Two-foot tall tomato plant with good amount of foliage has an established root system, so blossoms allowed to set fruit.


Alstroemeria and nasturtium


Before: Peach set needing thinning.


After: Peaches thinned to opposite sides of the branch and far enough apart so they won't touch when they reach their mature size.


Double Delight Rose

When I was helping at the Tomatomania events, I was frequently asked about pinching and pruning tomato plants – whether to, how to, and when to. My response was “It depends whether your garden is on the coast or inland.” If on the coast, then some pinching of blossoms and shoots at nodes is wise, to promote better air circulation and enable more direct sun onto the fruits. But, if the garden is inland, then pruning is a bad idea, aside from pinching blossoms for a month following transplanting.

Here’s why, in both cases.

Do Pinch Off Blossoms – For A Month After Planting

This is the case for all tomato plants and all garden locations, since it’s dealing with establishing a strong plant that will be very productive.

Pluck off all blossoms and any fruit for at least a month after transplanting, until the plant is at least two feet tall so it’s forced to direct its energies toward establishing a strong root system. If blossoms are allowed to develop fully and then set fruit, the plant will expend its energies on fruit production at the expense of establishing a strong plant that will be able to produce many more tomatoes. This is the case whether the plants are"determinate" (they grow only to a determined height,set their blossoms, ripen their fruit,and then the plants die), or "indeterminate" (they keep on growing and bearing flowers and fruit until killed by frost; although they may poop out before then due to lack of nutrients or warm-enough weather).

Whether To Prune Plants Depends on Where The Garden Is Located

The concept of pruning plants is an East-coast and Midwest thing based on two environmental conditions there that we have somewhat on our coast but the opposite inland.

  1. Constant moisture. Summer humidity that the East and Midwest is infamous for means that plants without sufficient air circulation will more likely develop plant diseases, so the recommendation is to prune out suckers and “excess” foliage. Because our coast also has frequent/constant moisture, some pruning may also be wise. Inland, however, our lack of general humidity and sometimes extremely dry air precludes this problem. The only precaution is to locate plantsfar enough apart for good air circulation, especially for varieties that become large when they’re well-nourished.
  2. Lack of direct sun. That same East-coast and Midwest humidity means that there’s a generally overcast sky, so pruning is recommended so more sun can reach and ripen the tomato fruits. This is also the case on our coast. Inland, however, our abundance of direct unfiltered sun is almost too much of a good thing – we need as much foliage as possible to shade our tomato fruits from sunburn.


Should you pinch flowers off tomato plants? ›

There may be minor benefits to removing some percentage of early flowers from your indeterminate tomato plants, but choosing not to pinch will not harm your tomatoes!

How do you pinch and prune tomatoes? ›

In warmer zones, experts often recommend “Missouri pruning,” where the leaflets on the end of each sucker are pinched off, leaving the two base leaflets in place. As these leaves enlarge, they help shade fruit and protect it from sunscald. The practice of pinching back suckers allows only one or two main stems to grow.

Do tomato plants need to be pinched? ›

Pinching out your tomatoes is an essential part of tomato plant care. The reason for this is the tomato plant is a naturally bushy plant, and if you let it grow as it wants to, it will put all of its focus into growing foliage at the expense of fruit.

What should you not cut back on tomato plants? ›

Avoid pruning tomato determinate varieties or pinch back only suckers that appear below the first flower cluster, or you will reduce your yield.

How to prune tomato plants for maximum yield? ›

Remove all leafy suckers beneath the first fruit cluster so they won't slow the development of the fruit. Suckers are the little shoots that form in the spot (called an axil) where the leaf stem attaches to the main growing stem. In northern regions, many gardeners go further, removing all suckers as they appear.

What leaves do you pinch out on tomato plants? ›

Removing the side-shoots is simple – every time you water, check the plant for any shoots sprouting just above each leaf, from the joint between the leaf and the stem. Pinch these out or snap them off.

Should I cut the bottom leaves off my tomato plants? ›

The advantage in removing the lower leaves is that the plants energies go into producing fruit rather than a lot of foliage. Also the lower leaves tend to get powdery mildew so it is good to remove them to stop disease spreading.

Should you pinch off the first leaves on tomato plants? ›

Removing some of the leaves will help the sun reach the tomatoes, and they will ripen faster. The plant will focus more energy on growing the tomatoes if you remove some of the leaves too. I remove all of the leaves up to the first tomato bunch on the main stem.

Which part of a tomato plant should I remove? ›

Usually, indeterminate tomatoes grow best with one or two low side shoots; so, remove all side shoots above this. The lower shoots help make the plant more stable and is where they bear fruit.

How tall should a tomato plant be before flowering? ›

After the plant is 12 to 18 inches tall, allow the first set of blossoms to grow.

How to keep tomato plants short and bushy? ›

Remove the Suckers

The tomato suckers are found in the “armpits” of the plant which is where the main stalk (or stem) and the leaf stems (or branches) meet. Locate the suckers and trim them off. If you do not prune the tomato plant, it will get very bushy with lots of big strong stalks that bear lots of flowers.

Which tomato plants are not to prune? ›

You only need to worry about pruning if you're growing a vining type, aka an indeterminate tomato. Bush tomatoes, or determinate tomatoes, are basically self-pruning because they're meant to only grow to a certain size and then stop.

Should I pinch flowers off vegetable plants? ›

Yes, it hurts, but for many leafy herbs, flowers and a few vegetables, pinching is essential to grow good crops. A form of pruning done on tender young stems, pinching resets the maturation process by forcing the plants to resume leafy growth.

What to do when tomatoes start flowering? ›

A: If your tomatoes are 6-10 inches tall and have blooms forming, they should be repotted into 1-gallon containers. The early 80-degree heat may have encouraged your tomatoes to grow a bit faster. When you repot them, remove the lower leaves and plant them to just below the lowest remaining leaves.

How do you keep tomato flowers from falling off? ›

To prevent tomato blossom drop, ensure plants are healthy with lush green leaves, provide adequate humidity levels, avoid extreme temperatures (both high and low), and encourage pollination by planting in full sun and attracting beneficial insects like bees.

How to prune tomato flowers? ›

Determinate tomatoes need no pruning other than removing all suckers below the first flower cluster because pruning won't affect their fruit size or plant vigor. If you do any pruning at all above the first flower cluster on determinate tomatoes, you'll only be throwing away potential fruit.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.