Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Mone… (2024)

Mike Oksenenko

Author2 books5 followers

January 23, 2016

Best reading order:

1) To Trade or Not to Trade (Alexander Elder)
2) Two Roads Diverged (Alexander Elder)
3) Trading for a Living (Alexander Elder)
4) Entries and Exits (Alexander Elder)
5) Come Into My Trading Room (Alexander Elder)
6) Sell and Sell Short (Alexander Elder)

    _elder_list_ trading

Mark Speed

Author16 books81 followers

February 19, 2015

I don't think this is necessarily a book for beginners. However, it's a book that beginners should read. You will learn that it's all about hard work, and that the folks who sell you systems are selling you fool's gold. (I learnt this the hard way, and then had it demonstrated by my mentor.) You'll also learn exactly why you will fail, and what to do to turn yourself into a successful trader.

One of the best and most comprehensive books I've read on trading - and that's saying something. It was expensive (£55, c.$80) but worth every penny. The author is a doctor who escaped to the US from the former Soviet Union, became a psychiatrist and then a very successful trader. I bought this book for its comprehensive section on trading psychology. Alex Elder tells it like it is, in very plain terms. If you trade, you are your biggest enemy. He tells you what to do about it from within quite a harsh frame of reference: that of Alcoholics Anonymous.

It misses out on that fifth star because it has not been updated since 1992. The result is that it's very much a pencil-and-paper approach to trading signals, and there's no mention of the internet at all. That didn't bother me too much, but I think it would make some readers feel a bit robbed. On the plus side, he actually talks through the psychology of all the indicators. For me, that was a huge bonus. Even though I'm not big on indicators, the people I trade against are - so I have to know them and read the moves of the crowd.

Actually, I'm going to give this five stars. It's a rare thing for me to start re-reading a book on the same day I finished it.

    business personal-development reference


249 reviews75 followers

March 24, 2020

"Trading for a living" is a comprehensive and magnificent guide for beginners who want to enter the world of trading. Alexender Elder divides his book into three categories: The Psychology section, where he addresses the important mindset for this type of enterprises; Trading tactics, a section dedicated to practical examples of the real world of trading; Money Management, the last part of the book that approaches the most efficient methods for risk management.
"Emotional trading is the enemy of success"
The most interesting and relevant section of the book is the Psychology chapter. In this section, the author discusses the psychological mindset of a trader. He claims that irrational and emotional actions are the enemy for a successful trading business. The psychological part has a relevant weight for success. After all, trading is not only an intellectual process but also a temperamental process.
The second part (Trading tactics) addresses real-time/practical measures during the Trading process.
On the third part, Alexander Elder gives out some tips for better management of one's trading accounts, including how to not risk all the available capital.
The details are left for those who are eager to start in the trading world. This book is a good starting point for those who want to have a larger perspective of this complex mechanism.

    economics nonfiction psychology

Michael Roman

69 reviews3 followers

March 29, 2016

Fascinating beginning about the psychology of trading and prices. Read the whole first section and last section. The middle portion of the book about technical analysis was a bit too much for me to read in full.


54 reviews3 followers

January 23, 2010

This gentleman is clearly smart and I gained some good nuggets of wisdom from listening to this on CD. But I am just not wired to try to predict fluctuations in the market based on the statistics of graphed wave lengths of human behavior - I gravitate toward looking at the business's model of performance & intent.

Anand Vishnu

1 review17 followers

July 24, 2014

perhaps the best book in technical analysis for a beginner

Pat Murphy

627 reviews2 followers

August 7, 2015

A difficult read. This book made a lot more sense after I had read a few other books about the stock market and then read this again. Ok, I read this a second time.


63 reviews1 follower

June 19, 2019

Never done a single trade before reading this book
Never did a single trade after reading book
But loved the way the author has presented the concepts

Akshat Solanki

Author1 book99 followers

August 28, 2018


An extensive book on trading, covering all the important points like charts, graphs, indicators, psychological factors etc.

The author, Alexander Elder has written in depth about the following points.
1. Risk Management
2. Money Management
3. Trading charts/graphs (There are a lot of charts)
4. Buy low, Sell high
5. Emotions and Trading
6. Indicators and trading systems/setups

And a few others, that you should get to read in this book.

I find this book helpful as an amateur trader, and I'll find this book helpful as a professional trader too because this book tells you the difference between the amateur traders and the professional ones, who dare to eat whatever amateur traders are losing.

In this book, in the end, you will find a short explanation of what is stock, futures, options chains that I think should have been written in the first chapters as it might have been way more useful for the amateur traders, but I think the author has written keeping in mind that most of the amateur traders know this thing.

The author has focused on and emphasized more on risk and money management. He thinks these two things are more important because only if you survive the shark bites, you will be able to swim deep in the sea and in the ocean, otherwise, all we see is water getting bloody red.

It's a must-read book for the traders, investors, too.

Do read this book.

Akshat Solanki

Rushil Paul

2 reviews2 followers

June 5, 2021

Great book. It exposes a lot of brutal truths about the trading industry at large, while explaining in detail how social psychology of the masses manifests itself into the charts patterns that people bank on to make money.
It talks extensively about the underlying principles that make a great trader, and what gets losers wiped out.

It includes a lot of technical jargon, so it is not recommended for a complete trading newbie but is very useful and enjoyable read once some trading knowledge is acquired.


204 reviews7 followers

March 3, 2021

A great book to learn the basics and of trading. Some things are a little out of date like trading commissions but others are good rules to follow such as trade with no emotions and never risk more than 2% on any trade.

I found this book to move really quick and was worth the small few tips I got from it.

Eugene García

15 reviews

November 1, 2018

Hace tiempo que sentía curiosidad por el mundo del trading, y debo decir que he conseguido saciarla. Por un lado, aproveché para poner en práctica algunos consejos en un mercado dentro de un videojuego, ya que es un libro que se centra en uno de los tres pilares del trading: la psicología (concretamente, la psicología de masas). Me gustó la forma que tuvo el autor de explicar ciertas acciones que ponen a los iniciados en peligro, y cómo evitarlo.

Pero esto no es todo: los conceptos más técnicos me perdían, sinceramente. Esto me llevó a pensar que, como todo, si quieres trabajar de algo, más vale enfocar todas tus energías en ello durante el proceso de aprendizaje (y con más razón si vas a poner en juego tu capital).

Dejo el libro para futuras revisiones, nunca se sabe

Stephen Gallup

Author1 book67 followers

January 15, 2010

I first read this classic in 1995, when I was more or less holding my own in commodity trading (a dangerous pasttime I eventually gave up because the modest profits I saw did not justify the emotional wringer I was going through every day). I remember being a little annoyed with Elder's way of restating fairly basic points again and again in choppy, repetitious paragraphs. That style is still a problem. At times it seems that he must have dictated his thoughts into a recorder and never took time to go through the transcript and clean it up.

On the other hand, simple though his points may be, they are worth learning. I particularly like his early chapter about gurus and the tendency so many of us have to put our trust in anybody but ourselves (and not only when it comes to trading, I've observed!). Likewise, he has a great analysis of crowd behavior. He's trained as a psychiatrist, so I guess it figures.

As far as actual guidance goes, what he has are mostly truisms that nevertheless need to be part of any trader's education. For example:
- "Your goal is to trade well, not to trade often."
- "You need to know exactly under what conditions you will enter and exit a trade."
- "You must not change your plan while you have an open position."

It does get a little more technical than that, but for a thorough treatment of indicators like Fibonacci sequences, moving averages, etc. another book would be needed. Elder is best simply at defining what every trader is up against ("The money you want to make belongs to other people who have no intention of giving it to you."). His book doesn't provide a clear path to success at that endeavor. On the other hand, no one should jump into the markets without knowing what it says.

Кирил А.

23 reviews5 followers

May 7, 2017

This 3 hours audio book is great introduction to trading psychology if you are new to the concepts and probably can learn a few things even if you have experience in this area. The book is about a quarter of a century old but still has great concepts that can be applied to today's market.

This is not my first trading psychology book that I have read and still I was introduced to some new aspects. There is the popular believe that trading is a Zero sum game. However, when you pay your commissions to your broker the odds against you are greater. In addition, there is the chance to slippage both negative and positive but chances are you are going to pay extra for negative slippage. So if two people enter into a trade at the same time in opposite direction with same take profit and sell loss one of them is going to be a winner and one of them is going to be a loser. But the one that looses money will be greater than the one that is making money. Personally I do not use the go with the trend technique but it is a personal choice.

May 23, 2015

It was my second re-read of the Russian version, which includes workbook which amounts to almost half of the volume. Going through exercises was interesting and revealed that areas I thought I knew well were not so good and vice versa.

One controversy which bugs me after reading this book is that on one hand Dr. Elder talks about "not trading against a long term trend", i.e. going along with weekly and monthly trends ("first screen"). On the other hand, most of the "strongest technical signals" he describes are about divergences, i.e. catching the moments when the trend breaks and going against it. It's seems almost impossible to combine these two techniques, because divergences on daily graphs are rarely occur in the direction *along* with the weekly trend, they are mostly happening against, before weekly trend changes too.



58 reviews7 followers

July 16, 2014

Excelent, MUST READ book for traders.
It may not be as extensive as Murphys (considered the bible of AT), but its a bit more complex in some aspects, giving more of the authors particular views on trading, his indicators and strategies.
I think it would have been a perfect book if it had more about money management and portfolio management.
I enjoyed reading it. Simple and direct style from the author makes it easy to go through.


308 reviews1 follower

May 12, 2016

Treat this book like a text book on the psychology behind trading stocks. The author is basing his approach to trading stocks on the thought processes of crowds. It sounds well thought out; but does it really help trade for a profit? Expect to put a lot of time into this one if you really want to learn enough to try it out, even if only on paper.


17 reviews

December 8, 2018

old book, gives some insight, audiobook is about 3 hours long. I found a good part of it to be filler, and most of the concepts you learn elsewhere. He does drive home some good points about strategy and how it's not really a zero sum game; it's worse. Time can be better spent on other books, or maybe the new version (haven't listened to it yet)


56 reviews

April 12, 2016

Un libro interesante con todo lo básico del trading, la parte más importante no son el manejo de los indicadores técnicos sino la psicología del trading y el money management. En definitiva, este libro debe estar en la biblioteca de los traders.

Goh James

7 reviews


March 17, 2015

This book was published in 1992. The new version just came out last year. Great book for anyone starting out.

Arek Piwowarczyk

3 reviews1 follower

July 31, 2015

Good book, however there is a new updated version: The New Trading For a Living


23 reviews1 follower

November 4, 2015

Very interesting book which teaches anybody how to start trading with confidence

Ian Cassel

Author2 books61 followers

January 16, 2016

A great read to look into how traders think and good views on psychology

    alexander-elder trading

Hasdrubal Barca

18 reviews15 followers

October 14, 2019

This book changed my life and changed the way I trade. Part of the reason I can say that is the fact that I developed my all-time most reliable and profitable trade from Elder's simple explanations. Fully 80% of my trades are based on a formation that occurs using two indicators described in this book. Elder even identifies the formation as being "the strongest signal in technical analysis." I will certainly agree, though it took me some time to find the ideal market and time-frame for it. If you trade futures, stocks, or currencies with Candlesticks, the secret is in this book. It gave me the edge I needed to become consistently profitable. I own more than 60 trading related books (those are just the keepers) and I think what makes Elder stand out is the fact that he is/was a successful trader for many years and that the content of this book is the hard-won wisdom of those years. This is not a book written by some infomercial peddler who makes his living selling trading "courses." I chuckle when I see the price for this book is $47.25 because I would have counted it a steal at a hundred times that. To unlock the strategies in Trading for a Living you will have to adapt them to your own trading style, vehicle, and funds. I agree with another reviewer who said this book is for a person who is more than an amateur but not yet a pro. I believe that the techniques used by most very sophisticated professional traders are built on the indicators and principles found in this book.

Juan Rivera

1,361 reviews5 followers

September 17, 2020

When I was barely 25 years old, my interest in investing in the stock market and other financial instruments began. Unfortunately for me it was a complete disaster, since it is very difficult to gather money to invest and not need it; as recommended by those who teach us to invest.

Now my son Jose Luis Rivera wants to be an investor, and he is going to learn to be one.

His “sensei” recommended the book “Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management” by Alexander Elder.

At ITAM, where I studied, they teach us that markets are efficient and you cannot beat the market, however there are some who beat it, and by a lot. Elder teaches us some important techniques, including:

- Have a system based on multiple tests, and only invest if all tests are positive.
- Do not link your investment with emotions. An investor can be like an alcoholic wanting to have a good time (like I was in my youth).
- Investing is a lifetime job. If you are going to do it, you will always.

The technical part of the book is pretty good at what is called "technical analysis", however you have to study efficient markets and "fundamental analysis."

Good book to study, not just for casual reading.


Tejas Tapsale

68 reviews

May 10, 2020

One of the exceptional books about trading!
To become successful trader, you need to understand that every purchase is also a sell. You're the part of market. Stock market moves because of peoples emotions and rarely on rationals. If people were buying/selling things based on rationals then prices will never move, because everyone agrees on the rational price. This book gives a real sense of how stock prices move and what you can learn from it and use it for your advantage.
If you are looking for some (magic) strategy that you would make your profitable. You will be frustrated. But will tell you what thinking you need to adapt to create a successful strategy.
End of the day, everyone makes money in their own profession/business if they do it in a right way. And same thing goes for stock trading also. You want to learn from one of experience trade, then this book is your jam.


8 reviews

September 27, 2023

This was okay but very basic. In hindsight, I think this is a book aimed at beginners perhaps.

Elder identifies three crucial pillars that trading rests on: psychology, a good trading strategy and effective money management. He also suggests keeping good records. All fair standard stuff.

In terms of risk management he suggests a 2/6% rule: Never risk more than 2% of your account per trade and stop trading for the month at 6% draw down. This is absolute arbitrary nonsense of course and betrays a lack of any real understanding of risk management but perhaps this is just anecdotal advise for beginners.

He also suggests not allowing commissions to eat up your profits and I agree, to an extent, but commissions are sometimes the cost of doing business and, in my opinion, this is how they should be viewed.

    audio-book trading


383 reviews

September 11, 2021

Book for those who have a bit of understanding of stock market

Author of book recommend to read:
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

Some points it made that stood out:

- In bull market, low for the week are Monday or Tuesday, rally to new high Thursday or Friday.
- In bear market, high is set Monday or Tuesday, new low on thur or Friday
- The closing prices are those of professional trader's , and sell before closing to avoid carrying it to next day.
- If prices close higher than open then market professionals where more bullish
- If prices close lower than open then market professionals where more bearish
- Play with professionals not amateurs

Will have to read again cuz something's I didn't understand

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    2021-books-read investing-business
Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Mone… (2024)


What is the simplest most profitable trading strategy? ›

One of the simplest and most widely known fundamental strategies is value investing. This strategy involves identifying undervalued assets based on their intrinsic value and holding onto them until the market recognizes their true worth.

How to master the psychology of trading? ›

Conquer The Mental Game With These Time-tested Trading Psychology Tips
  1. #11 Don't Get Lost in the Numbers. ...
  2. #10 Accept That the Market Will Do What the Market Wants to Do. ...
  3. #9 Zoom Out In Review. ...
  4. #8 Cut Out the Noise. ...
  5. #7 Embrace the Risk. ...
  6. #6 Know When to Cash Out. ...
  7. #5 Know When You're Wrong. ...
  8. #4 If It Fits, Take It.

What is the psychology quote for trading? ›

Confidence is not "I will profit on this trade." Confidence is "I will be fine if I don't profit from this trade. In order to succeed, you first have to be willing to experience failure. Fear, inherently, is not meant to limit you. Fear is the brain's way of saying that there is something important for you to overcome.

What is the psychology of trading strategy? ›

Trading psychology is the emotional component of an investor's decision-making process, which may help explain why some decisions appear more rational than others. Trading psychology is characterized primarily by the influence of both greed and fear. Greed drives decisions that might be too risky.

Is there a 100% trading strategy? ›

The short answer will be no. There simply isn't a 100% winning strategy in forex. What works in a specific market at a specific moment may not be replicated or repeated to bring the same results. Trading forex is risky and complicated, and no strategy can guarantee consistent profits.

How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

How much money do day traders with $10000 accounts make per day on average? On average, day traders with $10,000 accounts can make $200-$600 per day, with skilled traders aiming for 2%-5% returns daily. So, it is possible to achieve a daily profit of $200 to $600 with a $10,000 account.

How to train your brain for trading? ›

How do you develop a trading brain? To get in the right mindset to be a great trader, you need to recognize the role of emotion and psychology and actively take steps to mitigate those effects. Have a disciplined routine and objective trading strategy.

How can I be psychologically strong in trading? ›

Improving Trading Psychology
  • Identify personality traits. A trader should identify personality traits early enough and plan how to overcome the negative traits when actively trading so they do not make decisions without a solid technical analysis. ...
  • Create a trading plan. ...
  • Conduct research.

What is the psychology of winning traders? ›

One of the most important psychological characteristics of winning traders is the ability to accept (1) risk and (2) the fact that you may well be wrong more often than you are right in initiating trades. Winning traders understand that trade management is actually a more important skill than market analysis.

What is the most active trading session? ›

The U.S./London markets overlap (8 a.m. to noon EST) has the heaviest volume of trading and is best for trading opportunities. The Sydney/Tokyo markets overlap (2 a.m. to 4 a.m.) is not as volatile as the U.S./London overlap, but it still offers opportunities.

How do you correct trading psychology? ›

You can change your trader DNA

To build a healthy trading psychology, first acknowledge any negative or counterproductive traits you may have, no matter how uncomfortable that may be. Once you've identified your key traits—positive and negative—be more mindful of them and notice when they're occurring.

What is psy trading? ›

The Psychological Line indicator is the ratio of the number of rising periods over the total number of periods. It reflects the buying power in relation to the selling power. If PSY is above 50%, it indicates that buyers are in control. Likewise, if it is below 50%, it indicates the sellers are in control.

Is 90 psychology trading? ›

It is often said that trading is 90% mindset and 10% skills. Having the right mindset is essential for any successful trader, as it helps to build confidence and consistency in your trading decisions. The right mindset can help you make good decisions quickly, remain disciplined and stay focused.

Which type of trading is most profitable for beginners? ›

The defining feature of day trading is that traders do not hold positions overnight; instead, they seek to profit from short-term price movements occurring during the trading session.It can be considered one of the most profitable trading methods available to investors.

What is the most consistently profitable option strategy? ›

1. Selling Covered Calls – The Best Options Trading Strategy Overall. The What: Selling a covered call obligates you to sell 100 shares of the stock at the designated strike price on or before the expiration date. For taking on this obligation, you will be paid a premium.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Views: 6296

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.