Which of the following is true about gametes? a. They are haploid. b. They are diploid. c. They develop throughout lifetime. d. They mature in puberty. e. They functionally mature in 64 days. f. They move extremely fast. | Homework.Study.com (2024)


Social sciences


Which of the following is true about gametes?

a. They are haploid.

b. They are diploid.

c. They develop throughout lifetime.

d. They mature in puberty.

e. They functionally mature in 64 days.

f. They move extremely fast.


The human body can be divided into two general cell types- somatic or germ cells. Somatic cells are all cells in the body besides gametes. Gametes are categorized as germ cells.

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The statement that is true about gametes is a. They are haploid. Haploid means that the cells have a single set of chromosomes. This is important...

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Which of the following is true about gametes? a. They are haploid. b. They are diploid. c. They develop throughout lifetime. d. They mature in puberty. e. They functionally mature in 64 days. f. They move extremely fast. | Homework.Study.com (1)

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Gametes | Definition, Formation & Examples


Chapter 6/ Lesson 17


Learn a gamete definition and what occurs during gamete formation. Also learn how to differentiate between gametes vs zygotes, plus see gametes examples.

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  • Somatic cells contain __________ chromosomes in humans. (a) A haploid set of (B) A diploid set of (C) 23 (D) 44 (E) X and Y
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  • How many chromosomes are present in primary oocytes?: A. 23 B. 46 C. Haploid D. None of these is correct.
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  • Pick all that are correct: A. Diploid cells \rightarrow Fusion \rightarrow Diploid cells. B. Diploid cells \rightarrow Mitosis \rightarrow Haploid cells. C. Diploid cells \rightarrow Meiosis \rightarrow Diploid cells. D. Diploid cells \rightarrow Mit
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  • The constancy of the chromosome number from one cell generation to the next is maintained through ________. (a) mitosis (b) meiosis (c) cytokinesis (d) DNA synthesis.
  • When do hom*ologous move apart to opposite sides of the cell? a. Prophase I and II. b. Metaphase I and II. c. Anaphase I and II. d. Telophase I and II. e. All of these.
  • The stage in a cell's life cycle in which the cell performs its normal functions and prepares for cell division is called a) Prophase b) Metaphase c) Interphase d) Telophase
  • Cytokinesis becomes visible right after or during the stage called: (a) Prophase (b) Metaphase (c) Anaphase (d) Telophase (e) Interphase
  • What is the number of chromosomes in a somatic cell? And how many chromosomes are there in a gamete (sex cell)?
  • During which phase of cell division, the chromosomes uncoil, the nuclear membrane forms, and cytokinesis occurs? a. Metaphase. b. Anaphase. c. Interphase. d. Prophase. e. Telophase.
  • What cell division is meiosis? Meiosis is also called _____ cell division.
  • Which of the following events would NOT take place if mitosis was stopped before the beginning of anaphase? a) Cleavage furrow formation. b) Sister chromatids migration to opposite poles. c) Shortening and condensing of chromatin into chromosomes. d)
  • Cytokinesis usually begins before __________ ends. A) telophase B) metaphase C) prophase D) anaphase E) interphase
  • Because of mitosis and cytoplasmic division, the resulting cells contain A) Identical chromosomes. B) Identical DNA information. C) Both identical chromosomes and DNA information. D) None of the above.
  • During mitosis, chromatids separate into daughter chromosomes during a. telophase. b. interphase. c. metaphase. d. anaphase. e. prophase.
  • The four haploid cells resulting from meiosis II but prior to spermiogenesis: ___
  • Fill in the blank: The process of meiosis produces ______.
  • Recombination usually happens during: A. Mitosis B. Melons C. Fusion D. Mitosis and meiosis
  • Which of the following options is correct? When an organism of many cells breaks up into two or more parts and these parts survive to produce a new organism, reproduction occurs by. a. budding b. fragmentation c. propagation c. multiple fission
  • In somatic cell division, a cell undergoes a nuclear division called 1. and a division of its cytoplasm called the cell cycle / cytokinesis meiosis / mitosis A. B. mitosis /cytokinesis prophase/cytoki 1 answer
  • The nuclear membrane characteristically disappears during _______. (a) interphase (b) prophase (c) anaphase (d) telophase (e) metaphase.
  • Which of the following options is correct? The solid ball of 16-32 cells that is formed after several rounds of cell division following fertilization is a. morula. b. chorion. c. gastrula. d. blastocyst. e. blastula.
  • During which phase of mitosis is the mitotic spindle developing? a) Prophase b) Metaphase c) Anaphase d) Telophase e) Prometaphase
  • Which of the following is NOT a characteristic function of a cell? A. reproduction and inheritance B. metabolism and energy use C. movement D. synthesis E. communication
  • When do hom*ologous chromosomes line up at the center of the cell? a. Early prophase I. b. Mid-Prophase I. c. Early Prophase II. d. Mid-Prophase II. e. Metaphase I.
  • Meiosis is necessary because: a. otherwise the fertilized ovum will have too much genetic material. b. otherwise the fertilized ovum will have too little genetic material. c. otherwise reproduction would have to be asexual. d. otherwise too many mutations
  • DNA is replicated during which phase of the cell cycle? a. anaphase b. G1 c. G2 d. S e. telophase
  • Which of the following shows the correct sequence of mitosis? A) Metaphase - telophase - anaphase - prophase. B) Prophase - anaphase - metaphase - telophase. C) Prophase - metaphase - anaphase - telophase. D) Metaphase - prophase - anaphase - telophase. E
  • A haploid cell has two harmful mutations, one on chromosome 1 and one on chromosome 2. The cell undergoes mitosis, yielding 2 cells. Row many of the harmful mutations does each cell have? A. 0 B. 2 C. Between 0 and 2 D. 4
  • At this point, the _ set of chromosomes from each gamete combine to produce a complete _ set. (2 answers) A. tail B. haploid C. acrosomal D. enzymatic E. head F. enzyme G. zona pellucida H. blocks I. diploid J. egg
  • Which stage of the cell cycle (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis, or phases of interphase Growth 0, Growth 1, Synthesis, Growth 2) matches the following description? Copied chromosomes condense.
  • DNA is replicated during what phase of the cell cycle? A. anaphase B. G1 C. G2 D. S E. telophase
  • Humans have ______ pairs of chromosomes in a somatic cell. a. 2 b. 4 c. 10 d. 23 e. 46.
  • The end result of mitosis is: a) Two diploid (46 chromosomes) cells identical to the parent cell. b) Two haploid (23 chromosomes) cells identical to the parrot cell. c) Sperm and egg cells. d) Two cells with twice as much DNA as the parent cell. e) One c
  • Chromatids line up on the equatorial plane during ______. (a) metaphase (b) prophase (c) interphase (d) telophase (e) anaphase.
  • Which of the following is true of the mitotic spindle? a. It is composed of actin and myosin microfilaments. b. It is composed of kinetochores at the metaphase plate. c. It is composed of microtubules, which help separate the chromosomes to opposite pole
  • The inner cell mass of a blastocyst becomes the embryo. If two inner cell mass form, what will be the result? (a) A single birth (b) An ectopic pregnancy (c) Identical twins (d) Paternal twins.
  • How many hom*ologous chromosome pairs are present in most human cells? a) 4 b) 18 c) 23 d) 46
  • _______ is when hom*ologous chromosomes separate independently or in a random manner. a) Ovulation. b) Independent Assortment. c) Spermatogenesis. d) Crossing over.
  • Reductive nuclear division is called: a. apoptosis b. blastogenesis c. cytokinesis d. meiosis e. mitosis.
  • Human ova and sperm are similar in that they _______. (a) are produced monthly in about the same number (b) are about the same size (c) have the same degree of motility (d) have the same number of chromosomes.
  • Which of the following options is correct? The inner cell mass of the blastocyst will A) form the placenta. B) form the morula. C) form the embryo. D) form blood vessels of the placenta. E) provide nutrients for early growth.
  • Which stage of the cell cycle (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis, or phases of interphase Growth 0, Growth 1, Synthesis, Growth 2) matches the following description? Copied chromosomes align in the middle of the cell.
  • Chromatin shortens and thickens, coiling into compact rods during _____ of mitosis. a. Telophase. b. Anaphase. c. Interphase. d. Prophase. e. Metaphase.
  • Which stage of the cell cycle (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis, or phases of interphase Growth 0, Growth 1, Synthesis, Growth 2) matches the following description? Separation of sister chromatids (copied chromosomes).
  • Choose the correct phrase. A. a polar body is also called a pronucleus B. polyspermy is not compatible with life C. the male polar body is inserted into the egg D. the fertilized egg undergoes meiosis E. mitosis II completes when fertilization occurs
  • Which of the following statements are true of human chromosomes? a. Human chromosomes are made of DNA, protein, and glucose. b. The total DNA in a cell is called the genome. c. The genetic code of DNA is the sequence of the bases in each chromosomes. d. I
  • During cellular division, the replication of DNA occurs __________. A) before mitosis and between meiosis I and meiosis II B) before mitosis, but it is not necessary for it to occur before either meiosis I or meiosis II C) before mitosis and meiosis I
  • When do hom*ologous chromosomes synapse to form tetrads? a. Early prophase I. b. Mid-Prophase I. c. Early Prophase II. d. Metaphase I. e. Metaphase II.
  • Contrast the following terms used to describe cells: a. somatic cells and germ cells; b. haploid cells and diploid cells; c. mitosis and meiosis.
  • Which of the following structures undergoes mitosis? a) Secondary spermatocyte b) Primary spermatocyte c) Spermatogonium d) Spermatid.
  • The human diploid number of chromosomes is: A. 23 B. 50 C.46 D.25
  • In the cell nucleus, we can stain chromatin during: a. Prophase b. Metaphase c. Anaphase d. interphase e. Telophase
  • Which of the following statements are true of human chromosomes? a. Human chromosomes are made up of DNA protein and glucose b. The total DNA in a cell is called the genome c. The generic code of DNA is the sequence of the bases in each chromosomes d. In
  • If an organism has a diploid chromosome number of 10, how many sister chromatids are present in a cell in prophase?
  • The DNA of the cell replicates itself during: a. prophase. b. telophase. c. interphase. d. metaphase.

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Which of the following is true about gametes? a. They are haploid. b. They are diploid. c. They develop throughout lifetime. d. They mature in puberty. e. They functionally mature in 64 days. f. They move extremely fast. | Homework.Study.com (2024)


Which of the following is true about gametes? a. They are haploid. b. They are diploid. c. They develop throughout lifetime. d. They mature in puberty. e. They functionally mature in 64 days. f. They move extremely fast. | Homework.Study.com? ›

The statement that is true about gametes is a. They are haploid. Haploid means that the cells have a single set of chromosomes. This is important because during reproduction, two gametes must come together to form a diploid cell, which has two sets of chromosomes.

Which of the following is true about gametes? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. The gametes are haploid in nature and consist of half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

Are gametes haploid or diploid? ›

Human gametes (egg and sperm cells) are haploid, containing 22 autosomes and one sex chromosome.

What is true about human gametes? ›

True statements about human gametes are that meiosis in ovaries produces haploid eggs, both eggs and sperm contribute 23 chromosomes to the zygote, and meiosis in testes produces haploid sperm.

Are gametes haploid True or false? ›

In humans, gametes are haploid cells that contain 23 chromosomes, each of which a one of a chromosome pair that exists in diplod cells. The number of chromosomes in a single set is represented as n, which is also called the haploid number. In humans, n = 23.

Which of the following describes gametes? ›

Gametes are an organism's reproductive cells. They are also referred to as sex cells. Female gametes are called ova or egg cells, and male gametes are called sperm. Gametes are haploid cells, and each cell carries only one copy of each chromosome.

What is the characteristic of a gamete? ›

gamete, sex, or reproductive, cell containing only one set of dissimilar chromosomes, or half the genetic material necessary to form a complete organism (i.e., haploid). Gametes are formed through meiosis (reduction division), in which a germ cell undergoes two fissions, resulting in the production of four gametes.

What is the main function of gametes? ›

The primary or the solitary job of gametes is to carry out fertilization in sexually reproducible organisms. During fertilization, a male gamete (sperm/spermatozoa) fuses with female gamete (egg/oocyte).

How are the gametes formed? ›

Gametes are formed through the process of meiosis in multicellular organisms. Gametes are formed in the reproductive organs through meiosis. During the process the gamete chromosomes are first duplicated, then the cells divide twice, producing cells that have one set of chromosomes, called haploid.

Are the gametes haploid and the offspring diploid? ›

A haploid cell is a cell which contains a single set of chromosomes while a diploid cell contains a two sets of chromosomes. Gametes are haploid because in sexual reproduction two individuals combine their genetic material to produce diploid offspring. Gametes are the cells used in sexual reproduction.

What is correct about gametes? ›

A gamete is a reproductive cell of an animal or plant. Gametes (germ cells) are produced in the gonads. In animals, female gametes are called ova or egg cells, and male gametes are called sperm. Ova and sperm are haploid cells, with each cell carrying only one copy of each chromosome.

Are gametes genetic? ›

Your genome is inherited from your parents, half from your mother and half from your father. The gametes are formed during a process called meiosis. Like your genome, each gamete is unique, which explains why siblings from the same parents do not look the same.

What is unique about gametes? ›

Differences between gametes and somatic cells

In contrast to a gamete, which has only one set of chromosomes, a diploid somatic cell has two sets of hom*ologous chromosomes, one of which is a copy of the chromosome set from the sperm and one a copy of the chromosome set from the egg cell.

Which of the following are true of gametes? ›

The statement that is true about gametes is a. They are haploid. Haploid means that the cells have a single set of chromosomes. This is important because during reproduction, two gametes must come together to form a diploid cell, which has two sets of chromosomes.

What if gametes were diploid? ›

If the gametes of the male and female had been diploid then the zygote formed after fusion would have double the chromosomes of the gamete. This means the zygote would have ninety-two chromosomes. In other words, it would be tetraploid.

Which of the following is haploid gametes? ›

Haploid cells have only one set of chromosomes, unlike diploid cells, which have two sets of chromosomes. Haploid cells are formed by meiotic cell division. Both sperm and ovum are haploid cells and are also called gametes.

Which of the following best describes a gamete? ›

The answer would be C. A haploid cell. Gametes are haploid cells made by meiosis.

What is a gamete quizlet? ›

Gametes are reproductive cells (sex cells) that unite during sexual reproduction to form a new cell called a zygote. Gametes are produced by a type of cell division called meiosis. They are haploid, meaning that they contain only one set of chromosomes.

Which of the following correctly defines a gamete? ›

Definition of Gamete

A gamete is the mature reproductive or sex cell that contains a haploid number of chromosomes (i.e., 50% of the genetic material or only one set of dissimilar chromosomes) and is capable of fusing with another haploid reproductive cell to form a diploid zygote.

What is not true about gametes? ›

Answer The statement that is NOT true about gametes is: They are genetically identical to other gametes formed during meiosis.

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