Trade Plan – Trader 2 Trader (2024)

Posted: May 10, 2013 | Author: trader2trader | Filed under: Cheat Sheet, Free Tools, Trader Tools, Trading Plan, Trading Rules | Tags: 2013, Cheat Sheet, Free Tools, Setups 2 Trade, Trade Plan, Trader Tools, Trading Styles | Leave a comment

Posted: February 27, 2013 | Author: trader2trader | Filed under: Cheat Sheet, Free Tools, Setups 2 Trade, Trader Tools, Trading Plan, Trading Styles | Tags: 2013, Cheat Sheet, Free Tools, Setups 2 Trade, Trade Plan, Trader Tools, Trading Styles | Leave a comment

Combine Geometry and Fibonacci Numbers
Harmonic trading combines patterns and math into a trading method that is precise and based on the premise that patterns repeat themselves. At the root of the methodology is the primary ratio, or some derivative of it (0.618 or 1.618). Complementing ratios include: 0.382, 0.50, 1.41, 2.0, 2.24, 2.618, 3.14 and 3.618. The primary ratio is found in almost all natural and environmental structures and events; it is also found in man-made structures. Since the pattern repeats throughout nature and within society, the ratio is also seen in the financial markets, which are affected by the environments and societies in which they trade. (Don’t make these common errors when working with Fibonacci numbers – check outTop 4 Fibonacci Retracement Mistakes To Avoid.)

By finding patterns of varying lengths and magnitudes, the trader can then apply Fibonacci ratios to the patterns and try to predict future movements. The trading method is largely attributed to Scott Carney, although others have contributed or found patterns and levels that enhance performance.

Harmonic price patterns are extremely precise, requiring the pattern to show movements of a particular magnitude in order for the unfolding of the pattern to provide an accurate reversal point. A trader may often see a pattern that looks like a harmonic pattern, but the Fibonacci levels will not align in the pattern, thus rendering the pattern unreliable in terms of the Harmonic approach. This can be an advantage, as it requires the trader to be patient and wait for ideal set-ups.

Harmonic patterns can gauge how long current moves will last, but they can also be used to isolate reversal points. The danger occurs when a trader takes a position in the reversal area and the pattern fails. When this happens, the trader can be caught in a trade where the trend rapidly extends against them. Therefore, as with all trading strategies,riskmust be controlled.

It is important to note that patterns may exist within other patterns, and it is also possible that non-harmonic patterns may (and likely will) exist within the context of harmonic patterns. These can be used to aid in the effectiveness of the harmonic pattern and enhance entry and exit performance. Several price waves may also exist within a single harmonic wave (for instance a CD wave or AB wave). Prices are constantly gyrating; therefore, it is important to focus on the bigger picture of the time frame being traded. The fractal nature of the markets allows the theory to be applied from the smallest to largest time frames.


Posted: December 17, 2012 | Author: trader2trader | Filed under: Setups 2 Trade, Terminology, Trading Plan, Trading Rules | Tags: 2012, Definitions, Setups 2 Trade, Terminology, Trade Plan, Trading Rules | Leave a comment

Trade Plan – Trader 2 Trader (7)

Definition of ‘Death Cross’

A crossover resulting from a security’s long-term moving average breaking above its short-term moving average or support level.

Investopedia explains ‘Death Cross’

As long-term indicators carry more weight, this trend indicates a bear market on the horizon and is reinforced by high trading volumes. Additionally, the long-term moving average becomes the new resistance level in the rising market.

Trade Plan – Trader 2 Trader (8)

Definition of ‘Golden Cross’

A crossover involving a security’s short-term moving average (such as15-day moving average)breaking above its long-term moving average (such as50-day moving average) or resistance level.

Investopedia explains ‘Golden Cross’

As long-term indicators carry more weight, the Golden Cross indicates a bull market on the horizon and is reinforced by high trading volumes. Additionally, the long-term moving average becomes the new support level in the rising market.

Techniciansmight see this cross as a sign that the market has turned in favorof the stock.



Posted: December 4, 2012 | Author: trader2trader | Filed under: Free Tools, Psychology, Trading Plan, Trading Styles | Tags: 2012, Free downloads, Free Tools, Psychology, Trade Plan, Trading Styles, Trading System | Leave a comment

Trade Plan – Trader 2 Trader (9)

Take the Test! Click here

You get a simplified and full report! Great stuff….


One of Your Trading Strengths– You can trade a new system easily and comfortably using real money and small position sizing.

One of Your Trading Challenges– Because you get excited about new things, and like to share often, you can get distracted from that which already works.

What the Tharp Trader Test™ Is and Is Not

Dr. Van K Tharp, armed with a Ph.D. in psychology and several losing experiences in the market, realized that perhaps the poor results that he’d been getting in the markets had more to do with him than the markets themselves. So in 1982 the quest began for how he could become a better trader. He conducted in-depth research to determine the qualities that great traders and investors had, and his research uncovered ten distinct areas that were important to investment/trading success.

These studies led to the creation of a 176 question test called theInvestment Psychology Inventory Profilebased around these ten areas, and after testing thousands of traders over many years, it has proven to be a great indicator of success in the markets.

TheTharp Trader Testis a mini version of this extensive test that is designed to provide a snapshot of the various types of traders that Dr. Tharp has identified. Each of the types has its own temperament, personality, perception and interpretation that ultimately affect how the market is approached and traded. Some have a distinct set of core qualities that are great for trading, whereas others may find trading more of a challenge. There is no right or wrong trader type; it is merely an identifier of possible patterns that could enhance or block success in your trading, relationships and all areas of your life.

This is not a test to determine what type of trading you should be doing, or what time frame or markets you should be trading. Nor does it discuss the methods, techniques or systems that suit your trader type. All of these things are an individual choice based on your own objectives and lifestyles, which may differ greatly based on your age, location and circ*mstances. The test will, however, address how you most likely gather, store, comprehend and act on information about the markets. It will also provide you with details of commonly observed strengths and challenges of each type and subsequent solutions.

With only 35 questions, the Tharp Trader Test is not an exact science and some people may find that their answers place them on a borderline between two different types of traders. Because this is the mini-test, if you become really stuck, go back and re-do the test with the opposite answer and see if your trader type changes at all. If so, then read the solutions for both trader types and determine which traits resonate with you the most. This will enable you to deal with the strengths and challenges that most adequately represent your situation. Then you can work toward becoming the best trader or investor that you can be.

The Tharp Trader test only takes about 4 minutes to take, and you’ll learn a great deal about yourself when you receive your trader type.So why not begin right now?


Posted: November 5, 2012 | Author: trader2trader | Filed under: Money Management, Trading Plan, Trading Rules, Trading System | Tags: 2012, Money Management, Trade Plan, Trading Rules, Trading Styles, Trading System, Videos | Leave a comment

Martingale probability began as a popular betting theory in 18th century France. The basic premise of the theory was simple enough: In a game of coin flips that pays 2:1 if the coin comes up heads, but takes the bet money if the coin comes up tails, you should bet double on every loss so that you would automatically win back any losses.

Problems with the Initial Model

  • Clearly, the game assumes that the player has no limit on financial resources or time. In a practical setting, this game does not work, because as the player bets on each subsequent iteration, he exponentially reach poverty. Although the game does break even over a long enough time line, there is no way to be certain that this will happen quickly enough for the player to adequately recover his losses. However, the idea led to several other theories.

Proof Against Betting Theories

  • Paul Peiree Levy did much of the work toward proving that successful betting theories were impossible to create. The idea was to illustrate that betting games, in general, are fools’ games. There is no way to create a theory that will allow the player to win a majority of the time. Before his work in fields like Martingale Probability, it was not commonly accepted that gambling was essentially stacked against the player.

Exponential Nature of Losses

  • The main interest that mathematicians still have in Martingale Probability is the exponential rate of loss. The idea that can be inferred from the equations that define a Martingale set is that the expected value of the next number in a set of observations can be assumed to be equal to the last observation in the set. In other words, in a fair game, a gambler can assume his losses will be roughly between plus or minus the square root of the number of steps.

    Polya’s Urn Model

    • George Polya came up with an example to explain this concept using a jar (or urn) containing red and blue marbles. The urn randomly and unbiasedly expels a marble of a given color. That marble is put back into the jar with another marble of the same color, which essentially has the same mathematical model as doubling down the gambler’s bet on any given game. The problem is that it has the false illusion of affecting the outcome.
    • SOURCE:

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Trade Plan – Trader 2 Trader (2024)


What is the rule of 2 in trading? ›

The 2% rule is a risk management principle that advises investors to limit the amount of capital they risk on any single trade or investment to no more than 2% of their total trading capital. This means that if a trade goes against them, the maximum loss incurred would be 2% of their total trading capital.

How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

How much money do day traders with $10000 accounts make per day on average? On average, day traders with $10,000 accounts can make $200-$600 per day, with skilled traders aiming for 2%-5% returns daily. So, it is possible to achieve a daily profit of $200 to $600 with a $10,000 account.

What is the 2 risk per trade? ›

One popular method is the 2% Rule, which means you never put more than 2% of your account equity at risk (Table 1). For example, if you are trading a $50,000 account, and you choose a risk management stop loss of 2%, you could risk up to $1,000 on any given trade.

What is the 1 3 rule in trading? ›

Understanding the One-Third Rule

In particular, the rule asserts that for an increase of 1% in capital expenditures to labor, a resulting productivity increase of 0.33% will happen. The one-third rule further assumes that all other variables remain static.

What is 90% rule in trading? ›

The 90 rule in Forex is a commonly cited statistic that states that 90% of Forex traders lose 90% of their money in the first 90 days. This is a sobering statistic, but it is important to understand why it is true and how to avoid falling into the same trap.

What is the 5 3 1 rule in trading? ›

Clear guidelines: The 5-3-1 strategy provides clear and straightforward guidelines for traders. The principles of choosing five currency pairs, developing three trading strategies, and selecting one specific time of day offer a structured approach, reducing ambiguity and enhancing decision-making.

What is the 11am rule in trading? ›

What Is the 11am Rule in Trading? If a trending security makes a new high of day between 11:15-11:30 am EST, there's a 75% probability of closing within 1% of the HOD.

Can you make 200k a year day trading? ›

Yes, it's certainly possible to make $200,000.00 per year day trading, but you're looking at your potential profit capacity in the wrong way. You need to take into consideration how much money you have available to trade with, known as your initial capital.

How much can I make day trading with $5000? ›

If you get 10 trading signals per week, then you can expect a weekly return of $180-$200 on a $5,000 account. Which is a phenomenal result! Think about it: With a simple day trading strategy like this, you could expect $720 – $800 per month on a $5,000 account.

What is the 1% rule in trading? ›

Risking 1% or less per trade is the standard for most professional traders. For day traders and swing traders, the 1% risk rule means you use as much capital as required to initiate a trade, but your stop loss placement protects you from losing more than 1% of your account if the trade goes against you.

What is the dip strategy in trading? ›

'Buying the dip' is one of the most popular mantras in investment circles. It means buying an asset, like a stock, when the price has declined. The inherent belief is that the price dip represents a bargain on the underlying asset.

What is the best trade ratio? ›

In many cases, market strategists find the ideal risk/reward ratio for their investments to be approximately 1:3, or three units of expected return for every one unit of additional risk.

What is the 80% rule in trading? ›

The 80% Rule is a Market Profile concept and strategy. If the market opens (or moves outside of the value area ) and then moves back into the value area for two consecutive 30-min-bars, then the 80% rule states that there is a high probability of completely filling the value area.

What is the 3 5 7 rule in trading? ›

The 3 5 7 rule, also known as the “Three Trade Rule,” was developed by experienced traders who recognized the need for a disciplined approach to risk management. Its purpose is to minimize losses and maximize potential gains by setting specific rules for trade allocation.

What is the 60 40 rule in trading? ›

While short-term capital gains from stocks or ETFs are taxed at your ordinary income tax rate, futures are taxed using the 60/40 rule: 60% are taxed at the long-term capital gains tax rate of 15%, while only 40% of your short-term capital gains are taxed at your ordinary income tax rate.

How does the rule of two work? ›

After the Sith were decimated by the Jedi Knights of a thousand years ago, Bane enacted the Sith rule of two: there would be only two active Sith at one time -- a Dark Lord to embody the power, and an apprentice to crave it.

What is the 2% rule in swing trading? ›

There is a 2% rule that says one should never put more than 2% of account equity at risk. On the other hand, there is a 1% rule that says the loss on a single trade should not exceed more than 1% of your total capital.

How do you calculate the 2% rule? ›

Let's say the investment property costs $100,000 to purchase and renovate. To calculate the 2% rule: Total investment cost: $100,000. 2% of the total investment cost: $100,000 x 0.02 = $2,000.

What is the 1 to 2 rule in stocks? ›

A general rule for equity markets is to never risk more than 2 percent of your capital on any one stock. This rule may not be suitable for long-term traders who enjoy higher risk-reward ratios but lower success rates. Do not risk more than 1% of your capital on each trade if the expected success rate is below 50%.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.