What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (2024)

Some people were born frugal.

Some were brought up by frugal parents.

Others have become frugal through choice or necessity.

What frugal people have in common is a way of approaching their finances, spending and approach to life.

You don’t get sucked into keeping up with the Joneses or following the latest spending trends.

You carve your own path according to your priorities and personal situation.

I started on the path to being frugal when I became a teenage single mum.

Being frugal started out as a necessity but became a habit that is now deeply ingrained.

I love saving money and organizing my family’s finances so that we get the most for our money.

Although of course I am not perfect and still make some mistakes.

What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (1)

When you have a frugal mindset you can’t help but apply it to every aspect of your life.

Whether that is your finances, your shopping or the way you live your life.

There are so many frugal tips that can help you that I have created a frugal mini series to help share all the frugal do’s and don’ts.

Today’s post is about how fabulously frugal people always organize their finances.

Other posts in the series are:

15 Things Fabulously Frugal People NEVER do Organizing Their Finances

7 Secret Thrifty and Frugal Living Tips Of Fabulously Frugal People

The Fundamental MUST Haves For Your Fabulously Frugal Home

How To Be Frugal: 200+ Best Frugal Living Tips To Try Today

Come and follow me on Pinterest for more money saving hints and frugal tips!

What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (2)

13 Simple Tips That Frugal People Consider Mainstream

Spouse Chat

If you are married or in a partnership then getting your partner on board is key to being successfully frugal.

If you’ve hooked up with your frugal equivalent then great!

However it’s more likely you are not on the same page at the same time.

This is where having regular money conversations becomes so important. Talk through:

  • your bills
  • what you plan to spend
  • what you actually spent
  • money goals
  • future finances

In the UK it is very much a thing to NOT talk about money.

Not with your partner, your parents or your friends.

Why is that? If you can talk about making love, why not money?!

Related posts:

How To Manage Money As A Couple: 9 (Successful) Strategies

How to save your marriage with a fun money allowance

Money Goals

Having money goals gives you something to aim for. Without goals you will spend money aimlessly.

Your money needs a purpose.

We’ve all been brought up to aim for goals, whether that’s learning to talk, passing our exams or learning to drive.

Apply the same principle to your money. Have financial goals to strive for. Monthly, yearly, even 10-yearly.

Understanding Want vs. Need

Frugal people understand the key differences between want and need.

Need is about the basics in life – shelter, fire, food.

OK, maybe not quite as basic as that but you know what I mean!

You don’t need a large car. Your children don’t need to have separate bedrooms.

You do need to put food in your bellies and a roof over your head.

It’s not that you can’t have what you want, it’s understanding that what you want is just that, a want.

Wants are optional.

Separating out wants from needs allows you to identify what is most important in your life and make the right financial choices for you.

If you want to spend money on that widget then go for it. But don’t deceive yourself into thinking you need it.

What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (3)

All About The Budget

Most frugal people have budgets. There are a few exceptionsand if you can work your finances without a budget then that’s great.

However having a budgetensures you know exactly what money you have, what you plan to spend it on.

You can make sure every penny of your income has a job to do. It might be to pay for groceries or build your savings.

If you fall off the budget wagon one month then get right back on it.

Related posts:

How To Budget Your Money When You Don’t Know How

Cut These 10 Monthly Expenses and Crush Your Budget – Today!

Cut Your Budget With Tips From The Experts

What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (4)


Frugal people know exactly what they spend, when and on what.

They track their spending to make sure their budget is on track and to keep their money focus.

Whether you use a spreadsheet, an app or an online tool, tracking what you spend allows you to understand your money habits.

It allows you to find new ways to save money and identify when you need to make changes.

Emergency Fund

Having an emergency fund (or rainy day fund) allows frugal people to sleep easily at night.

Knowing that you have a chunk of money in readily accessible savings to cover an unexpected bill is great.

The ideal emergency fund would be enough to cover 3-6 months worth of living expenses.

However having £1000 would make a big difference if your car needs repairing.

Related posts:

How To Kickstart Your Rainy Day Fund When You Are Broke

Why You Should Have Two Emergency Cash Accounts

What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (5)

Pay Your Future Self

If you are frugal you will have an eye on the future.

Not only will frugal people have an emergency fund, they will also be saving for their long term future.

This could be through a workplace pension, stocks and shares or property.

In fact most frugal people have their long term savings spread across different investments.

Frugal people are risk adverse but not against taking risks.

To have money when you retire, whether that is early retirementor a more traditional age you need to take some risks with your money.

Leaving your savings in cash is the fastest way to lose money as you watch inflation eating away at its value.

You may also like:21 Money Saving Tips For Beginners – How To Start Saving Big NOW!


No, this is not some form of infection!

No Spend Days or NSDs are a way frugal people build and flex their frugal muscles.

Some people aim to have a certain number of no spend days each month and stretch their goals each month.

For others it comes more easily. I work long hours at work and always pack my lunch.

Therefore I don’t spend any cash 4 days a week.

OK, maybe I do the odd spot of online shopping but rarely as my brain is fried by the time I sit down after work.

Having no spend days every week and month helps frugal people to reduce the focus on spending.

Related post:How To Be Successful With A No Spend Challenge

What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (6)

Credit Card Rewards

Depending on which country you live in you will have access to credit cards that provide you with the opportunity to earn rewards.

These could be:

  • cashback
  • air miles
  • free flights
  • free hotel stays
  • loyalty points

Frugal Kings & Queens make sure they make the most of the credit card rewards on offer.

They will use their credit cards for everything, from grocery shopping to petrol to a frugal night out.

Because they always pay their balance in full they don’t pay any interest on their credit card balances and get to use the rewards the card offers.

Best Things In Life Are Free

You can spend an awful lot of money in a short space of time to be entertained.

Some people may fall into the trap of thinking that you have to spend a lot of money in order to have quality time with your family and friends.

Not so the frugal person.

Money does not equate to happiness

Quality time is all about what you do with it and with whom.

For instance having a pot luck supper with family is much more appealing to a frugal person than a meal in a restaurant.

You don’t worry about whether your toddlers tantrum is impacting on other diners night out.

You can guarantee the food quality at a pot luck and you get more space to move around.

What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (7)

Timely Bills

Paying your bills on time, preferably by automating them is the bread and butter of a frugal person.

If you are late paying your bills it will cost you money, stress and a bad credit report.

Frugal people always pay their bills on time, usually on receipt so it’s once and done – no doubling handling of that bill.

Unnecessary Interest

These days if you choose to pay monthly on many insurance products (e.g. car insurance) you end up paying a high rate of interest.

Yes, it means you don’t have to pay the bill in one lump sum. But 22% interest?

Frugal people around the world say NO!

Paying interest on a regular bill is unnecessary and something to be actively avoided.

Use that money for something else more fun.

Related post:12 Things You Should Never Pay For

What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (8)

Money Making Opportunities

If a money making opportunity pops up you can bet frugal people will be checking it out and seeing if it’s something they can do.

Money making opportunities are not just daytime activities like mystery shopping.

They can also be something you can do in the evening on your sofa.

Like getting paid £100s to switch your bank account.

If you are not always doing all of the above then why not start today and set out your frugal goals?

What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (9)
What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (10)
What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (11)

I’m taking part in the Monday Money linky withLynn from Mrs Mummy Penny,Faith from Much More With LessandEmma from EmmaDrew.Info

Last Updated on 4th April 2023 by Emma

What Frugal People Always Do With Their Money (2024)


What do frugal people do with their money? ›

Buying in Bulk

Frugal people often buy in bulk to save money on any item's per-unit cost. When you buy in bulk, you save time in the future since you'll have what you need, so you won't have to rush out to the store when you're low on toilet paper or salt.

What is extremely frugal with money? ›

I mend holes in my clothes instead of throwing them away. I carry a water bottle and take my own teabags to work instead of buying expensive takeaway coffee. I re-use and recycle what I can, and try to save energy because that's good for the planet. If I don't have the money I try not to buy stuff I don't need.

How do you know if someone is frugal? ›

Moreover, frugal people often have little to no consumer debt. “They tend to use credit cards judiciously and pay off their balances in full to avoid interest charges,” Michaels said. “Their focus is more on building savings and investing, rather than accruing liabilities.”

How to be more frugal with money? ›

So, we put together our 15 favorite frugal tips to live by that are also super simple and easy for anyone to use.
  1. Tip 1: Differentiate between Luxury Spending vs Necessary Expenses. ...
  2. Tip 2: Make Cuts in Your Spending. ...
  3. Tip 3: Cap Your Spending. ...
  4. Tip 4: Keep Receipts and Track Spending. ...
  5. Tip 5: Think Twice Before You Buy.
Jan 19, 2024

Why are some rich people frugal? ›

Many wealthy individuals grew up with little or nothing, and the thought of returning to that state is a powerful motivator. So they hold onto their wealth with a death grip, even if it means being cheap in other areas of their lives.

How to be extremely cheap? ›

What are some tips for being frugal?
  1. Create a budget and stick to it. Being frugal begins with this tip. ...
  2. Shop around for the best deals. Buy what you need from the first store you see, but don't just go to the first one you see. ...
  3. Buy used instead of new. ...
  4. Make your own stuff. ...
  5. Repurpose and recycle. ...
  6. Be patient.
Aug 22, 2023

Who is the frugal billionaire? ›

Berkshire Hathaway CEO and chairman Warren Buffett's net worth is an estimated $136 billion. He's the world's eighth-richest person, per Bloomberg, above Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Buffett is known for living modestly and being one of the world's most generous philanthropists.

Is extreme cheapskate a mental disorder? ›

The American Psychiatric Association defines frugality as a symptom of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) when someone “adopts a miserly spending style toward both self and others.” Extreme frugality is an amplified version of that, and it often involves viewing spending as a bad thing no matter how much ...

Are frugal people happier? ›

Believe it or not, living frugally can actually make you happier than living lavishly. Living a frugal lifestyle isn't necessarily about pinching pennies and denying yourself things you want. It's about making your life easier and worrying less about money.

What personality type is frugal? ›

Budgets, savings accounts, and retirement plans take priority over impulse purchases for the dutiful Sentinels. Defenders (ISFJ) (69%) were the most likely personality type to identify as frugal, followed closely by their Thinking-type counterparts, the Logisticians (ISTJ) (67%).

How to spot cheap people? ›

15 Signs You Are Being a Cheap Person
  1. Letting DIY Turn into BIY (Break It Yourself) ...
  2. Sneaking Refreshments Into Movies. ...
  3. Hoarding at Home. ...
  4. Stockpiling Condiments. ...
  5. Reusing Paper Goods. ...
  6. Doing Only Free Activities. ...
  7. Being Nosy about Other People's Money. ...
  8. Always Snagging Leftovers.
Dec 7, 2022

What are signs of extreme frugality? ›

The Downside of Frugality:
  • Neglecting Household and Car Maintenance. Just like illnesses, house repairs and car maintenance can start small and spread quickly. ...
  • Buying Items Extremely on Sale Just Because They are on Sale. ...
  • Skipping Insurance. ...
  • Buying for Price Over Quality. ...
  • Not Splurging for Frequently Used Items.

How to live super frugally? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

What is the 30 rule for money? ›

The idea is to divide your income into three categories, spending 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. Learn more about the 50/30/20 budget rule and if it's right for you.

Is it smart to be frugal? ›

By being mindful of how we spend our money, we can reap numerous rewards such as improved financial security, increased savings, fewer debts, and more freedom overall. If these reasons sound appealing to you then consider giving living frugally a try—you may just find that it's easier than you think!

What are the disadvantages of being frugal? ›

“Unfortunately, many people become spending-phobic in their quest to live a more frugal life, which can lead to anxiety around money,” she explained. “In the worst instances, people may become overly hesitant to spend money on even essential items, which can lead to a lower overall quality of life.”

What do you call someone who is frugal with money? ›

If you mean this in a positive way, use Damkerng T's words: frugal, thrifty, economical. If you mean it in a negative way, use nxx's words: miserly, cheap, cheapskate, tightwad.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.