is about self-improvement. Show me a successful trader and I will show you a person successful in other areas of his or her life. Intense discipline, focus, passion, patience – these are the ingredients of LIFE success not just of trading success.
  • You are competitive, you like the competition. The idea of competing with millions of other traders and putting yourself into the that top 10% who are making all the money – drives you more than anything – it’s inside of you – it’s NOT JUST about getting a lot of moneyit’s about the self-confidence and the feeling of knowing you are better than all those other traders and you out-competed them. It puts you in a very small group of upper-echelon individuals and is a true accomplishment, one you’re dying to achieve.
  • You simply love markets, you love charts, you love business and entrepreneurship, you love studying what drives the world economies and you find yourself watching CNBC even when you’re bored or (god bless you) the PBS nightly Business news.


If you want to get fit and healthy and achieve your optimal body composition, you must fall in love with the process of working out and eating healthy, because if you don’t fall in love with it all, you will never continue to do the little things day in and day out that lead to the type of body you want. Same thing in trading. To get the money and the cars and houses and the life you want, the life that IS possible from trading, you have to love the process, the little things, the details, otherwise you’ll never stay committed to the discipline that is required. As they say, the devil is in the details.

To succeed at trading you must let go of the need to control the outcome. You must trust the process. You must trust your intuition. You must trust yourself. You must fall in love with the process if you want to get the results you’re looking for.

Don’t worry ifyou’renot yet feeling this quite yet or doing the things I discussed above, just stick with the plethora of inspirational and educative lessons on my blog and then study the chapters in my professional trading courses as well as follow along with the daily market analysis I post for members. You will soon find yourself enjoying your trading and hungrier for knowledge day by day, momentum builds momentum, and you must turn your desires into habits. Habits are what makes someone successful and when you start by developing the proper trading routine and stick to it, it will turn into a habit that leads you down the path to trading success.

For those who can’t yet make sense of it all and feel overwhelmed, the cliché saying holds true here; When the student is ready, the teacher appears; you just need to turn your desires intopassion and to do that you need knowledge and consistent stimulation. At Learn to Trade the Market, we live and breathe trading… so we have you covered.

What did you think of this lesson?Please share it with us in the comments below!

MARCH SPECIAL: Save 80% Off Nial Fuller's Pro Trading Course (Ends March 31st) - Learn More Here

To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (8)

About Nial Fuller

Nial Fuller is a Professional Trader, Investor & Author who is considered ‘The Authority’ on Price Action Trading. His blog is read by over 200,000+ followers and he has taught 25,000+ students since 2008. In 2016, Nial won the Million Dollar Trader Competition.Checkout Nial's Professional Trading Course here.

69 Comments Leave a Comment

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  1. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (11)MUNGE GATHURI

    A great article for all traders who have being in the market for long the message resonates well with all they have gone through and confirms the bitter truth of what the market is and what is expected of the traders .Thank you Nail Fuller.


  2. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (12)David A

    WOW… Great Article Nial… This Really Helps Me A Lot With Keeping Motivated. I Read This All The Time Whenever I Am Feeling Down And Out… And Most Of All Overwhelmed With College / Studying And Trying To Juggle Trading And Work As Well… Thanks Nial…


  3. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (13)Nick

    When the student is ready, the teacher appears. “


  4. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (14)Bamidele

    Just being eternally grateful to you, Nail Fuller. God bless you Sir. I stopped blowing my trading accounts when I started reading your articles voraciously. You taught me discipline. Bamidele from Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa.


  5. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (15)ade septi

    how is safe and profitable trading, and easy to understand? thankss


  6. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (16)Благодарность

    Mr. Nial! super article!


  7. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (17)Mlungisi

    A sent Prophet in the market, full of knowledge, understanding and wisdom to prepare and guide us. God bless you, Sir.


  8. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (18)Sboniso

    Since i have started following you , Market understanding of mine has rapidly increased dramatically .I sincerely appreciate what you have done to the journey of my trading lessons and those of others who have been inspired by you.


  9. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (19)basil

    This is THE most important article anyone should bare in mind before even contemplating the trading business without ANY question


  10. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (20)Jonathan

    I got covered with you prof. Nail, thanks for this.


  11. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (21)Patrick Pressler

    Nial, you put it very well!


  12. Nial, you put it very well!


  13. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (23)Sihle

    Thanks Nial, what you have said is very true……………..


  14. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (24)Ernie

    “You get enthralled by the next biggest trading thing (Like crypto currencies, which by the way, I think bitcoin and the like is basically a Ponzi-scheme and I encourage people to stay away).”

    I have been watching Bitcoin this weekend not that I am interested in trading it, but watching the chat in Tradingview was both hilarious and informative. I even seen people quoting learntotradethemarkets to support their analysis. I watched it for several hours as each post was coming in about every half second. I was able to watch human psychology at an accelerated pace. So many were trying to catch falling knives that it was unbelievable. The majority were trying to define the reversal at every minute. Some were even watching the 1 minute charts. You could tell that 99% were clueless. You are awesome Nial please keep teaching the way you do. It is much appreciated.


  15. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (25)Oscar Lopez

    awesome lesson thank you again nial :)


  16. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (26)Catherine

    Thanks Nial! Great article and that’s very true, Your teaching theory is great which can apply for every learning and not only for trading!


  17. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (27)Sola

    Thanks for your guide and enlightenment. God bless you Nial.


  18. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (28)David

    Thanks man.


  19. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (29)Nwanna Ifeanyi

    Nial…. I strongly believed that this lecture was prepared for me and for me alone. I appreciates.
    Kind Regards


  20. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (30)Jeffrey

    Thanks nail. Your teaching has really helped me.


  21. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (31)Emeka Egwim

    This is another trademark masterpiece of your proficiency and gregarious disposition towards rising the complete tradesman. This has gone to my special chess box of inestimable and invaluable heritage. You are indeed a fantastic boss, a fabulous gift to the trading world.


  22. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (32)Lawrence Eneze

    This is great write up, a good motivation and learning, its wonderful.


  23. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (33)Jeriah

    Thanks for mentioning about bitcoin Nial. Your words of wisdom are always appreciated.




  24. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (34)Marisa

    I loved this article, thank you Nial.


  25. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (35)khesiwe

    Thanks Nial wonderful article


  26. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (36)John Wintels

    Another home run. I read the sentence six times. If something is worth doing, it is worth OVER DOING.


  27. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (37)Irmad

    you are really my inspiration, what is described above, like the journey of my life at this time. if I could, I’d like to meet and say thank you.


  28. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (38)WL Taba

    True to what you said, without question, thank you for the very encouraging article, it’s been very great help in guiding me to the right path to trading success.


  29. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (39)Javier

    Thanks Nial for another great article. Really loved Trading in the Zone, the Disciplined Trader and the New Market Wizards, could you recommend other related books you enjoyed?


  30. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (40)Abdallah

    Thank you Nial, just what i needed to hear as a beginner in trading. Great Article!


  31. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (41)Fitria Sukmawati

    Hi Nial, Its a very good article. But I just fail to understand only this one of your “right reasons to trade” : “Your family and friends dont understand you any more, the conversations have turned into things people can’t relate to, you feel alone, isolated, and feel desperate to find others who think the same way.” Can you help me to understand why this is a right reason? I believe most of peoples like to be understood by their families and friends and dont like “feel alone, isolated, and feel desperate to find others who think the same way”


    • To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (42)John Wintels

      I think he means that in a positive way, actually. Imagine that youre a brain surgeon. How many people can actually understand, much less relate, to what you do? You are a minority of one. Cops have the same problem. So do EMTs, firemen and fighter pilots. So do top athletes. Once you get into it the way he describes (total absorption) you will find that NO ONE understands what you do. Thats not a bad thing. It actually means youre on your way.


    • To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (43)Fitria Sukmawati

      Thanks John. Got the point


  32. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (44)Roy Peters

    Great piece mentor, just great.
    we who have a small account must take heed to these words.


  33. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (45)DERRICK

    self empowering


  34. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (46)Jennifer Monks

    Nial, Another excellent article… i am in my fourth year of (part time) learning /trying to understand trading and at last i am getting the ah ha moments … your price action trading style is the best…. thanks as always…


  35. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (47)John

    Very true indeed, this applies to me and I am working to get out of the trap. Thanks Nial for the good coaching.


  36. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (48)Lesedi

    Highly inspirational article .
    Thank you


  37. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (49)Rahwa

    Thank you very much NIAL. You are wonerful and help peopl to trade and win. I am on my way to trade with discipline and patience. I am improving every time because of you.


  38. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (50)Caroline McArdle

    I agree and am inspired by most of what you say but i do believe in BALANCE too. A true measure of success and discipline is to be able to switch off from trading and engage with others on what interests you both and to have other areas of interest in one’s life too.


  39. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (51)Joshua

    Knowledge, and the right knowledge for that matter, is very important in achieving success in any area of human endeavour. Nial, you have the right knowledge (outside a lot misleading noise we hear out there) for achieving continual success in Forex trading. Thanks so much for your professional write-ups, I really appreciate them all!


  40. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (52)Godwin

    Nial, once again you stand for truth.When we get the process right the money will show up.Thanks.


  41. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (53)Mattilight

    On point great mentor, am a newbie in forex and I have invested and lost, but am not giving up, thk God I now have u as my mentor. I wish I came across ur blog much earlier than this.


  42. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (54)rossen dimitrov

    Thanks for the nice lecture

    Best Regards

    Rossen Dimitrov


  43. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (55)Thang

    There is no path to Happiness. Happiness is a road!


  44. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (56)M.Saleem

    Great piece of writing , Thanks


  45. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (57)KRISTOFA OKENTA

    Thank you very much. Once again I have MORE reasons to trade and stay DISCIPLINED.


  46. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (58)farzad

    Thanks again dear Nial.


  47. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (59)Kgomotso

    Thanks you mantioned bitcoin. I wanted to trade it and ever since I discovered you I never looked back.
    Thanks again!!!
    great article as always!!!


    • To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (60)Mahmudur Rahman

      I cant tell about what happened before, but bitcoin isn’t a ponzi anymore. If Bitcoin is a ponzi, then WTI crude oil, S&P 500, Dow 30 all are ponzi because all these instruments are traded in CME as future contract.


      • To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (61)Nial Fuller

        Just because a bitcoin futures market exists on CME or CBOE etc, it DOES NOT mean that the actual underlying bitcoin market is legitimate. Time will reveal what Bitcoin really is, I believe it will encounter many problems.


  48. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (62)Chema González

    Amazing article Nial. Always so inspirational. Thank you for so much!!


  49. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (63)Halldór Jónsson

    I fail to understand that writing down trades that are history can help me to make future trades, How do you substantiate this?


    • To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (64)Diana Kirkpatrick

      You need to do this. I have kept a trading journal for 8 years. You are able to see where you made the mistakes this way. Go over last years trades, and see what you did incorrectly and what you did correctly. You have to identify the patterns that work best for you and patterns that you need to avoid at all costs. History repeats itself. Price has memory. Chances are it will behave the same way when it reaches a certain level that it has behaved before.


  50. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (65)Donatus U Okechukwu

    you are my mentor thanks for your kindness , great man long live


  51. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (66)Padma Kaur

    Very true . interesting reading material.


  52. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (67)Zafer Güneş

    Really nice one this is. Best article for a long time…


  53. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (68)Vincent Tan

    It is awesome. It takes discipline and patient to learn the process of trading.


  54. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (69)Łukasz Mikołajewski

    Realy like this post.


  55. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (70)Boon Ong

    Wisdom of words. I had been through that “I have to be in the trade” symdrome.


  56. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (71)Abdur-Raheem Shuaib Agbarere As-Sayuty

    Very educative, informative and a true pointer to success and Professionalisim. Thanks


  57. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (72)Maximilian Ndelwa

    The lesson I have learned is so much good, am so interested with what your posting great job Mr Nial. Be blessed


  58. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (73)Mindlifaunlocker Unlocker Mind

    thank you so much Nial , i dont know how to express myself how good i feel about this article , thank you so much


  59. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (74)James Rae

    Just incredible, great gems of wisdom here.


  60. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (75)Soweto Born Mining Magnate

    Who better if not the Price Action Giant himself to know better. Very insightful, ground breaking and spell binding knowledge, Quintessential in its own right. Kind Regards Nial. Soweto


  61. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (76)Kevin Henry Ostermeyer

    Very informative and a real eye opener


  62. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (77)Adriana Ghidau

    Hello Nial. As always your articles are breathtaking truthful!
    I love money as someone else love cars but I am competitive and determinated to educate myself, train myself like I do every day in the gym to became an elite instructor and hey hoo there is lots of discipline needed. Sport and trading achievement go hand in hand for me. Thank you again Nial for sharing your knowledge and experience. Have a good day.


  63. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (78)John E Mullins

    Bullseye on this article Nial. You are absolutely 100% correct on how to approach trading, investing and Life as a whole. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I’m happy to be a Lifetime member. The education is priceless.


  64. To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (79)Tom Jones

    Very positive, Nial. Enjoyed the read. Thanks.


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    To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (83)

    To Make Big Money Trading, Don't Think About the Money » Learn To Trade The Market (2024)


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    Stay disloyal in trading. Never be psychologically involved in a trade and ignore any trading ideas, which push you to unsystematic behaviour. If the market accepts your idea as unviable, close the loss-making position and do not focus on the failure.

    Why is trading so addictive? ›

    All of this can induce reward pathways in the brain. When a day trader makes a profit or even gets excited about a potential one, the brain releases so-called feel-good neurochemicals, such as dopamine and serotonin. This can cause you to become addicted, just like with casino gambling or using illicit drugs.

    What is the mentality of a trader? ›

    One of the most important psychological characteristics of winning traders is the ability to accept (1) risk and (2) the fact that you may well be wrong more often than you are right in initiating trades. Winning traders understand that trade management is actually a more important skill than market analysis.

    How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

    With a $10,000 account, a good day might bring in a five percent gain, which is $500. However, day traders also need to consider fixed costs such as commissions charged by brokers. These commissions can eat into profits, and day traders need to earn enough to overcome these fees [2].

    How many traders actually make money? ›

    Approximately 1–20% of day traders actually profit from their endeavors. Exceptionally few day traders ever generate returns that are even close to worthwhile. This means that between 80 and 99 percent of them fail.

    How many traders go broke? ›

    According to research, the consensus in the forex market is that around 70% to 80% of all beginner forex traders lose money, get disappointed, and quit. Generally, 80% of all-day traders tend to quit within the first two years.

    Can you make 100k a year day trading? ›

    But, those who follow strict trading rules can easily make an income of over $100,000 per year or more. Likewise, the national average salary for day traders who work for a company is $122,724 (source: Glassdoor). You can see below that this average varies based on where you work.

    Do traders make good money? ›

    One of the biggest pros of day trading is that you have the potential to make a lot of money. If you're good at it, you can make more in one day than most people make in a month. However, day trading is also very risky. You can also lose a significant amount of money if you don't use appropriate risk management.

    How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

    Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

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    Name: Kelle Weber

    Birthday: 2000-08-05

    Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

    Phone: +8215934114615

    Job: Hospitality Director

    Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

    Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.