How to Save and Invest Living in Nigeria | Best Ways to Invest Money in Diaspora | Damie Ojo (2024)

Today we’re going to be talking about money/finances a.k.a Ego, Owo. I am probably not the bestexpert in granting tips on how to invest and save in Nigeria, but myqualification as an Accountant (ACCA) and earning an MBA has its benefits, here is a practical guide of how these things (investments and savings) workwhether you’re in Nigeria or in diaspora, no matter the amount of money youhave, even with as little as N50,000, N100,000 and you’re just thinking how canyou invest money? What can I do with this money that would yield more returns?I am going to be giving you valuable advice to yield some positive returns onyour savings. Whether you live in Nigeria or not, I understand these schemesalso work in every country and part of the world.

Once again, these are best ways to save and invest money, whetheryou’re based in Nigeria or a national of another country.

1. TreasuryBills

I am going to try as much as possibleto break the terms down in lay man’s terms. Treasury bills are short terminvestments. Basically, it’s just a way of borrowing your money to thegovernment in order to check inflation, for instance, when there is so muchmoney in circulation, prices of goods and services would increase, if you haveN10,000 in your hand, you’ll be willing to spend more than if you had N1000 inyour hand. Treasury bills are ways the government decides to mop up excess fundfrom the population where people have too much money to buy and to spend, alsoforging a way to borrow money to finance their projects.Now the question,how do you invest in Treasury bills? You cannot go the door of the CBN toformally state that you have the interest to buy treasury bills, the governmentusually sell their Treasury bills through commercial banks, you can go to thesebanks and find out the interest rates on Treasury bills. Some two years back,Treasury bills used to be for a very high rate, in fact it was around 17%, 18%.However now, the interest rates on Treasury bills has really come down tobetween 3% to 6%, but because it is a government backed investment, a lot ofpeople still love to go for it!!! Another thing to note about the treasury billis that the interest is paid up front, let’s say you invest N100,000 intreasury bills, and the interest is 10% for instance, you are paid N10,000 theday the investment is done, and the principal of N100,000 would drop back inyour account at the end of the tenure.

The major risk in Treasury bills isthe chance of the money devaluing due to inflation, after investing money for ayear in treasury bills, the worth of the money would diminish. But as for beingeasy, safe and secure, treasury bills are still top notch investments to gofor, the governments cannot afford to owe you or withhold your money.

2.Fixed Deposit

In very simple terms, banking is allabout collecting money from the people that have so much and lend to those thatneed money and every commercial bank offers Fixed deposit to its customers.Fixed deposit is simply telling the bank Youwant to invest a certain some of money and you are not going to touch it over afixed period of time. The interest rate is lower than treasury bills, but it’sa preferred option to leaving your money in the ordinary savings account.Several banks have their different caps on fixed deposits, some would say youcan’t fix less than N5million, some say you can’t fix less than N500,000,varying and depending on the commercial bank. It’s better to walk up to 2 ormore banks and compare the amount of money capped to fix into a depositaccount. It’s important to note that when you fix a certain amount of moneyunlike Treasury bills, the interest accrues at the end of the deposit tenure,so if you fixed N100,000 for 30 days and the interest is N10,000, the total ofN110,000 would be received at the end of the 30 days. An interesting questionyou might want to ask is what if I have and emergency and need to withdrawfunds? Do I have to suffer and wait till the expiration of the investment? Theanswer is no, there is full liquidationand part liquidation. Full liquidation is when you want to cancel the fixeddeposit and recover all the money, but if you want just a part of it, let’s sayN100,000 out of N500,000, and the N400,000 remain as an investment, you canpartly liquidate, but I must warn you liquidating your fixed deposit before theend of the tenure comes with a percentage charge, you are going to penalized,because the agreement with the bank was for it to be fixed for a certain periodof time e.g. one year and you decide to withdraw partly six months into thetenure.

Again, fixed deposits are safeinvestments, since banks are structured organizations that can’t be exhaustedeasily. However, the same risk that applies to Treasury bills i.e. your moneyloses its value to inflation applies to Fixed deposits.Alternatively, you decide to invest money in a business, it’s may triple, butalso the business can fail entirely and you lose the money, your capital andinterest. Fixed deposit is however a way you can get your principal and yourinterest at the end of the investment.

3.Real Estate/Property Investment

So many people have sworn that this isthe best type of investment. This is one of the safest investments where youcan triple or quadruple your money. Now, there are different forms of investingin real estate. You can either buy a property and sell 10 years later or youcan buy and build, then sell 10 years later. I don’t know if you knew of Magodoestate in Lagos, that place was an empty piece of forest many years ago. A plotof land went for N50,000, currently with development in that area, a plot of landdoes not go less than N40 million naira. Same goes for almighty Lekki in Lagos,Lekki was a slump, it was more like a hood, a ghetto! The land sellers wouldeven beg you to take a plot of land for N100,000 and you would not even want totake it. Now, if you point a building/plot of land in Lekki, it cannot be lessthan a N100million naira, that is the value of Real estate, Land and propertynever depreciate. It always appreciates. A land you bought for N50,000 can giveyou N40m in 5 years’ time, that is the magic of investing in Real estate.Whether you are in Nigeria or in diaspora, investing in property is a verysmart investment type. I don’t think there is any type of investment that wouldgive you that kind of money! Once you have enough money to build, you can buildlocked up shops.

Real estate and property is not a badidea but it comes with a risk, one of them is acquisition by the government.The government can decide to build a road on your property and they are notforced to give you compensation for it. The Land Use Act that governs the lawsconcerning land in Nigeria states that all the land in a state belong to theGovernor, so a Governor can decide to use your land without compensating youoh! Another risk of property investment is that you can buy yourself a land andbuy yourself a court case; probably you went to buy a land in dispute and youdid not run due diligence i.e. you did not know that the Land is in court, orthat there are two families fighting over the land, and one of the families quicklysold to you, and you find yourself in the middle of the devil and the deep bluesea! Those are some of the risk that come with property investment.


Another business you can invest inwhile in Nigeria or in diaspora is Hire purchase. Now what is Hire purchase? Iown an item and give it to another person to continually use, the person isobliged to pay me little by little with interest (of course!) till the finalinstallment is paid to purchase the item. For example, you can borrow a penfrom me for 10 months and pay N1 each month till the end of the 10-monthperiod, then the ownership of the pen passes fully to you. In Hire purchase, itis possession that passes to the hirer, not ownership. So if it is my pen, I amstill in ownership of that pen, I only gave you possession of that pen to useat a cost. Usually, there is a Hire Purchase Agreement stating the terms outclearly in paper and it must be signed by both parties. In Nigeria, am sure youknow many of these tricycles a.k.a Keke Napep, minivan and buses are not ownedby drivers, they are actually out on hire purchase. So, that is also abeautiful way of investing, it just gives you this illusion of a salary earner,at the end of the month, you have money coming to you. Also, if the hirer doesnot meet his/her end of the agreement, you still have the right to repossessthe item from him/her.

In Hire purchase, there is emphasis ona guarantor, because of risks such as the hirer absconding with the property,and if you don’t have a concrete guarantor, it might be impossible to recoverthe property. Another crucial risk is that the guarantor would not be able tolocate the absconded hirer and eventually the property is lost.Therefore, it is paramount to have hire purchase agreement with people you canactually trust.

5.High Interest Savings Account.

Another way to invest no matter theamount is either a Savings Account or a Super Savings Account. So many peopledon’t know banks have other savings account apart from the regular savingsaccount. It’s like a high interest account where people who want to save theirmoney but don’t want the money trapped in an account, or the process of writingto liquidate their money but want the money saved away without spending it,keeping it for emergencies without fixing it into Deposits or Treasury bills.Many banks have that arrangement where they provide High Interest Deposit Accounts.These accounts come without a debit card or cheque books where the banksmake it difficult for you to withdraw more than a restricted number of times.These accounts come with interests monthly, unlike fixed deposits where theinterests come at the end of the tenure. Let’s say you’re entitled to aninterest of N120,000 per annum on a Super Savings Account, the amount iscredited to your account every month of N10,000, which is a cool way to earnpassive income.

However, you forfeit your interestwhen you withdraw out of these accounts more than thrice, so if you’re runningyour savings account like a current account, you forfeit your interest for thatmonth.

How to Save and Invest Living in Nigeria | Best Ways to Invest Money in Diaspora | Damie Ojo (2024)


What investment has the highest return in Nigeria? ›

Top 10 High-Yield Investments in Nigeria
  • Real Estate (Rental Properties)
  • Agriculture.
  • Treasury Bills and Government Bonds.
  • Stock Market.
  • Fixed Deposits and Savings Accounts.
  • Mutual Funds and Investment Trusts.
  • Energy Sector Investments.
  • Fintech and Startups.
Mar 22, 2024

How to invest your money wisely in Nigeria? ›

How to Invest Money Wisely
  1. Set a goal for your money. Find out what your investing goals are, when you need or want to reach them, and how much risk you're willing to take for each.
  2. Decide how much help you need. ...
  3. Choose investments that are in line with your level of risk-taking. ...
  4. The most important thing to remember.

What is the highest paying mutual fund in Nigeria? ›

Best performing Equity Based Funds
  • ARM Aggressive Growth Fund – 96.08%
  • Cowry Equity Fund – 34.02%
  • PACAM Equity Fund – 25.52%
  • Legacy Equity Fund – 21.97%
  • Anchoria Equity Fund – 19.15%
Apr 22, 2024

How to attract foreign direct investment in Nigeria? ›

be attracted into the country if the rate of corporate taxation is reduced. study indicated that the introduction of tax incentives policy change the pattern of FDI flows in the sector. This suggests that tax incentives can be utilized as a veritable tool for attracting FDI in the non-oil sector.

How to make 5000 naira daily in Nigeria? ›

We would also provide means by which you can learn a skill and get jobs.
  1. Blogging. ...
  2. Online tutoring. ...
  3. Freelancing. ...
  4. Virtual assistant. ...
  5. Affiliate marketing. ...
  6. Selling school notes. ...
  7. Selling your photos. ...
  8. Social media Influencing.

Where can I save my money in dollars in Nigeria? ›

Top 5 Online Apps To Save Dollars In Nigeria
  • Piggyvest: Piggyvest is a popular and major online savings and investment app in Nigeria. ...
  • Cowrywise: Cowrywise shares many similarities with the Piggyvest platform, except that it does not have a fixed interest rate on savings. ...
  • Bundle Africa: ...
  • Nexo: ...
  • Binance:

What can I invest with 5000 naira? ›

Let's discuss some options:
  • Stocks. ...
  • Agriculture. ...
  • Fixed Deposits. ...
  • FGN Savings Bond. ...
  • Source:

Which is the best bond to buy in Nigeria? ›

The FGN Bond is considered as the safest form of investment because it is backed by the 'full faith and credit' of the government. They have no default risk, meaning that it is virtually certain your interest and principal will be paid as and when due. The income you earn is exempted from State and local taxes.

Has anyone gotten rich from mutual funds? ›

It's definitely possible to become rich by investing in mutual funds — many investors build their entire retirement nest egg by investing in mutual funds. Because of compound interest, your investment will likely grow in value over time.

What is the minimum amount to invest in mutual funds in Nigeria? ›

Minimum capital requirement for the Money Market Fund is ₦5,000 while you need a minimum of ₦50,000 for the Fixed Income Fund. Of course, if you would prefer to invest and monitor your portfolio yourself, the Yochaa App is your trusted eyes and ears into stock market.

Which bank is best for mutual funds in Nigeria? ›

FBN Balanced Fund is among the best mutual funds to invest in as it manages risk by balancing funds across a diverse range of assets classes including stocks from high-quality Nigerian companies, long-term debt instruments from Federal and State governments, as well as high-yield money market securities such as ...

Which country is the largest foreign investor in Nigeria? ›

#1 United Kingdom. The United Kingdom remains Nigeria's leading foreign capital source, with inflows amounting to $1.14 billion.

What are the rules for foreign investment in Nigeria? ›

The NIPC Act allows foreign investors to undertake any type of business in Nigeria (other than the prohibited businesses listed in the negative list in Section 32 of the NIPC Act, which applies equally to Nigerians and foreigners) and own up to 100% equity in Nigerian subsidiaries, subject to the specific requirements ...

What attracts investors to Nigeria? ›

Nigeria is a natural location for a variety of industrial activities due to the availability of natural resources, affordable labour cost and large market. Its manufacturing sector is reemerging due largely to the improving performance of the consumer and household goods industries and growth of the middle-class.

Which investment has highest rate of return? ›

The U.S. stock market is considered to offer the highest investment returns over time. Higher returns, however, come with higher risk. Stock prices typically are more volatile than bond prices. Stock prices over shorter time periods are more volatile than stock prices over longer time periods.

Which investment is best for high returns? ›

Best investment options for long term goals
  • Direct Equity. Investing in stocks like these requires you to have a Demat Account.
  • Equity Mutual Funds. ...
  • National Pension System (NPS) ...
  • ULIPs. ...
  • Real estate. ...
  • Public Provident Fund (PPF) ...
  • Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) and Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)

What is the best business to invest in Nigeria? ›

19 Small Business Ideas You Can Easily Start in Nigeria
  1. POS Business. ...
  2. Cleaning Services. ...
  3. Photography Business. ...
  4. Fashion Thrift Business. ...
  5. Event Planning. ...
  6. Open a Palm Oil Storage Business. ...
  7. Catering Services. ...
  8. Copywriting Service Business.
Mar 11, 2024

Which PFA has the highest return on investment in Nigeria? ›

All the 17 PFAs recorded positive return in their RSA Fund I.
  • First position: NPF Pensions – 13.33%
  • Second position: Leadway Pensure PFA – 5.61%
  • Third position: Tangerine Apt Pensions – 5.57%

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