Wealth Accelerator Academy+ - Money Ripples (2024)

Wealth Accelerator Academy+ - Money Ripples (1)

If You Are Tired Of Feeling Stuck And Don’t Know How To Become Financially Free…

Then this is for you.

Welcome to Money Ripples, your cash flow experts and money mentors! We are happy to help you as you embark on your passive income journey.

Our Wealth Accelerator Academy+ is the perfect starting point for you to learn the key strategies and principles to start building your wealth now. This is not a course solely about “budgeting” or “mindset,” we give you actual, practical advice and provide you with tools that can help you in your journey.

This program also includes a group coaching program that connects you with our seasoned coaches once a month for 6 months. You get access to ask questions, take deep dives into investment questions, and so much more. PLUS, you get access to your fellow students and coaches with our online community.

Want to learn more? Keep on reading.

Wealth Accelerator Academy+ - Money Ripples (2)
Wealth Accelerator Academy+ - Money Ripples (3)
Wealth Accelerator Academy+ - Money Ripples (4)


OurWealth Accelerator Academy+ is an ONLINE INTERACTIVE education program that helpsyou develop a financial road map towards financial freedom faster. We not only have one group coaching call monthly BUT AN ONLINE COMMUNITY!

We will teach you how to:

– think like a wealthy, abundantsteward of your money,

– improve your monthly cash flow,

– find investments and increase your passive income,

– utilize little-known tax strategies,

– pay down debt faster,

– and utilize infinite banking to get your money to pay you TWICE!

The course consists of 40 lessons and activities to prepare you for your passive investing journey.

We’ll get you set up on your path to financial freedom.

We host virtual small group coaching calls every month to discuss various financial topicsand answer YOUR specific questions.

Here’s the course breakdown:

Lesson 1 – Money Mindset

To become wealthy, you have to think like the wealthy. That includes thinking abundantly, even when problems arise, so you can better problem solve.

Lesson 2 – Increasing Cashflow

These 7 strategies to increase your cash flow TODAY have helped hundreds of clients free up cash right away when they start working with us.

Lesson 3 –Infinite Banking

Mastering this strategy will allow you to get paid TWICE from the money you use in your business or investments!

Lesson 4 –Investing Like A Pro

In addition to traditional stock or mutual fund-based investments, what are the alternative investments you can do that can produce 10%+ returns each year with LESS risk?

Lesson 5 – Real Estate: Due Diligence & Risk Management

Learn how you can do the proper research to determine whether or not an investment is safe. And get access to our rolodex of vetted CPA’s, attorneys, insurance specialists, and more!

Lesson 6 – Your Anti-Financial Plan

Create a financial plan that doesn’t have to gamble your future on Wall Street, and use asset-backed investments from Main Street to accelerate your passive income to shave DECADES off of your current retirement trajectory.

Enroll Now!

If you are looking for a new path and want to truly get out of the rat race… you want to stop living paycheck to paycheck and hoping, praying that something is going to change… then this is your chance.

This is what you’ve been wanting and waiting for.

A lot of people think they have to be a genius in finances to make money. That’s not true.

In fact, the less you know about traditional investments the better it’s going to be for you.

You can become financially independent no matter what your circ*mstances are right now. I know this because I was just like you…. Living paycheck to paycheck, racking credit card debt in, and wondering when my dreams will come true.

I was just like millions of other people.

I wanted to get out of the hole I was in. I wanted financial freedom so I could live my life to the fullest.

If this sounds like you and are tired of living paycheck to paycheck then you probably feel as if something has to give…

So you’ve probably turned to financial “gurus” who teach the philosophies of the importance of being out of the rat race, but what they don’t do is teach you how to do it.


Day after day.

Week after week.

Year after year.

Nothing changes.

You can’t live your dreams because you don’t know what to do, how to do it but know that financial freedom is important.

In the Wealth Accelerator Academy+, I teach you how to build your wealth so you can stop dreading your bills and fearing money.

If you’ve read this far then you know it’s time for a change.

I’ve literally built this course,especially for YOU.

The Wealth Accelerator Academy+ teaches you the principles and foundations of wealth and how I built mine. I teach you the same principles and strategies I’ve been able to become a millionaire, twice and have helped over 900 people achieve their financial goals.

When I was a financial advisor, I believed a lot of things that weren’t true.

I was trained, coaxed, and told over and over again that traditional investing was the way to become wealthy and I believed them.

You’ve probably heard people say the same thing:

  • “Invest in a 401k.”
  • “Mutual funds are the way to go!”
  • “You gotta start investing in Cryptocurrency…” (okay, maybe not this one right now)

…and I listened and I did what they told me to do, yet I didn’t become wealthy doing what they told me nor did my clients.

But, one day I was talking with a friend Doug, who had also been a financial advisor, and what he told me shattered my beliefs about traditional investing practices.

He did this by asking me one question that shook me to my core.

Doug: “Out of all the financial advisors that you know, and I know you’ve been in this game a few years… How many of them are financially free, including you?”

Me: “Well, none…”

So I committed myself to learning what it really took to become financially free, quit my job, and did whatever it took to learn. From listening to talk radio shows, reading books, to you name it… I probably did it.

By the age of 28, I became a financially free millionaire and was able to retire from the rat race.

Are you ready to learn how to become wealthy?

Enroll Now!

Some people think that retiring is something that takes 30+ years at a company and you have to wait until you’re 65 to retire and “live out the golden years”.

Meanwhile, those same people are investing in 401k plans and doing what everyone else is doing, because they believe that “it’s a smart move”.

…but it’s not! In fact, it’s one of the worst ways to become wealthy.

Let me explain.

Your 401k Plan Isn’t Going
To Make You Wealthy.

The cold hard truth is that if you don’t want to live like everyone else, you need to do something different.

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
-Mark Twain

With Wealth Accelerator Academy+, I teach you principles and foundations that will help you increase your wealth by investing in alternative investments.

You can retire and be financially free much sooner, 15-20 years faster by investing and thinking differently.

Wealth Accelerator Academy+ isn’t about what’s “hot” in the stock market or what’s hot in real estate, it’s much more than that.

Instead, the Wealth Accelerator Academy teaches you the principles and foundations of investing. It teaches you about different kinds of investments that most people have never heard of.

In fact, these same principles and investing strategies I teach you got me out of one million dollars of debt… in less than 6 years. That’s while providing for eight children and having a lifestyle that didn’t live off of rice and beans!

Some people think that becoming a millionaire or living the life of their dreams means they have to make a lot of sacrifices now like…

  • Not spending money on going out to eat.
  • Not going to get coffee at Starbucks.
  • Not buying the things that they love.

…but that’s not what I teach in the course.

In this course, I teach you how to:

  • Increase and manage your cash flow
  • Invest in alternative investments like oil, land, infinite banking system, etc
  • Strategies to help you find and evaluate investment opportunities
  • And much, much more!

That way you can:

Still go out to eat, go to Starbucks and get that amazing coffee and still enjoy the things you love while building your wealth while learning and building your wealth.

Here are just a few financial topics I go over:

  • How to increase your income by providing value for others
  • Understanding active, passive, and residual income as well as cash flow
  • Wealth Sharing
  • And more!

Our customers and clients are always saying things like…

“…what if we could go on vacation AND we had assets that were generating income and I didn’t have to worry.”

“…I am so happy now, I can be in the arts and have financial freedom. It’s not one or another, it’s both.”

Ready tobuild your wealth?

Start today by clicking here

In the Wealth Accelerator Academy, I teach you strategies and tactics that will enable you to not only have your cash now but access to it in the future which will help you get a better return on your investment.

I also teach you only the principles and strategies that have made me a millionaire (twice!) but I also teach you how you can get your money to pay you twice!

Just $997!

Advice From A Person You Can Trust

Hi, I’m Chris Miles, the “Cash Flow Expert,” and am the leading authority on how to quickly create cash flow and lasting wealth for my clients, entrepreneurs, and others internationally! I have been featured in US News, CNN Money, Bankrate.com, and have a high reputation for getting my clients life-altering financial results.

After working as a traditional Financial Advisor and stock coach for several years, I came to a stark realization that the financial advising industry was not showing anyone how to quickly and safely become financially prosperous today.

After leaving that industry, I was able to retire when I was 28, and has since worked to teach his effective, unique strategies, for companies like Freedom Fast Track and Garrett Gunderson, and now Money Ripples, while exposing the popular myths around money that have kept so many from enjoying financial freedom and peace of mind.

I consistently practice and teach small business owners how to do what no other financial advisers can or will – achieve financial prosperity, now and in the future, spending time doing what they love most.

You Might Have Seen Me On

Wealth Accelerator Academy+ - Money Ripples (6)

So what’s included in the WealthAccelerator Academy+?

You get instant access to over 40 top-notch videos that are broken down into 6 units that will help you achieve your dreams faster while living the life you love.

Each lesson is broken down into even smaller lessons so that you can easily grasp the concepts no matter where you are or how much time you have.

We now have an online community in addition to monthly group coaching calls. The online community is free for 6 months and you get access to talk with peers starting out on their investing journey like you! Talking with others and building your network is invaluable when you are starting out!

“WealthAcceleratorAcademywas exactly what we needed to be the launching point for our own personal development and business growth.

WealthAcceleratorallowed me to unlock creativity and abundance by understanding the core motivations and belief systems at the root of financial concerns.”

-Rachel Marshall


Lesson 1: Money Mindset

  • Welcome to WAA
  • About Your Coaches
  • The Principles
  • The Millionaire Study
  • Scarcity Vs. Abundance
  • Stewardship and Wealth
  • Protect Your Wealth to Grow Your Wealth
  • Your Turn: Time to Find Your Power Hour
  • Call to Action – Power Hour

Lesson 2: Increasing Cashflow

  • Welcome to Cashflow
  • Optimizing Your Cash flow
  • Cashflow Secrets: Money Leaks
  • Cashflow Secrets: Debt and Liabilities
  • Increasing Your Income
  • Your Turn: Did You Do Your Cash Flow Optimizer?
  • BONUS: The Most Affordable Health Insurance

Lesson 3: Get Your Money To Pay You TWICE

  • Infinite Banking Revealed!
  • Your Turn: Talk to Someone about Using IBC

Lesson 4: Investing Like a Pro

  • Welcome to Investing
  • Investment Options
  • IRAs & 401ks
  • Commodities
  • Structured Notes
  • Syndications & Funds
  • Stocks vs. Real Estate
  • Your Turn: Find 2 Assets
  • Call To Action: Find 2 Assets/Investments

Lesson 5: Real Estate: Due Diligence and Risk Management

  • Introduction to Real Estate
  • 4 Rates of Returns
  • Investment Checklist
  • Investor Scorecard
  • Deal Analysis
  • Your Turn: Craft A Deal

Lesson 6: Your Anti-Financial Plan

  • Making The Plan
  • Putting Your Team Together
  • Building Your Roadmap
  • Client Stories
  • Your Next Steps

But this course doesn’t stop there!
Get the Wealth Accelerator Academy+ today and you will also get access to these amazing bonuses!

BONUS #1 Get access to all the monthly coaching calls with me.

BONUS #26-Months FREE Access To Our Wealth Accelerators Community!

BONUS #3 Generating Additional Streams of Income Videos

BONUS #4 Find Your Divine Genius

BONUS #5 The Importance of Disability Insurance

“Chris can help you free up cash to help build your dream life, with less stress, and worry than any other program. His team is top-notch and also understands Chiropractors’ needs. I think every chiropractor should understand the Money Ripples program.”

-Chris Moore DC, Pleasant Grove, UT

Get the course today and you will have access to it all year plus each and every group coaching call! Which in itself makes it worth purchasing!

You can become financially independent no matter what your circ*mstances are right now.

Let me help you do that.Start your journey today.

Join today and get instant access to learn the principles and strategies that real wealthy people use to make millions.

“…it’s working and I am so excited.”

It’s not about working smarter, it’s about working right… Education will help you do that.


*Refund policy: you may receive. a refund for this product within 60 days of purchase.

* Cancel at anytime

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy please direct them to: info@MoneyRipples.com

Wealth Accelerator Academy+ - Money Ripples (2024)


What is the difference between wealth accelerator core and plus? ›

Wealth Accelerator is available in two options: Accelerator Plus gives you access to an extensive range of investments whilst Accelerator Core provides a low-cost alternative.

What is Wealth Accelerator Academy? ›

The Wealth Accelerator Academy+ is a specialized online coaching program that focuses on wealth creation, financial management, and entrepreneurship. It aims to equip participants with practical strategies and insights to navigate the complexities of wealth accumulation and investment.

Is Core Plus better than core? ›

Core properties offer stability and reliable cash flows, while core plus properties present opportunities for increased returns through active management.

Is wealth management worth the cost? ›

If you have $1 million worth of investments, a 1% fee comes out to $10,000 per year. That may sound like a lot, but a good wealth manager can be well worth the cost, especially if you have substantial assets or a complicated financial situation.

Is Accelerator Program worth it? ›

The bottom line: An accelerator is an advantage but not a necessity. Joining an accelerator can be a great way to grow your startup quickly, but as mentioned, it's an advantage not a necessity. Founders should always consider the stage of their startup and the accelerator's compatibility.

How to Become a Millionaire Robert Kiyosaki? ›

Keep reading for a look at some of Kiyosaki's alternative wealth-building strategies that you can use to discover paths to income beyond your day job.
  1. Value Cashflow Over a Paycheck. ...
  2. Know the Difference Between Good Debt vs. ...
  3. Leverage Your Debt Wisely. ...
  4. Budget Like the Rich. ...
  5. Build Your Financial Literacy.
Apr 30, 2024

How much is wealth Academy? ›

Order SummaryQuantity
Wealth Academy Ultimate Bundle$8,495.00
WA ULTIMATE Monthly Subscription 365 days free, then $49.95 / month$0.00

What is the difference between core bond fund and core plus? ›

Core bond portfolios invest primarily in investment-grade, U.S. fixed-income issues including government, corporate, and securitized debt. Core plus is an investment management style that permits managers to add instruments with greater risk and greater potential return to a core bond strategy.

What is core and core plus in fixed income? ›

key takeaways. Core plus is an investment management style that permits managers to augment a core base of holdings with instruments that offer greater risk but greater potential return. Core plus investment strategies are primarily associated with fixed income funds.

What is core plus in Fundrise? ›

A fund following a core plus strategy will invest in properties that usually need minor improvements to bring the property to a level at which it can maximize its profit earning potential.

What is core core plus? ›

Commercial real estate equity investments can be classified into three strategies: Core — Generally lowest risk and target returns. Core Plus — Generally low-to-moderate risk and target returns. Value-Add — Generally moderate-to-higher risk and target returns.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Views: 6770

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.