Why Is Jackfruit Good for You? Nutrition, Benefits and How To Eat It (2024)

The tropical fruit jackfruit is bursting with flavor and nutrients. It contains more protein than similar fruits, and some of nearly every vitamin and mineral you need.

Jackfruit is a unique tropical fruit that has increased in popularity in recent years.

It has a distinctive sweet flavor and can be used to make a wide variety of dishes. It’s also very nutritious and may have several health benefits.

This article will discuss the advantages of adding jackfruit to your diet.

What Is Jackfruit?

Why Is Jackfruit Good for You? Nutrition, Benefits and How To Eat It (1)Share on Pinterest

Jackfruit is an exotic fruit grown in tropical regions of the world. It is native to South India.

It is part of the Moraceae plant family, which also includes fig, mulberry and breadfruit. Jackfruit has a spiky outer skin and is green or yellow in color.

One unique aspect of jackfruit is its unusually large size. It is the largest tree fruit in the world and can reach up to 80 pounds (35 kg) in weight.

Jackfruit has a subtle sweet and fruity flavor. It has been said to taste similar to a combination of fruits, including apples, pineapples, mangoes and bananas.

Vegans and vegetarians often use this fruit as a meat substitute due to its texture, which is comparable to shredded meat.

Since jackfruit is able to withstand tropical climates, it can be a major source of calories and carbs for people in developing countries who are at risk of starvation (1, 2).

Although jackfruit is grown in tropical areas, it is becoming more widely available in other parts of the world, including the US. It is in season during the summer.

The most commonly consumed part of jackfruit is the flesh, or fruit pods, which are edible both when ripe and unripe. It can be used in sweet and savory dishes, including desserts and curries. The seeds are also safe to eat.

Jackfruit is an exotic tropical fruit with a subtle sweet flavor that is
consumed in many parts of the world. It can be eaten in a variety of ways.

Jackfruit Is Packed With Nutrients

Jackfruit has an impressive nutrition profile.

It contains a moderate amount of calories, providing 155 in a one-cup (165-gram) serving. Approximately 92% of the calories come from carbs, while the rest come from protein and a small amount of fat (3).

Furthermore, jackfruit contains some of almost every vitamin and mineral that you need, as well as a decent amount of fiber (3).

One cup of sliced fruit provides the following nutrients (3):

  • Calories: 155
  • Carbs: 40 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Protein: 3 grams
  • Vitamin A: 10% of the RDI
  • Vitamin C: 18% of the RDI
  • Riboflavin: 11% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 15% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 14% of the RDI
  • Copper: 15% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 16% of the RDI

What makes jackfruit unique from other fruits is its protein content. It provides more than 3 grams of protein per cup, compared to 0–1 grams in other similar types of fruit, such as apples and mangoes (3, 4, 5).

Jackfruit is also rich in several types of antioxidants, which are likely responsible for the majority of its health benefits (6).

Jackfruit is quite healthy. It provides a moderate amount of calories in
addition to lots of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

It May Benefit Blood Sugar Control

Jackfruit has several properties that may help with blood sugar management.

It has a fairly low glycemic index (GI), which is a measure of how quickly your blood sugar rises after eating a food. This has been attributed to the fiber it provides, which slows digestion and helps prevent blood sugar spikes (7, 8).

Diets that include lots of low-GI foods have been shown to be helpful for promoting blood sugar control (7).

Moreover, jackfruit provides some protein, which may help prevent blood sugar levels from rising too quickly after a meal (9).

In one study, adults who consumed jackfruit extract were found to have significantly improved blood sugar levels (10).

Additionally, a study of diabetic mice found that jackfruit leaf extract helped reduce fasting blood sugar levels and provided long-term blood sugar control (11).

These effects were attributed to jackfruit’s content of flavonoid antioxidants, which are known for their ability to promote balanced blood sugar levels (12, 13).

Although the results from these studies are promising, more studies of people eating fresh jackfruit are necessary to confirm these potential benefits.

Summary Jackfruit
has a low glycemic index and provides some fiber, protein and antioxidants, all
of which may promote better blood sugar control.

It May Protect Against Disease

Jackfruit is high in a few powerful antioxidants that provide various health benefits, including a reduced risk of several diseases.

Antioxidants protect your cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, which often result from damage caused by molecules called free radicals (14).

Here’s an overview of the antioxidants that are most abundant in jackfruit:

  • Vitamin
    Jackfruit contains high amounts of vitamin C, which may
    help prevent the inflammation that can lead to chronic diseases like heart
    disease and cancer (3,
  • Carotenoids: Carotenoids have been shown to help lower inflammation
    and reduce the risk of various chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes
    and heart disease (6,
  • Flavanones: Flavanones contain anti-inflammatory properties that may
    help lower blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels — important
    factors in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease (13, 19,

Summary Jackfruit
contains a variety of antioxidants that may be helpful for preventing the
development of several chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Other Potential Health Benefits

Jackfruit is said to have several other health benefits that have not been studied specifically.

  • Immune
    Jackfruit’s content of immune-boosting
    vitamins A and C may help prevent illnesses. Eating this fruit is also
    claimed to be helpful for reducing the risk of viral infections (18).
  • Preventing
    skin problems:
    This fruit provides several nutrients and
    antioxidants, such as vitamin C, that may improve skin health. There is anecdotal
    evidence that eating it may slow the aging of your skin (18, 21).
  • Heart
    Jackfruit may have the potential to reduce the risk of
    heart disease due to its content of potassium, fiber and antioxidants (18).

Furthermore, the roots and extracts have been used in traditional Indian and Sri Lankan medicine to treat several conditions, including asthma, diarrhea and stomach ulcers, but these effects have never been scientifically proven (18, 21).

Although these reported benefits are not supported by scientific evidence, including jackfruit in your diet is certainly worth a try if you want to improve your health.

Summary There are several potential health benefits of jackfruit that
have been reported anecdotally but have not been proven by scientific evidence.

Risks of Eating Jackfruit

Although safe for most, some people may need to limit or avoid jackfruit. Certain people are allergic to it, especially those who are allergic to birch pollen (22).

Moreover, due to its potential to lower blood sugar levels, individuals with diabetes may need to have their medication dosages changed if they eat this fruit on a regular basis.

Nevertheless, consuming jackfruit has never been reported to cause any serious side effects, and it is safe for most people to eat.

Summary There are not any major risks associated with eating
jackfruit, with the exception of individuals who are allergic to it.

How to Eat It

Jackfruit is very versatile and can be eaten raw or cooked.

To prepare it, you will first want to slice it in half and remove the yellow fruit pods and seeds from the skin and core. You can do this with a knife or your hands.

It is important to note that the white, fibrous part inside of jackfruit is incredibly sticky, so it may be helpful to wear gloves while handling it.

Jackfruit can be consumed plain or cooked into both sweet and savory dishes, depending on its ripeness. Unripe fruit generally tastes best in savory recipes, while the sweetness of the ripe fruit is great for desserts.

Since it is an exotic fruit, fresh jackfruit can be difficult to come across in grocery stores, especially when it is not in season. However, it is often sold canned, which is a convenient option.

Vegetarians and vegans often use jackfruit as a meat alternative due to its texture. For example, you can use the fruit as a meat replacement in jackfruit tacos by cooking it and then combining it with vegetables and seasonings.

Additionally, you can incorporate jackfruit into curries or soups. The ripe fruit also tastes great when added to yogurt or oatmeal.

Jackfruit seeds are edible, too. They can be roasted or boiled and then combined with seasonings. You can even use the seeds to make hummus.

Summary Jackfruit is quite versatile. It can be eaten raw, cooked, ripe or unripe and
tastes great in a variety of sweet and savory dishes.

The Bottom Line

Jackfruit is very good for you for many reasons.

It is high in nutrients and antioxidants and may have a number of health benefits, including improved blood sugar control.

You can easily incorporate jackfruit into your diet by eating it plain or in various dishes. It makes an excellent meat alternative in vegetarian and vegan recipes.

Fresh jackfruit is easiest to find when it’s in season during the summer months, but you can find canned jackfruit in most grocery stores year-round.

Adding jackfruit to your diet is worth a try, as it is quite healthy and a unique food to experiment with.

Why Is Jackfruit Good for You? Nutrition, Benefits and How To Eat It (2024)


Why Is Jackfruit Good for You? Nutrition, Benefits and How To Eat It? ›

It is high in nutrients and antioxidants and may have a number of health benefits, including improved blood sugar control. You can easily incorporate jackfruit into your diet by eating it plain or in various dishes. It makes an excellent meat alternative in vegetarian and vegan recipes.

How are you supposed to eat jackfruit? ›

Ripe jackfruit is commonly eaten raw like other fruits, or it can be used in sweet applications like desserts. Unripe or young green jackfruit can be consumed raw as well, but because of its neutral flavor, it is much more suited for absorbing flavor in savory cooking applications.

What are the benefits of eating jackfruit? ›

The potassium in this tropical fruit could help lower your blood pressure, which can help protect against heart disease and stroke. And, the fiber can help lower your cholesterol. Skin problems. The high amounts of vitamin C in jackfruit may help protect your skin from sun damage.

What should you avoid after eating jackfruit? ›

Milk or other dairy products should not be taken with jackfruit. In fact, jackfruit contains oxalate which reacts with calcium present in dairy products. In addition to upset stomach, it can cause white spots on the skin, itching, eczema.

What is the nutritional value of jackfruit? ›

Jackfruit Nutrition Facts

One cup of sliced jackfruit offers 157 calories, 1 gram (g) fat, 38 g carbohydrates, 2.8 g protein, and 2.5 g fiber, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Most fruits don't offer much protein.

How long should I wait to drink water after eating jackfruit? ›

Water should be avoided after eating fruits because this combination can interfere with the absorption and digestion process in the stomach, resulting in acidity. This is why some people feel queasy after eating fruit. It is suggested that you drink water for at least an hour after eating fruits.

How do you prepare jackfruit before cooking? ›

Run a paring knife along the core to separate it from the fruit pods. Pull out fruit pods and remove the white fibers and tips. Cut pods in half lengthwise; remove the jackfruit seeds and their rubbery skins. From there, cut the jackfruit into whatever size pieces you need for your recipe.

Is jackfruit good for belly fat? ›

Jackfruit contains a negligible amount of fat. The low-fat content in jackfruit is one of the reasons it can aid in weight loss. Fat is a high-calorie macronutrient, meaning every serving offers more calories. Therefore, consuming high amounts of fat can lead to weight gain as the excess calories are stored as fat.

Is canned jackfruit healthy? ›

The Bottom Line. Jackfruit is very good for you for many reasons. It is high in nutrients and antioxidants and may have a number of health benefits, including improved blood sugar control. You can easily incorporate jackfruit into your diet by eating it plain or in various dishes.

Is it safe to eat jackfruit everyday? ›

Added with high levels of carbohydrates and a significant amount of vitamin C, eating jackfruit is a healthy way to replenish the energy in your body. Healthy individuals can consume jackfruit daily; however, please take advice from health experts if suffering from any medical conditions.

What are the disadvantages of eating jackfruit? ›

Allergy to birch pollen or latex: People who are allergic to birch pollen or latex might also be allergic to jackfruit. Surgery: Jackfruit might cause bleeding and too much drowsiness if combined with medications used during and after surgery. Stop taking jackfruit at least 2 weeks before scheduled surgery.

What happens if you eat jackfruit at night? ›

There is no specific restriction on consuming jackfruit during the nighttime. However, it's essential to consider your overall diet and eating habits. Some people might avoid heavy or spicy meals close to bedtime, as it can lead to discomfort or disrupt sleep.

Why does jackfruit make you dizzy? ›

Jackfruit is a fruit with many health benefits. The sugar content in jackfruit is very high, eating on an empty stomach can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar that can make you dizzy.

Is jackfruit high in sugar? ›

Jackfruit is rich in carbohydrates, which are high in natural sugars. Those are bad for diabetic patients in large doses. Still, jackfruit is also less in calories and has a moderate glycemic index. It includes insoluble fibre and some protein, hampers digestion, and keeps blood sugar stable.

Is jackfruit nutrition better than chicken? ›

Jackfruit is low calorie (about 6 times less than chicken), and has no fat or cholesterol. Where it shines in comparison to a meat-based protein is the fiber content. It is rich in fiber at 7 grams a cup. Meat proteins do not provide any fiber.

Is jackfruit a superfood? ›

Jackfruit is as sweet as it is nutritious, and given all of its potential health benefits, it's not surprising that many consider jackfruit a superfood. Jackfruit contains a wide assortment of vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, and folic acid, as well as fiber and protein.

What does jackfruit taste like? ›

What Does Jackfruit Taste Like? Ripe yellow jackfruit has a subtly sweet flavor, often described as a combination of banana, apple, and mango. Young green jackfruit, on the other hand, has a neutral flavor and texture similar to shredded meat, making it a popular meat substitute in savory dishes.

Do you eat the seeds in canned jackfruit? ›

Apart from the flesh, jackfruit seeds are also edible and are used in cooked dishes. The jackfruit seeds with a thin brown seed coat, known as spermoderm, are enclosed in a white layer. The brown spermoderm consists of white cotyledon rich in protein and starch.

Is jackfruit hard to digest? ›

According to Bhojanakutuhalam, the unripe jackfruit has a combination of astringent and sweet flavors, and it can be difficult to digest due to its heaviness. Consuming it can lead to an increase in medhas (body fat) and sleshma (mucus), as well as being strengthened.

Can you eat jackfruit straight from the can? ›

This is particularly more important if you plan to eat your jackfruit raw, as the texture of the core isn't as noticeable once the fruits have been cooked. Again, the canned jackfruit is perfectly safe to eat straight out of the can, but it tends to taste best warm and with seasoning.

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