Won the Lottery? - What to do so you never have to work again - $1,000,000 - Dividend Income Investor (2024)

Won the Lottery? – What to do so that you never have to work again – $1,000,000

Have you ever imagined what life would be like if you won the lottery? I’m sure you have. We’ve all had those conversations.

I’ve wanted to write a post about winning the lottery for a while now.

For the sake of this post, I am choosing a $1 million lottery. I am assuming that I have 1 million dollars after taxes.

I am choosing this number for the challenge, and since 1 million is a realistic net worth target for me in decades down the road. I wanted to choose a number that forced me to be intentional.

While some people would continue jobbing if they won the lottery, I would most definitely stop.

I know I’d stop because I’d be able to generate enough income through dividend investing. Plus I could generate income by side hustling and blogging. I will never truly stop working.

Overall, my approach to receiving 1 million dollars would be focused on setting myself up to become a full-time blogger and dividend investor.

$900,000 left.

To protect 10% of the money and to have an emergency fund, I would immediately set aside $100,000 into an easy-to-access account that pays interest.

Even though it’s not a lot, a 1% interest rate would still add an extra $1,000 to my pocket annually. I might even be tempted to lock a portion of it up in a GIC at a higher rate.

More importantly, though, this would be backup money incase an emergency happens, and this would force me to set aside a good chuck of money to not be stupid with.

$500,000 left.

I will still require income to live off so I’d invest a good chunk of this money. Allocating and investing money would become my full-time job along with blogging.

As such, I would set aside $400,000 for investing. I would max out my TFSA, hold at least $200,000 in a non-registered investment account, and the rest would be invested in an RRSP. Of course, that would be after consulting an accountant and dependent on how much contribution room is available.

Furthermore, I already have a rough plan on how I would balance the portfolio for income. At the very least I’d need to earn 20k annually to live off. I know this does not sound like much, but my expenses would actually decrease after I paid for a house and car with cash.

The main challenge would become capital preservation and diversification. I mean, I’m not just going to invest $400,000 into the market all at once. That would be crazy.

Ultimately, my plan would be to create a list of securities and watch for buying opportunities.

  • $25,000 S&P 500 Index Fund: Generates $500 annually based on a 2% yield.
  • $25,000 for index funds for income and diversification: Aim to generate at least $500 annually
  • $100,000 in Canadian Bluechip dividend stocks: Generates $5,000 annually based on an average of 5%.
  • $100,000 in USD Bluechip dividend stocks: Generates $3,000 USD annually based on an average yield of 3% annually.
  • $50,000 for riskier, higher income producing assets: Generates $4,000 based on 8% yield.
  • $50,000 for REITS: Generates $2,500 annually based on a 5% yield.
  • $50,000 for 6% or higher investments: Generates $3,000 annually.

Total income $18,500

Obviously $18,500 annually is not a lot to live off. But if you consider that I would have no mortgage/rent or commuting expenses, it starts to seem possible . Shelter and transportation are usually 2 of the 3 largest expenses. The other is food. I would basically be paying for groceries, pleasure, reinvesting, utilities, internet, cell phone service, gas, insurance, hygiene, property taxes, dental/health and a few other miscellaneous costs.

Furthermore, $18,500 is not the end—it’s the start. This is the basic income that will provide me with the framework to blog and invest full-time. The dividend income will increase through dividend raises and reinvesting. As for the blog, I can begin to offer a product or service for sale and make it more clear. Then I can spend a few hours per day selling it. I could send e-mails, DM’s and approach blogging in a more profit-seeking way.

Won the Lottery? - What to do so you never have to work again - $1,000,000 - Dividend Income Investor (1)

$150,000 left.

Owning real estate would be another important component of my plan to make a million last the rest of my life.

It would allow me to acquire another asset that will hopefully increase in value over time, and it would lower my overall monthly expenses through eliminating rent or the price of a mortgage.

Of course, $350,000 does not go very far in Toronto so I’d buy outside the city. I’d likely go East because of friends and family.

Ideally, I would buy a brand new home with at least 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It doesn’t need to be very large. I just need a space for an office and a backyard to barbecue.

$125,000 left.

Since I wouldn’t be living off the income generated by the portfolio in the first year, I would set aside $25,000 to pay for living costs and any other unexpected expenses.

This amount could be used to pay for any other item(s) I forgot on this list.

$115,000 left.

I’ve always enjoyed new clothes but I don’t buy myself enough anymore. To be honest, I usually just don’t leave myself enough extra money after saving to buy new clothes. It’s too difficult for me to cut back on my monthly savings—I keep it automatic.

However, every once in a while I get fed up and end up going on a shopping spree. Ultimately this cycle works because it has led to increased savings overall.

Anyways, I’d set aside $10,000 to spend purely on clothes if I won the lottery. I probably wouldn’t travel to buy clothes at this point, though. I’d just order some stuff online and then go shopping at my preferred spots.

$109,000 left.

This should go without saying, but I would eliminate my student loan debt immediately.

This would ultimately free up extra cash flow for investing. I’m looking forward to paying this off in the near future regardless of winning the lottery.

Won the Lottery? - What to do so you never have to work again - $1,000,000 - Dividend Income Investor (2)Won the Lottery? - What to do so you never have to work again - $1,000,000 - Dividend Income Investor (3)

$106,000 left.

I currently have the older version of the MacBook Air and wouldn’t mind a new one solely based on the retina display. The display on the older generation MacBook Airs is subpar. It has become more noticeable as smartphone displays have advanced.

As such, I would purchase a new MacBook Air or MacBook Pro. I’d have to do some research to know for sure but I would try to spend $3,000 or less.

Won the Lottery? - What to do so you never have to work again - $1,000,000 - Dividend Income Investor (4)Won the Lottery? - What to do so you never have to work again - $1,000,000 - Dividend Income Investor (5)

$103,000 left.

I’ve wanted a more advanced camera for a long time now.

I used to have a decent Canon Point and Shoot but I sold it online for investment money.

Since then I’ve used iPhones and more recently a Samsung to take photos. Although cellphone cameras have come a long way, they are still behind the technology available in mirrorless cameras.

So if I won the lottery, I’d get a mirrorless camera because I want the full camera experience. I’d try to keep the purchase to $3,000 or less.

$75,000 left.

I wish I was able to set aside a larger amount for gifts. However, $28,000 is an appropriate amount for someone that’s chasing FI.

In turn, I would set aside $28,000 for a range of gifts and dinners for friends and family. There would be cash gifts of $1,000 to $5,000, and just some extra money to have fun.

$65,000 left.

Similar to what I mentioned above, I wish I could set aside more for charity.

But I think $10,000 is a generous place to start. I would also plan to give more on an annual basis if I was ever so fortuitous to be a millionaire.

In regards to the charity, I would most likely choose to donate to an organization that is focussed on children and/or mental health.

$40,000 left.

One of the first things I’d want to do if I won the lottery is travel.

There are still so many places on my list to visit: Europe, St. Lucia, Bahamas and more of Canada to name some of the destinations on my list.

Since I enjoy blogging and investing so much, ideally, I’d go away for multiple 1-to-2 week vacations after winning the lottery. After about a week or so of being away, I’ll just get bored and want to work on blogging anyways.

$15,000 left.

It’s unlikely that I’ll own a car again until I’m out of the city.

In the scenario that I win the lottery, though, I would need to purchase a car to get around in the boons. I would need a car to get groceries and to get around because transit would be non-existent.

Because I’m not an expert with vehicles, I would likely purchase a new or quality used car with a warranty.

Lastly, I would set aside $15,000 to improve the blog.

I would spend the money on graphic design, services like TailWind, an improved hosting package and potentially product development.

In addition, I would spend some money on Instagram, Facebook and Google advertisem*nts.

Won the Lottery? - What to do so you never have to work again - $1,000,000 - Dividend Income Investor (6)

This was a fun experiment because I enjoy deciding how to allocate money in general.

Even though this was about winning the lottery, it was a good excercise because it allowed me to create a plan for managing a net worth of $1,000,000, which is actually realistic number by the end of my career.

Moreover, the main takeaway I realized through writing this post is that my plan wouldn’t change at all….

You could give me a million dollars right now and I’d do the exact same thing.

Instead of saving and investing my way towards financial independence, I’d be able to live my dream life right now.

I guess that means I’m on the right path.

Won the Lottery? - What to do so you never have to work again - $1,000,000 - Dividend Income Investor (2024)


What is the best way to invest money after winning the lottery? ›

Where do you put your money if you win the lottery? It would be a poor idea to put all your eggs in one basket; a balanced and diversified portfolio consisting of cash, stocks, bonds, and other assets is key to preserving your new wealth.

What to do after winning $1 million dollars? ›

Practicalities of Claiming the Jackpot
  1. Safeguard the ticket.
  2. Be choosy about who you tell about your win.
  3. Engage a Lawyer and Financial Advisor.
  4. Decide on taking the lump-sum or annuity option.
  5. Plan on income taxes in two parts.
  6. Engage in tax-focused estate planning.
Jan 31, 2024

How to stay rich after winning the lottery? ›

The financial advisor told BLACK ENTERPRISE the steps that everyone should take after hitting the jackpot.
  1. Build a team quickly after winning.
  2. If you're playing the lottery with others, have an agreement beforehand.
  3. Stay away from depreciating assets.
  4. If you can't tell family and friends no, hire someone to say it instead.
Dec 21, 2022

What kind of bank do lottery winners use? ›

Your current bank or credit union is a good place to start but be sure to verify that the amount of your deposit is federally insured. If the amount of your deposit exceeds the level of insurance, consider dividing your prize funds between two or more financial institutions.

Where is the safest place to put lottery winnings? ›

Your current bank or credit union is a good place to start but be sure to verify that the amount of your deposit is federally insured. If the amount of your deposit exceeds the level of insurance, consider dividing your prize funds between two or more financial institutions.

Can you retire after winning the lottery? ›

For people who earn a modest income, a $2 million lottery win might seem enough to retire on, but it's probably not. Talking with a financial advisor before quitting your job is important. If you hate your job, even a small lottery jackpot might help you transition into a career you'll enjoy more.

Can I split lottery winnings with family? ›

You can share money with your family after a big lottery win. But there are some essential points to consider: Decide whether you want to share: This is a personal decision only you can make, and there's nothing wrong with keeping your winnings. But if you want to spread the wealth, that's good too.

How to avoid taxes on lottery winnings? ›

Taxes on lottery winnings are unavoidable, but there are steps you can take to minimize the hit. As mentioned earlier, if your award is small enough, taking it in installments over 30 years could lower your tax liability by keeping you in a lower bracket. Also, you could donate to your favorite nonprofit organizations.

Do lottery winners need security? ›

“With a large amount of wealth comes the potential for threats to your personal safety. You might be a target of crime or scams,” he tweeted. “A security professional or firm can help protect you, your family and your assets.”

What's the smartest thing to do after winning the lottery? ›

Hire an attorney, an accountant, and a financial advisor

Whenever you come into a huge amount of money, you want to assemble a team of professionals. It's essential to hire an attorney, a certified public accountant (CPA), and a financial advisor.

How long does it take for lottery winnings to hit your bank account? ›

Once the money has been collected, it usually takes five to ten business days to hit your account. Banks are often wary of handling such large transfers, and not all are equipped to handle jackpots. At the earliest, you should plan to receive your lottery winnings between three and four weeks after the draw date.

Is it better to take lump sum or annuity lottery? ›

“I honestly think most people are probably better off taking the annuity.” As mentioned, the annuity option means you'll receive a check every year with another, slightly larger portion of your lottery winnings. While that annual allowance may sound annoying to a newfound jackpot winner, it can also help protect you.

How to deposit a large lottery check? ›

One of the first questions asked by people who receive a check for a large sum is, "What do I do with this check?" The best course of action is usually to make a bee-line to your bank and deposit the check. This is to ensure that the funds are cleared and credited into a financial account safely and quickly.

How much goes to taxes if I win $1 million dollars? ›

For example, if you're single and earn $1 million in taxable income, you'll fall into the highest tax bracket, which is currently 37%. This means that you'll pay 37% in federal income taxes on the portion of your income that exceeds the threshold for the highest tax bracket.

Why do lottery winners opt for cash? ›

Lump sum payments can also help winners avoid long-term income tax implications. However, those who elect to receive their winnings in annuity payments, or payments that are divided and issued over a fixed period of time, can end up with more in the long run.

What are the most common purchases after winning the lottery? ›

Paying off debts: Many winners prioritize clearing debts such as mortgages, car loans, or credit card balances. Real estate: Buying a new home or investing in property is a popular choice. Cars and luxury items: Winners often splurge on new cars, jewelry, and other luxury goods.

What do most lottery winners do with their money? ›

Mortgages, student loans, and credit card debt

While some jackpot winners are spending their winnings on shiny new toys, others are using parts of it to pay off their bills.

How would you invest 100 million dollars? ›

Traditional Investments
  1. Stock Market: Allocate a portion of your portfolio to well-established, blue-chip stocks for potential long-term growth. ...
  2. Mutual Funds: Explore a mix of equity and bond mutual funds for diversification and professional management. ...
  3. Fixed Income:

Are lottery winnings investment income? ›

The IRS considers net lottery winnings ordinary taxable income. So after subtracting the cost of your ticket, you will owe federal income taxes on what remains.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.