Scheduling Automatic Misting - Josh's Frogs How-To Guides (2024)

How to Set Up Your Automatic Misting Schedule

Scheduling Automatic Misting - Josh's Frogs How-To Guides (1)

The frequently asked question of how much to mist with a misting systemhas always been a riddle. Unfortunately, there isn’t a consistently straight answer, golden rule, or magic misting schedule for us to share. The good news is that with a little patience and practice, you can learn how to schedule your mister for your enclosure.

Since every enclosure is unique, every misting schedule will be different. The kind of top (screen or glass), the amount of ventilation, whether you’re using live plants, and the type of substrates you use can all affect the humidity levels. Problems like rot and bacterial growth can arise if you over-mist, whereas under-misting can be very dangerous to the inhabitants, sometimes even resulting in death.

First, you’ll need to know what humidity levels your animal is safe and healthy in. Here’s a brief list of animals we raise:

Dart Frogs: 80%-100% humidity

Bumble Bee Toads: 40%-60% humidity

Mourning Geckos: 60%-80% humidity

Red Eye Tree Frogs: 60%-80% humidity

Reed Frogs: 60%-80% humidity

Solomon Island Leaf Frogs: 60%-70% humidity

Yellow Spotted Climbing Toads: 60-70% humidity

If your animal isn’t on this list, do some further research send an email to[emailprotected] for assistance!

Let’s use Dart Frogs as an example, since their humidity needs to stay above 70%.

Scheduling Automatic Misting - Josh's Frogs How-To Guides (2)

Use these recommendations as a starting point:

If your enclosure is full glass with a glass top (minimal ventilation): Mist twice daily for 5-10 seconds.

If your enclosure is full glass with a screen top (moderate ventilation): Mist twice daily for 15-20 seconds.

The trick is to monitor the humidity frequently and see how it does over time. A high-quality hygrometer is your friend! If you notice the humidity dipping too low for your animal at any point, you’ll want to either mist moreat longer intervals, or mist more frequently during the day.

Once you figure out a misting schedule that keeps your humidity in a safe range, don’t get too comfortable. As the season changes and your air conditioning or furnace schedule changes, the humidity will change too.

Be sure to check out all of the misting supplies that we carry on our website!

Best of luck and happy misting! As always, if you have any questions along the way, shoot us an email to [emailprotected] or give us a call at 1 (800) 691-8178!



Scheduling Automatic Misting - Josh's Frogs How-To Guides (2024)


How often should I mist my frog tank? ›

If your enclosure is full glass with a glass top (minimal ventilation): Mist twice daily for 5-10 seconds. If your enclosure is full glass with a screen top (moderate ventilation): Mist twice daily for 15-20 seconds. The trick is to monitor the humidity frequently and see how it does over time.

How often should I mist my vivarium? ›

Misting. Depending on the amount of ventilation your vivarium has, you may need to mist 1-2 times a day or as little as 1-2 times a week. Pay attention to your humidity levels, and make sure you mist whenever humidity threatens to fall below 75%.

Is a fogger the same as a mister? ›

It may seem an elementary question, but it's important to first understand how misters and foggers differ. It mostly comes down to droplet size: Fogging pumps produce ultra-small droplets, approximately 1–10 microns. Misting pumps produce slightly larger droplet sizes, approximately 10–100 microns.

How often do you change frog bedding? ›

Decorating your frogs' habitat

Line the bottom of the terrarium with 2 to 3 inches of coconut-fiber or bark bedding. Scoop the poop at least once a week and change the bedding completely once a month.

How deep should frog water be? ›

Try to make the pond as wide as possible, and around 30 cm deep. This is suitable for small aquatic animals. Your local council can advise you on the maximum depth you are allowed, with and without a fence.

How does an automatic mister work? ›

They work by pressurizing water and force small amounts of water through a very small orifice the size of a human hair. The smaller the particle size the faster it vaporizes. When the atomized water hits the hot air, it begins the process of evaporating leaving behind cool refreshing mist.

Why is my mister not misting? ›

If the pressure is in the normal operating range for the systems of 220 – 250 psi and you have low mist, the cause is probably either 1) fouled nozzles, 2) a blockage or kink somewhere in the nozzle circuit, or 3) a partially open Agitation Valve.

How much pressure do you need for a mister system? ›

What is the amount of water pressure needed to create mist? You must have a minimum pressure of 35 Pounds per Square Inch (PSI). This is the standard rate of supply pressure for city water.

Which is better fogging or misting? ›

One of the key differences between misting and fogging is that misting treats surfaces as opposed to an area, which is made possible by the controllability of the mist being dispensed from the machine. Fogging doesn't have this level of accuracy, which makes it extremely easy to miss a spot.

Do misters get everything wet? ›

Misting doesn't put a lot of water on the ground, because many of those tiny droplets evaporate rather than forming puddles over time. But it does get your pavement a little moist and the less porous that pavement is, the more of a slipping hazard misting can create.

When to use fogging over misting? ›

However, there are also applications when either would be suitable. One of the most distinct differences in the recommended applications between foggers and misters are where they are used. Foggers are predominantly recommended for indoor use. Misters, however, are recommended predominantly for outdoor use.

Should I wipe condensation from terrarium? ›

If condensation forms on more than 1/3 of the glass, wipe it off with a paper towel and seal the top again. Do not leave it open to dry. Plants that like high humidity will suffer if you leave it open. If excess condensation continues, repeat daily until only 1/3 condenses.

How do you mist an enclosure? ›

Regular Misting. The best way to help keep your cage at the proper humidity levels is to spray the cage once or twice a day with room temperature water. You can used a hand held spray bottle, or a pressure sprayer with a gentle mist. Lightly mist the entire enclosure, including the animal, substrate, and cage walls.

How often is regular misting? ›

“A lot of people don't understand the importance of misting,” adds Jenkins. “Misting is one of the top things that you can do for your houseplants. I advise my clients to mist their houseplants one to two times per week.”

How often do frogs need to come up for air? ›

It varies by species, but most frogs can stay underwater for 4-7 hours at most. At that point, they'll have to resurface for air. The reason frogs are excellent at holding their breath is that their bodies can still take in oxygen while they do so. There are exceptions to this, however, one of which is hibernation!

How long can a wood frog go without peeing? ›

In Alaska, wood frogs go eight months without peeing. And scientists have now figured out how they do it, or more accurately, how they survive without doing it. Recycling urea – the main waste in urine – into useful nitrogen keeps the small frogs alive as they hibernate and freeze, inside and out.

How often do you water frog strings? ›

Watering frequency: Moderate Watering. Water once the top inch of soil becomes dry. Soil type: Well-draining potting soil or a prepared soil mixture such as Josh's Frogs Potting Soil mix offered Here. Care Notes: Needs to be pruned regularly once it matures to manage vining.

What is the best bedding for frogs? ›

Quite commonly gravel, coco peat, sand or moist paper towel are used. The substrate chosen should depend on species, personal preference and ease of cleaning. It is vitally important that frogs are unable to ingest the substrate provided, as this can result in serious health issues.

Can you put tap water in a frog pond? ›

Is it OK to use tap water to fill up my pond? Your pond will be happiest with rainwater as tap water has additional nutrients which can allow weeds to flourish and upset the natural balance of your new ecosystem.

Can I spray my frog with tap water? ›

Misting with tap water (even dechlorinated tap water) will result in clogged nozzles, white mineral deposits on glass, and possibly dead plants. Give your amphibians the water they need with Josh's Frogs Dechlorinator and R/O Rx.

How much water does a Mister use in a day? ›

To get an idea of how much water your system will use in a day, just multiply the nozzle flow rate by the number of nozzles by the number of hours you operate the misters. For example, if you have 5 nozzles that each operates at 0.5 gal/hr for 4 hours each day, your water use would be 10 gal/day.

Do misting fans get you wet? ›

Misting fans can provide significant cooling power, quietly dropping the temperature as much as 27 degrees in a space spanning more than 3,000 square feet. Misting fans do not get visitors to your event wet, and the fans create minimal moisture while still having a major impact on the temperature.

Do misting systems work in high humidity? ›

If properly designed and installed, a high pressure (1000 PSI) mist cooling system can be very effective for residential, commercial and industrial applications even in high humidity. Various geographical regions have specific summer weather inherent to their climate.

Why is there no mist coming out of my diffuser? ›

Why is my diffuser not misting? Water is incorrect temperature (too cold). Only lukewarm water should be used in ultrasonic units. If the water is too cold the unit will not work until the water warms.

Why is my misting system not working? ›

Check all feed line tubing from the water supply to the pump and from the pump to the fog line for leaks which will prevent the system from pressurizing. Check for any leaks at the nozzles or at the fittings which will prevent the system from pressurizing. Check the 6 valves in the pump for debris.

Why is my humidifier not blowing out mist? ›


If you have a warm mist humidifier and it's not steaming, the cause is most likely a build-up of mineral deposits on the heating elements. In most cases, tap water contains impurities and varying levels of minerals. Water evaporates when in contact with the heating elements, but the minerals don't.

What angle should misters be? ›

The mist line should be installed on the bottom outer edge of the structure. Direct the nozzles away from the patio at about a 45 degree angle. This will create a curtain of mist around the surrounding area you wish to cool.

How many degrees do misters lower? ›

Most misting systems can be designed to cool the surrounding air significantly, reaching over a 30 degrees drop in temperature.

How far apart should nozzles be on a misting system? ›

Installation Planning

If the treatment area is very large, run nozzle lines into the interior of the area. As a general rule, nozzles should be installed about ten feet apart along the perimeter. If the mosquito problem is severe or if the landscaping or canopy is exceptionally lush, place the nozzles eight feet apart.

Do misters keep mosquitoes away? ›

The water that is made by the mister will stick to an insect, rendering it immobile. Bugs such as bees, hornets, mosquitoes, and flies will be unable to get into any area that is protected by a mist system. The mist will also help keep an area free of bothersome pollutants like dust and smoke.

Does misting help with dust? ›

Dust suppression misting systems are the most effective in high dust environments because they effectively suppress dust without wetting materials, equipment or facilities.

Do you need a pump for a misting system? ›

Without a high pressure misting pump, the water droplets would be too large to evaporate as they pass through the air which leaves the area, and its inhabitants, feeling both wet and sticky. That's why selecting a misting pump to fuel your system is a critical decision.

Do misters cause Legionnaires disease? ›

Any misting device which is not properly maintained and cleaned can harbor Legionella, including grocery store produce misters, outdoor mist tents, car washes and decorative fountains. The bacteria are NOT spread from one person to another person.

Where should misters be placed? ›

Proper Placement of the Mist Heads

The most important part of the process is properly placing the mist heads so that they don't spray on wood surfaces. Heads should be placed 1 to 3 feet apart and point downward or outward away from where they are mounted. Keep in mind that the wind will affect where the mist blows.

How do you keep your misters from clogging? ›

Even with a drain valve installed, small amounts of water can remain in the tubing and scale can begin to form if the water sits long enough. By simply running the misting system for five minutes once per week, clogging of the misting nozzles can be virtually eliminated.

What is the best time for fogging? ›

The best time to kill adult mosquitoes by fogging is at dusk, when they are most active and looking for food (mosquitoes feed on human or animal blood).

How long should you wait after fogging? ›

Safe use of these products requires that everyone, including pets, leave the treated space and close the doors after foggers have been released. Stay out until the time indicated on the label has passed, usually two to four hours. Prematurely entering the treated premises may lead to illness.

What liquid do you use in a fogging machine? ›

Water-based fog machine fluids are the most common type of liquid used in fog machines. They are usually made of distilled water and glycerin, which helps produce dense, long-lasting fog.

Do frogs like being misted? ›

There are times I turn on the mister for a half an hour to an hour just to watch the frogs bathe in the mist......they love it. I never had a positive reaction (or negative) when I used a humidifier system. The frogs seem to love the droplets.

Do frogs need misting? ›

Once your humidity is within the parameters for your dart frogs, you will want to keep a regular misting schedule. One great way to make maintaining humidity in your vivarium easy is to invest in a good automatic mister like the MistKing or Monsoon.

Should you spray frogs with water? ›

Misting is a great way to increase humidity in a vivarium or terrarium. In a naturalistic setup, misting also serves to move waste down to the substrate level, where bacteria, fungi, and microfauna can break it down. ALWAYS mist with distilled or reverse osmosis water.

Why you shouldn't touch frogs with bare hands? ›

The frog is actually much more at risk here. Amphibians such as frogs, toads, and salamanders can quickly absorb toxins through their skin, so any lotion, hand sanitizer, or bug repellent on human hands can hurt them. Frogs are also fragile and easily injured.

How much attention do frogs need? ›

FrogPets says these toads require about 15 to 20 minutes of care and attention each week (most of this is feeding time and a weekly terrarium cleaning). They eat small insects like fruit flies and pinhead crickets. Red-Bellies don't need a whole lot of space, but they do love hiding spots.

How can you tell if a frog is dehydrated? ›

A dehydrated amphibian will have sunken eyes in the sockets, color changes, dry to tacky skin and a thick slime coat. Activity will decrease, as well as feeding.

Should you wash your hands after touching a frog? ›

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water immediately after touching a reptile or amphibian, or anything in the area where they live and roam. Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available. Adults should always supervise hand washing for young children.

How do you keep mold from growing in a frog terrarium? ›

If this is the case, remove any decor made of materials that are susceptible to growing excessive mold. These can be replaced with materials that can hold up to the extreme high humidity of a dart frog vivarium. Cork, Manzanita, Live oak leaves and magnolia leaves are decor we suggest.

How long can frogs live without moisture? ›

In general, a frog can survive for about two weeks without water. However, this is only true if the frog is in a cool environment and is not active. If the frog is in a hot environment or is active, it will dehydrate more quickly and won't be able to survive as long.

How do you keep frogs from getting moldy in a terrarium? ›

Terrarium mold can be prevented in several ways:
  1. Add springtails to your terrarium.
  2. Avoid overwatering your terrarium.
  3. Apply fungicide to your substrate.
  4. Remove dead or decaying plant matter promptly from your terrarium.
  5. Sterilize your substrate before adding it to your terrarium.
  6. Give your terrarium more light.

How often do you change frog water? ›

The industry standard is every 3 months. When using FROG minerals, you can save water by draining every four months when you replace your mineral cartridge.

Do frogs like cold or warm water? ›

For conservationists working on captive breeding programs, getting each species' water temperature and quality right can be one of the biggest challenges. Water frogs love cold water. Forget a warm bubble bath. For most water frogs, an icy mountain stream is a relaxing dip.

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