What are Target Date Funds?: Explanation, Examples, Uses (2024)

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A target date fund (also called “lifecycle fund” or “TDF”) is an investment fund comprised of multiple asset classes and is managed to rebalance its weight in those asset classes over a long time horizon. It initially starts off in a more aggressive approach and moves towards a conservative approach.

They are simple, versatile, and effective options for investment in a retirement account.

The name “target date” derives from the characteristic that you choose a fund with the specific date you intend to retire. For example, you can choose funds that will have “Target Retirement 2065” or “Target Retirement 2060” in the name of the fund.

This means that fund is designed for their investors toretire at those datesand theasset allocation will be balancedaccordingly.

When you are ayoung saver/investorand far from your target date, the fund will beheavy in stocks.As you age and approach your retirement and target date, the fund will end up beingheavier in bonds and safe assetsto preserve your nest egg.

This gradual shift towards conservative asset allocation is called the fund’s“glide path.”

What are Target Date Funds?: Explanation, Examples, Uses (1)

Since target date funds automatically rebalance asset classes over time according to their glide path, they are popular for their simplicity and convenience. An investor’s investing activity isset to autopilotessentially. It is a“set it and forget it”approach.

The headache and guesswork of choosing the right investments and appropriate asset allocation is left to the manager of the target date fund

All the investor has to do is keep contributing towards the fund. This makes is easy to save and invest for retirement and the investor gets thebenefit of diversification and asset allocation, the two elements that determine the performance of a portfolio.

Theoretically, an investor could simply use a target date fund as the only investment vehicle he or she uses for retirement. Even though it is a single fund,it offers everythingan investor needs

Since target date funds are seen as all someone would need, they areoften the default investment choice for 401(k) andRoth 401(k)plans.You will have to check with your employer to see if this is the case for you. You may already be invested in a target date fund if so.

Target Date Fund Structure

What are Target Date Funds?: Explanation, Examples, Uses (2)

A target date fund is in the class ofmutual fundsand is usually structured as a“fund of funds.”

This means that the target date fund will becomprised of holdings in other funds, such as mutual funds, instead of holding individual securities. The mutual funds they own will hold the securities of stocks, bonds, and other asset classes.

By doing this, the fund is able to achieve its target asset allocation at any time. Additionally, the fund of funds structure offers broad diversification.

Imagine that a target date fund has holdings in 5 mutual funds, each with separate focuses on asset classes and strategy. Each of those mutual funds has 100 holdings. That would mean the target date fundactually had exposure to 500 holdings, even though its money is allocated to only 5 mutual funds.


Target funds can vary on several characteristics:

Risk –Funds may lean towards low, moderate, or high risk portfolios.

Goals –Funds can be goal specific. For example, a target date fund may aim for growth, balance, or to produce income.

Composition –The composition of a target date fund can be built with different mutual funds and those mutual funds each hold a variety of securities. Target date funds can hold US, global, and emerging market securities. Equities can be small, mid, and large-cap companies.

Management –These funds can vary on how active or passively managed they are

These 4 characteristics can lead to large differences between one fund and another.

If you decide a target date fund is the route you want to go, just remember thatnot all of them are the same.


Here are a few examples of actual target date funds that could be useful for those currently 20-30 years old

  • Vanguard Target Retirement 2060 Fund (VTTSX)
  • Vanguard Target Retirement 2055 Fund (VFFVX)
  • Fidelity Freedom 2050 Fund (FFFHX)
  • T. Rowe Price Retirement 2060 Fund (TRRLX)


What are Target Date Funds?: Explanation, Examples, Uses (3)

One-stop-shop investment vehicle

Target date funds offer a one-stop shop investment vehicle option.You could use a single fundto house your retirement investments and you would have diversification and proper asset allocation on your side.

This makes saving and investingmuch less cumbersomewhich is beneficial to investors that are not as sophisticated or don’t have time to learn how to invest on their own

Potential for low fees and tax advantages

Depending on the fund provider you go with,target date funds can have low expense ratios, meaning that the fund charges minimal fees.

Fees, even if only 1% or 2% per year, will eat into a large chunk of your earnings over the course of your career. You want to put your money into funds that have the lowest fees possible. Many mutual funds have expense ratiosupwards of 1%-3%.

Many Vanguard target date funds have expense ratiosunder 0.3%.

In addition to the fees, target date fundscan be tax advantaged. You can realize the tax benefits through mediums such as your 401(k) account. This is superior to investing in a mutual fund on your own through an account that does not have tax advantages.

“Set it and forget it” way to invest

Target date funds are popular for theirconvenience. It truly is a “set it and forget it” investment vehicle. Once enrolled, all you have to do is keep funding your investment accounts and wait until retirement.

Everything else is done for youand you don’t have to think about anything or lift a finger. Simply monitor your account every now and then.

Professionally managed investments

Target date funds are managed professionally by fund managers. The fund manager and their team will manage the fundadhering to the fund’s investment style and goals.

The odds of an individual investor outperforming the market year over year over the course of a 40-year investment career are abysmal. Even if you opt to invest inindex funds, you will still have to choosewhich funds to invest inandhow much to invest in each fundto achieve your target asset allocation.

With target date funds, this is all done by professionals

Offers a diversified portfolio

Target date funds are usually comprised of holding in other mutual funds.This fund of funds structure offers an investor a broad diversification of holdings.

The management team will make sure their fund isproperly diversifiedandnot overly exposedin any one type of asset.

Asset allocation is automatically optimized

Even more important than diversification, target date funds offer asset allocation and it isautomatically adjusted over time.

Research has shownthat asset allocation is said to determineover 90%of the variationin a portfolios return over time. It is an art and a science that is hard to do on your own. Target date funds managing your asset allocation until your target date isthe best feature of this product in my opinion.


What are Target Date Funds?: Explanation, Examples, Uses (4)

One size fits most, but not all

Target funds are seen as a “one size fits all” investment fund, but actually, its more accurate to say“one size fits most.”You may find thatnoneof the target date options exactly fit what you are looking for.

You’ll have to dig through to find a fund that offers the style you want, date you want to retire, low fees, and aligns with your goals.

Some investors will find funds that meet all their requirements,but some may never find the perfect fund.If that’s the case, the better option could be to choose another route, like index funds. It may be a better option, but it won’t be the easier option.

You will have to balance how picky you want to be with how much effort you want to put in

Autopilot can work against you

Autopilot is a great characteristic of the target date fund. Although it can benefit you as an investor, it can also work against you.

These funds automatically rebalance asset classes over time and move towards a conservative portfolio.This will work against you if you are still somewhat young and far from retiring and your fund begins taking risk off the table.

Yes, your portfolio will be conservative, but you will becutting off potential growthyour funds could be earning if the portfolio remained less conservative.

The returns on stocks are higher than the returns on bonds. A target date fund can cap off growth over time as it moves towards less risky assets.You will have to weigh this in your decision making. You can get around this by choosing a target date fund that specifically aligns with your risk tolerance.

Can be expensive depending on choice

Target date funds provided by places like Vanguard have low expense ratios, but there are funds out there that can get expensive. Do your research and compare the fees of one fund versus another.

Even a few tenths of percentage points can have substantial effects on your earnings over time

Not all funds are created equal

Not all target date funds are created equal.

They can differ by the date itself and through its investment style and characteristics. You, as the investor, will have to do some due diligence on the fund you are considering investing in.

Don’t just throw your money at the first target date option you see.While 10 funds may all fall under the category of target date funds, they can all be managed in different ways and charge different fees.

Underlying funds can be owned by the same company

We mentioned how you can theoretically use one target date fund as the single investment vehicle for your retirement. This works in theory, but may not be practical.

One downside of investing in a target date fund is that the funds it holds might also originate from the same fund provider.

For example, a Vanguard target date fund will hold Vanguard mutual funds within it. Many of these providers have flawless reputations and are considered safe, butanything can happen. You might not feel comfortable havingallyour funds managed by one company.

Even though your money is diversified in how it is invested, it is not diversified withwhois holding and investing that money.

Potential for losses. Gains aren’t guaranteed

Finally, a target date fund is not a fund that is guaranteed to preserve your investments and produce income for you. It is an investment fund and has the potential for losses. It’scommonly mistakenthat a target date fund can only go up. This is false andthere is risk involved with investing.

Investors should be aware of this, but also realize markets historically go up over time. If your portfolio took a hit in one year, it is likely the fund will recoup its losses and trend upwards.


What are Target Date Funds?: Explanation, Examples, Uses (5)

After reading the benefits and drawbacks, you may be wondering if a target date fund is a good investment option for you.

That will depend on a few things:

  • What is your retirement timeline?
  • How long do you think you will live?
  • Have you carefully thought about your target date?
  • How much risk are you willing to take?
  • Are you comfortable with the fund’s automatic rebalancing over time?
  • Do you want your investments on autopilot or do you want to be more hands on?

Answers to these questions will help you determine if a target date fund is the option for you or if you should go another route.

Understand that there are many options for investing for your retirement.Some may require more research and effort from you, but there are options out there where you can produce the same diversification and asset allocation attributes that target date fund offers.

The degree of both can be within your control.


There arethree waysto enroll and sign up for a target date fund:

  1. Target date funds are popular options for employer-sponsored retirement plans such asthe 401(k). If your employer offers a 401(k) and gives the option to invest in a target date fund, you can enroll.
  2. Another way to shop for a target date fund is toopen up a brokerage accountand search the options they offer.
  3. The third way is toopen an account with target date fund providerssuch asVanguard,T.Rowe Price,andFidelity. Usually when you go through the target date fund providers, options are more limited because you will only be offered fund options from the individual provider. For example, if you sign up with Vanguard, your target date fund options will likely all be Vanguard funds.

Funds may have a required minimumthat needs to be invested to open an account. This usually ranges from $500 to $3,000. Somemay waivethe minimum investment amounts if you agree to make monthly deposits to your account. Make sure you do your research.


A target date fund can be a great option for any investor,from beginner to expert. It is as simple as it can get for an investment plan.

As an investor, you want to make sure you are diversified and have proper asset allocation. Target date fundsoffer bothof those features and they are done automatically.

Although the features of this investment vehicle weigh more towards beneficial, there are some drawbacks that should be taken into consideration.

Maybe you will find a target date fund that exactly matches your needs and maybe you won’t. If you do not find an offering that suits you, remember that there aremany more investment options out there.

About Post Author

Brandon Hill

I’m Brandon Hill with Bizness Professionals. We serve content to help young professionals develop personally, professionally, and financially. Well-rounded improvement is a theme we live by. As such, this website will cover a variety of topics aimed to help you have a successful life and career.

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Brandon Hill

What are Target Date Funds?: Explanation, Examples, Uses (7)

I'm Brandon Hill with Bizness Professionals. We serve content to help young professionals develop personally, professionally, and financially. Well-rounded improvement is a theme we live by. As such, this website will cover a variety of topics aimed to help you have a successful life and career.

What are Target Date Funds?: Explanation, Examples, Uses (2024)


What is an example of a target date fund? ›

For example, someone who's 22 now and plans to retire at age 65 might choose a target date 2065 fund. If you have a 401(k), you may already have a target date fund strategy that is managed with a specific retirement date in mind.

What is a target date fund quizlet? ›

Target date mutual funds accomplish the asset allocation that is appropriate for everybody of a particular age group.

Are target-date funds enough? ›

Key Takeaways. Target-date funds help to create a passively-indexed portfolio that automatically rebalances based on your time until retirement. However, target-date funds may not be suitable for all investors since they can limit your investment choices and decisions.

What is target date simplified? ›

The target date is the year closest to the year you plan to retire. To find your target date fund, first click the tab based on the target date fund type referenced in your plan literature. Then select your birth year or the year in which you plan to retire and begin taking retirement withdrawls.

What is a target-date fund and what does it do? ›

A target-date fund is a class of mutual funds or ETFs that periodically rebalances asset class weights to optimize risk and returns for a predetermined time frame.

What is a target fund? ›

A diversified mutual fund that automatically shifts towards a more conservative mix of investments as it approaches a particular year in the future, known as its "target date." A target date fund investor picks a fund with the right target date based on his or her particular investment goal.

Why are target-date funds important? ›

Key Takeaways. Target-date funds provide a simple way to save for retirement. They offer exposure to a variety of markets, active and passive management, and a selection of asset allocation. Despite their simplicity, investors who use target-date funds need to stay on top of asset allocation, fees, and investment risk.

How do target-date funds make money? ›

While you set and forget, the fund updates your asset allocation through the years. Early in your working life, a target-date fund generally is set for growth by having a much larger slice of your portfolio in stocks rather than fixed-income investments like bonds, which are safer but provide smaller returns.

What is a target-date fund over time? ›

Target-date funds' asset allocation mix typically provides exposure to return-seeking assets, such as equities, in early years when risk capacity is higher, and becomes increasingly conservative as time progresses with exposure switched progressively towards capital-preservation assets, such as government- and index- ...

What does target date mean? ›

noun. the date set or aimed at for the commencement, fulfillment, or completion of some effort: The target date for the book is next May.

Can you sell a target-date fund at any time? ›

"It depends on your needs." But no matter how many years are left in a target-date fund, the glide path will be gradual. If you need to sell a target-date fund at any time, you shouldn't have to pay exit fees. But if you invested in a taxable fund, there may be tax penalties for withdrawal.

What is better than a target-date fund? ›

Index funds offer more choices and lower costs, while a target-date fund is an easy way to invest for retirement without worrying about asset allocations. Index funds include passively-managed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds that track specific indexes.

What is the difference between target date and target risk funds? ›

Unlike target-date funds that reduce risk over time, target-risk funds usually maintain their risk level indefinitely.

What is the difference between target date and actual date? ›

The target date will vary depending on the type of assessment, but it is similar to a service date. It reflects the time frame in which the assessment was to be completed. Researchers often pull MDS data by target date because it is likely to be closer to when the assessment occurred.

Are target-date funds passive or active? ›

Active target date providers typically seek to add value by making tactical asset allocation decisions on the glidepath based on changing market conditions. Most passive providers don't have the same flexibility and typically maintain the same glidepath over time.

What assets are in target-date funds? ›

Target date funds are designed to help investors avoid some of the most common investment mistakes. Their features include: Diversification across asset classes: Target date funds invest in a mix of asset classes, including stocks (equity), bonds (fixed income), and cash.

What is another name for a target date fund? ›

A target date fund (TDF), also known as a lifecycle fund, dynamic-risk fund, or age-based fund, is a collective investment scheme, often a mutual fund or a collective trust fund, designed to provide a simple investment solution through a portfolio whose asset allocation mix becomes more conservative as the target date ...

What should my target date fund be? ›

Say you are 40 years old and plan to work until you are 65. Most target-date funds are named in five-year increments, so you would choose the provider with a fund named with the year nearest your planned retirement date.

Why would someone buy a target date fund? ›

Key Takeaways. Target-date funds provide a simple way to save for retirement. They offer exposure to a variety of markets, active and passive management, and a selection of asset allocation. Despite their simplicity, investors who use target-date funds need to stay on top of asset allocation, fees, and investment risk.

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