Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Electronic Lock | 3 Cubic Feet (2024)


Cennox / FireKing


$1,168.75 USD$2,262.00 USD

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Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Electronic Lock | 3 Cubic Feet (2)

Make quick, secure cash drops with ease.

In store operations, you need a secure environment for your cash. Our Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1 Depository Safe provides a convenient and reliable form of security from theft and shrinkage in your retail setting. Easy under-the-counter installation means that your safe is in a location that promotes operational efficiency. The mail box drop enables you to easily make bank bag type drops. The mailbox is designed to accept bulky drops and deposit them into the safe. This allows you to make those types of drops without opening the main door to the safe.

The safe is fit with either one or two electronic locks, one for each compartment. Each electronic lock is programmable with unique user codes, limiting access to only those who are authorized. Some models have locks that will also allow you the capability to set a time delay, further deterring theft and armed robbery. All of these features, coupled with outstanding customer service and live technical support when you need it, give you the confidence that you seek.

Cennox FireKingoffers6modelsofB-RatedDepository Safe:

  • Cennox FireKing MB2014-FK1| Electronic Lock | 1.07CF
  • Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1| Electronic Lock |3 CF
  • Cennox FireKing MB2720ICH-FK1|Inner Compartmentwith Electronic Lock | 3.57 CF
  • Cennox FireKing MB2720ICHF1SG40| Inner Compartmentwith Key Lock| 3.57 Cubic Feet
  • Cennox FireKing MB3020-FK1| Double Door | Electronic Lock | 3.39 CF
  • Cennox FireKing B5325DM-FK1SG40| Double Door| Electronicand Dual Key Lock |13.67 CF

      CA Residents: SeeProp 65 Warning


      • B-Rated construction
      • Accepts bulky packages
      • SR2electronic control lock standard
      • Spring-loaded re-locker
      • Time delay feature available as robbery and theft deterrent
      • 24/7/365 live technical support when needed


      Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Electronic Lock | 3 Cubic Feet (3)Electronic Lock
      • With Time Delay Feature that strongly deters theft and armed robbery
      • Programmable with unique user codes

      Weight & Dimensions

      Weight (lbs)260
      Outside2612" 2012"20"
      Inside1634"20" 1512"
      Storage Space[cf]3


      Locking Mechanism3 rounded Locking Bolts
      Relocker TypeSpring Loaded
      Burglar RatingB-Rated


      Get in touch with us

      Text or Call :888-717-4819or simply start a live chat with our experts.

      Average response time is 41 seconds. We are open 7 days a Week; 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM EST


      6 Reasons Why Clients Recommend Us:

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        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

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        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}{% endif %}{% endcomment %} {% comment %}

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      {% comment %}

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      View 0 Products

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      {% endif %}

      {% if init %}--{% else %}({{ data[search_type.value].total }}){% endif %}
      Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Electronic Lock | 3 Cubic Feet (2024)


      How big of a fireproof safe do I need? ›

      A simple way to determine how large a safe you might need is to pile up everything you plan to put in it and measure. A fairly common home-safe capacity is 1.2 to 1.3 cubic feet, which should easily accommodate a foot-high stack of 8½- by 11-inch papers, for example.

      How do you open a fire king safe? ›

      STEP 1: Press start button “ * “ STEP 2: Press master code (4560) given by the manufacture. STEP 3: Press the “#” button “Match” will be displayed. STEP 4: Turn knob/handle to open the safe door. The Personal code could be input from 4 digits to 16 digits.

      Why is my cube safe so expensive? ›

      Many of our customers purchase a MyCube having just bought a safe on Amazon because they have “no idea how to use it, don't know how to install it, and it has an ugly finish with no visibility inside the safe.” MyCube safes are a bit more expensive but that's because we have spent the past 8 years perfecting our safes, ...

      Are Tigerking safes any good? ›

      If you don't need a waterproof or fireproof safe, then this is a good buy. I like the two keys to open or a key and a combination to open feature. It also has an alarm. Best bang for your buck.

      What is the master code for a browning safe? ›

      The master code is designated as code #1, and the user codes (if set) are designated by user I.D. number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The user codes do not exist until they are programmed into the lock.

      How to open a digital safe if you forgot the combination? ›

      So, the question is, is it possible to unlock digital or electronic safes without a combination? If you're dealing with a combination safe lock, you probably have an emergency key for it. So, you just have to take the dial panel off and find a keyhole. Insert your emergency key, turn it and the safe door will open.

      What to do if your digital safe won't open? ›

      In this case, it is also recommended that you contact a professional locksmith to repair the lock. If you have a code safe and the electronic lock does not work, the first thing to do is to check if the battery is working or dead. If it is, replace it with a new battery and try opening your safe again.

      Will money survive in a fireproof safe? ›

      American dollars burn at a temperature of 450 degrees F. So if a safe is left in flames hot enough for long enough, the interior of the safe can reach temperatures high enough to cause paper money to combust. The fire rating of your safe lets you know how long it takes for that to happen.

      Will a fireproof safe survive a house fire? ›

      The short answer is yes!

      Fireproof safes are designed to protect their contents from fire and other disasters. However, safes vary widely in their specifications and effectiveness.

      Where is the best place to put a fireproof safe? ›

      The safest place in your home to make the most of your safe's fire protection features is a room that is on a concrete slab. However, not all homes are built on a concrete slab. The next best place is to have your safe on the first floor of your home if you have a crawl space or basem*nt.

      How do I choose a fireproof home safe? ›

      Fire Protection Rating

      To withstand high temperatures, choose a safe that is completely fireproof rather than a security safe with a fire-resistant envelope. For advanced protection, fireproof safes should withstand temperatures of at least 1150 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes or more.

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      Article information

      Author: Corie Satterfield

      Last Updated:

      Views: 6475

      Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

      Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Corie Satterfield

      Birthday: 1992-08-19

      Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

      Phone: +26813599986666

      Job: Sales Manager

      Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

      Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.