Why Pet Tortoises Die: 10+ Common Causes & How to Prevent Them | Tortoise Owner (2024)

There is nothing as heartbreaking as finding your pettortoise dead and wondering what went wrong. This is an unfortunate reality formany newbie tortoise-keepers, but it could have been prevented with someresearch and education. That’s why we’re here today writing about thisupsetting topic. If this sad discussion can help save lives, we’ll do it!

So, why do tortoises die? Tortoises can die for a number of reasons including insufficient food, poor quality diet, unsanitary conditions, stress, and untreated infections and injuries. All these can cause your pet tortoise to die.

To prevent your tortoises from dying, you have but to readthis article and learn to spot the signs of trouble before it’s too late. Evenbetter: read this article and avoid trouble in the first place!

Contents hide

1) Tortoises Can Die from Underfeeding

1.1) Age

1.2) Species

1.3) Time of Year

1.4) Competition at the Food Dish

1.5) How to Prevent it

2) Tortoises Can Die from Overfeeding

2.1) How to Prevent it

4) Unsanitary Conditions Can Kill a Tortoise

4.1) How to Prevent it

5) Stress Kills Tortoises

5.1) How to Prevent it

6) Illnesses and Injuries Can Kill Tortoises

6.1) Respiratory Illnesses

6.2) Soft Shell

6.3) Prolapse

6.4) Broken, Cracked, and Crushed Shells

6.5) Drowning

7) Other Causes of Tortoise Death

8) Conclusion

Tortoises Can Die from Underfeeding

There is a lot of information on the internet regardingproper feeding of tortoises. Unfortunately, most of that information isregurgitated bad advice. Tortoises are not a one-size-fits-all pet. Just asevery human has different dietary needs, so too do all tortoises.

So, if all torts are different, how do you know how much tofeed them?


A tortoise’s age is a big factor in how much you should befeeding. Babies need less food at each meal, but may need more frequentfeedings. Tiny tummies don’t have room for extra food, and it’s not good tofill those little spaces with unhealthy choices either.

Older tortoises may not need as much food as their youngercounterparts, but this is not always the case. As torts age, their digestivesystems may slow down. Don’t reduce your tortoise’s food unless directed by avet, however.


Believe it or not, the species of the tortoise mattersgreatly when choosing how much to feed. Some species need more food at morefrequent intervals. They may grow faster or may enter growth spurts atdifferent times. Knowing the species and its proclivities will help you planyour pet’s meals accordingly.

Time of Year

Many tortoise species hibernate. They will need special carebefore and after this sensitive time, including adjustments to how much theyare fed. It’s important to note that not all tortoise species hibernate. Infact, there are many tortoises that belong to a species that usually doeshibernate, but certain individuals simply don’t do it.

Competition at the Food Dish

Nobody wants to believe their tortoises are bullies. Yet,it’s a fact that some tortoises can get pushy and mean when it comes to dinnertime. If you are feeding more than one tortoise, it’s important to noteaggression levels.

If a smaller, weaker, or more introverted tortoise is beingpushed away from the food tray, it may be time to invest in a second one.Better yet, it might be wise to separate the tortoises permanently.

How to Prevent it

Make sure you know what your tortoise’s feeding needs are atevery stage of her life. Weigh your tort regularly and keep a journal of hergrowth. Share this information with your vet to be sure your pet is right ontrack.

Tortoises Can Die from Overfeeding

On the other end of the feeding spectrum is the problem ofoverfeeding. This almost always happens as a result of worried owners makingsure their pets never go hungry. This well-meaning behavior is sweet at itscore but detrimental to your tortoise’s health in the long run.

Torts can overeat. When they do, they get obese. Beinglocked in that tight-fitting shell with a bloated, fat body is uncomfortable.It can also impact breathing, movement, and even blood flow.

We covered this in much greater detail already, so we won’tgo over it all again here. Take a look!

How to Prevent it

You prevent overfeeding the same way you preventunderfeeding. Weigh your tortoise regularly, track what he eats, and show yourvet the charts.

A Poor Diet Can Kill a Tortoise

Let’s say you’re feeding your tortoise the right amount offood. It’s not too much, not too little, maybe even weighing your tort to besure he’s gaining weight or maintaining a healthy adult weight. Awesome! But he’snot safe yet.

What you feed your tortoise is just as important as howmuch. It would be the same as you eating three square meals a day at a fastfood joint. You’re eating the right amount and at the right frequency, butyou’re loading yourself up with fat, sodium, and sugar.

If your tortoise is crazy about strawberries, but that’s allyou feed her, she’s not going to be healthy. Strawberries are very good optionsfor torts, but only as a small portion of a meal. They need a specific amountof each nutrient at various stages of life.

Poor diet can result in nutritional deficiencies that may gounnoticed until it’s too late. Low levels of nutrients in the body can restrictblood flow, lower heart rate to dangerous levels, and deprive your tortoise ofenergy and the ability to recover from illnesses and injuries.

How to Prevent it

Generally speaking, you want to feed your tortoise 80% freshveggies. They love things like kale, collard greens, and dandelions. Some lovebell peppers, cauliflower, squash, and even sweet potato, but these are alltreats and should be given in small quantities. Apples, grapes, melons, andstrawberries need to be lower than 20% of your tort’s diet due to high sugarcontent.

You may also need to add vitamin powders to your tortoise’smeals, but make sure you do so under a vet’s supervision. Too much of aparticular vitamin can be just as bad as not enough of it.

Unsanitary Conditions Can Kill a Tortoise

Nobody likes to live in filth. Okay, maybe someone does, butwe guarantee that your tortoise does not. You need to clean a tortoise’senclosure, and we don’t mean a little poop scooping now and then.

Tortoises have special needs when it comes to environments.It’s why they’re not common house pets and why they haven’t really been domesticated.They are essentially wild animals kept in captivity. For that reason, you needto approximate Mother Nature’s environments and her level of clean.

Keeping a tortoise in a dirty enclosure will set him up fora massive list of health issues. Dirty, damp, and warm climates are perfect forbacteria to thrive in. These bacteria can be harmless or completelydevastating. It’s not like you get to pick which ones set up shop in yourtort’s tank.

Filthy enclosures can cause a tortoise to suddenly die.Infections are usually the culprit with a dirty cage, but injuries couldhappen, too.

How to Prevent it

To keep up on your tort’s cleaning needs, make a scheduleand stick with it. The frequency of cleaning will depend on a number offactors, but a good rule of thumb is once a week per tortoise kept. If you havetwo tortoises in the same enclosure, clean twice a week. Just one tort? Once aweek is probably good.

Pay attention to smells or any weird growths in the tank,too. If you see something growing that shouldn’t be or you smell somethinggross, you need to step up your cleaning game. Increase your cleaning effortsand get that enclosure sparkling clean.

Stress Kills Tortoises

Slow-moving, lumbering, sweet tortoises don’t like to bestressed out. When you’re stressed, you can take a hot shower, grab a snack,and sit down to relax. Tortoises don’t have those luxuries. If you haven’tprovided the kind of relaxing areas in her enclosure she needs, your tort couldjust die from pent up stress.

Things like noisy neighbors or roommates can freak out atortoise. Dogs barking, screeching tires down the block, or the sound of thegarbage truck in the morning are all triggers. You may not even notice she’sstressing out unless you understand the language of thetortoise.

Torties can get stressed out by changes in the environmentand routine, too. Perhaps you’ve moved the furniture, changed the lighting inyour room, or changed shifts at work. All of these things can cause a tortoiseto flip out a little.

Another big stressor for tortoises is being handled toomuch. Most tortoises don’t like being picked up at all, so try to avoid it ifyou can. Obviously, if you’re inspecting your tort for injuries or duringbathing sessions, you’ll need to handle her some, but be careful and moveslowly.

Other torts might be the cause of your pet’s stress. Theyare fairly solitary animals, though they do have a need for some social time.If your enclosure is too small and the other tortoise is picking on him, yourtort might get stressed to the point he simply dies.

It’s hard to believe stress can kill, but it’s a fact. Allanimals are at risk for this if they’re not given the right environments,foods, and ways to blow off steam.

How to Prevent it

Understand the needs of the tortoise. You might like toblast your music to relax, but chances are good that will only stress your tortout more. Knowing what tortoises would do in the wild to relieve stress willhelp you provide the best environment for your baby to relax.

One thing is for certain, tortoise like to hide. Provideseveral locations in the enclosure that encourage relaxation. Some like a moisthide while others prefer a dry one. Some like to burry themselves while othersprefer to relax on a raised surface. Figure out what your tort likes and makesure that spot is always ready to receive him.

Illnesses and Injuries Can Kill Tortoises

As with all living things, tortoises are susceptible tocertain illnesses and injuries. It’s just part of being alive. While you maynot be able to prevent everything on this list, you can do you best to mitigatedamages caused by these things. Leaving a tortoise to fend for itself is a sureway to lead death straight to his door.

Respiratory Illnesses

Tortoises are susceptible to respiratory infections. Theseare more likely to occur early on for wild-caught tortoises that you can findin pet stores. To avoid this, select a reputable breeder and avoid pet storetortoises. Yet, even captive-bred tortoises can end up with a respiratoryinfection.

These happen when the tortoise is kept in less than idealsituations. Poor lighting and heat, low-quality food, and bad sanitation willset a tortoise up for this dangerous illness. Always have your vet examine anew tortoise or one who shows early signs of respiratory distress.

Soft Shell

A soft, mushy, or squishy shell is a sign of nutritionaldeficiencies. It can also signal birth defects, but this is far less common. Ifa tortoise has a soft or deformed shell, it’s likely this poor fella wasn’t fedthe right foods at the right times.

Metabolic bone disease is the technical term for a certaintype of soft or deformed shell. This can affect the bones, too, but the shellis the most obvious result. This, once again, is due to poor diet. Low calciumis the culprit this time, which means it could have been easily avoidable.

Soft shell can also happen when a tortoise isn’t givenenough time in the sun. They need ultraviolet radiation A and B to createvitamin D3, just like humans. The sun shining through a window isn’t going tobe enough.

Please note that baby torts have naturally softer shellsthan adults. Don’t be alarmed if your baby tort has one. But do have your vetcheck to be sure it’s normal softness and not metabolic bone disease startingup.


First, can we just say ouch? A prolapse is a painful andpotentially deadly affliction. This is caused by a diet high in oxalates andsometimes dehydration. The tortoise’s body will produce hard, large urates thatcan’t be passed comfortably. The straining to push out the unusually hardurates is what causes the prolapse.

To be graphic and clear, the tortoise is pushing out hisorgans instead of the urates. Again, ouch!

A high-quality diet and plenty of water will prevent thisterrible medical emergency. Untreated, this is a painful and horrible way todie.

Broken, Cracked, and Crushed Shells

A tortoise who has been dropped, crushed, or attacked by adog may exhibit a cracked, broken, or crushed shell. This is an incrediblypainful medical emergency. Since the shell is attached to the tortoise, a crackin the shell is like a cut on your arm. Her insides are being exposed to theoutside world, including bacteria.

Some cracks can be repaired, but the vet needs to beinvolved here. Crushed or severely broken shells may not be fixable, but don’tgive up hope. See your vet immediately if your tortoise is injured in this way.

Better yet, avoid this kind of tragedy by handling yourtortoise with great care. They may be tough, but they are not invincible.


Tortoises cannot swim. We’ll repeat this sentence untilwe’re blue in the face: Tortoises cannot swim! They are not like turtles. Ifyou put a tortoise in a bathtub, it may be able to float a little, but it’s notgoing to swim and it is not going to be safe.

Tortoises were never meant to swim, but every year thousandsof tortoises drown. Please do not put your tortoise in the water. A bath in ashallow dish is fine, but a bath tub or swimming pool is a death sentence.

Other Causes of Tortoise Death

In addition to the specific things listed above, there aresome less common but still deadly things that can end your tortoise’s lifeunexpectedly. Take heed and avoid the following!

  • Rough handling by small children
  • Chemicals in the environment including cleaning chemicals,bug sprays, and colognes or perfumes
  • Soaps and cleansers used in the enclosure
  • Toxic fumes from Teflon pots or pans overheatingin the kitchen
  • Ingestion of alcohol, drugs, or human food
  • Choking hazards such as small toys, plasticplants, and pet food
  • Pets such as dogs, cats, and large birds


Perhaps it seems like the whole universe is out to murderyour pet tortoise. While that’s a pretty big stretch of the truth, we supposeit’s a good way to keep you on your toes. You must be proactive in protectingyour tortoise from these common killers. Prevention doesn’t take a lot of effort, andyour tiny tank buddy is depending on you!

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Ana is a dedicated and passionate blogger who has made it her mission to spread knowledge and love for pet tortoises. With years of experience and a heart full of affection for these slow and steady creatures, Emily has become a trusted source for all things related to pet tortoises.

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Why Pet Tortoises Die: 10+ Common Causes & How to Prevent Them | Tortoise Owner (2024)


What is the most common cause of tortoise death? ›

#1 Heat Stroke, Flipping over and lack of shelter. so it wasn't really a sudden death but a chronic death from disease. #1 How to determine if your tortoise is sick and what to do about it.

What do you do when your tortoise dies? ›

All tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises, so this will apply. First and foremost, you need to immediately tend to your pet's corpse, preferably within a day or two, both to afford it a dignified burial and to prevent disease and rot.

What is the cause of death of turtles? ›

Propeller and collision injuries from boats are not uncommon. These types of injuries are more frequent in areas with a high level of recreational boating, such as southern Florida, the Florida Keys, and the United States Virgin Islands. Pollution. Some sea turtles die when they ingest trash.

How do you know if your tortoise is dying? ›

The head and legs often appear limp, and feel limp when you touch them. Eyes may be sunken, but that can also be a sign of dehydration in a living turtle. The eyes in a dead tortoise are usually open. The skin of a dead tortoise may feel warm to the touch, rather than cold.

What makes a tortoise sick? ›

Upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) is common and may be life threatening. Look closely: this tortoise is blowing a bubble, a sign of upper respiratory tract disease that can kill or become chronic. usually stress related and may include improper diet, excess humidity, and crowding.

What attacks tortoises? ›

Roadrunners, snakes, kit foxes and coyotes are a few examples of tortoise predators. But there is another predator that is having a major impact on survival of desert tortoise – the common raven.

What helps tortoises survive? ›

Tortoises have many adaptations that help them survive, such as scutes, protective scales on tortoise shells that protect them from injury. They dig burrows, tunnels or holes in the ground, so they can hide from predators and hibernate for the winter.

How to save a tortoise? ›

13 Ways to Help Turtles
  1. Watch for them on roads. Look out for turtles near natural areas, especially in valleys or near wetlands. ...
  2. Never relocate a turtle. ...
  3. Help them across. ...
  4. Don't leave them to suffer. ...
  5. Never by the tail. ...
  6. Never feed a turtle. ...
  7. Don't take them as pets. ...
  8. Don't release sliders.

Will a lost tortoise come back? ›

There have been cases of missing tortoises found by well-meaning neighbors that moved them further away to the woods or other natural area. They may also be picked up and kept as personal pets. The more the word is spread about the missing pet, the better the chance that it will be quickly returned.

What is the main killer of turtles? ›

Over the last 200 years, human activities have tipped the scales against the survival of these ancient mariners. Slaughtered for their eggs, meat, skin, and shells, sea turtles suffer from poaching and over-exploitation. They also face habitat destruction and accidental capture—known as bycatch—in fishing gear.

What is the difference between a turtle and a tortoise? ›

The main difference between turtles and tortoises comes down to where they live. Tortoises are exclusively land dwellers, while turtles spend most of their time in the water, either in oceans or freshwater bodies around the world, only coming to land to lay eggs.

What is the average lifespan of a tortoise? ›

Galápagos tortoises are noted to live over 150 years, but an Aldabra giant tortoise named Adwaita may have lived an estimated 255 years. In general, most tortoise species can live 80–150 years. Tortoises are placid and slow-moving, with an average walking speed of 0.2–0.5 km/h.

What is the last stage of tortoise? ›

Turtles' life cycles progress from being an egg, hatchling or baby turtle, into being a juvenile, then to being an adult.

What is the lifespan of a pet tortoise? ›

Pet tortoises are popular pets for many people since they are quiet, cute (especially as hatchlings), and don't shed any fur. But tortoises can live a very long time (anywhere from 50 to 100 years). If you take one as a pet, be prepared to provide a lifetime of care and consider that your pet might even outlive you.

What is the lifespan of a tortoise? ›

According to Pet Keen, the average life expectancy of tortoises is anywhere from 80 to 150 years. Some species are known to live even longer, up to 250 years. In January of 2022, Guinness World Records identified the oldest land-living animal, Jonathan, a 190-year-old tortoise, making him the oldest tortoise ever.

What happens to a tortoise shell when it dies? ›

It stays behind. The turtles shell is made of bone, so the flesh will rot away and the shell and spine will stay behind (the spine is attached to the shell).

What is the best food for a tortoise? ›

Home-grown leaves and edible weeds are better than bought fruit and vegetables as they have a higher nutrient content. Always make sure water is available for your tortoise. You can also give a vitamin supplement sprinkled on the food a few times a week.

Do all tortoises carry diseases? ›

Most, if not all, reptiles carry Salmonella bacteria in their intestinal tract and may shed these bacteria in their faeces. Salmonella bacteria usually do not cause any illness in reptiles, but can cause serious illness in people.

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