Sweetcorn (2024)

      RHS Growing Guides

      Our detailed growing guide will help you with each step in successfully growing Sweetcorn.


      Getting Started

      Section 1 of 8

      The great advantage of growing your own sweetcorn is that you can enjoy it freshly harvested, at its peak of flavour and sweetness. Best sown indoors or boughtas young plants, sweetcorn needs in a warm, sunny site to ensure the cobs ripen over the summer. You can also grow baby corn and popcorn in a similar way, for added variety.

      Sweetcorn (1)

      Long, hot summers are ideal for sweetcorn, allowing the cobs to develop well and ripen fully
      Sweetcorn (Zea mays) is best eaten as soon as possible after picking, as its sweetness declines, especially with older varieties. So growing your own, and harvesting just before you’re ready to cook it, gives a huge advantage in terms of flavour, which is far superior to shop-bought cobs. Sweetcorn is most successful in long, hot summers, although many modern varieties are better suited to our cooler climate. Sweetcorn plants are tender, so are best sown indoors, then planted out after the last frost. They grow rapidly in warm conditions to form tall plants, each usually bearing two cobs that ripen from mid-summer onwards. Expect to harvest six to nine cobs from one square metre/yard of ground.

      Sweetcorn is not suited to growing in containers, as it’s so tall. If space is limited, you can sow smaller, fast-growing cropssuch as salads or spinachin between sweetcorn plants – especially those that benefit from a little shade in mid-summer to prevent bolting.

      Month by Month














      Plant Out




























      Sweetcorn (2)

      Depending on the variety, cobs can vary in sweetness, size, quantity and ripening time
      There are lots of sweetcorn varieties to choose from, offeringdifferent levels of sweetness. The size and quantity of cobs can differ between varieties, as can the height and vigour of plants. There are early, mid-season and late-ripening varieties, allowing you to harvest over a long season if you grow several types. In cold locations, choose an early ripening variety.

      F1 hybrids produce reliably uniform plants with good vigour. Most modern varieties are ‘supersweet’ types – the flavour is much sweeter than older varieties and cobs retain their sugar content for longer after picking, but plants are less vigorous and kernels may be chewier. Just take care not to grow supersweet varieties close to other varieties, as cross-pollination can mean you may not get the super sweetness you expect. You can also buy ‘tendersweet’ varieties, which are almost as sweet and less chewy. More unusual options include baby corn varieties, for harvesting finger-sized immature cobs for eating whole, and varieties for using as popcorn.

      Sweetcorn varieties with an RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) make a good choice, as they performed particularly well in trials – see our list of AGM fruit and veg and our Recommended Varieties below. For more veg-growing inspiration, visitthe RHS gardens, where you’ll seea wide range of crops that you could try in your own garden.

      What and where to buy

      Sweetcorn seeds are widely sold by most gardening retailers. Young plants may also be available in spring and early summer, both online and in garden centres, although the choice of varieties may be limited.

      Recommended Varieties

      Sweetcorn (3)


      Supersweet – earliest supersweet so great for British summers. One or two 20cm cobs per plant.

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden


      Sweetcorn (4)

      'Mirai Picnic'

      Supersweet – early variety, really sweet and juicy. Cobs only 15cm long, but at least two per plant.

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden

      'Mirai Picnic'

      Sweetcorn (5)


      Supersweet – early to mid-season, withlarge cobs filled to the tip with sweet kernels.

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden


      Showing 3 out of 5 varieties


      Preparing the Ground

      Choose a warm, sheltered, sunny growing site, protected from strong winds, and with fertile soil. Cobs are unlikely to ripen if they’re not in full sun, and sweetcorn is less successful in dry or heavy soil. Prepare the site by removing any weeds, then add two bucketfuls of garden compost or well-rotted manure per square metre/yard. You can also rake in a high potassium general fertiliser, such as Vitax Q4, at a rate of three handfuls per square metre/yard.



      Sweetcorn needs warmth to germinate – ‘supersweet’ varieties especially – so seeds are best sown indoors in spring. This gives them a head start and a longer growing season, which is particularly useful in colder regions. In late spring you can also sow outdoors in milder regions, but this is less reliable.

      Sowing indoors

      From mid-April to early May, sow sweetcorn seeds 2.5cm (1in) deep, singly in deep pots or modular trays, or in toilet roll tubes – see our easy sowing guides below. They germinate best at 18–21°C (65–70°F), so put them on awarm windowsill or in a heated propagator. To extend your cropping season, youcould sow early, mid-season and late varieties at the same time, or sow one early variety in several batches a few weeks apart. Germination should take about two weeks.Keep the seedlings in bright lightand water lightly every few days. In late spring or early summer, once they’re at least 8cm (3in) tall, transplant them into their final growing positionoutside – see Planting, below.

      Sowing outdoors

      Sowing sweetcorn seeds outdoors can be unreliable and is only really worth trying in southern areas and in warm, light soil, if you don’t have space indoors. Germination is likely to be poor in cold, wet ground, particularly with ‘supersweet’ varieties. Seeds and seedlings are at risk from mice, slugs and snails. The delayed start also means that cropping will belaterand cobs may not have time to ripen in a cool summer.

      Seeds need a soil temperatureabove 10°C(50°F)to germinate, so wait until late spring. Warm the soil with cloches or a plastic-free crop cover before sowing, and keepin place for as long as possible to protect the young plants.Sow seeds 2cm (1in) deep, in a grid not a row, spacing them 34–45cm (14–18in) apart in each direction. Sow two or three seeds at each point, to allow for losses or failures, then thin out any extra seedlings to leave just the strongest one at each point.With baby corn varieties, sow20cm (8in) apart in rows not grids, as pollination is not required.

      Related RHS Guides

      Sowing veg outside



      By late May or early June, after all risk of frost has passed, plant indoor-sown and newly bought plants into their final position outdoors. Plants should be 8–15cm (3–6in) tall at this point. It’s important to harden off these tender plants first, to gradually acclimatise them to outdoor conditions.

      Sweetcorn is a type of grass, so is wind pollinated. To maximise pollination, plantin a block or group rather than a long row. That way, each plant is surrounded by several near neighbours, so the chances of successful pollination (resulting in a cob packed with kernels)is much greater, whichever direction the wind blows. Poor pollination leads to sparsely filled cobs with missing kernels.The exception is when growing baby corn varieties – with these, the female flowers shouldn’t be pollinated, otherwise the kernels will start to swell, so plant these in rows.

      Space plants34–45cm (14–18in) apart, depending on the variety, but with baby corn, plant 20cm (8in) apart. With ‘supersweet’ varieties, avoid planting standard sweetcorn varieties nearby, as cross-pollination can reduce their sweetness.

      Related RHS Guides

      Transplanting veg

      Sweetcorn (6)

      Plant sweetcorn in a grid rather than a row, to optimise wind-pollination


      Plant Care


      Water young plants regularly until well established and growing strongly. Sweetcorn may also benefit from watering in dry spells, especially whenflowering and when the cobs are starting to swell.


      Mulch the soil surface with a thick layer ofgarden compost to hold in moisture and suppress weeds.


      Weed regularly, especially when the plants are young. But if hoeing, be carefulnot to damage the shallow roots. Add more mulchor soil to bury any visible roots.

      Related RHS Guides

      Controlling weeds


      Sweetcorn plants can grow up to 2m (6½ft) tall, depending on the variety, so are vulnerable to being rocked by wind – this can loosen the roots and hinder growth. So if plants are being buffeted around, either support each one with a bamboo cane or insert several canes around the outside of the block and link together with string. You can also earth up the plants by mounding soil around the base of the stemto provide extra stability. Additional roots should grow in this extra soil, to help anchor plants more securely in place.


      As sweetcorn is wind-pollinated, it’s important toplant closely in a block rather than a long row, so the plants are surrounded by others. This increases the chances of pollination whichever way the wind is blowing. It’s also worth giving an extra helping hand once the male flowerheads open at the top of the plant – simply tap the stems to loosen the pollen so it’s more likely to reach the female flowers lower down the plant. Poor pollination results in sparsely filled cobs. The only exception is when growing baby corn, whose female flowers must not be pollinated, to keep the cobs small and prevent the kernels swelling. Plant these in rows, not blocks, or position them individually around the veg plot.



      Sweetcorn (7)

      Wait for the tassels to turn brown, then check for ripeness before picking the cob
      Sweetcorn cobs start to ripen from mid-summer onwards, depending on the variety. Once the tassels at the end of a cob have turned chocolate brown, test for ripeness before picking – peel back a little of the leafy husk and pierce a kernel with your fingernail. If a watery liquid comes out, it’s not yet ripe, if the liquid is creamy, the cob is ready, but if it’s paste-like then it’s over-mature. Over-ripe cobs can be dried for use as popcorn (see below). Baby corn is harvested when the cobs are still immature and only about finger-sized.

      To pick sweetcorn, twist the ripe cob and pull sharply from the stem.Once picked, sweetcorn declines in sweetness, as the sugars turn to starch. This is one of the big advantages of growing your own – you can eat it within minutes of harvesting, at maximum sweetness. Standard varieties generally lose their sweetness more quickly than the newer ‘supersweet’ varieties.

      When growing sweetcorn for making popcorn, leave the cobs on the plants until over-ripe and starting to dry. Bring them indoors and hang up somewhere cool and well ventilated to dry fully. Kernels must be completely dry to pop successfully.



      Section 8 of 8

      Birds, mice and squirrelsenjoy sweetcorn as much as we do –the seeds (if sown outdoors) as well as the ripening cobs. So it’s best to sow seeds indoors, and either netthe plants once the cobs start to form or coverindividual cobs with bags.Young plants are also vulnerable to slugs and snails. See Common problems, below.

      Cross-pollination between ‘supersweet’ varieties and standard varieties can result in starchy kernels with poor flavour, so avoid growing both nearby. A similar problem can happen when growing sweetcorn near maize crops or ornamental maize varieties.

      Buy sweetcorn at RHSplants.co.uk

      Every purchase supports the work of the RHS

      Buy sweetcorn at RHSplants.co.uk

      Sweetcorn (2024)


      Is sweetcorn actually good for you? ›

      Benefits of eating corn

      One of the main nutritional benefits of sweetcorn is its high fibre content. And as we know, dietary fibre is important for our health: it aids digestion, it can decrease the risk of heart disease, strokes, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer. On top of that, fibre helps you stay fuller for longer.

      What is a few words about sweet corn? ›

      Sweet corn, or sugar corn, is a special, low-starch variety with higher sugar content, at 18% of the dry weight. Most of the sugar is sucrose ( 1 ).

      Is sweetcorn one of your five a day? ›

      Consider mushrooms, sweetcorn and broccoli, and don't forget to add some tinned kidney beans, as these also count towards your 5-a-day. You can even reduce the amount of meat you would usually use and add extra beans instead, as they are a great source of protein and are cheaper than meat.

      What is sweet corn explanation? ›

      saccharata var. rugosa), also called sweetcorn, sugar corn and pole corn, is a variety of corn grown for human consumption with a high sugar content. Sweet corn is the result of a naturally occurring recessive mutation in the genes which control conversion of sugar to starch inside the endosperm of the corn kernel.

      Is it OK to eat sweet corn everyday? ›

      As sweet corn is a vegetable, it may be consumed safely in moderate quantities. However, if you have a known allergy to sweet corn, you should avoid it. If you notice any symptoms after eating sweet corn, then you should consult a doctor and get it clarified.

      Is sweet corn high in sugar? ›

      Myth No.

      Fact: Yes, corn is sweet for a vegetable—but there are only 5 g of natural sugar in a medium-sized ear of corn, per the USDA. An ear of sweet corn has less than a third of the sugar in a banana and only about one-fifth the sugar of a medium apple. Cup for cup, even beets have more grams of sugar than corn.

      Is corn a fruit or a vegetable? ›

      Corn, Zea mays, belongs to the Poaceae family, and while eaten sometimes as a vegetable and sometimes as a grain, it is actually classified by botanists as a fruit, as are tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, zucchini and other squashes.

      What is a fun fact about corn? ›

      Other Fun Corn Facts

      A bushel of corn is 56 pounds, about the weight of a large bag of dog food. A single corn bushel can sweeten about 400 cans of soda pop.

      Why is sweet corn so good? ›

      The answer lies in its sugar content. Unlike its distant relative, field corn, sweet corn is harvested at the peak of its sugar development. This means that it's full of natural sugars, making it a delightful treat to eat straight off the cob or as a tasty addition to a variety of dishes.

      What is the healthiest fruit? ›

      Blueberries take the title of healthiest fruit. Blueberries' stunning hue comes from their anthocyanins — an antioxidant believed to be responsible for their numerous health benefits. Long-term studies suggest that including blueberries in your regular lineup may lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

      How long does sweetcorn stay in your gut? ›

      The common stated normal transit time is 24–48 h, which is often misinterpreted as being the period between bowel movements.

      Does corn count as a daily vegetable? ›

      This is why several foods people think of as vegetables are actually fruits, like tomatoes and avocados. So, corn is actually a vegetable, a whole grain, and a fruit. But no matter what form it comes in or what category it falls into, corn is good for you and can be part of a healthy diet.

      Why is sweetcorn called sweetcorn? ›

      Because it is sweeter than other varieties of corn. Sweet Corn is also called “sugar corn” because of its high natural sugar content.

      What did corn originally mean? ›

      Word History: Originally, the English word corn meant any rounded grain or seed whatsoever. In particular, it was used to refer to the kind of grain most often grown in a certain region.

      What is corn the symbol of? ›

      Naadą́ą́' (corn) is a primary staple of Diné (Navajo) life and a symbol of sustenance in Dinétah (the Diné homeland). It is one of four sacred plants given to the Diné and it provides both food and medicine. Eating corn can bring clear thoughts and new knowledge.

      Why do we eat sweet corn if we can't digest it? ›

      Corn is high in cellulose, which is an insoluble fiber that the body cannot digest. However, the body breaks down the other components of corn. Chewing corn for longer can also help the digestive system break down cellulose walls to access more of the nutrients.

      Is canned corn good or bad for you? ›

      Fresh and canned corn have similar nutritional benefits, which include antioxidants, carbs, protein and fiber. However, some disadvantages of eating sweet corn might arise from overindulging, causing you to experience gastrointestinal discomfort.

      What are the disadvantages of eating too much sweet corn? ›

      Corn Risks

      Corn is a starchy vegetable, like potatoes and peas. That means it has sugar and carbohydrates that can raise your blood sugar levels. It can still be a healthy part of your diet if you don't overdo it. If you have diabetes, you don't necessarily need to avoid corn, but watch your portion sizes.

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      Author: Eusebia Nader

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      Name: Eusebia Nader

      Birthday: 1994-11-11

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