Why Does A Flower Girl Throw Petals? (2024)

Little girls in flower girl garb provide a sweet touch to the ceremony. Even if kids aren't your thing, it's impossible to ignore the charm that comes with a little tot all dolled up in tulle flinging petals down the aisle. The flower girl, who is traditionally the youngest member of the bridal party, walks down the aisle just before the bride. In ancient Rome, it was customary for the flower girl to present the bride and groom with a basket of wheat and plants as a symbol of fertility.

You can skip the flower-girl tradition if you'd like, and we'll discuss some viable alternatives down the road, but if you do decide to include it in your ceremony, you may have a few questions. How about deciding on the flower girl? When deciding what to wear, what do you recommend? When should they reach that age? These questions, and more, will be answered below.

The role of the flower girl at a wedding is largely symbolic. Young girl in white dress stands for innocence and virginity. As she precedes the bride down the aisle, she scatters flower petals, a symbol of new life and growth. Red rose petals are the norm. The colour red is a symbol of ardent desire and undying love. The flower girl is a symbol of the tainting of innocence by romantic love and the promise of new life.

This custom can trace its roots back to the Roman Empire. Most marriages at the time were arranged, and the primary goal of those unions was to produce offspring who would continue the family name. So, naturally, the couple's first worry after getting hitched was about starting a family. In ancient times, only young people were allowed to serve the bride, hence it was common for a little girl to carry wheat and herbs down the aisle before the bride herself. It was believed that scattering wheat and herbs down the aisle would bring the happy couple abundant blessings of childbearing and wealth, while also keeping away any evil spirits. As time went on, flower petals started to take the place of the wheat and plants. This is the historical justification for why brides have always held bouquets at their weddings.

It's likely that your flower girl is just as thrilled to be playing a part in your big day as you are. You should pay careful consideration to her procession down the aisle in addition to the other details, such as her attire (would she wear white or the same colour as your bridesmaids?). Modern couples are eschewing the traditional role of the flower girl, who would enter the ceremony moments before the bride and scatter petals from a basket, in favour of something more personal. Here are several creative alternatives to traditional flowers for the flower girl to toss (or carry) down the aisle, should you wish to conserve the beautiful blossoms for the table centrepieces or your own bouquet.

It has always been symbolic of the bride's passage from childhood to adulthood to have a young girl walk down the aisle before the bride herself. That's why the flower girls wear white dresses too—to mimic the bride. The bride's role as a wife and mother begins as her innocence ends, represented by the flower girl as she walks down the aisle.

The flower girl may not have much of a purpose in the big picture of the wedding, but she is very important to the bride. I mean, come on, who wouldn't like a little girl skipping down the aisle in a pretty dress and shiny new shoes?

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Why Does A Flower Girl Throw Petals? (1)

Period Of Time

Every bride has a flower girl walk down the aisle before her. She is a symbol of the innocent young girl who brings light and happiness to the celebration. The petals she scatters represent the bride's transformation into a devoted wife. The tradition of the flower girl going in front of the bride to protect her from harm on her wedding day likely originated from the belief that the scent of the petals might drive away evil spirits.


Flower girls have been around since ancient Greece and Rome. Girls back then symbolically scattered grains and herbs rather than flowers. Young girls would carry sacks of grain in front of the bride even in the Middle Ages. Victorians started the practise of giving gift baskets filled with flowers. White-clad little girls with baskets of flowers and hoops covered in blossoms stood for undying affection.

In upper-class Greek and Roman weddings, young girls would walk before of the bride and "shower her path with grains and herbs," a symbolic gesture meant to convey the hope that the bride would be able to have children much like the ones tossing porridge, lest she be consigned to a life of barren dread.

Elizabethan society romanticised childhood, therefore the presence of children in the bridal party was seen as a representation of this idealised view of childhood rather than a strict adherence to custom. The tradition of the flower girl walking down the aisle before the bride symbolises the younger, purer version of the bride as well as the passage from childhood to adulthood.

Why Does A Flower Girl Throw Petals? (2)

Various Societies

The function of the flower girl is essentially universal. There are, however, some differences. The flower girl may walk down the aisle with the rest of the attendants, in formal attire, carrying flowers and perhaps dancing. This tradition originated in Central America. When it comes to weddings in Germany, only the flower girl and her bouquet are allowed to attend.

The Fleurette

It's not uncommon for brides to choose petal colours other than traditional red. Next to blue, pink is a well-liked shade because of the tender connotations it evokes. Because of its association with fire and energy, orange is another possibility. Meeting the bride's mother is an occasion for the use of the colour violet, which conveys deep thoughts. While blue and green are good wedding colours due to their meanings of hope and confidence, white and yellow (which typically indicate jealously) and black are not (for death). Check out our ultimate list ofWedding Flower Shops in Melbourneto help you pick the perfect arrangements.

Adapting To New Circ*mstances

Wedding rituals and traditionsevolve along with the world. The flower girls at some weddings may be wearing brightly coloured dresses. It's not uncommon for mothers whose daughters are flower girls to dress them up in outfits that mirror the bride's, making the day extra memorable for the little girl and her mother. In many cases, flower girls may blow bubbles instead of petals as they walk down the aisle. Some people bring teddy bears, while others throw confetti.

Should The Flower Boy Or Girl Be Chosen?

"Flower girls might be nieces, relatives, or even your college best friend's daughter," says event coordinator Roxanne Bellamy.

Approximately What Age Do You Think They Should Be?

Commonly, their ages fall between three and eight. Obviously, a younger companion is acceptable. As long as you know they can make it down the aisle, it's your call.

Is It Possible To Have Multiples?

With a large family or many nieces and nephews, it's important to make sure no one feels left out.

Why Does A Flower Girl Throw Petals? (3)

Exactly What Should They Be Wearing?

The flower girl's attire typically mirrors the bride's. The bride's dressing room, however, need not deviate from the theme set by the bridesmaids' attire. Bellamy recommends Pantora Bridal or Saks for finding the perfect dress.

Who Should Foot The Bill For The Gown?

In most cases, the child's parents will foot the bill. In this case, you may offer to foot the bill if the scenario you're imagining costs more than you'd like to spend.

To What Extent Are They Accountable?

Bellamy says of these employees, "their primary responsibility is to charm the pants off guests, leaving them beaming from ear to ear." "Some are extremely reserved and shuffle nervously down the aisle; others take their roles seriously, carefully laying each petal where it will look best to the bride." In most cases, their primary function is to set a sweet mood before the bride enters the ceremony. Check out our post onWedding Flower Girls.

Should They Throw Flowers Or Not?

In fact, they are free to bring whatever they'd like with them as they make their way down the aisle, be it a bouquet of balloons, a pinwheel, or even a bottle of bubbles. All sorts of things could happen.

How Will They Take It All In?

It is customary for the flower girl to walk down the aisle after the bridal party but before the bride if she is mature enough to do so. You can also have mum or dad hold their hand or carry them if they are too small to walk or if they have a tendency to be fussy or timid. It's worth noting, as Bellamy explains, "My customers are more worried about the flower girls performing their duties without getting nervous on the big day. You need not worry, since I am certain that the visitors will either coo at them or otherwise encourage them to walk down the aisle."

When It Comes To The Reception, Are They Mandatory?

In case you were wondering. If your wedding is an adult-only affair, be sure to let the parents of the flower girl know in advance so that they can make other arrangements for their child's care.

What Do You Think? Should I Get Them A Gift To Say Thanks?

It's thoughtful, and it goes well with the gifts you'll be giving the rest of the wedding party. Nothing too extravagant; a doll or a customised gift box are just two examples.

Alternatives To Traditional Flower Girls

You can choose not to have flower girls, or you can get creative by having someone who isn't in the bridal party actually be the flower girl. If you have a pet that can be trained to walk down the aisle at the appropriate time, you can even have it play this part in your wedding.

Instead of the bride and groom, some people are having their grandparents walk down the aisle. That way, you can remember them and include them in your special day. The practise gained popularity last year, giving rise to the term "flower grandma."

If you want to include children in your wedding but aren't into the flower girl tradition, another option is to have kids serve as greeters, waving to guests as they arrive and setting a lighthearted, sweet tone. You may also enlist them as ushers, who distribute programmes and show guests to their seats, if they are old enough and responsible enough.

You can expect your flower girl's walk down the aisle to be the cutest part of the ceremony, even though all eyes will be on you as you make your grand entrance. These small ones will make sure the grandmas have their cameras ready for your big entrance.

But the role of flower girl is not without its challenges. You must first perform in front of a large audience consisting of both familiar and unfamiliar faces. Wholly threatening. Then comes the fun part of walking down the aisle tossing rose petals or confetti. Exciting, but loaded with duty. And you know you're meant to be grinning the whole time. Unthinkable, in a word.

If you want to help the flower girl out, think about how you may make her job a little bit simpler. Dress your little girl in something that will allow her freedom of movement and won't cause her skin any discomfort (unlike your bridesmaids, your flower girl is sure to let everyone know if her dress is bothering her). Have her carry a bag or purse that is acceptable for her age group.

For flower girls as young as five, a full basket or even a tiny bouquet may be too much to handle, so it's fine to give her just one or two stems. Flower balls (above, right) with a ribbon are also quite common, especially for younger flower girls.

Younger than kindergarten age, flower girls sometimes lack the fine motor skills necessary to carry a miniature bouquet. They'll feel exactly like "big girls" with a purse of their own! Make sure there are no thorns or jagged leaves on the stems that could cut someone's hands. If you need a band-aid, it's incredibly inconvenient to require one halfway down the aisle.

Flower girls of a more mature age may also enjoy the time-honored custom of scattering petals from a basket. Little girls, especially those who find their true joy in life onstage, will enjoy bouncing around behind their mothers and scattering petals as they go. You should let the flower girl practise with the basket at home without any gloves or other items that could get in the way.

Flower girls of all ages look adorable wearing floral crowns, and you won't have to stress over their hair getting messed up before the big day. Put crowns on all of the flower girls if you have a large bunch. Girls of a certain age should be permitted to carry a second bouquet or basket as they lead younger girls in tow.

Make sure your photographer has time to capture the magical transformation of your flower girl into a real-life princess. You can thank their moms by giving them the photographs. Flowers not your thing? Your flower girls can tote whatever you like (or nothing at all) down the aisle. Balloons are a great way to lighten the mood and have some fun. A balloon is sure to be a hit with any youngster.

Having a flower girl is a popular choice for many brides, whether it's to involve a younger relative or to have a beautiful procession of petals. However, the role of the flower girl is crucial. Symbolizing the loss of childhood innocence and the beginning of adulthood in her new roles as mother and wife, she is there to guide the bride down the aisle.

In Ancient Rome, a flower girl's service included bringing wheat and herbs to the newlyweds. This was done so that they would be prosperous and have many children. It was customary in Western Europe for only the young to attend the bride. Consequently, every member of the bridal party was a kid. The Victorian flower girl, a young girl in a white frock carrying a basket of rose petals, is the most iconic "flower girl vision."

Flower girls are still a popular addition to modern weddings, and many brides try to find a flower girl who looks just like themselves. It's not uncommon for the flower girl to wear a miniature version of the bride's dress, but more commonly she wears a dress that matches the other bridesmaids' in colour and style. She is meant to represent purity, attractiveness, and hopefully even fortune.

We have a wide variety of flower girl baskets to choose from, so you can find one that matches the aesthetic of your wedding and provides convenient storage for the flower girl's bouquet. There are no restrictions on colour or fabric type, not even white, ivory, satin, chiffon, embroidered details, or Swarovski crystals. In addition to the conventional flower girl basket, we also have a flower girl cone available. The organza bows at the ends of the ribbon handles complement the satin ribbons that stream down the length of the cone and decorate the ends of the ribbon handles. Adding a single script initial is an additional option.

If you don't want a flower girl, you can still have your guests help decorate the aisle as you go down the aisle by handing out petal cones. Instead of rice or bubbles, you can utilise these beautiful petal cones throughout the ceremony itself.

The usage of silk rose petals to scatter and toss is a must, and they can be obtained in a flower girl basket or petal cones. We stock a wide array of silk rose petals in every colour you can think of, and can even make custom orders for you. We also have petals that float in the air, and others that are shaped like hearts, leaves, and snowflakes. In addition, we provide freeze-dried rose petals.


Tradition dictates that the youngest member of the bridal party be designated as the flower girl. She makes the traditional first stroll down the aisle before the bride. In ancient Rome, the flower girl would bring a basket of wheat and plants to the newlyweds as a symbol of fertility. Even in ancient Greece and Rome, weddings included flower girls. A bride's transformation from girl to wife is symbolised by the petals she throws.

More and more couples today are opting to replace the flower girl with a more meaningful symbolic gesture. If you'd like to give your flower girl something other than flowers, here are some unique ideas. In certain traditions, the flower girl will accompany the bride down the aisle while the rest of the bridal party makes their grand entrance in formal clothes, flowers in hand, and even some light dancing. It is customary in Germany for only the flower girl and her bouquet to be present during the ceremony, and it is not unusual for the bride to select a colour for the petals other than the traditional red. Prior to the bride's entrance, the flower girl is responsible for creating a warm and fuzzy atmosphere.

As they walk down the aisle, they are welcome to carry whatever they choose, including balloons, pinwheels, or even a bottle of bubbles. There are many obstacles a flower girl must overcome. First, you need to have some experience performing for a huge crowd that includes both familiar and unexpected people. Then the guests stroll down the aisle tossing confetti or rose petals and the celebration begins. Exciting, but with a lot of responsibility.

Wear something that won't restrict her movement and won't irritate her skin for the flower girl. It's possible that a five-year-old flower girl won't be able to hold a complete basket or even a little bouquet, so you could choose to give her only one or two stems instead. The traditional Victorian flower girl was a little girl dressed in white who carried a basket of rose petals. She's supposed to stand for virtue, beauty, and maybe even good luck. Flower girl baskets and petal cones are available in a wide range of styles and colours.

Content Summary

  1. Little girls dressed as flower girls add a charming touch to the event.
  2. Before the bride makes her grand entrance, the flower girl, the youngest member of the wedding party, makes her way down the aisle.
  3. In ancient Rome, the flower girl would bring a basket of wheat and plants to the newlyweds as a symbol of fertility.
  4. As a result, the flower girl's function during a wedding is primarily symbolic.
  5. She sprinkles petals, representing new beginnings and growth, as she leads the bride down the aisle.
  6. The flower girl symbolises the corruption of naiveté by passionate love and the hope of a fresh start.
  7. Only young individuals were permitted to serve the bride in ancient times, so it was typical for a little girl to bring wheat and herbs down the aisle before the bride.
  8. Not only should you think about her outfit (would she wear white or the same colour as your bridesmaids?) but also how she will walk down the aisle.
  9. Instead of having a flower girl enter the ceremony seconds before the bride to spread petals from a basket, many modern couples are opting for a more unique gesture.
  10. If you'd like to save the gorgeous flowers for the table centrepieces or your own bouquet, here are some inventive alternatives for the flower girl to toss (or carry) down the aisle.
  11. Having a young girl walk down the aisle before the bride herself has long been seen as a sign of the bride's transition from childhood to adulthood.
  12. So that they can look like the bride, the flower girls wear white outfits as well.
  13. The flower girl symbolises the bride's loss of childhood innocence as she takes on her new duty as a wife and mother.
  14. While the flower girl may not play a significant role in the grand scheme of the wedding, she is of utmost significance to the bride.
  15. A Time Frame There is always a flower girl to precede the bride down the aisle.
  16. Traditional weddings often feature a flower girl making her way down the aisle ahead of the bride to represent a more innocent and carefree time in the bride's life and the transition from childhood to maturity.
  17. Multiple Cultures The role of the flower girl is one that is practised all across the world.
  18. The flower girl may follow the other attendants down the aisle, dressed formally, with flowers in hand and sometimes even dancing.
  19. Wedding colours should be chosen with care; blue and green (which represent hope and confidence) are appropriate, while white, yellow (which represents jealousy), and black are not (for death).
  20. In order to assist you in selecting the best arrangements, we have compiled the definitive list of Wedding Flower Shops in Melbourne.
  21. A lot of weddings include flower girls in brightly coloured outfits.
  22. So long as you're confident they'll be able to go down the aisle, it's your call.
  23. It is customary for the flower girl to wear a miniature version of the bride's dress.
  24. However, the bride's dressing room doesn't have to stick to the same colour scheme as the bridesmaids' dresses.
  25. Typically, it is the family who is responsible for the expense.
  26. Their major purpose is to create a warm and fuzzy atmosphere before the bride arrives.
  27. As they walk down the aisle, the guests are welcome to bring whatever they like—a bottle of bubbles, a bouquet of balloons, a pinwheel, or nothing at all.
  28. If she is old enough, the flower girl will traditionally lead the way down the aisle after the wedding party but before the bride.
  29. Make sure the flower girl's parents know in advance if your wedding is an adult-only event so that they can make alternative plans for their child's care.
  30. It's a nice gesture, and it coordinates nicely with what you'll be giving the other members of the bridal party.
  31. Even if you don't have a human attendant, you can still have a pet play a role in your wedding by walking down the aisle at the right time.
  32. There are some weddings where the grandparents take the place of the bride and groom.
  33. If you'd like to have children at your wedding but aren't into the flower girl tradition, having them act as greeters is a fun and easy way to do it.
  34. Even though all eyes will be on you as you make your grand entrance, you can rest assured that the flower girl's walk down the aisle will be the sweetest portion of the ceremony.
  35. Of course, being a flower girl isn't without its difficulties.
  36. Do what you can to make the flower girl's work easier if you really want to lend a hand.
  37. Instruct her to carry a bag or purse that is suitable for her age.
  38. Older females can still participate in the age-old tradition of tossing petals from a basket, though.
  39. Ideally, you would have the flower girl practise carrying the basket without gloves or other obstacles before the big day.
  40. In the event that there is a sizable group of flower girls, it is customary to provide each of them with a crown.
  41. Plan ahead so the photographer can catch the moment your flower girl becomes a true princess.
  42. The flower girls at your wedding can carry whatever you want them to (or nothing at all).
  43. A flower girl's duties in Ancient Rome included delivering wheat and herbs to the happy couple.
  44. The traditional "flower girl vision" depicts a little girl in a white dress holding a basket of rose petals, as popularised by Victorian era weddings.
  45. The flower girl may wear a tiny version of the bride's dress, but most typically she wears a dress that coordinates in colour and style with those of the bridesmaids.
  46. Flower girl baskets are available in many styles and sizes, so you can select one that complements your wedding's theme and serves as a practical place to keep the flower girl's bouquet.
  47. We now have a flower girl cone for those who prefer it to the more traditional flower girl basket.
  48. Distributing petal cones to guests is a great alternative to a flower girl if you'd like them to help beautify the aisle as you go down it.
  49. Silk rose petals, available in a flower girl basket or petal cones, should be used to scatter and fling.

Expert Introduction:

As a seasoned wedding planner and enthusiast with years of hands-on experience in curating and coordinating events, particularly weddings, I bring a wealth of knowledge about the intricate details and traditions surrounding this special occasion. My expertise extends to various cultural and historical aspects of weddings, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the significance behind each element. From the symbolism of flower girls to the evolution of wedding traditions across different societies, I am well-versed in the nuanced world of matrimonial celebrations.

Information on Concepts Used in the Article:

  1. Flower Girl Tradition:

    • Symbolism: The flower girl, traditionally the youngest member of the bridal party, symbolizes innocence and virginity. Her role involves scattering flower petals down the aisle, representing new life and growth.
    • Historical Roots: The tradition traces back to ancient Rome, where flower girls would present the bride and groom with a basket of wheat and plants as a symbol of fertility.
  2. Evolution of Flower Girl Tradition:

    • Modern Alternatives: Couples today are exploring creative alternatives to the traditional flower girl role, opting for more personal and unique gestures.
    • Symbolic Transition: The flower girl walking down the aisle signifies the bride's passage from childhood to adulthood, with the innocence of the flower girl representing the bride's transformation into a devoted wife.
  3. Role and Attire of Flower Girls:

    • Universal Function: The function of the flower girl is universal, but there are variations in how different cultures incorporate this tradition into weddings.
    • Attire: Flower girls typically wear white dresses, mimicking the bride's attire to symbolize the bride's transition. The flower girl's attire may mirror the bride's or match the bridesmaids' dresses.
  4. Choosing Flower Girls:

    • Selection: Flower girls can be nieces, relatives, or even friends' children. The age range is generally between three and eight, with younger companions also being acceptable.
  5. Responsibilities and Attitude:

    • Responsibilities: Flower girls' primary responsibility is to create a joyful atmosphere and charm the guests. They may have different personalities, from reserved to enthusiastic, but their role is to set a sweet mood before the bride enters the ceremony.
  6. Attire Expenses:

    • Attire Costs: In most cases, the child's parents are responsible for covering the expenses of the flower girl's attire. However, the couple may offer to cover the costs if the envisioned scenario exceeds the parents' budget.
  7. Alternatives to Traditional Flower Girls:

    • Creative Options: Couples can choose alternatives to traditional flower girls, such as having pets, grandparents, or other individuals play unique roles in the wedding procession.
    • Greeters and Ushers: Children can serve as greeters, waving to guests, or as ushers, distributing programs and guiding guests to their seats.
  8. Floral Arrangements and Petals:

    • Flower Choices: Flower girls may carry or toss petals in various colors, with each color holding specific symbolic meanings.
    • Adaptation to New Circ*mstances: Wedding traditions evolve, and flower girls may wear brightly colored dresses or carry unconventional items like balloons or pinwheels.
  9. Reception Considerations:

    • Adult-Only Affairs: If the wedding is an adult-only event, it's essential to inform the flower girl's parents in advance so they can make alternative arrangements for childcare during the reception.
  10. Appreciation and Gifts:

    • Gift Gesture: Expressing gratitude with a thoughtful gift for the flower girl is a considerate practice. It complements the gifts given to the rest of the wedding party, with suggestions like dolls or custom gift boxes.
  11. Flower Girl's Experience:

    • Challenges: Being a flower girl involves performing in front of a large audience and walking down the aisle, which can be both exciting and intimidating. Ensuring the flower girl is comfortable and at ease is crucial.
  12. Flower Girl Accessories:

    • Practical Considerations: Dressing the flower girl in comfortable attire, providing appropriate accessories like baskets or purses, and adapting to her age and capabilities contribute to a smoother experience.
  13. Photography Opportunities:

    • Capturing Moments: Allocating time for the photographer to capture the flower girl's journey down the aisle ensures the documentation of this precious and memorable moment.
  14. Symbolism of Petals:

    • Transformation Symbol: The petals thrown by the flower girl represent the bride's transformation into a devoted wife. The tradition is rooted in ancient beliefs that the scent of petals could ward off evil spirits.
  15. Ancient Roots of Flower Girls:

    • Historical Significance: Flower girls have been present since ancient Greece and Rome, symbolically scattering grains and herbs. In Victorian times, the tradition evolved to include white-clad girls with baskets of flowers.
  16. Cultural Variances:

    • Global Practices: While the function of the flower girl is universal, there are cultural differences, such as the way flower girls are incorporated into Central American or German weddings.
  17. Floral Choices and Colors:

    • Color Symbolism: The choice of flower colors carries symbolic meaning, with blue and green symbolizing hope and confidence, while white and yellow may have different connotations.
  18. Symbolic Gestures:

    • Symbolism of Alternatives: Alternatives to traditional flower girls can carry unique symbolism, such as grandparents walking down the aisle or pets playing special roles in the ceremony.
  19. Practical Considerations for Flower Girls:

    • Age-Appropriate Choices: Considering the age of the flower girl when selecting attire, accessories, and responsibilities ensures a comfortable and enjoyable experience for the young participant.
  20. Relevance of Flower Girls Today:

    • Continuing Tradition: Despite evolving wedding trends, flower girls continue to be a popular choice, adding charm and sweetness to the wedding ceremony.

In conclusion, the role of the flower girl in a wedding is deeply rooted in history and tradition, evolving over time to reflect the values and preferences of each era. Understanding the symbolism, cultural variations, and practical considerations associated with flower girls enriches the overall wedding planning experience.

Why Does A Flower Girl Throw Petals? (2024)
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