What Is the Best Insulator: Air, Styrofoam, Foil or Cotton? - Activity (2024)

  • TeachEngineering
  • Activities
  • What Is the Best Insulator: Air, Styrofoam, Foil or Cotton?

Quick Look

Grade Level: 4 (3-5)

Time Required: 5 hours 15 minutes

(20-minute set-up, 150 minutes to freeze, 90 minutes to melt, 40-minute assessment)

Expendable Cost/Group: US $1.00

Group Size: 3

Activity Dependency: None

Subject Areas:Physical Science

NGSS Performance Expectations:


Quick Look What Is the Best Insulator: Air, Styrofoam, Foil or Cotton? - Activity (3)

Heat Transfer Energy

Grade Level:
4 (3 – 5)
Time Required:
5 hours 15 minutes

(20-minute set-up, 150 minutes to freeze, 90 minutes to melt, 40-minute assessment)

Group Size:
Subject Areas:

Physical Science

NGSS Performance Expectations:


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  • Summary
  • Engineering Connection
  • Learning Objectives
  • Materials List
  • Worksheets and Attachments
  • More Curriculum Like This
  • Introduction/Motivation
  • Procedure
  • Vocabulary/Definitions
  • Assessment
  • Investigating Questions
  • Activity Extensions


That heat flows from hot to cold is an unavoidable truth of life. People have put a lot of effort into stopping this natural physical behavior, however all they have been able to do is slow the process. Student teams investigate the properties of insulators in their attempts to keep cups of water from freezing, and once frozen, to keep them from melting.

This engineering curriculum aligns to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

What Is the Best Insulator: Air, Styrofoam, Foil or Cotton? - Activity (8)

Engineering Connection

Temperature regulation is important in many aspects of engineering. Packaging engineers design containers and systems to be able to reliably ship items at specific temperatures. Mechanical engineers make sure that working engines do not overheat, and electrical and computer engineers design electronics so that they do not overheat. Civil engineers specify the most suitable insulating materials for the climates where their structures reside. Temperature regulation applies an understanding of the principles of heat transfer, which is relevant in almost all engineering disciplines.

Learning Objectives

After this activity, students should be able to:

  • Explain what "insulate" means and its implications in keeping things cold or warm.
  • Conduct basic experimental processes.
  • Describe how natural materials differ from human-made materials in terms of insulation.

Educational Standards

Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards.

All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN), a project of D2L (www.achievementstandards.org).

In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g., by state; within source by type; e.g., science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc.

NGSS Performance Expectation

4-PS3-2. Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents. (Grade 4)

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This activity focuses on the following Three Dimensional Learning aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Make observations to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence for an explanation of a phenomenon or test a design solution.

Alignment agreement:

Energy can be moved from place to place by moving objects or through sound, light, or electric currents.

Alignment agreement:

Energy is present whenever there are moving objects, sound, light, or heat. When objects collide, energy can be transferred from one object to another, thereby changing their motion. In such collisions, some energy is typically also transferred to the surrounding air; as a result, the air gets heated and sound is produced.

Alignment agreement:

Light also transfers energy from place to place.

Alignment agreement:

Energy can also be transferred from place to place by electric currents, which can then be used locally to produce motion, sound, heat, or light. The currents may have been produced to begin with by transforming the energy of motion into electrical energy.

Alignment agreement:

Energy can be transferred in various ways and between objects.

Alignment agreement:

NGSS Performance Expectation

5-PS1-3. Make observations and measurements to identify materials based on their properties. (Grade 5)

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This activity focuses on the following Three Dimensional Learning aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Make observations and measurements to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence for an explanation of a phenomenon.

Alignment agreement:

Measurements of a variety of properties can be used to identify materials. (Boundary: At this grade level, mass and weight are not distinguished, and no attempt is made to define the unseen particles or explain the atomic-scale mechanism of evaporation and condensation.)

Alignment agreement:

Standard units are used to measure and describe physical quantities such as weight, time, temperature, and volume.

Alignment agreement:

Common Core State Standards - Math
  • Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram. (Grade 3) More Details

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  • Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step "how many more" and "how many less" problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. (Grade 3) More Details

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International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology
  • Identify and collect information about everyday problems that can be solved by technology, and generate ideas and requirements for solving a problem. (Grades 3 - 5) More Details

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  • Compare, contrast, and classify collected information in order to identify patterns. (Grades 3 - 5) More Details

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  • Describe the properties of different materials. (Grades 3 - 5) More Details

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  • Evaluate designs based on criteria, constraints, and standards. (Grades 3 - 5) More Details

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State Standards
Massachusetts - Math
  • Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram. (Grade 3) More Details

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  • Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step "how many more" and "how many less" problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. (Grade 3) More Details

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Massachusetts - Science
  • Identify materials used to accomplish a design task based on a specific property, e.g., strength, hardness, and flexibility. (Grades 3 - 5) More Details

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  • Give examples of how energy can be transferred from one form to another. (Grades 3 - 5) More Details

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  • Describe how water can be changed from one state to another by adding or taking away heat. (Grades 3 - 5) More Details

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Materials List

Each group needs:

  • 4 3 oz. plastic cups
  • 4 larger clear plastic cups
  • 3 Styrofoam cups
  • aluminum foil, 8½-in x 11-in piece
  • 20 cotton balls
  • teaspoon-sized spoon
  • 4 rubber bands
  • Data Chart, one per student, to be filled in during the experiment
  • Results Chart, one per student, to be filled in after the experiment

To share with the entire class:

  • pitcher of warm water
  • plastic wrap
  • baking pan
  • large book or magazine
  • freezer

Worksheets and Attachments

Data Chart (docx)

Data Chart (pdf)

Results Chart (docx)

Results Chart (pdf)

Rubric for Performance Assessment (docx)

Rubric for Performance Assessment (pdf)

Visit [www.teachengineering.org/activities/view/the_best_insulator] to print or download.


What Is the Best Insulator: Air, Styrofoam, Foil or Cotton? - Activity (9)

When you go to a summer picnic at a beach, in the mountains or at a lake, why do you put your cold drinks and ice in a cooler? What would happen if you put them in a backpack instead? (Listen to student ideas.) Yes, that's right, you would end up with a wet backpack and warm drinks. The cooler helps to keep the drinks cold because it acts as an insulator and slows the transfer of energy from one source to another, meaning it helps keeps the inside of the cooler cold and the heat out.

The opposite of an insulator is a conductor. What do you think a conductor does? (Listen to student ideas.) Yes, that's right, a conductor speeds up the transfer of energy from one source to another. You may have experienced this if you ever removed the lid to a pot cooking on the stove. A metal pot is a conductor and heats up quickly on the stove so that it cooks food or boils water faster. Just be careful before touching a metal pot because you could get burned.

What would happen if you designed a cooler using a material that acts as a conductor? Or a cooking pot with a material that acts as an insulator? (Listen to student ideas.)



Insulation helps keep cold things from warming up and warm things from cooling down. Insulators do this by slowing down the loss of heat from warm things and the gaining of heat by cool things. Plastics and rubber are usually good insulators. It is for this reason that electrical wires are coated to make them more safe to handle. Metals, on the other hand, usually make good conductors. In fact, copper is used in most electrical wires and circuit boards for this reason.

Before the Activity

  • Gather materials and make copies of the Data Chart and Results Chart, one each per student.
  • To minimize the time spent in the classroom, prepare the insulating materials (although students CAN do this!!).
  • Break up the foam cups into small pieces.
  • Tear the aluminum foil into pieces and loosely crunch up the pieces.
  • Pull the cotton balls apart a little and flatten them so that they resemble pancakes.

With the Students

  1. Present the Introduction/Motivation content. As a class, discuss what types of devices students have seen or used to keep things warm or cold. Talk about the materials from which they think these devices are made.
  2. Divide the class into groups of two to four students each.
  3. Have students examine the insulating materials they are going to be given and have groups make predictions about which they think will work best.
  4. Hand out the materials and blank charts to each group.
  5. Give each team its supply of three different insulating materials: Styrofoam, aluminum foil and cotton balls. Air is the fourth insulating material. Have students place enough of each insulating material in each large plastic cup so that it covers the bottom of the cup. Put nothing in the fourth large cup because air will serve as the insulator for that cup.
  6. Place a small 3 oz. cup in the center of each large cup.
  7. Have students fill the space between the cups with the same insulating material they used on the bottom.
  8. Place 3 teaspoons of warm tap water in each small cup.
  9. Have each group cover each of its large cups with plastic wrap held on by a rubber band.
  10. Place the cups in the freezer. Check the cups every 15 minutes to see which cup forms ice first. Record observations in the data chart. Keep checking until you see ice form in all four cups.
  11. Let the cups sit in the freezer until the ice is frozen solid in all cups.
  12. Remove the cups from the freezer and place them in a baking pan.
  13. Place a book or a magazine on top of the cups to keep them from tipping or floating.
  14. Pour very warm tap water into the pan.
  15. Have teams check their cups every few minutes to see which seems to be melting first, second, third and fourth. Record observations in the data chart.
  16. Conclude with a class discussion to share and compare results and findings. Ask the Investigating Questions. Use the attached rubric to gauge student accomplishments.


conductor: A substance or body that can allow electricity, heat or sound to pass through it.

conservation of energy: A physics principle that states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and that the total energy of a system by itself remains constant.

energy: The capacity for doing work; can be in many forms such as electrical, mechanical, chemical, sound, light and heat.

freeze: The process of changing from a liquid to a solid (as ice) by loss of heat.

heat: A form of energy that causes substances to rise in temperature or go through associated changes (melting, evaporation or expansion).

insulate: To prevent or slow the transfer of electricity, heat or sound from one environment to another.

insulator: A substance that resists the flow of heat, electricity or sound through it.

melt: The process of changing from a solid to a liquid state through heat gain.


Pre-Activity Prediction: Have students feel and examine the test insulating materials (Styrofoam, aluminum foil, cotton, air), and have groups make predictions about which they think will work best. Their predictions give some indication of their understanding of heat transfer and insulation concepts.

Embedded Assessment: Observe students during the experimental process. Evaluate their comprehension of the subject matter and activity engagement using the criteria provided in the Rubric for Performance Assessment, which considers their understanding of insulating materials and teamwork.

Homework: Ask students to write paragraph-long answers to the two following questions, to turn in the next day or share in a class discussion. Review their answers to gauge their comprehension of the activity content.

  • Would you rather have gloves made of fabric or aluminum foil? Explain your choice using what you know about the properties of heat transfer. (Example answer: Fabric gloves would keep my hands warmer than foil gloves because fabric insulates our bodies, slowing down the time it takes for our hands to become cold. On the other hand, metals speed up the transfer of heat so any warmth in my hands prior to putting on "aluminum gloves" would quickly escape through the foil, leaving me with very cold hands.)
  • List at least three different products, devices or structures for which engineers applied their understanding of heat transfer principles in designing systems or choosing materials for the purpose of temperature regulation. (Tip: Think what might be designed by packaging, mechanical, electrical, computer and civil engineers, maybe items you use every day for comfort, life-saving necessity and entertainment.) (Example answers: thermos beverage containers, ice cream cart coolers, refrigerated trucks to ship foods at specific temperatures, coolers used to store and transport donated blood and body parts to patients, insulating materials in house walls and roofs to keep the inside cool or warm, special materials and weaves of fabrics used for clothing designed for specific weather conditions, wires made of metal and coated in plastic, fans and the liquids in radiators to keep electronics and motors from overheating. Specific example: If the casing that surrounds a tablet computer or pocket computer was made of rubber, the device would become hot very fast, and too uncomfortable to hold.)

Graphing: Have each student create a bar graph of the time taken to freeze/melt water for each insulator used. Use data obtained from the Data Chart for the bar graph.

Investigating Questions

  • What does "insulate" mean?
  • What materials are used for insulation?
  • Which insulator was best at slowing down the loss of heat from the warm water? Which was the worst?
  • Did the results in the second half of the activity make sense with the results from the first half? Explain.
  • Which is best for insulating a cup of ice: Styrofoam, foil or cotton?

Activity Extensions

So students can experience first hand that foil is not a good insulator, extend the activity with this quick hands-on demonstration:

  • Have each student wrap a cup with aluminum foil and another cup with paper.
  • Pour ice water into the cups.
  • Have students hold the cups in their hands to judge which material is the best insulator.


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More Curriculum Like This

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Kessler, James H. and Andrea Bennett. The Best of WonderScience: Elementary Science Activities. Boston, MA: Delmar Publishers, 1997. pp 207, 210-211. ISBN: 0827380941


© 2013 by Regents of the University of Colorado; original © 2004 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Supporting Program

Center for Engineering Educational Outreach, Tufts University


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a National Science Foundation GK-12 grant. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsem*nt by the federal government.

Last modified: July 27, 2023

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What Is the Best Insulator: Air, Styrofoam, Foil or Cotton? - Activity (2024)


What material is the best insulator experiment? ›

To insulate something means to use a material that allows the least amount of heat to escape. Wool fibers are woven tightly together, and are much thicker than other materials, such as cotton. They don't allow much heat to escape, which means they are great insulators.

Which material is the best insulator responses? ›

The best insulator in the world right now is most probably aerogel, with silica aerogels having thermal conductivities of less than 0.03 W/m*K in atmosphere. of aerogel preventing ice from melting on a hot plate at 80 degrees Celsius! Aerogel has its amazing properties because it's mostly made out of air.

Which is the best insulator? ›

Whereas Ebonite is a very good material for insulators as it does not allow free flow of electrons and acts as a very good material for an insulator. Hence option C ebonite is the correct option.

Is Styrofoam a better insulator than aluminum foil? ›


I thought that the Styrofoam would be the clear winner. Instead the container with the aluminum foil had the most ice left at the end of the test. The Styrofoam came in second place, followed by the plastic and the container with no insulation.

Is foil a good insulator? ›

Aluminium is light, robust and durable. In addition, it has excellent insulation values. Aluminium foils work like mirrors. They reflect.

Is cotton a good insulator? ›

Conduction. Cotton is a great thermal insulator – as long as it's dry. Once wet, cotton becomes a poor insulator and does a poor job of preventing hypothermia-hence the old adage, “cotton kills”.

Is air a good insulator? ›

The greater the spacing between a material's molecules, the harder it is for heat to transfer through that material. Air is a good insulator because it is a gaseous substance, therefore its spread-out molecular configure resists heat transfer to some degree. Think of the last time you had a hot cup of coffee or tea.

Is styrofoam good insulation? ›

Is Styrofoam A Conductor Or Insulator? Styrofoam is an excellent insulator, not a conductor. This material conducts heat or electricity poorly because it is composed of 98% air.

What is a better insulator, paper, glass, plastic, or styrofoam? ›

Based on research, this experiment should show that the styrofoam cup will keep liquids hot the longest. If hot liquid is poured in a styrofoam cup, a plastic cup, and a paper cup, then the styrofoam cup will insulate the liquid the best causing the liquid to stay hot the longest.

What element is the best insulator? ›

  • They are much more stable in nature.
  • Silicon and Sulphur are the elements that act as good insulators.
  • Example: Diamond is made up of Carbon, connected with other four Carbon atoms.
  • Diamond is the best insulator as they do not have free electrons to move.

Which of the following is the best insulator and why? ›

Air is the best insulator compared to aluminum, copper, and silver. Metals are generally good conductors because of their free electrons, while air's lack of free electrons makes it a poor conductor and thus a great insulator.

What is the weakest insulator? ›

Metals and single-pane windows are among the worst heat insulators, while glass can be surprisingly inefficient as well.

Is air a better insulator than Styrofoam? ›

Q: Why is styrofoam a better insulator than air if styrofoam relies on having pockets of air to insulate? A: The tiny “pockets of air” are prevented from setting up convection currents that transfer the heat more quickly.

Is foil insulation enough? ›

Foil insulation is high performing product:

With foil insulation rolls, you'll achieve the same levels of efficiency in a considerably smaller profile as compared to traditional insulation products. Although it is about 3 to 5 times thinner than mineral wool rolls or slabs, it is just as effective, if not more.

What is the best material to keep things cold? ›

Good insulators are materials that do not conduct or transfer energy well and keep your ice from melting. Things like polystyrene, bubble wrap and cotton wool are good insulators. Materials that are good conductors transfer energy quickly. Metals are a good example of conductors.

How to test which material is the best insulator? ›

  1. First, sandwich the first type of insulation in between the plywood boards. ...
  2. Measure the width of the insulation. ...
  3. Next, measure the temperature on both sides of the board and record this as your temperature for minute 0. ...
  4. Use the hair dryer to heat the opposite side of the board for 3 minutes.

Which material would be best used as an insulator? ›

Fiberglass. Fiberglass consists of extremely fine glass fibers and is one of the most ubiquitous insulation materials. It's commonly used in many different forms of insulation: blanket (batts and rolls), loose-fill, and is also available as rigid boards and duct insulation.

What are the best materials for insulation? ›

The most common types of materials used for loose-fill insulation include cellulose, fiberglass, and mineral (rock or slag) wool. All of these materials are produced using recycled waste materials.

Which cup is the best insulator experiment? ›

The Styrofoam cup will be the best insulator and may also be the cheapest cup. It may not be biodegradable though and so might not be the best choice for the environment.

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