Using Options to Buy Stocks at Discount Prices (2024)

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Using Options to Buy Stocks at a Discount

Owning shares is a dream most people have shared at some time orother. But many people also fear the perceived risk in doing so and forthis reason, hesitate. But did you know that if you understand somethingabout options and you're thinking of owning shares, you could be using options to buy stocks at a much cheaper price than if you just went to your broker and simply bought them?

Let's take an example to illustrate how it works. We'll assume that the shares of a listed company arecurrently trading on your local stock exchange at $35 and you believe they would be a value investment if the price falls another $5 or so.

Potential Reasons to Buy at $30

You may haveconcluded this for any number of reasons. For example, you may have looked at a daily price chart of thestock and noticed a trend such as an ascending "channel pattern" or observed an established weekly or monthly price support area.

This leads you to believethat it won't be long before the price will fall to, let's say $30 in the nearfuture, at which price, the shares are worth buying. You understand the advantages of using options to buy stocks.

Another reason might be that you're an investor who has analyzed the fundamentals of the company, Warren Buffett style. You may have noticed for example, that the Price/Earnings Ratio is at an attractive level and so have concluded that $30 is a good price to buy.

Or you might be a short term stock trader and you've observedthis stock's price starting to fall in such a way that is consistentwith past movements of a similar size.

So you believe it is likely toreach $30 sometime within the next month or so and you're happy to buy it at that price because you are confident that the price action will reverse upwards again. You've educated yourself aboutusing options to buys stocks.

Or you just be an investor who likes using options to buy stocksto hold for the long termin order to collect dividends and eventually realize a capital gain. But you would like to get a better deal onpurchase price. You likeusing options to buy stock as part of your investment strategy.

Using Options to Buy Stocks at Discount Prices (2)

Using Options to Buy Stocks - Here's How

Shares in a company are trading at $35 today and you're prepared to buy them if and when the pricereaches $30. You would need sufficient funds in your broker account topurchase the stock at the $30 price tag in order to utilize this strategy.

When the stockis trading at $35 or less, you would SELL "out of the money" put optionswith an expiration date the following month and an exercise price of $30.

Selling option contracts is sometimes called "writing" and the since options are only legal contracts and not assets, you cancreate them out of nothing.

This option contract with a $30 exercise price means that you are willing to allow the market to "put"shares to you at $30 each up until the agreed option expiration date.

In consideration for giving this right to others, you would receive a premiumwhich would be credited to your account. The premium is yours to keep,no matter what happens after that.

Let's say your receive $2.50 for eachshare and you sold 10 put option contracts. Assuming that each option contract covers 100 shares, youwould receive $2,500 (10 x 100 x $2.50).

After you've done this, one of two things can happen:

  1. The share price could fall to $30 or below by the optionexpiration date. The options would probably be exercised and you would be forced to buy the sharesat $30. 1,000 shares would cost you $30,000 less the $2,500you received for selling the put options. $30,000 - $2,500 = $27,500 and this means that the effective cost to purchase those 1,000 shares is only $27.50 per share.
  2. The share price never falls as low as $30, in which case you simply keep the $2,500 you received from sellingthe options and walk away with a profit.

But let's say that the market price of this company's shares had fallen to $28.00 by thetime your put option contract expired.

You would be obliged to purchase 1,000 shares at $30 for a total cost of $30,000 but the whole deal would still only cost you $27.50 per share, or $27,500.

If you had not used this put option strategy and hadwaited instead to buy when the price fell to $28, you would've paid $28,000 and be out of pocket an extra $500 - soyou're still ahead!

It's Not Over - What to do Next

Now that you have purchased 1,000 shares, the next thing you may wish to consider, is to immediately sell (write) "out of the money" CALL options onthose shares. This is called a covered call.

The preferable strike price in our example would be atleast $30 but higher is better - that way, if the share price rises, youmake some gain on the shares, if exercised.

But if the price keepsfalling, the call options might expire worthless and you simply keep theincome, thus further reducing the overall cost of your purchased sharesand offsetting any capital loss.

Now Let's Add an Averaging Strategy

If the share price continues to fall and if you still have more funds available, you could use an averaging strategyto buy more of this company's shares, but this time for say, $24.

Let's say the pricehas fallen to $28 as above and you have purchased your 1,000 shares at $30but remembering that thanks to your option strategy, your effective cost was only $27.50.

You now immediately sell a further put option contract with next month's expiration date but this time with an exercise price of only $24 receiving a further premium of $2.50.

If the share price doesn't fall as low as $24 by the new expirationdate, you keep the premium and it further offsets the cost of your original 1,000shares - which instead of $27.50 now effectively cost only $24.50 per share.

Remember, if you had bought the shares at market prices without using put options, at this point your cost would be $30 per share.

Butlet's imagine that some negative news for this company appears and it's stock price fell as low as $20 by the new option expiration date. Your sold put options would oblige you to buy the shares at $24 less your $2.50 premium received for sellingthe options - a total cost of $21.50 per share.

You now own 1,000 shares costing $27.50 and a further 1,000 sharescosting $21.50. That's 2,000 shares at a total cost of $49,000 or $24.50per share. If you had purchased these shares without using options tobuy stocks, i.e. just "averaging down" instead, they would've cost you $54,000all up, or an average $27 per share.

With the market price now traveling around $20 per share, your unrealized capital loss at this point would be $7 per share, or $14,000 for 2,000 shares. But let's remember, you never realize a loss until you sell the shares. Your strategy may be to hold them until the price rises again and receive dividends in the meantime.

Bear in mind, this is a 'worst case' scenario. A company whose stock price has fallen from $30 to $20 in two months is either in trouble, or there's big economic news about.

So even when the market is taking a dive as described above, wherethe stock price has fallen over two months from $35 to only $20 - ifyou had sold put options as part of your strategy, you would be betteroff by 2,000 x $2.50 or $5,000. This is a 10 percent discount afterbrokerage costs.

Now that the price has fallen to $20 you simply do it again fornext month and receive another premium which will offset the overallcost of your two previous purchases if the price begins to rise again.

By using options to buy stocks, you will eventually own shares in yourchosen company at a discounted price which in the long run will meangreater capital gains.

"Using options to buy stocks" as outlined above, is one of the strategies taught in greater depth using a specific example, in the popular Options Trading Pro Systemseries of videos.

Using Options to Buy Stocks at Discount Prices (3)

Using Options to Buy Stocks at Discount Prices (4)

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Using Options to Buy Stocks at Discount Prices (2024)


Using Options to Buy Stocks at Discount Prices? ›

Selling a put option allows you to specify the “discount” price you're willing to pay for a stock—and also collect income up front when you sell it. If the stock doesn't fall below the discount price you're willing to pay, you don't have to buy the stock.

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Investors use put options to achieve better buy prices on their stocks. They can sell puts on a stock that they'd like to own but that is too expensive currently. If the price falls below the put's strike, then they can buy the stock and take the premium as a discount on their purchase.

Can I use options to buy stocks? ›

Stock options give a trader the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell shares of a certain stock at an agreed-upon price and date. Stock options are a common form of equity derivative. One equity options contract generally represents 100 shares of the underlying stock.

Should you exercise options when stock price is low? ›

If you plan to hold your incentive stock option shares after you exercise them, a lower stock price may be a perfect time to exercise. A lower stock price likely means you'll pay less AMT (as discussed above).

Can you buy a call option with a strike price below market price? ›

Call option strikes that are lower than the market price are said to be in-the-money (ITM) because you can exercise the option to buy the stock for less than the market and immediately sell it at the higher market price.

What is the safest option strategy? ›

The safest option strategy is one that involves limited risk, such as buying protective puts or employing conservative covered call writing. Selling cash-secured puts stands as the most secure strategy in options trading, offering a clear risk profile and prospects for income while keeping overall risk to a minimum.

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5 options trading strategies for beginners
  1. Long call. In this option trading strategy, the trader buys a call — referred to as “going long” a call — and expects the stock price to exceed the strike price by expiration. ...
  2. Covered call. ...
  3. Long put. ...
  4. Short put. ...
  5. Married put.
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7 mistakes to avoid when trading options
  1. Not having a trading strategy.
  2. Lack of diversification.
  3. Lack of discipline.
  4. Using margin to buy options.
  5. Focusing on illiquid options.
  6. Failing to understand technical indicators.
  7. Not accounting for volatility.
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Many Options or entirely stocks do not have liquidity. This not only makes the entry difficult due to the difficulty of getting a good bargain but also makes an exit difficult. At times in many stock options, there are no quotes after a big move. This makes it impossible to book profits.

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A Bull Call Spread is made by purchasing one call option and concurrently selling another call option with a lower cost and a higher strike price, both of which have the same expiration date. Furthermore, this is considered the best option selling strategy.

Is it ever worth it to exercise an option? ›

Occasionally a stock pays a big dividend and exercising a call option to capture the dividend may be worthwhile. Or, if you own an option that is deep in the money, you may not be able to sell it at fair value. If bids are too low, however, it may be preferable to exercise the option to buy or sell the stock.

What is the best time to exercise stock options? ›

In many cases it can be advantageous to exercise your stock options early (provided you have the cash, and assuming you believe in the company given you accepted a job there). The first benefit of exercising early is that you will likely have zero (or very little) tax liability at the time of exercise.

When to cash out stock options? ›

  • Exercise and/or Sell As Soon As Possible.
  • When You May Be About to Lose the Opportunity.
  • Once You're Outside of a Lock-Up or Blackout Period.
  • After You Meet Specific Holding Periods for Tax Purposes.
  • There's a Financial Planning Reason to Act.
  • The Right Time To Take Action.

Which strike price is best for option buying? ›

A relatively conservative investor might opt for a call option strike price at or below the stock price, while a trader with a high tolerance for risk may prefer a strike price above the stock price. Similarly, a put option strike price at or above the stock price is safer than a strike price below the stock price.

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Can I sell an option below strike price? Options that have value in the marketplace can be bought or sold at any time, whether the underlying price of the stock is below or above the options strike price.

How far out should I buy call options? ›

In general, 30-90 days is the “sweet spot” for most options trading strategies. If you're correct and the price of the underlying goes exactly where you expected, you're rewarded with quick profits. If the position doesn't work, you don't have to wait until expiration.

What option to buy when stock goes down? ›

Traders buy a put option to magnify the profit from a stock's decline. For a small upfront cost, a trader can profit from stock prices below the strike price until the option expires.

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How to Short a Stock With Options to Hedge Risk & Maximize Profits
  1. Step 1: Choose a Stock to Short. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose the Type of Options Contract to Use. ...
  3. Step 3: Determine the strike price and expiration date. ...
  4. Step 4: Manage the Position & Exercise the Option When the Time Comes.
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A sell stop order is entered at a stop price below the current market price. If the stock drops to the stop price (or trades below it), the stop order to sell is triggered and becomes a market order to be executed at the market's current price.

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