Dehydration in reptiles - How to prevent it and keep them hydrated appropriately (2024)

Signs of Dehydration in Reptiles & What to Do About It

Written by Mariah Healey,

The information in this article is not intended to replace professional veterinary advice.

Earth is unique for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is the fact that our planet has water. Water is generally regarded as the key to life itself. Where there is no water, there can be no life — and that goes for reptile terrariums just as much as it does for planets. When there’s not enough water, or the water is provided in a way that is not appropriate for your pet reptile, the reptile becomes dehydrated.

Dehydration has many negative effects on reptiles’ health and wellbeing:

  • Decreases organ function
  • Impairs skin health and the shedding process
  • Decreases digestive motility
  • Diminishes the body’s ability to remove metabolic wastes
  • May affect assimilation of water-soluble vitamins
  • Decreases appetite
  • Decreases activity

Even minor dehydration (hypohydration) negatively affects a reptile’s health. But chronic dehydration is likely to result in severe health problems such as impaction, gout, and kidney failure.

Signs of Dehydration in Reptiles

Although symptoms can vary between species, here are some general signs and symptoms of dehydration in reptiles:

  • Wrinkled and/or saggy skin
  • Dented/cracked scales
  • Trouble shedding
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Sunken eyes
  • Yellow/orange urate
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Dull color
  • Unusually aggressive behavior
  • Weakness
  • General “stress”

Some reptiles endure dehydration better than others. Arid species, for example, do better than tropical species because they evolved to survive through near-constant water scarcity. However, just because they cope with dehydration better does not mean that they don’t need moisture in their environment. This also means it is extra important to pay attention to your reptile’s husbandry and take measures to prevent dehydration from happening in the first place.

How to Rehydrate a Dehydrated Reptile

If you recognize one or more of the above symptoms in your reptile, it’s possible that they are dehydrated.

The first thing you need to do is address the immediate problem by re-hydrating your reptile. The appropriate action will vary depending on what type of reptile you have and the severity of the symptoms.

For mild symptoms, fixing its husbandry will usually solve the problem, which is addressed in the next section.

For moderate symptoms, your reptile may need some special care before it perks back up. For example, if you have an arboreal gecko, misting the enclosure is likely to help. If you have a tortoise, give it a soak in shallow water. If you have a bearded dragon or leopard gecko, drop some water onto its nose with a dropper for it to lick. If you have a reptile with stuck shed, create a humidity chamber to help loosen the old skin.

If your reptile does not respond to these initial measures, or exhibits severe symptoms, you need to make an appointment with an experienced reptile veterinarian. For some reptiles, like chameleons, dehydration can quickly turn deadly. Your reptile may require a saline injection or other treatment. In some cases, dehydration is a symptom of a larger health problem.

How to Keep Your Reptile Hydrated

One of the best ways you can support your reptile’s health is by making sure that they are always well-hydrated. There are many ways that a reptile can become dehydrated, so it’s your job too.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Are the humidity levels in the enclosure appropriate for the species?
  • Are you measuring humidity correctly?
  • Does the substrate support appropriate levels of humidity in the enclosure?
  • Does it have access to an area of higher humidity (ex: humid hide/burrow)?
  • Does it have access to clean, fresh drinking water at all times?
  • Does it have access to significantly cooler areas where it can cool down as needed?
  • Is the basking temperature appropriately high?
  • Is its food well-hydrated?

If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, here are some ways you can fix the problem and encourage healthier hydration in your reptile:

  • Pay attention to average humidity levels with at least one digital probe hygrometer.
  • Mist the enclosure more often/heavily.
  • Use a cool mist fogger at night or for a short period in the early morning.
  • Pour water into the substrate on a regular basis.
  • Use a deeper substrate layer.
  • Switch to a more moisture-retentive substrate.
  • Soak greens before offering to increase their water content.
  • Make sure that feeder insects are well-hydrated as well as well-fed.
  • Dip feeder rodents in water before offering (if your snake will take them wet).
  • If you use a powder- or pellet-based diet, moisten it appropriately before offering. Avoid using dried insects.
  • Offer fresh food whenever possible.
  • Install a dripper over a drinking surface.
  • Provide a wall-mounted water bowl for arboreal species.
  • Refresh drinking water whenever it gets soiled, and scrub the bowl at least once a week with disinfectant.
  • Add an air stone to the water bowl to draw their attention with bubbles.
  • Add live plants to the enclosure.
  • Switch to bioactive.

It’s also important to hydrate your reptile the way that it recognizes water – not all reptiles drink from bowls. Some prefer to drink from droplets that accumulate on foliage and the walls of their enclosure (ex: arboreal geckos, chameleons, anoles). Some soak in large water bowls (ex: tortoises, many snakes). Some get it primarily from their food (ex: uromastyx, desert iguanas). Some are semi-aquatic and require a large pool of water (pond sliders, Chinese water dragons, basilisks). And for many, it’s a combination – they’ll take water however they can get it.

Healthy hydration varies from species to species. For example, the high humidity levels required to keep a mossy leaf-tailed gecko healthy are likely to make a leopard gecko sick. And while regular soaking works well for desert tortoises, it has no effect on bearded dragons.

It is a reptile owner’s responsibility to make sure that their pet stays adequately hydrated. Do whatever you need to do to make that happen!


Courteney-smith, J. (2014). The Arcadia Guide To Reptile And Amphibian Nutrition: Part 2: Arcadia Reptile, Reptile Care Series. Arcadia Products.

Mader, D. R. (2006). Reptile Medicine and Surgery. W B Saunders Company.

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Dehydration in reptiles - How to prevent it and keep them hydrated appropriately (2024)


How do reptiles stay hydrated? ›

Reptiles can absorb water through their skin. They have permeable skin. Reptiles can stay hydrated by simply soaking in water and absorbing it via their skin. Reptiles in the wild will bathe themselves, but captive reptiles kept as pets require a little consideration and a proper environment to do this.

What causes dehydration in reptiles? ›

Any trauma or disease can lead to a dehydrated state because of pain or shock, or cause a period of inappetence. Reptiles are uricotelic in nature with the majority of their nitrogenous excretory waste product formed as uric acid. In a dehydrated state, the levels of uric acid in a reptile's blood will rise.

How do you keep a snake hydrated? ›

Offer water or diluted electrolyte solutions such as sports drinks, Pedialyte or Ricelyte near the reptile's head for easy, convenient drinking. Use an eyedropper or needle-less syringe to drip water onto the reptile's snout. As the reptile licks the moisture off, continue offering drinks in this way.

How do you save a dehydrated lizard? ›

  1. In a saucepan, mix equal parts pediatric electrolyte beverage and sterile water, making enough for use in the plastic container or dishpan. Gently heat the solution to lukewarm.
  2. Place the plastic container or dishpan on a folded towel. ...
  3. Place the lizard in the container and allow him to soak.

What are 5 ways to stay hydrated? ›

Five Simple Tips to Stay Hydrated
  • Drink the right amount for you. Everyone is different and has different hydration needs. ...
  • Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day. ...
  • Set an alarm or reminder to drink water throughout your day. ...
  • Monitor caffeine and alcohol intake. ...
  • Add flavor.
13 Apr 2017

What are 3 ways to stay hydrated? ›

Tips for staying hydrated
  • Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. ...
  • Invest in a fun or fancy water bottle. ...
  • Use alarms or notifications to your advantage. ...
  • Focus on your body's signals. ...
  • Drink a glass of water before each meal. ...
  • Add calorie-free flavoring. ...
  • Check the color of your urine.

How do you provide water to reptiles? ›

Reptile Water Drip Systems

Drip systems work well as water-delivery systems for some reptile species, especially arboreal lizards. They allow a continuous but gentle drip to reach the cage occupant. Ready-made drip systems are available at pet stores or online.

What are 5 common causes of dehydration? ›

Sometimes dehydration occurs for simple reasons: You don't drink enough because you're sick or busy, or because you lack access to safe drinking water when you're traveling, hiking or camping.
  • Diarrhea, vomiting. ...
  • Fever. ...
  • Excessive sweating. ...
  • Increased urination.
14 Oct 2021

How do snakes get hydrated? ›

Snakes often drink droplets from rainwater or mist off of their own scales. These snakes depend on rain or mist for most of their water intake. Some have specialized scales to collect water droplets to drink off their body drop by drop, said Zach Marchetti, curator of animals.

Why do reptiles need water? ›

Many reptiles live in dry areas where finding adequate drinking water is difficult. Water is essential to cellular function, and therefore to health. Cells shrivel and die without enough water. Reptile adaptations allow them to get most, if not all, of the water they need from the food that they eat.

Do reptiles need water? ›

Nothing is more important in keeping a reptile than providing an easily accessible, clean water source. In fact, water is the most important nutrient.

How do you preserve a reptile wet? ›

Fluid preservation techniques

Small tissue samples may be preserved, but not the whole animal. On the other hand, reptile and amphibian specimens are typically preserved in glass jars, immersed in a 70% to 95% ethanol solution.

Can lizards get dehydrated? ›

Signs Of Dehydration In A Reptile

Skin loses elasticity – when the skin is pinched it does not rapidly spring back but remains puckered. Skin becomes dull and takes on a “wrinkled” appearance – often deeply wrinkled around the neck and along the sides of the body. Dry, flaky skin.

How do you give lizards fluids? ›

Administer subcutaneous fluids under the skin that overlies the scapula in lizards or the epaxial muscles of the body in snakes and lizards. Administer subcutaneous fluids under the skin overlying the humerus or femur in turtles and tortoises.

What is the fastest way to prevent dehydration? ›

Follow these four steps to prevent dehydration:

Drink plenty of water, as directed by your doctor. Eat foods with high amounts of water like fruits and vegetables. Avoid or limit drinks with caffeine like coffee, teas and soft drinks. Avoid or limit drinks with alcohol.

Why is it important to stay hydrated? ›

Drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.

What is best for hydration? ›

Water is your best bet for everyday hydration, since it is free of sugar, calories, and caffeine. All of your daily food and beverages contribute to your daily fluid needs.

What are two ways to deal with dehydration? ›

Treating dehydration

The best way to treat dehydration is to rehydrate the body by drinking plenty of fluids, such as water, diluted squash or diluted fruit juice. A sweet drink can help to replace lost sugar, and a salty snack can help to replace lost salt.

What are two methods of hydrating? ›

There are two main ways of hydrating your body after periods of exercise. The easiest, and most common method, is to drink fluids. Typically, water or various sports drinks are consumed to replenish the body's fluids. Another method, which is less common, is to administer fluids intravenously.

What are the 4 things that we should do to prevent dehydration? ›

Tips to avoid dehydration:

Keep a bottle of water with you and sip throughout the day. Drink water before you exercise, during exercise and after exercise. When planning an outdoor activity, drink about two glasses of water 1-2 hours before the activity to make sure you are well hydrated before you get started.

How do reptiles reduce water loss? ›

Reptiles retain some of the key characteristics that first enabled vertebrates to live permanently on land. They have dry skin covered in scales made of keratin that help prevent water loss. (Amphibians still need to stick close to water to keep their skin moist.)

How does reptile skin prevent water loss? ›

Reptiles have a reputation that they are “slimy” when we touch and hold them; however, they have dry skin, which has even fewer glands than mammals or amphibians. The main special feature of their skin is that the epidermis is heavily keratinized with a layer, which also prevents water loss.

Do reptiles like water? ›

Most reptiles can live their entire lives on land and reproduce in dry habitats. Some types of reptiles (such as sea turtles and penguins) are adapted to living in water, but even these species come onto land to lay their eggs.

Why is it called dehydration? ›

Because the elements of water are removed, this reaction is called a dehydration.

What is dehydration and why is it important? ›

Dehydration can slow down circulation and affect the flow of oxygen to your brain. A lack of fluids can also cause your heart to work harder to pump oxygen all throughout your body. All of that expended energy can make you feel tired, sluggish, and less focused.

What is dehydration give example? ›

A dehydration reaction is a chemical reaction between two compounds where one of the products is water. For example, two monomers may react where a hydrogen (H) from one monomer binds to a hydroxyl group (OH) from the other monomer to form a dimer and a water molecule (H2O).

What happens when an animal is dehydrated? ›

There are both physical signs and behavioral signs that can indicate if an animal is dehydrated. Common signs include lethargy, tightening of the skin, weight loss and drying of mucous membranes and eyes. When dairy and beef cattle become dehydrated, the eyes will appear sunken and dull.

What happens when an animal becomes dehydrated? ›

Dehydration is a common emergency seen by our vets here at Animal Emergency Center in Memphis. Dehydration happens when your dog's body loses more water and electrolytes than they are taking in, subsequently causing severe issues with their internal organs, body temperature, joints, and digestion.

How do you check if you are dehydrate? ›

Check if you're dehydrated
  1. feeling thirsty.
  2. dark yellow, strong-smelling pee.
  3. peeing less often than usual.
  4. feeling dizzy or lightheaded.
  5. feeling tired.
  6. a dry mouth, lips and tongue.
  7. sunken eyes.

Can you give reptiles tap water? ›

It's is generally safe to use for reptiles, although if you want to use it for amphibians, it's best practice to use a high-quality water conditioner to eliminate the chlorine and chloramines if you're using it for misting, fogging, or drinking.

How do snakes hydrate in the desert? ›

They slither out of their dens, flatten themselves in a coil shape, and suck the water that collects on their backs into their mouths. Now a team of engineers and biologists has discovered special properties of the reptiles' scales that help the snakes become living rain buckets.

Do snakes get hydration from food? ›

Snakes get all of their water from food.

Snakes do in fact gain some water sources from their food, especially those who feed on fish, frogs, and other more water-dense animals. That said, most snakes still need to drink water from other sources.

Why is reptile important? ›

Reptiles are important components of the food webs in most ecosystems. They fill a critical role both as predator and prey species. Herbivorous species can also be important seed dispersers, particularly on island habitats.

Why should we care about reptiles? ›

Reptiles play an important role in the life of humans. In addition to playing an important role in many food chains, which keep the populations of small animals under control, reptiles serve as food, pets, and have played roles in art and culture for thousands of years.

What does a reptile need to survive? ›

Housing requirements for reptiles include an appropriate enclosure and sources of light, heat, and water. Be sure to have the habitat completely ready and secure before bringing your pet home.

Can reptiles drink well water? ›

Well water can be an acceptable source, but again, be sure to test pH, hardness, and if you are near the coast, salinity.

Can reptile breathe in water? ›

Some anole lizards have a newfound superpower: They can breathe underwater by trapping air in a bubble on their snouts. What's more, these reptiles can stay submerged for nearly 20 minutes by rebreathing exhaled air in the bubble, a new study shows.

Do reptiles need the sun? ›

Why do reptiles need UV light? A wild reptile typically spends many hours a day basking in the sun, absorbing ultraviolet (UV) light; these wavelengths of light are necessary for the body to manufacture the vitamin D3 required for proper calcium absorption from food.

How do you keep a reptile tank temperature? ›

Heat pads and panels provide a warm area in the terrarium where reptiles can remain if they need to increase their body temperature. They should be placed on one end of the terrarium, which will allow the far opposite side of the terrarium to remain cooler.

How do you keep reptiles cool? ›

Reptiles don't sweat, and therefore can't be cooled by evaporative cooling. However, a small fan installed in the enclosure may help to create air movement and draw hot air out, possibly reducing the temps by a few degrees.

How do you know if your snake is dehydrated? ›

Snakes that haven't eaten for a prolonged period of time (weeks to months) will appear dehydrated, with sunken eyes, retained pieces of skin from incomplete shedding and dry, sticky saliva in their mouths.

Can lizard survive without water? ›

Since Lizard is adapted to survive in land only, it does not have any gills. It cannot respire in water with lungs.So It will die due to lack of oxygen.

How long can reptiles live without water? ›

Depending on the lizard's age, size, and species, they can go without food for anywhere between 2 weeks to 2 months. However, lizards generally cannot survive without water for longer than a few days.

What's the preferred method of fluid administration in reptiles? ›

Intravenous fluid administration is the preferred route of fluid administration in moderately to severely dehydrated patients. The jugular vein can be used for lizards, chelonians, and snakes.

What is the solution for lizards? ›

To keep lizards away, scatter phenyl tablets around the house. The odour of these tablets is unpleasant to lizards, so they will stay away. Spray a mixture of two tbsp of hot sauce and water on walls or areas where lizards are regularly sighted. This is an effective approach to getting rid of lizards.

What do you feed water lizards? ›

Water dragons should be regularly fed large insects such as woodies, crickets and mealworms.

How do reptiles drink water? ›

While some animals have developed ways of extracting water from the food they eat, or reducing water lost through evaporation, desert dwelling lizards don't drink water at all; they absorb it through their skin. Scientists have always suspected that lizards absorb water much like their amphibious neighbors.

How do reptiles maintain water balance? ›

Reptiles are able to conserve much of their body's water because their kidneys are very efficient. A reptile's kidneys are specially adapted to concentrate the body's waste products into uric acid. Once the wastes are collected and converted, the reptile is able to reabsorb most of the liquid used in the process.

How do reptiles absorb water? ›

Reptiles, unlike mammals, can absorb water through their skin. So, to stay hydrated, they don't have to drink but simply can bathe.

What water is best for reptiles? ›

It's best to use the spring water that is sold in bottles, rather than spring water that may run through your tap, as the bottled stuff is more consistent in quality. This type of spring water is generally safe to use for reptiles and amphibians to drink without being treated for chlorine or chloramines.

How do reptiles prevent water loss in their body and from their eggs? ›

The skin of reptiles is covered in impermeable scales and they are able to retain water very effectively. Their eggs are covered by a hard shell, providing a sealed environment for the developing embryo, which does not depend on external sources of water.

What prevent the maintenance of water balance? ›

The impairment of water balance may occur due to conditions such as hypohydration or hyperhydration. Hypohydration is a result of the loss of body water by dehydration. It results in hypertonic extracellular fluids. Hyperhydration is a result of the excessive consumption of water over a short period of time.

How do reptiles survive? ›

The short answer is they hibernate. First and foremost, their winter survival depends on their ability to eat enough calories during the growing season. Hibernation for reptiles differs between aquatic (in water) and terrestrial (on land) species.

How do animals stay hydrated? ›

Most animals drink water to maintain bodily hydration, although many can survive on the water gained from their food. Water is required for many physiological processes. Both inadequate and (less commonly) excessive water intake are associated with health problems.

How do reptile breathe in water? ›

How do Reptiles (e.g. Turtles and Crocodiles) Breathe Underwater? Reptiles have lungs and therefore have to return to the water suface regularly.. Crocodiles have – similar to whales and dolphins – adapted to their habitat: They exclusively use their nostrils to breathe.

How is reptile skin protected from drying? ›

Their scales protect them from everyday wear and tear and from injury. Reptile scales are often brightly colored, and vary in shape and size throughout their body. These scales are mostly made of a hard substance called keratin. This is very tough and waterproof, so it stops the reptile from drying out.

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