What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (2024)

Today I'm introducing you to something that will change your life and cut your grocery bill in HALF!! That's right… Intrigued?? Two words. Shelf cooking.

What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (1)

Freebs… Pause the TV, text your mama, and grab a snack…


Over the last few years, I have had an overwhelming amount of people ask for more and more details on how I shop for, cook for, and feed my large family on a budget. So much so that I've created a Shelf Cooking Community and even launched a brand new site called ShelfCooking.com to help educate the world about this one-of-a-kind style of cooking.

For a long time, I've wondered why my “method” of cooking isn't highlighted or talked about more. Why isn't it more common? Why isn't it common sense? I've come to realize over time that most people cook based on the recipe they want to make, which is backwards in my opinion.

*Note: When you click the links in this post, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

I finally decided to step up and declare to the world – not only a name for this “new” way of cooking – but I'm issuing a challenge to everyone reading this to give it a try for yourselves!

I now introduce to you…



Shelf cooking is making delicious, homemade, down-home-cooked meals for your family. Starting FIRST with ingredients you already have on-hand from your fridge, freezer, and pantry, then supplementing with fresh/new items from the store… Not the other way around!

Sure, I'm guessing many of you are rolling your eyes saying, “um…Jord, this sounds totally lame, and not new or exciting at all. Pretty much everyone does this.” *Said like a valley girl, duh.*

Believe it or not, most people cook backward… Want to know what I mean? Check this Shelf Cooking post out!


Here's a video from our very first Shelf Cooking Challenge that explains not only the concept and purpose but shares tons of tips for making shelf cooking successful for you. It also explains all about the Shelftember Challenge that you should all be part of! If you're reading this at another time of year, put Shelftember on your calendar and join us for the challenge then!

Watch the video below or watch here online, then come back here for even more info on the challenge:

Are you pumped for this challenge or WHAT?! It's going to be amazing!

I know that was a lot of information to take in via video… If you're in for our next challenge, check out ALL the challenge details!

Seriously guys, are you so excited or what??

What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (2)

You in?? Let's do this!!

  • Have your recipe binder ready to go for this shelf cooking challenge!
  • We have the ultimate list of dinner ideas to give you ideas for this challenge!
  • Inventory your freezer, fridge, and pantry with our free printable before you start this challenge!

Happy shelf cooking!

What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (3)
  1. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (4)

    Nicole Stutzmanon August 30, 2017 at 7:52 pm

    So how many posts are we required to do on social media? ? Because I’m not a huge poster of pics but I will do at least one to get entered!


    • What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (5)

      FunCheapOrFreeon September 6, 2017 at 2:06 pm

      Just do what you can! As long as you use the #Shelftember hashtag and tag me so I can see it, you’re entered!


  2. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (6)

    Kaileeon August 30, 2017 at 8:03 pm

    I’ve been following for 2 weeks (well binging past vlogs). I’m excited about #shelfcookseptember even though my husband does most of our cookong. Have a few frozen meals in freezer and not a ton in fridge or pantry. Ready to feed my family of 4, but thinking we might be in the $50/week range as i know we are about to run out of necessities as well as diapers, dog food, and kitty litter. For the past 2 weeks, we did decent $115 the first week and $105 last week on groceries.


  3. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (7)

    Hillaryon August 30, 2017 at 8:41 pm

    This is so great! We were already planning on doing a “pantry challenge” for September, but I now realize that this needs to be a way of life always, rather than something you just do once a year. So excited to start this challenge!


  4. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (8)

    Keila Torreson August 30, 2017 at 8:43 pm

    This is awesome! I have my sisters (4) joining this challenge; even my husband!!! This is more exciting than the finale of GOT!!!


  5. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (9)

    Kat Johnson August 30, 2017 at 8:47 pm

    We are in! Our pantry , canning shelves and freezer are almost overstocked. Some of the food is “vintage”, jelly from 2009! Ready to shelf cook.


  6. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (10)

    Barbon August 30, 2017 at 10:10 pm

    I downloaded the pantry and freezer inventory sheets today. I also downloaded the meal plans to help ensure I start planning meals and use up all leftovers or freeze them. Also just purchased the vacuum sealer as we buy large quantities of meat from Costco and repackage into meal sizes – trying to keep meat at $5 per person per meal and use leftovers at lunch the next day.


  7. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (11)

    Teresa Kuhnon August 30, 2017 at 11:30 pm

    Thanks for the challenge! Good luck to everyone and thanks for a chance to win


  8. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (12)

    Dawn Cookon August 31, 2017 at 6:52 am

    This is awesome I’m totally going to try this this month! We just moved into our new home and things are going to be tight till the end of November so I’m excited to start doing this! Jordan you’re amazing!


  9. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (13)

    Tashena Wrighton August 31, 2017 at 7:25 am

    We need recipes since we all probably have the same *stock pile* items.


  10. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (14)

    Staceyon August 31, 2017 at 7:40 am

    So want to give this a try! #shelftember I already do some shelf cooking when I want to clean out what is in my Fridge or Freezer. I am all about not wasting food, that you worked hard for. My problem is coming up with new recipes to try. Sometimes we get stuck in a food rut and I don’t feel like making anything. I have taken Dave Ramsey Financial Peace course (for Free!) So I am all about saving money and getting our debit paid down! Would love to take your Budget boot camp to see what ideas you offer, to see what would work for me. Of course I would love to do this for FREE 🙂


  11. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (15)

    ashleyon August 31, 2017 at 8:28 am

    we are totally doing this! we are going to limit our spending to 40 a week. produce and keto diet eating can be spendy, but I am going to be creative 🙂 I would like to put the extra money on our credit card debt I am working to pay off


  12. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (16)

    Heather Ton August 31, 2017 at 8:42 am

    I am SO excited for this because we were just talking other day how we need to use what we have in stock before we buy food and waste money. This could not have come at a more better time for our family! Thank you for the positive encouragement and motivation and to make it even more enticing a chance to win a freezer! Another thing that’s Been on the list of something I’ve wanted forever! Thank you!!!


  13. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (17)

    Chalene McGrathon August 31, 2017 at 1:34 pm

    I am so excited about this. I am pretty good at stocking my freezer…slight hoarding tendencies maybe… But I am not good at using it! So here we go. What an awesome idea!! Thanks for the kick in the shorts I needed!! Maybe now my husband will let me buy a used fridge/freezer to keep in the garage. That man loves to fish. Half my freezer is salmon!


  14. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (18)

    Kelly Johnsonon August 31, 2017 at 1:49 pm

    I’m in and ready.


  15. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (19)

    Judy Ton August 31, 2017 at 5:50 pm

    You’re timing is perfect! My husband and I just made the same decision when we couldn’t fit all of our last Costco haul in the freezer! We decided to make September just what you describe for Shelftember! We will be eating out of our freezers and pantry and only buying what is really needed to fill in the fresh stuff. So count us in! (We really do have enough food in our freezers in case the zombies attack!)


  16. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (20)

    Annaon August 31, 2017 at 11:26 pm

    #stocktober (how to stock your pantry, fridge and freezer properly so that you are NOT running to the store every other day?


  17. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (21)

    Makellon September 1, 2017 at 12:32 am

    Totally in


  18. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (22)

    Tori L Shelmidineon September 1, 2017 at 8:06 am

    I am totally stoked for this challenge. I have been wanting to do this forever but wasn’t sure how to go about it. Thank you for the help.


  19. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (23)

    Mama Kat's Homesteadon September 1, 2017 at 2:21 pm

    I have been doing this for years without putting such a small cap on how much I spend weekly. This will be fun!


  20. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (24)

    Cynthiaon September 1, 2017 at 5:44 pm

    So this is awesome, but I’m super excited for stocktober!


  21. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (25)

    Megan Rodriguezon September 2, 2017 at 11:30 am

    Jordan- is there an option to post things on your site for the free freezer giveaway for people, like myself, who do not have facebook or instagram? I know its unreal but I absolutely do function well!!!!

    Thanks! So excited for this month!!


  22. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (27)

    Julie Aon September 2, 2017 at 9:11 pm

    SUPER EXCITED. I need this in my life in a gigantic way. I spent at least double what you recommend on groceries and while we don’t throw a ton away, I do have lots and lots in storage that needs to be used!!



  23. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (28)

    Micheleon September 3, 2017 at 8:42 am

    Hi Jordan,
    Looks like you and The family are having fun that’s great what a great experience my parents took me all over the United States camping and I’ll never forget that great bonding time with the family now I’m the lady that told you about giving the children at Christmas time three gifts just like Jesus got three gifts I want to let you know I know you don’t have a microwave there while you’re camping but when you get home take a potato or sweet potatoes peel them get some freezer wrap paper put them in the freezer wrap paper however many you want with them in the microwave potato when you’re done with that because your phone open it because it’s really hot water steam take your potato your sweet potato for a little bit of olive oil or whatever kind of oil you like then get your barbecue ready and grill those potatoes they are awesome tasting something my husband made up when we were coming up with new ideas on how to make different kinds of food but whenever we serve them to my family and friends they love them it’s always a hit got bless you guys have a great Sunday and happy Labor Day Warm god


  24. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (29)

    Jennifer Tingeyon September 3, 2017 at 5:10 pm

    I have been binge watching your youtube videos for a couple of weeks and have enjoyed them. I have tried shelf cooking for a week before, but never a whole month! I am so excited to get it done! Today (Sunday, Sept 3) is my first day. Now it tag the use of the extra funds! Good luck everyone!


  25. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (30)

    Jeannineon September 3, 2017 at 11:07 pm

    Giiiirl, thats exactly it! They dont teach this stuff anymore to kids in school. My grocery list starts with pinterest ideas, BUT then its to the pantry and freezer to see what i have for it OR what can i make from the leftovers, no way im buying all the ingredients. I amaze myself with leftovers, hahaha.


  26. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (31)

    Bekahon September 4, 2017 at 12:07 am

    Eep! I am so stoked to rock the #Shlftember hizzouse! I have celiac disease so this may be extra challenging, but I’m always up for a good challenge. Thanks for this awesome idea! My husband also says thank you because, well, he’s a fan of the money saving?


  27. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (32)

    Maryon September 4, 2017 at 11:06 am

    I’m a little late, but am excited to do this! I was all set to do $25 a week until I did an inventory of my fridge, pantry and freezer. I’m so mad at myself for all the expired food that I had to throw out. We’ll start with $50 a week and try to get lower as we go. Thanks for the inspiration!


  28. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (33)

    Sherree Petersonon September 4, 2017 at 12:25 pm

    I think this is a great idea! I will be trying to do this with you as well. I had Achilles surgery and couldn’t walk for months so I did this method (kind of) while I was recovering. Because going into the store wasn’t an option. And I would have others (husband, kids, friends) go for me only if it was necessary. To be honest it wasn’t really that difficult. My freezer and shelves got deprecated but in the last month I’ve stocked up again! My father in law has a garden and he’s been giving me free veggies this month! ((LUCKY))


  29. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (34)

    Teresa Hon September 8, 2017 at 2:39 pm

    Make a cookbook over shelf cooking ,please . You’ll get a lot of buyers including me??


  30. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (35)

    Heatheron September 9, 2017 at 9:33 am

    #shelftember sounds amazing! Especially after all of the back to school shopping we did last month. I brought up a no spend month to hubby and he looked terrified. I can’t wait to see what shocktober is about.

    I just made up a master meal list so that way I could match up ingredients I have to the meals on my list. Plus it helps to meal plan when you’re in a rut. I also like the theme night ideas like soup night, casserole night, Italian night etc.


  31. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (36)

    CATHERINE CARRIERon September 13, 2017 at 7:23 am

    Just started following you right before the #shelftember challenge. I am a mom of 5 with 3 still at home which I homeschool, so we decided to make this a school project. We took stock of everything we had on hand and made a menu plan and have stuck with our 25.00 week budget. We have had so much fun cooking together and coming up with new recipes for what we have on hand. My kids and I are having so much fun doing this together. Thanks for the inspiration!!


    • What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (37)

      FunCheapOrFreeon September 28, 2017 at 12:01 am

      I love that you are using it to help teach your kids! So inspiring!!


  32. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (38)

    chion October 18, 2017 at 12:03 pm

    so i am a student and i live with my boyfriend and my brothers and yes i am the only cook, and i am happy to say that i enjoy cooking very much but i have gained so much weight living with them urg!!! i started #shelftemberchallenge and lord i did lose weight i lost 15 pounds and also save money thanks Jordan!!!!! i also got a cook book that guided me as part of my journey, you can get yours too just click the link below and yes it is affordable https://tinyurl.com/y7ere3th


  33. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (39)

    Maryon December 9, 2017 at 11:33 pm

    I have been enjoying your blog and youtube a lot lately but man, the food budget seems totally insane to me. I cook vegetarian, all home cooked and organic for my family of three and I would never buy most of the things in a regular grocery store. We live in a small town with very few options for “budget” groceries unless I drive an hour or more which I just won’t do. I am struggling to get our food budget to under $1,000 a month!! And we live on my salary alone, working part time, so it is not like we are rich and spending that much money on food. Food is just our #1 priority as far as budget goes, which I know is very uncommon in our hotdog-loving culture. Americans tend to prefer to skimp on healthy food and pay for it later in health care costs! Anyway I really enjoy your site and I think that I can use your tips but I am going to make my own budget!


  34. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (40)

    Theresaon January 9, 2018 at 1:52 pm

    If I am putting my oven on to cook something, I try and find something else to cook so as not to waste energy and time. I made 2 homemade pies, some bread rolls and a cake the other night. This was mainly because 1: the oven was going on and 2: I had ingredients for all the other things.


  35. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (41)

    Kristeon February 23, 2018 at 10:32 pm

    I love this concept sooo much! I hate wasting food, but unfortunately it happens…. however, now I’m more mindful of what I have on hand before running to the store for every little thing. This is life changing and wallet friendly!


  36. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (42)

    Poledraon February 23, 2018 at 10:33 pm

    I loved shelf cooking and am about to start a wholeness month of shelf cooking again. To use up what need using and save some cash!


  37. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (43)

    Jackie MacCaskillon February 23, 2018 at 10:34 pm

    Love the idea of shelf cooking… such a great reminder to use what we already have. Cheers xo


  38. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (44)

    Amandaon February 23, 2018 at 10:42 pm

    This was so helpful! Cleaning out the pantry is always such a hassle. This made it fun!


  39. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (45)

    Kasey Rigdonon February 23, 2018 at 10:42 pm

    This is one I struggle with but I know I can do it! I just need to plan better and and really stick to buy one for now and 2 for later to help get me prepared for this.


  40. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (46)

    Kim Stubbson February 23, 2018 at 10:46 pm

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…. this is the best idea ever!!! I have continued using it each month. I was wasting so much food when I was stocking up and not finding ways to use it in a timely manner! Shelftember is the best!


  41. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (47)

    Linda Malsburyon February 23, 2018 at 10:49 pm

    It is now Febr. 2018 and I am still doing this!! Also, love the comment from Jordan to buy 1 for now and 2 for later! I feel like I am always prepared. Thanks!


  42. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (48)

    Joy sokolowskion February 23, 2018 at 10:50 pm

    I love this idea! We are about to get a deep freezer in a couple weeks. We just cleaned our garage to fit one?


  43. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (49)

    Stephanie (abbiegmo)on February 23, 2018 at 10:50 pm

    This is the post that had me hooked! Learned soooo much in September!


  44. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (50)

    Ramalakshmi Pradeepon February 23, 2018 at 10:54 pm

    I love this idea. This is a real “not your mama’s frugal” !! This helped me realized how much money i am wasting and how easy is it to save on food!! Love you guys ?


  45. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (51)

    Laura Warneron February 23, 2018 at 11:01 pm

    I started following youngsters before Shelftember and this challenge was perfect for us! We live in a small-ish apartment and it was perfect to eat/clean out our pantry and storage and not buy quite as much at the grocery store as usual. Also, I realized I had some expired food.


  46. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (52)

    Devinon February 23, 2018 at 11:01 pm

    Shelftember was a blast for me! I’m currently living in my in-laws basem*nt so my husband and I can some spend time paying off student loans. My mother in law doesn’t cook often but still keeps a lot of ingredients in the pantry. She didn’t mind at all that I used items that were getting close to expiration and it saved us money on groceries, too!


  47. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (53)

    Kenzie Wixomon February 23, 2018 at 11:01 pm

    I did shelftember this last September and it was amazing to see what I could do with everything I already had!


  48. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (54)

    Crissyon February 23, 2018 at 11:03 pm

    Thanks for such great ideas on how to use our pantry more effectively!


  49. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (55)

    Melissaon February 23, 2018 at 11:06 pm

    I have really been trying hard to do this for the last few weeks and I can’t believe how much food I had on hand that I forgot about! ? Thanks for the tips!!


  50. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (56)

    Heather Bon February 23, 2018 at 11:10 pm

    I have been trying to get my mom on board with shelf cooking! Old habits die hard!


  51. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (57)

    Tayler Razaon February 23, 2018 at 11:19 pm

    This is so helpful. I love your one for now two for later idea.


  52. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (58)

    Christy Vanceon February 23, 2018 at 11:21 pm

    Love this!! Thanks for sharing such great tips!!!!


  53. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (59)

    Janine Ellison February 23, 2018 at 11:23 pm

    Such great ideas Jordan. Keep them coming.


  54. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (60)

    Beckyon February 23, 2018 at 11:27 pm

    I love the idea of shelf cooking. I have been working on that and I feel my budget is getting smaller because I feel like i am using what I have!


  55. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (61)

    Cat Stabioon February 23, 2018 at 11:33 pm

    I can’t thank you enough for this. I had just started falling you in August and as soon as you started this segment I knew I was hooked. Keeping our food budget low is necessary in our family right now and shelftember saved us! Its so simple and im mad i didn’t think of it myself!


  56. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (62)

    Sunnie Stobbeon February 23, 2018 at 11:41 pm

    This is genius!


  57. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (63)

    Neanaon February 23, 2018 at 11:41 pm

    This has changed my grocery shopping game! I waste less and save SO MUCH!


  58. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (64)

    Melissaon February 24, 2018 at 12:03 am

    Loved this challenge! I need to challenge myself to do it again!


  59. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (65)

    Brookeon February 24, 2018 at 12:16 am

    Yes! Shelf cooking is a game changer! When I’m intentional with my meal planning and freezing leftover food and even making extra meals to have stocked in the freezer, I save so much time and money.


  60. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (66)

    Stacey pyleon February 24, 2018 at 12:29 am

    You have saved us so much money on take out by realising we do have more in the pantry/fridge/freezer and that we CAN make a meal out of it when we think we have nothing left in the house!


  61. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (67)

    Breon February 24, 2018 at 12:49 am

    We just moved into our forever home in November ‘17, it blew my mind how much stuff from my pantry was expired and had to throw out!! Reading this post/watching your video really brought into perspective on how I can truly utilize my pantry and freezer and not let things go to waste.


  62. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (68)

    Amandaon February 24, 2018 at 1:44 am

    Game changer!!! My husband is so good at this but I never have been. I love your tips!


  63. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (69)

    Sydneyon February 24, 2018 at 1:56 am

    You pushed and encouraged me in September! I need to do another round; my pantry and freezer are overflowing!


  64. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (70)

    Susan smithon February 24, 2018 at 3:25 am

    This has changed the way I cook. Thanks for the challenge! I am now cooking from my pantry, instead of running to the store for every little thing.


  65. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (71)

    Madison Wrighton February 24, 2018 at 4:54 am

    Thank you so much for this challenge! My mom always cooked like this and it was fun to see what she could throw together, but being the “organized” person that I am have been making elaborate lists and meals and have been spending way too much money on food! You have helped us cut our grocery bill by nearly 25% or more and you have shown me that we can still try new things while using what is on our shelves already.


  66. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (72)

    Jonion February 24, 2018 at 5:11 am

    We did not participate in this during September but I utilized your teachings this month (Feb 2018) to not only have one week of shelf cooking but also one week of freezer cooking. It saved us $300 over a 2 week period and I immediately put the money saved into our savings. Best part? It doesn’t even look like we touched our shelves or our deep freezer so I am planning another 2 week “event” sometime in March as well, which will save us $300 again! I’m actually excited about it!


  67. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (73)

    Hallie Stoltzon February 24, 2018 at 5:15 am

    I’ve been doing this for the week! I only spent $60 on groceries. I have little who eat lots of fresh ingredients so much less does t work. But woah! We saved so much! Thanks for the tip!


  68. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (74)

    Loganon February 24, 2018 at 5:49 am

    Living in a one-bedroom apartment, we don’t have a large pantry or extra space for another freezer, but I still find myself using your term “shelf-cooking” when I force myself to use up items that I have had sitting in the freezer or pantry for a while (before they expire and get thrown away – waste of money). Looking forward to moving into a home and being able to stock pile food when sales are good and to really have the opportunity to “shelf-cook”! Thanks for the wonderful tips, Jordan!


  69. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (75)

    Katelynon February 24, 2018 at 6:22 am

    I didn’t get to participate in shelftember, but I’m thinking of making March a shelf cooking month!


  70. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (76)

    Debbie Robsonon February 24, 2018 at 7:00 am

    LOVED this shelf cooking challenge last time! I have a freezer full of possible meals and it’s time to save up for summer fun. So I’m going to do a shelf cooking challenge here for March! This is fabulous!
    What would I call that… Shelfmarch just doesn’t have the same ring as shelftember ???


  71. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (77)

    Dawn Shumakeron February 24, 2018 at 7:29 am

    I need to try this sometime. I always find meat in the freezer that I have forgotten or things in the back of the pantry.


  72. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (78)

    Stephanie wyatton February 24, 2018 at 7:58 am

    Just wanna win budget boot camp… And I love cooking what I have


  73. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (79)

    Courtney Hintonon February 24, 2018 at 8:11 am

    Shelf cooking has changed the way I think about cooking and shopping. It’s been amazing.


  74. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (80)

    Kelsey Pearsonon February 24, 2018 at 8:11 am

    I seriously wanted to do this last week and thought I was being so innovative haha! Going to try again this week!


  75. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (81)

    Keara Vega-Hernandezon February 24, 2018 at 8:23 am

    Shelftember was soooo challenging for me because I never kept much on hand but I started your one for now two for later concept and it happened quick and made me successful at shelftember which is now our new normal!!


  76. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (82)

    Nicoleon February 24, 2018 at 8:37 am

    Shelf cooking is great! We need to do this challenge again.


  77. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (83)

    Sarah Speredonon February 24, 2018 at 8:39 am

    I loved watching you do this. Honestly I was too nervous to try it…i know that’s so silly! But I think I’ll try it on March!


  78. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (84)

    Shelbyon February 24, 2018 at 8:54 am

    Great Idea!! definitely going to try shelf cooking for Shelftember!!


  79. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (85)

    Erika Riffle-Barbon February 24, 2018 at 8:57 am

    Shelf cooking has saved my life! And our budget! Thank you Jordan! ❤️


  80. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (86)

    Michelleon February 24, 2018 at 10:04 am

    I have been more and more interested in doing shelf cooking-great post!
    100k give away!


  81. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (87)

    Krystalon February 24, 2018 at 12:35 pm

    Love this!


  82. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (88)

    Maggieon February 24, 2018 at 12:48 pm

    Need to try this!


  83. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (89)

    Kerrieon February 24, 2018 at 1:06 pm

    I started implementing one week a month when I don’t grocery shop. During that week I solely rely on shelf cooking. Thanks for helping me get more control over not just my finances, but also my life!


  84. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (90)

    Hannah Wilsonon February 24, 2018 at 8:04 pm

    #shelftember was awesome last year so deciding to do it again this march!


  85. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (91)

    Jennifer Spenceron February 24, 2018 at 8:17 pm

    Thanks for all the great ideas, I needed this so much! Looking forward to saving money, yipee!


  86. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (92)

    Kourtney Dalzellon February 24, 2018 at 8:22 pm

    Love the idea of this! I never think to shop my own pantry


  87. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (93)

    Tinaon February 24, 2018 at 10:36 pm

    Yeah, definitely would have never thought of this! And it totally does seem backwards lol. But hey, my trust in you is fairly unbreakable when it comes to this kind of stuff so I’m going to try it! (I feel like I say that I’m going to try everything you’ve ever posted about lol. Yes, you can call me you little minion! )


  88. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (94)

    Lyndsey Joneson April 24, 2018 at 11:46 am

    So I totally cook like this ??❤️ Although to be honest it’s not because I’m trying to save food or be more efficient, it’s because I’m too darn lazy to go to the store. ?


  89. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (95)

    Lindsey Schatzon August 26, 2018 at 5:58 pm

    If you’re a family of two what you recommend for weekly grocery spend during this challenge?


    • What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (96)

      FunCheapOrFreeon August 28, 2018 at 2:39 pm

      For Shelftember I would say $25 would be more than enough!


  90. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (97)

    Danielle Red Crowon August 29, 2018 at 6:19 pm

    I’m super excited! I told my boyfriend and he is also excited! We been Binge watching your YouTube and just recently Instagram and love it. We want to be apart of this challenge and see how well we do! We are saving for a home of our own, as we do live on a reserve in Siksika but the houses are tiny and we want to build up enough money to purchase our own home to grow in and enjoy being home saving money. We are a family of four and your budget plan 400 per month literally was set out for us so we gave it a shot and we love it so far! Thanks and excited for this challenge ?


  91. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (98)

    Rosabelon September 6, 2018 at 2:53 pm

    How do I post?


    • What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (99)

      FunCheapOrFreeon September 7, 2018 at 4:33 pm

      You can post on social media and tag @FunCheapOrFree.com and #Shelftember


  92. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (100)

    amanda mceachranon November 9, 2018 at 5:59 am

    You keep recommending that everyone get a freezer but what about people renting apartments? I have a family of 3 living in a small one bedroom apartment. I’m not quite sure how to get a stockpile of food going when I don’t have the space for it.


  93. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (101)

    Laurenon March 4, 2019 at 9:29 am

    I have LOVED all of your savings tips!! Thank you! Your ideas have helped us AND have been fun to try!


    • What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (102)

      FunCheapOrFreeon March 4, 2019 at 9:39 am

      Aww thanks so much for the kind words! So glad they have helped. 🙂


  94. What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (103)

    Angelicaon June 28, 2019 at 10:38 am

    I keep receiving error message to try to subscribe


    • What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (104)

      FunCheapOrFreeon June 28, 2019 at 12:03 pm

      Hi Angelica! Can you email [emailprotected] and let them know that you’re having problems subscribing, please? Thank you! 🙂


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What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free (2024)


What is Shelf Cooking? Life- and Budget-Changing! - Fun Cheap or Free? ›

Shelf cooking is making delicious, homemade, down-home-cooked meals for your family. Starting FIRST with ingredients you already have on-hand from your fridge, freezer, and pantry, then supplementing with fresh/new items from the store… Not the other way around! Believe it or not, most people cook backward…

What is shelf cooking? ›

Shelf cooking is a style of cooking I coined the name for that describes making meals starting with what you have on hand — in your fridge, freezer, or pantry. You buy only a few ingredients from the store to supplement what you already have, not the other way around.

What is shelftember? ›

Shelftember is a shelf cooking challenge during the month of September that will blow your mind! It takes the term shelf cooking to a whole new level by using shelf cooking to reduce your grocery budget to twenty-five dollars (50 max) every week of the month.

Does cooking from scratch save money? ›

You CAN save a lot of money by making most meals and snacks (like homemade Larabar bites) from scratch, but the downside is it can take A LOT of time. More time spent planning, preparing, cooking, and cleaning up…

Who coined shelf cooking? ›

Jordan coined the phrase “Shelf Cooking™” when she started curating meals that use what you have on hand in your fridge, freezer or pantry. It's such a simple concept that has a HUGE impact. Get ready to enjoy using up your leftovers, stop the food waste, and make the best meals of your life!

What do you mean by shelf life of a food? ›

Shelf-life is the length of time a food can be kept under stated storage conditions while maintaining its optimum safety and quality.

How does cooking affect the shelf life of food? ›

Preventing food spoilage

If raw food is cooked for a sufficient length of time, enzymes and most micro-organisms are destroyed. However, if cooked food is stored for any length of time, it can become re-contaminated by micro-organisms which will then start to cause deterioration.

What foods are cheaper to make at home? ›

"I Was Shocked At How Easy It Is": People Are Sharing Foods That Are Way Cheaper To Make At Home Than Buy In A Store
  • 2. " ...
  • 4. " ...
  • "Air fryer chicken wings. ...
  • "Greek yogurt." ...
  • "Espresso, if you ignore the sunk cost of the espresso machine." ...
  • "Most food is much cheaper at home. ...
  • "Spaghetti sauce.
Oct 7, 2023

What food is worth making at home? ›

31 Foods You Should Be Making From Scratch
  • Bread. Oxana Medvedeva/Getty Images. ...
  • Pasta sauce. Goskova Tatiana/Shutterstock. ...
  • Hummus. Arx0nt/Getty Images. ...
  • Smoothies. Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock. ...
  • Granola. Andrey Zhuravlev/Getty Images. ...
  • Salad dressing. Irigri8/Getty Images. ...
  • Pie crust. Erhan Inga/Shutterstock. ...
  • Breadcrumbs.
Jun 18, 2023

What is the oldest cooking method? ›

The oldest form of cooking is basically fire-roasting and, specifically, open fire cooking. The earliest forms of open-fired cooking would have consisted of placing food ingredients straight into a fire.

What was the name of the first American cookbook? ›

American Cookery, published by the “orphan” Amelia Simmons in 1796, was the first cookbook by an American to be published in the United States. Its 47 pages (in the first edition) contained fine recipes for roasts—stuffed goose, stuffed leg of veal, roast lamb. There were stews, too, and all manner of pies.

Who was the first person to make a cookbook? ›

The first recorded cookbook that is still in print today is Of Culinary Matters (originally, De Re Coquinaria), written by Apicius, in fourth century AD Rome. It contains more than 500 recipes, including many with Indian spices.

What is shelf food called? ›

Foods that can be safely stored at room temperature, or "on the shelf," are called "shelf stable." These non-perishable products include jerky, country hams, canned and bottled foods, rice, pasta, flour, sugar, spices, oils, and foods processed in aseptic or retort packages and other products that do not require ...

How are shelf-stable meals made? ›

Information. In order to be shelf stable, perishable food must be treated by heat and/or dried to destroy foodborne microorganisms that can cause illness or spoil food. Food can be packaged in sterile, airtight containers. All foods eventually spoil if not preserved.

What is the definition of shelf life in baking? ›

The Institute of Food Science and Technology defines shelf life as: “the time during which the food product will remain safe, is certain to retain desired sensory, chemical, physical and microbiological characteristics, and will comply with any label declarations of nutritional data when stored under the recommended ...

How do you make a food shelf? ›

One of the main ways to make food products shelf-stable is to use advanced processing methods that kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms, enzymes, and other factors that cause spoilage. Some of the most common methods are canning, drying, freezing, irradiation, high-pressure processing, and thermal processing.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.