Net Worth 101: What Is It And How To Calculate - All About That Money (2024)

Net worth is one of those terms that gets thrown around a lot, but few people actually know what it means. Simply put, your net worth is the value of your assets minus your liabilities. In other words, it’s what you own minus what you owe.

Calculating your net worth is a good way to get a snapshot of your financial health. It can also help you set goals and track your progress over time. If you’re not sure how to calculate your net worth, don’t worry – this blog post will show you everything you need to know.

Net Worth 101: What Is It And How To Calculate - All About That Money (1)

Table of Contents

What Is Net Worth?

Net worth is the value of all assets minus all liabilities. It is an important metric to track because it provides a snapshot of an individual’s or company’s financial health. A high net worth indicates that an individual or company has a lot of assets and few liabilities, which can lead to financial stability and success. A low net worth, on the other hand, may indicate that an individual or company is in a precarious financial position and may be at risk of defaulting on their obligations.

It is important to calculate your net worth because it provides a snapshot of your financial health. This number can be used to set financial goals and track your progress over time. Additionally, knowing your net worth can help you make informed decisions about your finances, such as whether to invest in certain assets or pay down debt. Ultimately, calculating your net worth is a valuable exercise that can help you better understand and manage your finances and keep yourself on track with your financial goals.

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Net Worth 101: What Is It And How To Calculate - All About That Money (3)

How To Calculate Your Net Worth

If you want to know how to calculate your net worth, you will need to list all of your assets and liabilities and then subtract your liabilities from your assets. This will give you your net worth.

Your assets include everything that you own and that has monetary value. This includes your checking account balance, your savings and investment accounts, your home equity, and your personal possessions. You will need to calculate the value of each of these items and then add them together to get your total assets.

Your liabilities include everything that you owe. This includes your mortgage, your credit card debt, your student loans, and any other money that you owe. You will need to calculate the value of each of these items and then add them together to get your total liabilities.

Net Worth 101: What Is It And How To Calculate - All About That Money (4)

Once you have your total assets and your total liabilities, you can subtract your liabilities from your assets to get your net worth. Or you may find it easier to enter this information into our net worth calculator below.

It can be difficult to get all of this information together. One of the easiest ways to get a snapshot of your financial health is to use personal finance software such as Quicken.

Net Worth Calculator

Simply enter the details of all of your assets and liabilities into the net worth calculator below to find your own net worth. You can find average net worth for your age group at the Federal Reserve survey of consumer finances.

Net Worth Calculator

The median number in a range of data can be a closer representation when comparing net worth of individuals compared to using the average. The median number may be better when comparing net worth figures because it is not as influenced by outliers as the average is.

For example, if we have a group of 10 people and their net worths are:


The average value would be $100,900, while the median value would be $1,000. In this case, the median is a better representation of the net worth of the group because it is not skewed by the one person with much more assets. The median is the number in the middle of the range.

Net Worth 101: What Is It And How To Calculate - All About That Money (6)

Average Net Worth Age Under 35

As we can see from the data from Federal Reserve survey of consumer finances, those under 35 have on average the lowest net worth of all the age groups at $76,340. There are several reasons why individuals in the age bracket of below 35 years old are likely to have a lower net worth than all other age groups.

One reason is that they are less likely to have accumulated assets such as property or stocks and shares. They are also more likely to have student debts which can reduce their net worth. Another reason is that they are less likely to be in well-paid jobs and may not have had the opportunity to save as much money as older age groups.

Average Net Worth Age 35-44

This age bracket starts to see a significant increase in net worth but is still much lower than all older age groups. There are a few life events and lifestyle factors that will have the biggest affect on net worth for the age bracket of 35-44 years old.

The first is whether or not they own their own home. Home-ownership is a great way to build equity and wealth, and it’s something that should be encouraged. However, it’s not always possible for everyone to own their own home, and there are other ways to build wealth as well.

Another factor that will have a big impact on net worth is whether or not the individual has a retirement plan. Retirement planning is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for those in their peak earning years. It’s also important to make sure that the retirement plan is on track and funded adequately.

Another factor that can impact net worth is whether or not the individual has children. Having children can be a great joy, but it also comes with a lot of financial responsibility. Children can be expensive, and they can also require a lot of time and energy.

Finally, another factor that can impact net worth is lifestyle. Those who live a lavish lifestyle or who have a lot of expensive hobbies may find that their net worth is lower than those who live a more modest lifestyle. Learn how to avoid lifestyle inflation.

Average Net Worth Age 45-54

There are a few reasons for why those in the age bracket of 45-54 start to see a significant increase in net worth. The first reason is that this age group is typically in the middle of their career. They have usually been working for a few years and have started to climb the corporate ladder. This means that they are making more money than they were in their 20s and 30s. Additionally, this age group is usually more stable in their careers and have fewer job changes. This stability leads to increased earnings and savings.

Another reason for the increased net worth in this age group is that they have likely paid off any debt from their 20s and 30s. This includes student loans, credit card debt, and any other loans. This frees up more money to save and invest. Additionally, this age group is typically starting to think about retirement. This means that they are saving more money in order to have a comfortable retirement.

Overall, the increased net worth in the 45-54 age bracket is due to a combination of increased earnings, stability, and savings.

Average Net Worth Age 55-64

The average net worth for individuals in the age bracket of 55-64 is $1,176,520. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, this age group is likely to have been in the workforce for longer and to have had higher incomes than younger age groups. They are also more likely to own their own homes, and to have paid off more of their mortgages. Finally, they are likely to have built up more retirement savings than younger age groups.

Average Net Worth Age 65-74

Individuals in the 65-74 age bracket tend to have the highest net worth of any age group. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, people in this age bracket are likely to have been in the workforce for longer than those in younger age brackets, meaning they have had more time to save up. Secondly, they are likely to be closer to retirement or already retired, meaning they are less likely to have large amounts of debt. Finally, they are likely to have benefited from years of compound interest on their savings and investments.

Average Net Worth Age 75+

Whilst still among the highest net worth of any age group, those over the age of 75 do start to see a drop in their worth compared to the previous age bracket. There are a few reasons for this.

First, those in the 75 and older age bracket are more likely to be retired, and thus have more disposable income. Second, they are also more likely to have paid off their mortgages and other debts, freeing up more cash flow. Finally, they are likely to have been investing for longer, and thus have had more time to compound their returns.

However, it is important to note that while the 75 and older age bracket typically has a higher net worth, it is still lower than the 65-74 age group on average. This is likely due to the fact that the 65-74 age group is still working and thus has a higher income.

Can You Have Negative Net Worth?

Yes, you can have negative net worth. This means that your liabilities exceed your assets. A negative net worth can occur when you have a lot of debt or if your expenses are greater than your income. If you have a negative net worth, it is important to take steps to improve your financial situation.

One point to note on the flip side to this is that having a high net worth doesn’t always mean the individual has a high income or lots of cash as people can be asset rich and cash poor. People with a high net worth may not have a high income or lots of cash, but they may have a lot of assets. This means they have a lot of valuable things, like property, stocks, and bonds. They may not have a lot of money in the bank, but their assets are worth a lot of money.

Net Worth 101: What Is It And How To Calculate - All About That Money (7)

How Can You Increase Net Worth?

Increasing your net worth is simply a matter of increasing your assets and decreasing your liabilities. Fortunately there are several steps you can take to help with this including; reducing debts, cutting spending and saving money, maximizing retirement contributions, finding ways to increase your income, and investing.

Reducing Debts

The first step to increasing your net worth is to reduce your debts. This can be done by paying off your debts, consolidating your debts, or renegotiating your debts.

Paying off your debts: When you pay off your debts, you are reducing your liabilities and increasing your assets. This can be done by making extra payments on your debts or by paying off your debts in full.

Consolidating your debts: When you consolidate your debts, you are combining your debts into one loan. This can be done by taking out a consolidation loan or by transferring your debts to a balance transfer credit card.

Renegotiating your debts: When you renegotiate your debts, you are negotiating with your creditors to lower your interest rates or to lower your monthly payments. This can be done by calling your creditors and asking for a lower interest rate or by asking for a lower monthly payment.

Cutting Spending and Saving Money

The second step to increasing your net worth is to cut your spending and save money. This can be done by creating a budget, tracking your spending, and finding ways to save money.

Creating a budget: When you create a budget, you are creating a plan for your spending. This can be done by using a budgeting tool, or by creating your own budget.

Tracking your spending: When you track your spending, you are tracking where your money is going. This can be done by using a spending tracker, or by tracking your spending manually.

Finding ways to save money: When you find ways to save money, you are finding ways to reduce your spending. This can be done by looking for discounts, coupons, cashback and sales, or by negotiating your bills. You could also open a savings account such as a certificate of deposit.

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Maximizing Retirement Contributions

The third step to increasing your net worth is to maximize your retirement contributions. This can be done by contributing to a 401(k) or IRA, by investing in a Roth IRA, or by investing in a taxable account.

Contributing to a 401(k) or IRA: When you contribute to a 401(k) or IRA, you are investing in a retirement account. This can be done by contributing to your employer’s 401(k) plan or by opening an IRA.

Investing in a Roth IRA: When you invest in a Roth IRA, you are investing in a retirement account that is not subject to taxes. This can be done by contributing to a Roth IRA or by investing in a Roth 401(k).

Investing in a taxable account: When you invest in a taxable account, you are investing in an account that is subject to taxes. This can be done by investing in a mutual fund, a stock, or a bond.

For those that want full control over their retirement accounts and wish to invest in alternative assets, you could consider using a self directed IRA.

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Increasing Your Income

There are a few key things you can do to increase your income and thus your net worth. One is to get a higher paying job. Another is to start your own business. And finally, you can invest your money in assets that will generate income for you, such as rental properties or stocks.

Higher Salary: If you want to get a higher paying job, you can start by looking for openings in your field that offer higher salaries. You can also look for promotions or ask for a raise at your current job.

Business & Side Hustles: You can start your own business or side hustle. This can be something as simple as starting a blog or an online store. And, if you’re successful, you can make a lot more money than you would working for someone else.

Investment Income: If you want to invest your money, you can start by opening a brokerage account and buying stocks or mutual funds. Or, you can buy real estate, such as rental properties. These investments can generate income for you, which will help increase your net worth.

Investment Growth

Investing for long term growth has the potential to significantly increase your net worth for a number of reasons. Firstly, it allows you to take advantage of compounding returns – whereby the returns you earn on your investment are reinvested and generate additional returns over time. This can help you to grow your wealth much faster than if you simply saved your money into a bank account, for example.

Secondly, it enables you to benefit from market growth – over the long term, most asset classes tend to increase in value, so by investing you can participate in this growth. For example, shares have outperformed cash and inflation over the long term.

Finally, it gives you the opportunity to take more risk and potentially earn higher returns than if you were investing for the short term.

There are a number of different investment assets that are suitable for long term investors. These include shares, property, bonds and other fixed interest investments. For investment ideas, check out this list of 21 types of investment assets to grow wealth.

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Now that we know what net worth is and how to calculate it, we can start working on increasing our own and improving our family finances.

If you’re not sure where to start, sign up to our newsletter and get more help with your personal finances on our blog.

More essential reading:

  • Should i save or invest?
  • Protecting yourself from financial scams

Thanks for reading!

Net Worth 101: What Is It And How To Calculate - All About That Money (2024)


Net Worth 101: What Is It And How To Calculate - All About That Money? ›

How to Calculate Individual Net Worth. An individual's net worth is the value of all of their combined assets minus any liabilities (that is, outstanding debts). If your assets are worth more than your liabilities, you have a positive net worth. If you owe more than you own, your net worth is negative.

What is net worth how it is calculated? ›

Net worth is the value of all assets, minus the total of all liabilities. Put another way, net worth is what is owned minus what is owed. This net worth calculator helps determine your net worth. It also estimates how net worth could grow or decline over the next 10 years.

How do you answer what is your net worth? ›

How Do I Calculate My Net Worth? Subtract your total liabilities from your total assets. Your total assets will include your investments, savings, cash deposits, and any equity that you have in a home, car, or other similar assets. Total liabilities would include any debt, such as student loans and credit card debt.

Does net worth equal how much money you have? ›

The combination of what you own (your assets) and what you owe (your liabilities) makes up your personal net worth. Knowing your net worth is important for two reasons: It lets you understand your current financial situation. It gives you a reference point for measuring progress toward your goals.

What explains your net worth? ›

It's the total value of all your assets—including your house, cars, investments and cash—minus your liabilities (things like credit card debt, student loans, and what you still owe on your mortgage). We just made it easier for you to find that number with our Net Worth Calculator.

How do I estimate my net worth? ›

Start with what you own: cash, retirement accounts, investment accounts, cars, real estate and anything else that you could sell for cash. Then subtract what you owe: credit card debt, student loans, mortgages, auto loans and anything else you owe money on. Then boom—you've got your net worth.

What considers your net worth? ›

To figure out your net worth add up your assets (the cash you've got in bank accounts, investments, retirement accounts, etc. as well as the value of any properties you own) and then subtract any liabilities (debt, including student loans, credit card, your mortgage, etc.) that you owe.

Is there a difference between your wealth and your net worth? ›

Wealth is money you have, like cash or crypto currency. But net worth is your total worth which is the money you have and the money you own, but technically don't have, this is usually in stocks or houses.

Does your home count as net worth? ›

However, one measure that many overlook is net worth. Your net worth represents how much wealth you have, measured by assets like a house, cars, 401(k), jewelry or cash in the bank, minus the debt obligations you have, or what you owe.

Is a 401k considered net worth? ›

All of your retirement accounts are included as assets in your net worth calculation. That includes 401(k)s, IRAs and taxable savings accounts.

Does net worth include social security? ›

Although Social Security is not directly counted as part of an individual's net worth – since it's not a liquid asset you can sell or a debt you can pay off – it still affects your financial standing in substantial ways.

Does pension count as net worth? ›

In the case of pension income in retirement, or the stream of money you receive from a previous employer, your net worth would include only the portion you do not spend. If you were to save a portion of this income, it would be counted as an asset on your personal balance sheet.

What net worth is considered rich? ›

In the United States, the concept of being rich is often a subject of discussion, curiosity and, sometimes, aspiration. Charles Schwab's 2023 Modern Wealth Survey provides insights into this topic, revealing that the average American equates being wealthy with a net worth of approximately $2.2 million.

What is a good net worth? ›

Net worth is the difference between the values of your assets and liabilities. The average American net worth is $1,063,700, as of 2022. Net worth averages increase with age from $183,500 for those 35 and under to $1,794,600 for those 65 to 74. Net worth, however, tends to drop for those 75 and older.

What should your net worth be at 40? ›

Average net worth by age
Age by decadeAverage net worthMedian net worth
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.