Why Stigma Happens and How to Stop It (2024)

The seven main types of stigma include public, self, perceived, label, structural, health practitioner, and associative. It involves assigning people with certain traits and can have harmful effects on mental health.

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The term stigma originated in ancient Greece, where it referred to symbols burned into the skin of enslaved people and people judged as criminals or traitors. These symbols, or stigmas, suggested the person was “blemished” and that others should avoid and shun them.

The sociologist Erving Goffman refashioned the term in 1963, giving it its modern meaning.

In a nutshell, stigma refers to any negative attitude, prejudice, or false belief associated with specific traits, circ*mstances, or health symptoms. Discrimination, a related but distinct concept, describes how someone treats you because of this stigma.

Commonly stigmatized characteristics include:

  • age
  • body size and other aspects of physical appearance
  • mental health
  • sexual orientation
  • housing status

Read on to learn more about the various kinds of stigma you may come across and how to deal with it in your own life.

While people can stigmatize nearly any trait, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) categorizes stigma into seven main types:

Public stigma

Public stigma describes the overarching sentiment society has about people with a certain trait. Societal attitudes toward these traits may show up in the media, often subtly encouraging negative perceptions or presenting stereotypes as facts.

Here’s an example:

You tell a friend you have dissociative identity disorder (DID), and they react by saying, “Whoa. That’s kinda scary. What if one of your ‘personalities’ tried to kill someone? Would you even know about it?”

Their (inaccurate) understanding of this mental health condition, of course, comes from the multiple media portrayals of people with DID who engage in acts of violence.


Self-stigma happens when you accept public stigma. To put it simply, you may begin to consider your own traits or symptoms “shameful” and deserving of criticism, or believe you’ve earned negative judgment because of them.

Here’s an example:

You may consider yourself weak for having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), especially when the people in your life suggest you’re overreacting to the trauma you experienced.

Perceived stigma

Perceived stigma happens when you believe (rightly or wrongly) the people around you, or society as a whole, would judge you negatively for having a certain trait.

Here’s an example:

You might hide your stuffed animal collection from your friends for fear they would perceive you as immature or wonder about your interest in children’s toys.

Label avoidance

Label avoidance happens when you distance yourself from a stigmatized group. You may, for instance, publicly deny having a specific trait or reject treatment to avoid getting a diagnosis.

Here’s an example:

You may avoid getting treatment for schizophrenia because you worry a diagnosis would cost you the custody of your kids.

Structural stigma

Structural stigma refers to institutional policies based on stigmatizing attitudes. The individuals who work for that institution may have no bias against you themselves, but the system operates in a way that puts you at a disadvantage.

Here’s an example:

You apply online to a new job after spending a year recovering from long COVID-19. The company’s hiring software shuffles your resume to the bottom of the digital pile, almost guaranteeing no one will ever review it, simply because the coders assumed anyone with a large employment gap would prove unreliable.

Health practitioner stigma

Health practitioner stigma happens when a healthcare professional’s belief in racial, gender, or other stereotypes gets in the way of their ability to provide effective care.

Here’s an example:

You reach out to a counselor to get support for avoidant personality disorder. But they believe people with personality disorders can’t change their behavior, so they refuse to work with you solely because of your diagnosis.

In reality, everyone is capable of change.

Associative stigma

Associative stigma targets people connected to someone with a specific trait. You may face criticism and judgment for choosing to stay in contact with a person who has done something “wrong,” by society’s standards.

Here’s an example:

Your friends may accuse you of “enabling” your sibling’s substance use disorder when you choose to support them through treatment and recovery instead of cutting off all contact.

Stigma can have long-term health and mental health consequences, including:

Lack of access to treatment

Some parents may resist having a child evaluated for mental health issues or neurodevelopmental disabilities or avoid telling a child about a diagnosis because:

  • They believe a label will discourage their child.
  • They want to protect their child from bullying.
  • They think others will blame them for their child’s condition.

Research suggests parents who don’t want their child to be “labeled” are less likely to help their child get treatment for their symptoms.

Yet denying a child the care they need will likely worsen their mental health over time. What’s more, the child may still experience stigma due to their symptoms — and since they don’t understand why, they may blame themselves for their mistreatment.

Risks to personal safety

During infectious disease outbreaks, around 3 in 10 healthcare workers encounter stigma for their profession. Others may accuse them of spreading disease or treat them as perpetually “unclean.”

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has created more stigma than most previous outbreaks, with numerous reports of healthcare workers being shunned, denied public services, and even assaulted.

According to a 2022 report from the American Hospital Association, 44% of nurses have experienced physical violence, while 68% have endured verbal abuse.

Lower quality of care

Health practitioner stigma can cause treatment disparities like:

  • Spending less time in appointments
  • Offering less education about the person’s injury, disease, or other health condition
  • Refusing diagnostic tests or requested medication

People with more body weight, for instance, often experience discrimination and lower-quality care from healthcare professionals who endorse weight stigma. Doctors may offer weight loss tips and criticism instead of actual treatment for their health symptoms.

Similarly, people living with substance use disorders may face discrimination from healthcare professionals who link substance use to a “character flaw” or “lack of willpower” instead of recognizing addiction as a serious mental health condition.

A number of theories have attempted to explain potential causes of stigma. These include:

Labeling theory

Social interactions are complicated, so your brain likes to take shortcuts when it can. Stigmatizing certain traits offers a quick way to categorize people as “good” or “bad” without learning their whole life story.

Here, the stigmatized traits typically depend on cultural values and the members who have the most power. For example, a society run by introverts might stigmatize people who talk excessively. Meanwhile, an extrovert-led society might stigmatize those who keep to themselves.

Social identity theory

According to social identity theory, people build their identities out of the groups they belong to. For example, someone who identifies as Gen Z or a Baby Boomer may draw specific traits, like work ethic, thriftiness, or independence, based on the generation they belong to.

As a general rule, people may perceive their own group more favorably and assign negative stereotypes toward rival groups. Stigmatizing outsiders serves three functions:

  • The conviction of belonging to the “best” group can boost self-esteem.
  • It helps justify hoarding resources like wealth, power, or social status.
  • It offers an excuse to exploit stigmatized groups for additional resources.

Terror management theory

Terror management theory suggests people stigmatize signs of sickness or misfortune to soothe their own existential fears.

Say you leave an abusive relationship. Some people may try to blame you, though abuse can happen to anyone. They might ask if you provoked your ex-partner, or say you should have never started dating them.

This reaction may happen, in part, because they have trouble acknowledging the frightening possibility that their loved ones could one day hurt or betray them. Suggesting you somehow caused your own abuse allows them to create a comfortable fiction where they’ll never face the same risk.

You can do a lot to help end stigma, though the path to stamping it out can depend on where it comes from.

If you encounter someone spreading stigma, it may help to:

  • Find community: Shame often thrives in solitude. If you connect with others who’ve had a similar experience, you may find they can offer emotional support and validation.
  • Call out bias: Stigma is often woven into cultural norms, and people may spread it without realizing the hurtful impact of their actions. Pointing out bias, however, often prompts people to rethink their assumptions. Not everyone may change their mind, but even one person’s rejection of stigma can weaken its cultural power.
  • Disclose your own status: If you feel safe doing so, consider sharing your own experience with stigma. People who vilify or criticize abstract strangers might stop to think twice about statements that harm someone they know and care for. From there, they may go on to consider how their words affect others.

If you want to avoid spreading stigma yourself, it may help to:

  • Consider your language: Words carry a lot of emotional nuance beyond their dictionary definition. For example, calling someone an “addict, an “alcoholic,” or “suicidal” may lead others to perceive them negatively. Instead, you might opt for neutral language, like “They have a substance use disorder” or “They’ve had thoughts of suicide.”
  • Educate yourself: Research on mental health stigma suggests knowing more about a certain condition may help minimize stigmatizing beliefs. Reading firsthand narratives from real people can offer unique insight into living with specific conditions, such as bipolar disorder or bulimia nervosa. The same goes for stigmatized health conditions like genital herpes.

If you want to overcome stigmatizing attitudes you have about yourself, it may help to:

  • Practice self-compassion: When you start criticizing yourself, try pushing back against that negativity by affirming yourself. For example, instead of scolding yourself for not getting married as quickly as your friends, remind yourself that your relationship status has nothing to do with your value as a person.
  • Work with a therapist: A therapist can offer unconditional acceptance to help counter a narrative of shame and guilt. Self-kindness may come more easily when someone else treats you as worthy of kindness first.

Here’s how to find the right therapist for you.

Stigma is a metaphorical mark of shame society often assigns to people with certain traits. When stigma spreads unchecked, it can affect anything from your personal safety to the quality of your medical care.

When facing stigma, it can help to remember it’s nothing more than social judgment, not an objective fact. In short, stigma doesn’t define you, your worth, or the quality of your life.

Emily Swaim is a freelance health writer and editor who specializes in psychology. She has a BA in English from Kenyon College and an MFA in writing from California College of the Arts. In 2021, she received her Board of Editors in Life Sciences (BELS) certification. You can find more of her work on GoodTherapy, Verywell, Investopedia, Vox, and Insider. Find her on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Why Stigma Happens and How to Stop It (2024)


Why Stigma Happens and How to Stop It? ›

Easy Ways You Can Reduce Stigma

Talk openly about mental health. Social media has become a great space for positivity. Educate yourself and others – respond to misperceptions or negative comments by sharing facts and experiences. Be conscious of language – remind people that words matter.

How can we stop stigma? ›

Easy Ways You Can Reduce Stigma

Talk openly about mental health. Social media has become a great space for positivity. Educate yourself and others – respond to misperceptions or negative comments by sharing facts and experiences. Be conscious of language – remind people that words matter.

What is stigma and why does it occur? ›

Stigma is when someone sees you in a negative way because of your mental illness. Discrimination is when someone treats you in a negative way because of your mental illness. Social stigma and discrimination can make mental health problems worse and stop a person from getting the help they need.

What does stop the stigma mean? ›

Stop the Stigma is a way to break down barriers.

Due to the stigma that surrounds mental illness, people, particularly youth, often do not want to admit that something is wrong.

What are the 7 types of stigma? ›

The seven main types of stigma include public, self, perceived, label, structural, health practitioner, and associative. It involves assigning people with certain traits and can have harmful effects on mental health.

How can we reduce stigma and discrimination? ›

What we can do to prevent stigma. Rely on and share trusted sources of information. Speak up if you hear, see, or read stigmatizing or harassing comments or misinformation. Show compassion and support for individuals and communities more closely impacted.

How to reduce mental health stigma in schools? ›

5 ways schools can reduce the stigma of mental illness
  1. Encourage thoughtful conversations about mental health. In recent years, we've seen more students talking about hurting themselves. ...
  2. Introduce mindfulness. ...
  3. Involve community experts. ...
  4. Involve parents. ...
  5. Clarify every step of the way.

How to reduce stigma in society? ›

Seven Things You Can Do to Reduce Stigma
  1. Know the facts. Educate yourself about mental illness including substance use disorders.
  2. Be aware of your attitudes and behaviour. ...
  3. Choose your words carefully. ...
  4. Educate others. ...
  5. Focus on the positive. ...
  6. Support people. ...
  7. Include everyone.

Why is stigma a problem? ›

A person who is stigmatised may be treated differently and excluded from many things the rest of society takes for granted. They might be labelled because of their illness, making them more likely to face discrimination.

What is stigma in simple words? ›

1. a. : a set of negative and unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about something. One of the major obstacles to persons seeking treatment for addiction is the stigma attached to the disease.

Why is stigma so powerful? ›

Stigma is a very powerful mechanism. It is the expression of an old coping strategy sometimes very efficient for survival. It serves to identify, and to do it forever, a danger. In order to do so, a characteristic of the danger becomes a distinctive mark, or the bearer is marked, often forcefully.

Is stigma about disrespect? ›

What is stigma? Stigma is not just a matter of using the wrong word or action. Stigma is about disrespect. It is the use of negative labels to identify a person living with a mental illness or developmental disability.

Is stigma a wicked problem? ›

Mental health stigma IS a wicked problem, which is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of needs that are too hard to acknowledge.

What are 3 ways to break the stigma? ›

Here are some ways you can deal with stigma:
  • Get treatment. You may be reluctant to admit you need treatment. ...
  • Don't let stigma create self-doubt and shame. ...
  • Don't isolate yourself. ...
  • Don't equate yourself with your illness. ...
  • Join a support group. ...
  • Get help at school. ...
  • Speak out against stigma.

Why do people talk to themselves? ›

People talk to themselves for various reasons, including problem-solving, reasoning, planning, motivation, and attention. 1 Self-talk is common, and experts believe talking to yourself outloud can help you process your thoughts in a healthy, productive way.

What is the most harmful type of stigma? ›

Label avoidance is one of the most harmful forms of stigma. Stigma association occurs when the effects of stigma are extended to someone linked to a person with mental health difficulties. This type of stigma is also known as "courtesy stigma" and "associative stigma."

How can nurses reduce stigma about mental illness? ›

Normalize conversation about the use of mental health and substance use care for health workers. Leaders at every level of an organization should be trained in these programs, address barriers for use, and periodically promote these services to their health workers.

What are the interventions for mental health stigma? ›

They were (1) raising mental health awareness, (2) social contact, (3) advocacy by influential figures or groups, and (4) the legislation of anti-discriminatory laws. Conclusions: These strategies were in line with approaches that have been used internationally to disrupt the process of stigma.

What can you do to help a friend or loved one who is suffering from a mental illness? ›

For example:
  1. Listen. Simply giving someone space to talk, and listening to how they're feeling, can be really helpful in itself. ...
  2. Offer reassurance. Seeking help can feel lonely, and sometimes scary. ...
  3. Stay calm. ...
  4. Be patient. ...
  5. Try not to make assumptions. ...
  6. Keep social contact.

What are the examples of stigma in healthcare? ›

Bias and Stigma in Health Care Systems
  • Individual – a person's feeling of shame or being less worthy; reluctance to seek help.
  • Interpersonal – endorsing negative stereotypes or prejudicial ideas about others with mental illness; speaking or acting in discriminatory ways.

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.