SORA to Replace SIBOR and SOR: How Do They Affect Your Home Loan Interest Rates? (2024)

SORA to Replace SIBOR and SOR: How Do They Affect Your Home Loan Interest Rates? (1)

When you’re scanning through home loan packages online, you might come across something that looks like this: “3M SORA + 1.00%”. If you’re new to applying for home loans, you might have tons of questions. What is SORA? Why is there a “+” sign? How about SIBOR or SOR? What are reference rates even? Hold your horses, let’s break it down together.

The first part of the ‘equation’ refers to the compounding period; the second part is the reference rate used; the last part is the bank’s spread for their floating rate home loans.

To help you learn more, we will explain what are SOR, SORA, and SIBOR rates and how they affect your home loan interest rates in this article.

SORA vs SIBOR vs SOR: An Overview

SORA rate (Singapore Overnight Rate Average)

The volume-weighted average rate of overnight SGD borrowing transactions by banks in Singapore

SIBOR rate(Singapore Interbank Offered Rate)

Rate that Singaporean banks can borrow money from each other via the interbank market

SOR rate (Swap Offer Rate)

Rate of borrowing SGD synthetically, by borrowing USD and converting it to SGD in the foreign exchange market

Put simply, SORA, SIBOR and SOR are reference rates used in home loans in Singapore. They are an interest rate benchmark used to set other interest rates. SORA, SIBOR and SOR are used to determine the final interest cost on loans with floating home loan interest rates.

Since SORA, SIBOR and SOR serve as a gauge for a bank’s cost of funds, banks must charge a premium on top of this cost in order to be profitable. This is known as the spread.

What Is SORA?

SORA is a fairly transparent interest rate benchmark that reflects the average rate of Singaporean banks borrowing funds overnight from each other. According to the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS), the transaction-based benchmark is commonly monitored as a reflection of daily conditions in SGD money markets and is supported by a deep and liquid overnight funding market, making it a suitable alternative to SOR.

Loans with interest rates pegged to SORA enjoy greater stability. This is because the use of average SORA readings over a period reduces the effects of day-to-day volatility. Additionally, compounded SORA rates are backward-looking overnight rates, which are considered more stable compared to forward-looking term rates like SOR and SIBOR.

Other benefits of SORA include the fact that it has been published by MAS since 1 July 2005 (you can check out the historical records of SORA), which means there is a long historical time series that market participants can analyse and use to model trends for risk management, asset-liability pricing and trading purposes.

What Is SIBOR?

SIBOR stands for the Singapore Interbank Offered Rate, and it is the rate at which Singaporean banks can borrow money from each other via the interbank market. There are four SIBOR tenures: one, three, six, and 12 months.

SIBOR is calculated based on submissions of rates from a panel of contributor banks. Each working day,20 banks that form the panelof the Association of Banks in Singapore will submit rates they think they can borrow funds on the interbank market. After removing the top and bottom quartiles, SIBOR is then set as the average of the remaining submissions.

As SIBOR-pegged loans typically use a single day’s reading for each interest payment period, the downside would be that borrowers will be exposed to market conditions concentrated in one single day. Taking a spike in SIBOR occurring on a borrower’s date of loan reset as an example, the borrower would thus incur a higher interest payment for the period as opposed to when the rates have been reset on other days of the month.

What Is SOR?

SOR stands for the Swap Offer Rate, and explaining it is a little more complex. But to keep it simple, it is the cost of borrowing SGD if you had done so by first borrowing USD and then swapping it to SGD using a foreign exchange derivative. It is also calculated by the ABS.

Unlike SIBOR, however, for the purposes of assessing home loans, you can pretty much ignore it. While SOR was once also a popular reference rate, it has been completely phased out. Because of the USD component in its calculation, it is far more volatile compared to SIBOR – not an ideal trait for a reference rate.

SORA Rate to Replace SIBOR Rate by 2024

If you don’t know already, SIBOR and SOR rates are being phased out and replaced by SORA. Here’s a nifty chart which reflects these changes.

SORA to Replace SIBOR and SOR: How Do They Affect Your Home Loan Interest Rates? (2)

What SOR Borrowers Can Expect

The computation of SOR takes reference from the USD LIBOR. From 31 December 2021, LIBOR will “either cease to be provided or will no longer be representative for US Dollars”.Following the international regulator’s announcement of the USD LIBOR panel ceasing on 30 June 2023, SOR will also be subsequently discontinued.

As it is, the last SOR-pegged home loan was taken off the market in July 2017 and on 31 October 2022, all SOR-pegged property loans have been converted to alternative packages.

What SIBOR Borrowers Can Expect

Likewise, in line with global interest rate benchmark reforms, SIBOR will also be discontinued. The 6M SIBOR has already been phased out since 31 March 2022, while the more common 1M and 3M SIBOR will be phased out by 31 December 2024.

Leading up to the discontinuation of SIBOR, financial institutions have already stopped using SIBOR in their calculation of interest rates for new loan packages.For those with loans based on the 6M SIBOR, your bank should have already made the switch to an alternative loan package.

But if your loan is tied to the 1M or 3M SIBOR, you have two options:

  1. Take up a SORA conversion package, or

  2. Opt for any other loan package offered by the bank

What Happens if You Take up a SORA Conversion Package?

Upon the borrower’s consent, the bank will convert the existing SIBOR loan to a SORA loan. Borrowers will not incur any additional fees or lock-in period should they opt for the SORA conversion package.

Recomputing your Mortgage Servicing Ratio (MSR) and Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR) will not be required for borrowers who opt for a SORA Conversion Package with their existing bank. If you’re intending to refinance your property loan with another bank, it’s worth checking if any other TDSR exemptions apply.

Taking action to convert to a SORA package before SIBOR is entirely phased out has other perks too. A big one is minimising disruptions to your loan when SIBOR is discontinued. You also want to avoid scrambling to take up any mortgage package your bank offers you.

Think about it: it’s more advantageous to switch to a SORA home loan when youcan, and not when youhave to. This way, you are in a better position to secure a home loan with favourable interest rates that are suited to your financial situation.

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Understanding SORA Rate Trends and Home Loan Interest Rates

The most recent interest rate hike in May 2023 saw the US Fed funds rate being adjusted to a target range of between 5% and 5.25%; in early 2022, it was near zero. This was the tenth consecutive hike in 14 months. Alongside these interest rate hikes, you can see that the 1M, 3M, and 6M SORA rate trends moved in tandem with market fluctuations.

But should you worry about the SORA rates continuing on their upward hike? And if you convert to a SORA-pegged home loan, will your mortgage rates increase drastically too?

According to Paul Wee, Vice President – PropertyGuru Finance, “the adjustment of 25 basis points during the May 2023 hike was anticipated. But what is important is to listen to the US inflation data, which revealed that inflation has dropped. Alongside the US Fed suggesting that the latest interest rate hike may be the last one for now, we are expecting easing pressure on mortgage interest rates.”

What Happens if You Choose Other Home Loan Packages Offered by Banks

SORA is a very transparent option as no one bank can influence the rate. And because the spread each bank charges over SORA is clear to see, it is easy tocompare home loans against one another.

The alternative is going for a home loan pegged to a board rate, which is an interest rate fixed internally by a bank. Board rates have little to no transparency as they are solely at the bank’s discretion, making an apple-to-apple comparison more difficult.

If you compare the most competitive mortgage rates on PropertyGuru Finance, you’ll notice that – despite the rate hikes – a lot of the cheaper packages (with the lowest home loan interest rates) are actually SORA packages.

That said, it is worth noting that most banks have a floor rate that protects them in case the benchmark interest rate (SORA, in this case) falls too low. How this works is that if SORA fell below that minimum rate, your final interest rate would be based on that minimum rate plus the bank’s spread (instead of SORA plus the spread).

Choosing a SORA Home Loan? Get the Best Home Loan Rates on PropertyGuru Finance

Financing is a major part of purchasing property, whether for investment or own-stay purposes.

At PropertyGuru Finance, we partner with all the major banks in Singapore to give you access to the best rates possible – whether SORA-pegged or otherwise – and limited-time bank promotions.

If you prefer to research independently first, you may read ourinformative guides on home financing. But if you’re looking for a home loan, we recommend you speak with one of ourMortgage Expertsfor in-depth and unbiased advice to help you navigate the market.

SORA to Replace SIBOR and SOR: How Do They Affect Your Home Loan Interest Rates? (3)

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SORA to Replace SIBOR and SOR: How Do They Affect Your Home Loan Interest Rates? (2024)


SORA to Replace SIBOR and SOR: How Do They Affect Your Home Loan Interest Rates? ›

Moreover, unlike SIBOR, SORA does not depend on international interest rates. This makes SORA more stable and accurate than SIBOR. As such, SORA is more transparent and serves as a uniform benchmark that borrowers can use to compare various mortgage packages easily.

What is the difference between SOR and Sora? ›

Your bank will switch your SOR loan to a SORA loan by applying a standardised Adjustment Spread (Retail) on your original loan margin. An adjustment spread is necessary to account for term and credit risks, which SOR factors in but SORA does not – this is why SORA is typically lower than SOR.

How does the US interest rate affect Sora? ›

Since most floating rate packages in Singapore are pegged to the Singapore Overnight Rate Average (SORA), any change in the US Fed interest rates results in lower SORA rates.

Why change from SIBOR to Sora? ›

Transition from SIBOR to SORA

This is in line with the global shift towards benchmarks that use actual transactions in their calculations. SORA, which refers to the Singapore Overnight Rate Average, is the key interest rate benchmark that Singapore banks now use to price floating-rate loans.

What affects the Sora rate? ›

SORA is determined by the volume-weighted average rate of borrowing transactions in the unsecured overnight interbank SGD cash market in Singapore, while SIBOR is based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend to other banks in the unsecured interbank market (how and what future rates which banks plan to ...

Which is better, SIBOR or Sora? ›

Differences between SIBOR and SORA

The main difference is the nature of the rate itself. SIBOR is derived from forward-looking rates quoted by banks, while SORA is the volume-weighted average rate based on actual transactions done. SORA is actually a more reliable and transparent benchmark rate than SIBOR.

What happens when SIBOR is phased out? ›

From June 1, 2024: All remaining SIBOR-based home loans will be automatically converted to the SORA Conversion Package. Before Dec 31, 2024: If you change your mind about the SORA Conversion Package, you may contact your bank to do a free, one-time switch to another home loan.

Will the Sora rate drop in 2024? ›

Mortgage Rates Predictions for 2024

Initially, the Fed suggested rates would peak at 5.1%, then decrease to 4.1% in 2024 and further down to 3.1% by 2025, potentially stabilising Singapore's SORA around 3.5%.

What is the current 3 month Sora rate? ›

SIBORCompounded SORA
1 Mth3.911433.52960
3 Mth4.050003.64650
6 Mth-3.67050
As at23/4/202429/4/2024

What rates affect mortgage rates? ›

Mortgage rates are affected by market factors like inflation, the cost of borrowing, bond yields and risk.

Should I switch to Sora? ›

The compounded SORA rates are more robust and less volatile as it is anchored to actual market transactions in the overnight interbank funding market. SIBOR may not always be fully backed by transactions – it is based on a bank's estimates of what it needs to pay another bank to borrow Singapore dollars.

What is the SOR interest rate? ›

SORA vs SIBOR vs SOR Rates
Interest rate benchmarkDefinitionType of rate
Singapore Dollar Swap Offer Rate (SOR)Volume-weighted average rate of transactions borrowed in USD converted to SGD, computed using the USD LIBOR.Floating interest rate. It's based on the foreign exchange rate with the US dollar.
2 more rows

Is SIBOR and Sor being discontinued? ›

SIBOR and SOR are both typically forward-looking rates. On June 30, 2023, SOR was discontinued for all tenors. SIBOR is administered by ABS Benchmarks Administration Co Pte Ltd, with Refinitiv as the calculation agent.

Is Sora better than fixed rate? ›

The 3-month compounded SORA has risen from 0.1949% at the beginning of 2022 to 3.641% as of February 26, 2024. Floating rates tend to be cheaper compared to fixed rate packages, which means paying a lower monthly instalment.

Is Sora a floating rate? ›

Both SORA and SIBOR are floating rates. The versions most used by banks for their floating home loans packages are the 3M Compounded SORA and 3M SIBOR.

What is the Sora rate in 2024? ›

As of 7 March 2024, the 1M compounded SORA rate is 3.67%, and the 3M compounded SORA rate is 3.64%. You can track the compounded SORA rate today online.

What is the SOR offer rate? ›

SOR reflects the cost of borrowing SGD synthetically by borrowing USD and subsequently "swapping" to SGD by using an FX Swap. It is an alternative to Singapore Interbank Offered Rate (SIBOR) which is a measure of the interbank money market rates.

What is the difference between Sora and compounded Sora? ›

SORA is determined by actual transactions and is underpinned by a deep and liquid overnight interbank funding market. Compounded SORA is backward looking, derived from the daily realized SORA over a historical period.

What is the difference between LIBOR and Sora? ›

SORA, administered by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, is the volume-weighted average cost of borrowing Singapore dollars on the interbank market overnight. The gauge is based on actual trades, unlike LIBOR, which was liable to rigging because traders could submit fake bids.

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