Best Real Estate Open House Advice For Agents (2024)

There are a lot of real estate agents that want to sell their property as quickly as possible. If this describes you, the greatest advice we can give you is to execute your real estate open house correctly! This blog post will provide you with simple ideas that will lead you to a successful sale.

Open Houses Are Great Marketing Tools

Best Real Estate Open House Advice For Agents (1)

An open house is a stress-free way to meet real estate agents and potential buyers. This face to face interaction will give you the opportunity as an agent to share your knowledge about the neighborhood, property, and real estate market in general.

Plus, it’s also great for marketing! Many people who attend open houses don’t have a real estate agent yet. By having an open house, you will be able to meet these people and form a relationship with them so they remember who you are when it comes time for them or their family to start looking for homes!

Make Your Open House Appealing

Best Real Estate Open House Advice For Agents (2)

You may have the best open house advice, but if your listing isn’t appealing to potential buyers, they will leave quickly and not look back. In order for this not to happen, make sure you do a few things:

  • Offer snacks and refreshments – this is a great way to put visitors at each, and as a bonus offering fresh baked cookies makes the home smell amazing!
  • Remove all personal items from the home. If people see your family photos and children’s toys they may have a hard time imagining living their life in the property. That is not what you want!
  • Make sure there are no odors. Nothing kills real estate open house advice faster than a musty smell or pet smell. Make sure you have fresh-smelling candles or spray, and that there is no garbage in the home either!
  • Ask the seller to make any repairs needed before hosting an open house so potential buyers don’t start reducing the price in their minds due to seeing “flaws”.
  • Make sure your listing is clean. Ask the seller to declutter and give the house a good cleaning to make sure it is clean and organized.

Get to Know Your Guests

Get to know your guests at your open house and make them feel comfortable. The real estate agents that are able to do this will be most successful in converting the prospect into a potential buyer or future client.

As they say, “it’s not what you know but who you know!” By establishing relationships with people at your open house, it will make them more likely to recommend you as a realtor or even help you find the perfect home for yourself.

Ask your guests questions about what they are looking for in a home, where they are from, and when they plan to move.

This advice is a great way to start conversations and get people talking about themselves so you can build rapport with your guests!

Follow Up With Your Guests Afterward

It’s important that realtors take advantage of every opportunity presented before them. This means that real estate agents should follow up with their guests after the open house as well!

One of the best ways to do this is through a followup text, phone call, or email. Using an open house sign-in sheet is a great way to not only log your visitors but to also keep in contact with them after the Open House.

Best Real Estate Open House Advice For Agents (3)

Some examples of a followup email or text may include:

“It was great meeting you and your family at the open house! I wanted to let you know that we have another real estate open house coming up next month. If you are interested in attending, please let us know!”

or “Hello Mr./Mrs. (Last name), It was nice seeing you and your daughter at our open house today. I wanted to let you know that we have another real estate open house coming up next week! If interested, please feel free to contact us.”

“We had an amazing time meeting you and your family at the real estate open house last month. We just wanted to check in with you on some of our listings if it would be okay with you. If not, please let us know.”

or “Hi (Last name), We hope your real estate open house was a success! We are available to answer any questions if needed. Please feel free to reach out!”

Don’t Forget About the Neighbors!

Don’t dismiss neighbors as just “nosy neighbors” when you are hosting an open house. Neighbors can be a very important part of open houses because they can be great allies when you’re trying to sell a property.

They’ll spread your good name around, potentially help market your real estate opportunity, and most importantly may even know someone who’s looking for real estate in your area! Don’t forget to include them during real estate open houses.

Don’t Forget the Essentials

Best Real Estate Open House Advice For Agents (4)

There are a few essentials you’ll want to ensure you bring to your open house. These include:

Real Estate Flyers

Create an attractive real estate home flyer. You can do this by creating a real estate open house sheet that includes information about the property such as square footage, number of rooms (bedrooms/bathrooms), amenities like central air/heat, real estate property description, and price.

Pro Tip: Sign up as an Agentcrate member to get access to all our ready-made real estate templates you can easily customize and download for your next open house!

Open House Sign In Sheet

A real estate open house sign in sheet is a great way to track everyone who comes through your realtor home during the real estate open house.

It’s also a great way to obtain contact information to add the prospect to your database.

You could also consider using a digital open house sign-in sheet, such as a landing page that will automatically input the visitor’s info into your CRM of choice.

Real Estate Open House Feedback Form / Sheet

It’s important that realtors always get feedback from their real estate open house. This is a great way to improve your realtor business and marketing strategies in the future!

PRO TIP: Are you looking for free real estate open house sheets printable for your next open house? We’ve created one for you to download free.

Never Forget Your Business Cards

Make certain to never forget your business cards after the actual estate open house is completed! You’ll need them later since they may be used to keep in touch with prior guests and neighbors who may be interested in real estate opportunities.

Don’t Forget Your Laptop and Phone Chargers

You’ll want to make sure you charge up before real estate open houses. This way, if guests come in and out of your listing then you can always use them!

Having a cell phone or laptop charger with you is perfect because there are times when outlets may be scarce for everyone else. Don’t forget to bring them with you.

You’ll also be ready in the case that an open house visitor wants to make an offer on the spot!

Use Social Media to Spread the Word

Best Real Estate Open House Advice For Agents (6)

As real estate agents, we know you already know how important real estate social media can be for your business. You should use this to its full advantage by taking advantage of real estate open houses as well!

Taking pictures and sharing them on outlets like Facebook or your real estate Instagram is a great way to promote your real estate open house while also making it easier for realtors to find your real estate open house in the future.

You might consider creating the Open House as an “Event” on Facebook or list it in their Marketplace section to promote your Open House. Ensure to post this information in advance so potential visitors have time to plan to attend.

Put Out Many Signs

Best Real Estate Open House Advice For Agents (7)

Signs are an essential part of real estate open houses. If you want your real estate open house to be successful, put out as many signs as possible! The more signs you put up, the better!

Remember that real estate open house signs should include:

– date/time

– your realtor contact information – phone number, email, etc.

-directional arrows to guide the visitor to the correct street

Don’t Forget to Have Fun

Best Real Estate Open House Advice For Agents (8)

The best realtors make open houses fun and easy for everyone involved! This means that they will ensure their real estate open house is enjoyable from start to finish.

Keep a positive attitude, a smile, and offer valuable information!

Be Ready for Questions

One of our favorite things about real estate open houses is that they give us realtors the opportunity to learn more about what buyers want too! As you are guiding your guests through the real estate open house, be sure to pay attention and answer each question as best you can.

This will help realtors learn more about what buyers want and in turn, they may remember your name when it comes time for them or their family to talk with a realtor!

Be Safe

Real estate agents should ensure to follow best practices for real estate safety during thier open houses. Open houses attract a variety of people – and since agents don’t have the opportunity to vet these guests prior to arrival — keeps informed and following safety tip is a practice all agents should follow.

A great guide for real estate safety tips was published by the National Association of Realtors and agents should acquaint themselves with it and utilize the tips!

Realtors, Don’t Forget About Your Post Open House Cleanup!

It may be a real estate open house, but that doesn’t mean realtors should just leave the real estate opportunity in disarray when they are done!

Instead of leaving their realtor business cards or flyers all over the place, have them ready to take with you so you can help clean up after yourselves.

We know real estate open houses are important, but so is being respectful of others’ property!

A Real Estate Open House Is a Great Way to Sell Your Property!

As you can see, real estate open houses are very effective ways for realtors to sell their properties! These real estate opportunities should not be taken advantage of lightly because they are real estate marketing opportunities that can lead to real sales!

No matter what realtor experience or real estate opportunities like real estate open houses an agent may have under their belt, all agents can benefit from having open houses.

It’s a great way to meet real estate agents, potential clients and it also helps realtors market themselves in the process.

Best Real Estate Open House Advice For Agents (9)


How long should an open house last?

Real estate open houses usually last between two and four hours depending on the real estate opportunity. The realtor should make sure to remind their realtors how long they will be at an event so everyone is aware of what time they need to leave.

How early should real estate open houses start?

Realtors can begin their real estate open house at any time, but we recommend starting between the hours of 10 and 12 in order to give buyers several options on when they want to tour a property.

How many open houses should a real estate agent host?

Realtors should host real estate open houses every weekend if they can! This will help them generate consistent leads for potential real estate opportunities.

What is the average cost of an real estate open house?

The realtor decides what kind of real estate marketing tools to use, so it’s hard to give a specific answer on this question. But real estate open houses are usually affordable marketing tools, especially when compared to other real estate advertising options.

Do open houses really sell listings?

Yes! Open houses are real estate marketing opportunities that help realtors attract new potential buyers and sell their real estate. These real estate open house events can lead to potential offers, so they’re worth it for realtors who want to generate more business and close sales!

Should sellers stay at the open house?

Typically – no. Some visitors may feel uncomfortable expressing themselves and touring the home freely if they feel the seller is right around the corner. If realtors feel like there is too much of a distraction during an open house, then it’s best for everyone if sellers aren’t around at all. This will help buyers focus on what matters most.

To sum it all up, open houses are real estate marketing opportunities realtors can use to their advantage. These realtor events should be taken seriously because they have the potential to lead buyers directly to your front door!

P. S. If you’re looking to spend less time creating marketing content and more time selling houses, make sure to check out our popular real estate agent marketing memberships!

Best Real Estate Open House Advice For Agents (10)

Last updated: 9/13/21

Best Real Estate Open House Advice For Agents (2024)


What is the most asked question to real estate agent? ›

Frequently Asked Real Estate Questions from Buyers
  • What's the initial step in purchasing a home? ...
  • What are my options if my offer is turned down? ...
  • How does my agent get paid when buying a house? ...
  • What if I sell my home but I'm not able to find a new one to buy? ...
  • Home prices are going down.

What is the best day to have an open house? ›

Conventional wisdom says the best day for Open House is either Saturday or Sunday…but if you get creative there are many ways to hold an Open House on weekdays, evenings and even mornings: Nighttime Open House: these are especially great for properties with ambiance or views that are well suited to evening hours.

What do you say as an agent at an open house? ›

The open house script:

“Great to hear that this property is checking some boxes for you. There is a lot of interest, so we are expecting several offers to come in by [offer date]. If you are seriously interested, I'd recommend we schedule a time to discuss or book another walk-through in the next couple of days.

What is the most googled question about real estate? ›

The eternal question of whether it's the right time to buy or sell a home is a perennial favorite among internet searches. Timing the real estate market perfectly is challenging, and the decision to buy or sell should be based on individual circ*mstances and objectives.

What is a powerful quote about real estate? ›

1) Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world. 2) Buy land, they're not making it anymore. 3) Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.

How to attract buyers to an open house? ›

Here, we've collected some of our open house tips for sellers that can help attract more guests to your open house.

How to get leads at an open house? ›

  1. 31 Open House Tips to Capture Promising Leads. ...
  2. Invite the Neighbors. ...
  3. Offer to Host Other Agent's Open Houses. ...
  4. Set a Goal and Keep It in Mind. ...
  5. Nail Online Check-in. ...
  6. Don't Underestimate the Power of Scent. ...
  7. Turn on Some Music. ...
  8. Market Your Open House With Video.

How do you spruce up an open house? ›

Here are some design tips for your front entrance:
  1. Spruce up your seating area, add a welcome mat, lantern, or wreath.
  2. Consider painting the door so that your home stands out from the rest.
  3. Add a rug. No matter where you live it's always nice to step into a home and onto a rug.
  4. Consult your stager.

What not to ask at an open house? ›

Don't Ask For Negotiation Tactics

The agent hosting the open house represents the seller's interests. Asking them about negotiation strategies or details about the seller's motivations could potentially compromise your position.

What to say and not say at an open house? ›

Be respectful. Ask good questions but be careful about what you say regarding the house. Potential buyers who walk through the house insulting it loudly (I have seen it happen) will irritate the listing agent because that kind of behavior is just unnecessary and nasty.

How do you pass a real estate agent interview? ›

Be prepared to answer real estate interview questions about your history with solid statistics and numbers.
  1. Include the number of homes you've sold on your resume.
  2. Talk about the types of homes, neighborhoods, buyers, etc. ...
  3. Mention any awards or advanced credentials you've received.

What is the hardest thing about being a real estate agent? ›

One of the hardest things about being a real estate agent is smoothing your income so that it is consistent throughout the year. This requires discipline and rigorous budgeting. Some agents take second jobs.

How do you interview a realtor to sell? ›

The topics you will want to discuss include the agent's:
  1. training and background.
  2. professional experience or specialty as an agent.
  3. how much the agent believes you can sell your property for.
  4. ability to give you helpful information about local comparable sales.
  5. track record of recent sales.
  6. plan for marketing your property.

What knowledge should a real estate agent have? ›

What are the most important skills for real estate agents? It's not only about having industry knowledge and being able to sell—you need to understand people, build relationships, and empathize with your clients. Both hard and soft skills are important in real estate sales.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.