Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (2024)

This chapter covers the normal mode of the HD version of Twilight Princess for the Nintendo Wii U. If you are playing on the Nintendo Wii, check out the Death Mountain – Wii Version.

6.1 The Iron Boots

Back in Ordon Village, you can talk to all the villagers and they are all delighted to hear that the children are safe in Kakariko Village. Once you talk to everybody, walk to the south end of town to meet up with Mayor Bo. After he comments about Link’s attire, he will invite him inside. Then, Mayor Bo will ask about Ilia, and after hearing the news, will eventually ask if there is anything he can to do help. This will trigger the discussion about the Gorons, and Mayor Bo agrees to tell Link his secret.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (1)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (2)

The two will then appear at the back of Mayor Bo’s house in a sumo wrestling ring. While wrestling, Link can press A to grab, B to smack, or Left/Right to sidestep. This is a rock/paper/scissors game where a grab beats a slap (by dodging in place), a slap beats a sidestep, and a sidestep beats a grab. You should also immediately grab after any successful countermove in order to push your advantage, and spam A when grabbed or grabbing. And finally, any time you sidestep, make sure it is in the direction that leaves a larger portion of the arena behind you and a smaller portion behind your opponent. For the first fight against Mayor Bo, don’t bother pressing anything other than A. The first match with Mayor Bo is rather easy and serves as practice. Just spam A to grab him and you should be able to toss him out of the ring rather easily. The second challenge is a tad more difficult but again, a simple strategy is to just use the grab method over and over until you defeat Mayor Bo.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (3)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (4)

After defeating the Mayor twice, he will tell you his secret about how he defeated the Gorons. Open the treasure chest to receive his gift of the Iron Boots. These boots will weigh Link down, making it hard for even a Goron to push him aside.

NOTE: After collecting the Iron Boots, you can make your way back to Kakariko Village. However, there is an optional goody here in Ordon.

Make your way over to the Ordon Ranch and speak with Fado. The first time you talk with him, he will be glad the kids are safe. The second time, make sure you are riding Epona when you talk to him. If Epona is not with you, use the horse grass to call her over. He will ask you if you can herd the goats one more time. Agree to do so and as long as you complete the task in less than 3 minutes, Fado will award you with Piece of Heart #6.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (5)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (6)

One funny note is that if you glance into the actual barn, you can see the Postman kneeling down. The Postman can actually be found in random locations throughout Hyrule. Odd…

Next, jump back on Epona and make the long journey all the way back to Kakariko Village.

6.2 Battle with King Bulblin

Once you arrive back to Kakariko Village, a cut-scene will trigger, where Beth and Talo can be seen hanging around in the center of the village. King Bulblin and his band of bulblins will appear dashing through the village. Talo makes a run for it, but Beth is frozen like a deer in headlights. Colin sees this and makes a heroic effort to push her out of the way, but in turn, he gets captured by King Bulblin. King Bulblin exits the village to the north, and once you regain control of Link, follow suit and hop over the fence.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (7)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (8)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (9)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (10)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (11)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (12)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (13)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (14)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (15)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (16)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (17)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (18)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (19)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (20)

King Bulblin will blow into his horn, summoning bulblins riding on bullbos. These enemies have bows and will shoot at Link. The horseback battle begins and King Bulblin will ride away. Chase after him on Epona and when you draw near, slash away with your sword to deal damage.

King Bulblin actually moves rather quickly and sometimes is hard to catch up to, requiring that you spend every last one of your carrots for maximum speed. For a possibly easier method, try to angle yourself so you are not directly chasing him and instead try to predict which way he will turn next. If you keep trying, you will often be able to cut him off and deliver a few sword slashes before he speeds out of reach. Keep chasing after King Bulblin until you’ve hit him a number of times. At this point the King will ride towards the Bridge of Eldin and Link will come chasing right after.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (21)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (22)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (23)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (24)

Once you arrive, one of the Bulblins will light the entrance on fire, leaving you stuck with King Bulblin. King Bulblin will begin charging towards you and you should charge right back at him. Stay on the left side of the screen and once he draws near, dodge to the right and swing your sword. If you time it right, you will hit King Bulblin. If your timing is off, you could get knocked off the bridge completely and you’ll lose a heart, or you might just miss King Bulblin. Just keep at it until you’ve hit him twice, ending the battle.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (25)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (26)

After an epic scene atop of the bridge, Link will appear back at Kakariko Village with Colin now back with the other kids. After a passionate speech by Colin, he passes out and needs to rest.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (27)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (28)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (29)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (30)

6.3 Kakariko Goodies

NOTE: This section is completely optional. Nothing here is required and if you’d like to progress with the main quest, jump ahead to section 6.4.

There are two more Golden Bugs for us to collect here in this area and the first one is in the Graveyard to the southeast of Kakariko Village. Once you enter the graveyard you’ll notice there are two gravestones that can be pushed back, and one of them contains a yellow rupee, so be sure to grab it.

Make your way to the northeast portion of the Graveyard and you’ll find the golden bug lying around. Walk up to it and collect the Male Ant.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (31)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (32)

If you look directly above this tree and the adjacent one, there are a number of enemy birds known as Guay. Use your boomerang to bring them within range and then slash away with your sword. There are a bunch of them, but after defeating them all, a handful of rupees will appear, so be sure to collect them.

Also, if you look at that second tree, there is a beehive hanging from it. If you hit it with your slingshot a few times, it will come crashing down. Swipe your sword at and/or run from the bees, but once they’re gone or dealt with you can return to the beehive and scoop up some Bee Larvae with an empty bottle. This can be used for Bait when Fishing, as it will attract a wider variety of fish.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (33)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (34)

Just below where the beehive is located, there are two torches on the ground level. Use the lantern to light up these two torches and a treasure chest will appear. Open the treasure chest to get a purple rupee.

Backtrack to Kakariko Village and you’ll find Talo standing around in the middle of town. He mentions that his brother Malo has been working at the General Store, getting it back up and running. If you look outside the shop, there are signs with Malo’s face all over them. Malo has cleaned up the shop and is selling a number of items. Most notably he is selling shields, both a Wooden Shield and a Hylian Shield.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (35)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (36)

The next area we are headed to is a fire-based area, and if you keep your Ordon Shield equipped, it will more than likely burn. If it does, the Wooden Shield can serve as a replacement, but it can also burn just as easily. Malo also will not let you buy a Wooden Shield if you already have one or the Ordon Shield. The Hylian Shield, while more expensive, will never burn, and you can go ahead and buy it even if you still have the Ordon Shield or a Wooden Shield. You should have a decent amount of rupees, so pick up the Hylian Shield if you can afford it. If not, make note of the location and return once you do get enough rupees.

There are a few buildings boarded up along the east part of town. Link can enter the third building, so go ahead and do so. Inside you will find the Female Ant lying around, so be sure to snatch that up as well.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (37)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (38)

There are a few other places to explore in town. You can enters Barnes Bomb Shop, but because of the poor relationship with the Gorons, Barnes does not have the material needs to open up shop. There is also the the Elde Inn and it is another place where the Postman can be found, just kneeling by the fireplace. There is also a treasure chest on the first floor, just under the staircase and it contains a red rupee. Upstairs you will find Renado, along with Beth, Luda, and Colin, who is still resting.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (39)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (40)

With that out of the way, it’s now time to progress up to Death Mountain.

6.4 Scaling Death Mountain

Once again climb the fencing here and you’ll meet up with that same Goron that knocked you down earlier. This time equip the Iron Boots and when he comes rolling at you, hold the A button to grab the Goron and toss him aside. Take off the Iron Boots and continue progressing onward. As you scale the mountain more Gorons will appear, so quickly equip the boots and toss the Gorons aside.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (41)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (42)

At one point you’ll come across an area where there are a number of bulblins shooting arrows at you. You can knock them out with your Slingshot, but your best bet is to just avoid them and run by. Continue onward until you reach the opening and a scene plays, showing the top of Death Mountain.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (43)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (44)

Walk around and you’ll see a massive burning rock fall down. Where exactly did this thing come from? It will come in handy a bit later, so make a mental note of this flaming rock.

The area has a few Gorons and they will try to box you. Fight back, and after only a hit or two, or even simply blocking their attack, you will defeat it and it will curl into a ball. Once it does so, you can quickly jump on its back and when the Goron stands back up, it will launch you upward and you can use this to reach higher ledges.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (45)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (46)

Use one of the two Gorons to reach the higher ledge, and then travel to the northeast. Defeat this Goron and have him launch you up. Continue along this corridor and you’ll come across some wind geysers. Be careful not to allow them to blow you off the cliff. Equip the Iron Boots and you can walk right past the geysers. Here you will find another Goron, defeat him and have him launch you up even further.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (47)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (48)

Continue progressing along this linear path, avoiding wind geysers, tossing rolling Gorons aside, and when needed, using Gorons to launch yourself upward. At the top of this area, enter the cave which will lead to the Goron Mines.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (49)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (50)

Once you enter you will be confronted by a number of Gorons, but they will be stopped by the Goron Elder, Gor Coron. After some small talk this will eventually lead to a sumo wrestling match. Gor Coron will lay waste to you almost immediately. Put on your iron boots and then challenge him again.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (51)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (52)

This sumo wrestling match is significantly more difficult than the ones with Mayor Bo. I would again advise using A to grab more often than not, as it is possible to win without needing to press anything else, if you’re lucky (although it may take several attempts to be that lucky). However, I find sidestepping to work very well, if you notice him being just as grab-happy as you are; if he is slapping a lot, though, don’t sidestep, just keep grabbing. If you do sidestep, be strategic, making sure you are angling Gor Coron closer to the edge, and yourself farther from it. I wouldn’t bother using the slap method, as I don’t think it’s necessary to win, since Gor Coron doesn’t sidestep much. This can be rather frustrating, but just keep at it and you’ll eventually succeed.

After Gor Coron has been defeated, he will grant you access to the Goron Mines. However, he tasks you with saving the Goron Patriarch, Darbus. Once you ready, enter the second dungeon of the game, the Goron Mines.

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (53)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (54)

Twilight Princess Walkthrough - Death Mountain - Zelda Dungeon (2024)


How do you get past Death Mountain in Zelda Twilight Princess? ›

This time equip the Iron Boots and when he comes rolling at you, hold the A button to grab the Goron and toss him aside. Take off the Iron Boots and continue progressing onward. As you scale the mountain more Gorons will appear, so quickly equip the boots and toss the Gorons aside.

What do you get for completing the Cave of Ordeals? ›

If Link makes it past the 50th and final floor, he is rewarded with a free Bottle of Great Fairy's Tears.

What happens when you beat the Cave of Ordeals? ›

As your reward for reaching the 50th floor, the Great Fairy will give you the Great Fairy's Tears. Once completed the Cave of Ordeals you will appear at the Lanayru Spring. Walk up to the fairies and use any empty bottle to catch fairies.

How do you get the heart on top of Death Mountain? ›

Death Mountain

However, you do have just enough time to get the heart piece on the ledge far below the entrance and then climb out and run to safety. Run and roll to the cliff edge from the entrance and then climb down. A nook in this cliff holds the heart piece. Climb quickly back out and run to safety.

How do you get to the fairy at the top of Death Mountain? ›

Go through the hidden passage in Darunia's throne room to Death Mountain Crater. Use the Megaton Hammer to break the two rocks to your right to reveal the passage to the Great Fairy Fountain. Enter, stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby. The Great Fairy will double the length of your Magic Meter.

Is the Cave of Ordeals worth it? ›

It's still worth it though, especially since the main reward is Fairy Tears. These go inside a bottle and will replenish Link's health, also boosting his attack power as long as his hearts stay full. Between the fairies and the Fairy Tears, it's a good idea to complete the Cave of Ordeals before facing Ganon.

What does Jovani give you in Twilight Princess? ›

In Twilight Princess HD, Jovani also gives Link the Ghost Lantern. When Link gets 60 Poe Souls, Jovani's curse is lifted and Gengle gives Link 200 Rupees each time he visits him. Afterwards, Jovani can be found in Telma's Bar crying because his girlfriend had found another man.

Is Cave of Ordeals necessary? ›

The Cave of Ordeals is an optional Dungeon in Twilight Princess.

What does the Goron boss give you? ›

When you return to the Goron Boss Bludo, he'll reward you for your efforts with 3 Flameproof Elixirs, and mention the Goron Champion, Daruk. Seeing Daruk carved into the mountain will cause Link to remember another memory of his time with the Goron Champion on the Divine Beast.

Can I get to Goron City without burning? ›

To get to Goron City and Death Mountain in Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you need to have heat resistant items or clothing with heat resistance like fireproof armor (referred to as flame resistance in the game).

How do you beat the mini boss in Goron Mines? ›

As Dangoro prepares to attack, Link can strike his unprotected belly, causing him to roll up into a ball in an attempt to run Link over. By moving over to the edge and grabbing him like the Gorons outside, Link can toss Dangoro into the lava.

Can you leave the Cave of Ordeals and come back? ›

You'll meet the Great Fairy here and she tells you that she has released fairies into the Ordon Spring. She then offers to take you out of the Cave of Ordeals. You can then choose to leave the cave or continue further.

What does the magic armor do in Twilight Princess? ›

The Magic Armor is an outfit in The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. It allows the wearer to be temporarily invincible.

How do you get the colossal wallet in Twilight Princess? ›

Twilight Princess

The Giant Wallet is obtained after Link becomes a "benefactor of the insect kingdom" by collecting all 24 Golden Bugs and giving them to Agitha. It allows Link to carry 1,000 Rupees (2,000 in Twilight Princess HD).

Why does Navi turn green? ›

Sometimes Navi flies over and turns green when there's a hidden blue block. You can often reveal it by playing the Song of Time nearby. This is especially true in Master Quest, where there are many Song of Time blocks in the dungeons.

Where is the soft soil in Death Mountain Crater? ›

Location #9 - Located in the Death Mountain Crater, right next to the pedestal. This can be only be reached after Link has learned the Bolero of Fire and can warp to the crater as a child.

What happens when you get all the fairy fountains? ›

The first fountain will cost a paltry 100 rupees, the second will be a more significant 500 rupees, the third fountain opened will cost you 1,000 rupees, and the fourth is a whopping 10,000 rupees. Once unlocked the Great Fairies at the fountains will offer armor upgrading services.

How do you get nayru's love? ›

Acquiring Nayru's Love

If Link follows the wall on the right, he finds two palm trees. Link can then use a bomb between them to reveal an entrance to the Great Fairy's Fountain. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol on the platform. The Great Fairy appears and relinquishes Nayru's Love.

How do you unlock the Great Fairy? ›

The Great Fairies are unlocked by completing all four Great Fairy challenges available during Chapter 4. First you must complete the Offering Help on the Road challenge, then the three challenges that are unlocked afterwards.

What is the hardest Zelda dungeon? ›

Legend of Zelda: 10 Hardest Dungeons, Ranked
  1. 1 The Water Temple (Ocarina of Time)
  2. 2 The Great Palace (Zelda II: The Adventure of Link) ...
  3. 3 Palace of Winds (Minish Cap) ...
  4. 4 Stone Tower Temple (Majora's Mask) ...
  5. 5 The Ice Palace (A Link to the Past) ...
  6. 6 Great Bay Temple (Majora's Mask) ...
  7. 7 Pirates' Fortress (Majora's Mask) ...
Feb 12, 2023

Should I jump into the cave of knowledge? ›

The name of the first area is called “Cave of Knowledge,” and players will rightly guess that this is the game's tutorial level. Experienced players may choose not to jump down to the pit and they'll do just fine. Jumping down the pit, however, is advisable for those new to the Souls-like genre.

What level should I be for the Cave of the Forgotten Isle? ›

The bad news if you're early on in the game is that the Cave of the Forgotten Isle can't be accessed until you've reached levels 35-40, which is going to take quite some time to achieve. It's still worth a visit though as you'll discover a large cavern there with a tidy selection of treasure chests to loot.

Who is Link's girlfriend in Twilight Princess? ›

Ilia is a character in Twilight Princess. She is a close friend of Link's, and is the daughter of the mayor of Ordon Village, Bo. She has an undying love for horses, and takes good care of Epona for Link.
RelatedMayor Bo (Father)
3 more rows

How do you get 10000 points in Twilight Princess? ›

Location: West Lake Hylia

The trick is to aim for balloons of the same fruit to rack up a high scoring multiplier. Watermelons are worth the least, oranges are average, and strawberries are the most. You'll score a Piece of Heart if you rack up over 10,000 points, and 100 rupees on subsequent runs.

Do you get the Master Sword in Twilight Princess? ›

Master Sword

It is obtained by defeating the Skull Kid for the first time in the Sacred Grove. For a walkthrough on getting it, see After Lakebed Temple. This sword can be upgraded into the Light Sword, which can repel fog, deliver light to some sacred orbs, and kill Twilight with a single blow.

What are the secret caves in Twilight Princess? ›

The Kakariko Gorge Cavern is one of four hidden caverns in Twilight Princess, including the Bridge of Eldin Cavern, the Lake Hylia Cavern, and the Ice Block Cavern. The Imp Poe found in the Kakariko Gorge Cavern will appear regardless of whether it is day or night, unlike other Imp Poes, who only appear at night.

What does the postman say in the Cave of Ordeals? ›

In Twilight Princess, if you beat the Cave of Ordeals two times, the postman will say, "I think you are lost. It's got to be around here somewhere."

How many bottles can you get in Twilight Princess? ›

Similar to most of Legend of Zelda games, Twilight Princess also has 4 bottles that can be acquired throughout the game. These bottles are useful as containers to things that can help you in your journey.

How do I get a free Goron Tunic? ›

There are two main ways of obtaining this tunic. One is to stop the small Goron rolling around Goron City with a bomb when Link is an adult, and the other is to purchase it for 200 rupees from the Goron Shop.

What secret is the Goron digging for? ›

Once revitalized, Gonguron will mine away the tunnel wall to reveal the secret of the hero: Kayra Mah Shrine (Greedy Hill).

What is the hardest Divine Beast? ›

Vah Naboris is the most difficult of the Divine Beasts in BOTW. This Beast is located in southwestern Hyrule and was piloted by the Gerudo Champion, Urbosa. To gain control of Vah Naboris, Link rides Sand Seals close to its feet and bombards it with arrows.

What armor do I need for Death Mountain? ›

It's home to extreme temperatures, and so you'll need fire resistance to survive the heat, which is where Fireproof Lizards and Firebreaker Armor comes in.

How much does fireproof armor cost? ›

Flamebreaker Set
GamesBreath of the Wild Age of Calamity
Cost3300 Rupees 2700 Rupees + 10 Fireproof Lizards (for the Flamebreaker Armor)
Set BonusFireproof
3 more rows
Jan 13, 2023

How to get free Flamebreaker armor? ›

The Flamebreaker armor piece will grant 3 defense and can be upgraded to 20 defense when upgraded at a fairy fountain. This armor costs 600 rupees, but you can get it for free at the southern mine on the way to the Goron city.

What is the hardest mini boss in Botw? ›

The Lynels are usually thought of as the hardest mini-bosses in the game, and for good reason. With a very long field of vision, strong melee and ranged weapons, alongside a few strong attacks that can be hard to dodge, this combined can easily cause Link's adventure to abruptly end if players aren't careful.

How do you beat the Goron divine beast? ›

To create his fireball, Fireblight Ganon sucks in all that's around him. This is the key to breaking the attack. Toss a remote bomb his way, and detonate it. That'll break his shield and make him vulnerable for attack.

Can you come back to trial of the sword? ›

The trials will end upon completion or upon death. To access the trials, Link must place the Master Sword in its pedestal at the Korok Forest once again to access further trials, or to retry from the beginning.

How many poes are in the Cave of Ordeals? ›

Cave of Ordeals

There are three Poes here. First Poe is on the 17th floor.

What does purple chu jelly do in Twilight Princess? ›

Twilight Princess

Purple Chu Jelly: obtained from Purple Chus. It has a random effect when drunk. Usually it drains one Heart, but it can occasionally restore one or all of Link's Hearts. Purple Chu Jelly can also drain Link's health down to a quarter of a Heart.

What is the max Hearts in Twilight Princess? ›

Below is a listing of all available Pieces of Heart found in Twilight Princess. There are a total of 45 heart pieces scattered across Hyrule, offering 9 Heart Containers to Link's total health, for a maximum of 20 hearts.

How do you get the wolf sword in Twilight Princess? ›

The Ordon Sword is given to Link shortly after he becomes a wolf for the first time. In the Ordon Village, Rusl and Uli will be outside talking. During their conversation they will mention the sword being in the house. Head to the east side of the house, look for the pumpkins using Link's wolf senses, and dig.

Can you get multiple bomb bags in Twilight Princess? ›

Bomb Bags can hold a variety of bombs found in the Twilight Princess quest. There are three different bomb bags you can acquire.

Can you get the magic armor in Twilight Princess? ›

So how do you get this armor, you may ask? Begin by donating 1,000 rupees to the elder Goron in Malo Mart in Kakariko Village. Afterward, provide them with 2,000 more so they can open a store in Castle Town. Visit the shop in the southwest corner of Castle Town Square and purchase the armor for 598 rupees.

What is the biggest Bomb Bag in Twilight Princess? ›

The Giant Bomb Bag is an item in Twilight Princess that doubles the storage capacity of all of Link's Bomb Bags. This buff even applies to all Bomb Bags Link obtains later. To acquire this item, Link must score 25 points or higher in the mini-game Iza's Rapid Ride.

Can you upgrade your wallet in Twilight Princess? ›

In Twilight Princess there are three pieces of equipment that can be upgraded: the Bomb Bag, the Quiver, and the Wallet. Link can also obtain two additional outfits, which have advantages and disadvantages.

How do you get past the boulder in Zelda Twilight Princess? ›

Turn to the left and you'll find an enemy Bombling. These bomb-enemies will pop up from underground and will attack if you draw near. Hit the bombling and it will turn into a bomb and you can use that to blow up the nearby boulder.

Where do I get the Iron Boots in Twilight Princess? ›

In Twilight Princess, the Iron Boots are given to Link by Mayor Bo in the latter's house in Ordon Village after defeating him in a Sumo match.

How do you get past the Forest Temple in Zelda Twilight Princess? ›

Simply use the boomerang to blow out the four torches to lower the platforms revealing a chest containing the prize. As you enter the next room, turn left and shoot the spiders resting on the vine covered wall. Then jump across and climb your way up to the door and go through it.

Can you get the Master Sword early in Twilight Princess? ›

It is then possible to continue through the Grove and obtain the Master Sword long before it was meant to be obtained, and with it the abilities to transform between human and wolf, warp outside of Twilights, enter Lakebed Temple without the Zora Armor, and defeat enemies more quickly by dealing more damage than the ...

Can you get the Master Sword in Twilight Princess? ›

Master Sword

It is obtained by defeating the Skull Kid for the first time in the Sacred Grove. For a walkthrough on getting it, see After Lakebed Temple. This sword can be upgraded into the Light Sword, which can repel fog, deliver light to some sacred orbs, and kill Twilight with a single blow.

Can the twilight bow break Botw? ›

However, the bow itself will eventually break, after which the Light Arrows will no longer be usable however it has the same level of base durability as the Bow of Light as 100 is the maximum durability of any bow.

What happens if you drink purple Chu jelly Twilight Princess? ›

Twilight Princess

Purple Chu Jelly: obtained from Purple Chus. It has a random effect when drunk. Usually it drains one Heart, but it can occasionally restore one or all of Link's Hearts. Purple Chu Jelly can also drain Link's health down to a quarter of a Heart.

How many hours does it take to beat Twilight Princess? ›

According to, a standard playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess takes 34 hours to complete, while a “leisurely” run can take about 59 hours.

How much is the Hylian Shield in Twilight Princess? ›

You can purchase the Hylian Shield at the General Store (or Malo Mart, rather.) in Kakariko Village as soon as you rescue Colin. It costs 200 rupees.

How many monkeys do you have to save in Twilight Princess? ›

Four monkeys, including the female monkey, must be rescued in different individual areas to reach the miniboss chamber.

Can you save Zelda Twilight Princess? ›

Saving in Twilight Princess is performed using the Save button from the Collection Screen. An option to Save Link's progress will also be given after certain events, such as clearing a Dungeon.

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Article information

Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Views: 5709

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.