What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (2024)

Table of Contents
About this article Step 1: Understand what your taxes are based on. a. Independent contractor taxes are based on profit, not earnings. b. Income tax starts at 10% of your profits. c. The Self-Employment tax rate is 15.3% on every dollar of profit. Step 2: Figure out Your Profit Each Week Step 3: Figure out how much to save. Step 4: Save it. Step 5: Send it In. To sum things up, here's what I do: Each week: This isn't the only way to figure your tax savings. The Delivery Driver's Tax Information Series (Grubhub, Doordash, Postmates, Uber Eats, Instacart) How Taxes Work for 1099 Delivery Drivers and Independent Contractors What are your delivery driver taxes based on? How does itemizing or taking the standard deduction affect writing off delivery driver business expenses? Tax Guide: Understanding Your Income Understanding business income as a 1099 gig worker What are 1099 forms and what do we do with them? What If My 1099 is Wrong? Tax Guide: Understanding Your Expenses How do business expenses work for Delivery Drivers in the gig economy? How to write off car expenses for gig workers How to Track Your Miles As a Delivery Contractor What Miles can you and can you not claim for delivery and rideshare? What if I Forgot to track my miles? How the actual car expense method works for gig workers Three Car Expenses Gig Economy Drivers May Not Know You Could Claim Even When Claiming the Mileage Deduction Besides My Car, What Other Business Expenses can I claim for Grubhub Doordash Postmates Uber Eats etc? Filling Out Your Tax Forms Filling Out Your Schedule C as a Grubhub Doordash Postmates Uber Eats Contractor Understanding Self Employment Taxes for Delivery Drivers for Grubhub, Doordash, Postmates, Uber Eats etc. Understanding the Income Tax Process For Grubhub, Postmates, Doordash, Uber Eats Contractors Here are Four Tax Deductions for Self Employed Contractors That Don't Go on Schedule C. Do 1099 Delivery Drivers Need to Pay Quarterly Taxes? How Much Should I Save for Taxes? | Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats FAQs

As an independent contractor, you should set aside enough to cover the 15.3% self-employment tax and at minimum 10% federal income tax. There are a lot more moving pieces than just that, so we'll look at five steps you can take to stay out of tax trouble by saving up now for your taxes.

What happens if you don't save? If you've been particularly profitable with your delivery contracting, you could be in for a rude awakening come tax time. You're on your own for taking out your own taxes, and none of these delivery companies take them out for you.

Whether you're delivering for the bigger food delivery services like Doordash, Uber Eats, Grubhub, shopping for and delivering groceries for Instacart or Shipt, doing package delivery for Curri, Veho, Spark, Roadie or working with a number of other gig economy companies, it all works pretty much the same.

Most of these delivery gigs pay weekly. Some just pay you as you go. The best rule of thumb is to set aside money at least once a week for tax savings. Don't touch it for anything else.

Here are the five things you can do to make sure you saved enough for taxes.

  1. Understand what your taxes are based on.
  2. Estimate your profits
  3. Decide what to save
  4. Save it
  5. Send it in.

After discussing those steps, I'll walk through my weekly routine for setting aside taxes for my 1099 delivery work.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (1)

About this article

This article focuses on saving for 1099 federal taxes as a delivery driver in the gig economy. Most of this applies to any other 1099 tax savings as well.

This is not tax advice. The purpose of this article, as stated in the graphic above, is for educational and informational purposes only. We want to help you understand how things work so you can make informed decisions. For specific tax advice related to your own financial situation and needs you should seek out your own tax professional.

Finally, this is written about setting aside money for 1099 taxes as it relates to tax laws in the United States. Tax laws are different in different countries. Keep in mind, it's impossible to get into all the different state and local taxes while keeping the length of this post somewhat reasonable. You should understand your state taxes and what additional you should save for them.

Step 1: Understand what your taxes are based on.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (2)

It would be really easy to dive down a rabbit hole when talking about gig economy taxes. There are so many things involved. If I tried to cover it all, either it would be an incredibly huge article and you'd get lost in it, or it wouldn't cover the important details where you need them.

That's why I put together a guide, breaking it all down into individual articles that go into precise detail. That's why we created this tax guide for delivery drivers in the gig economy.

The first place to begin is to get an idea of the basics of how taxes work. If you have time, this sketch board video walks through the basics of independent contractor taxes.

As an independent contractor, you're a self-employed individual. Technically you're filing taxes as a sole proprietorship (unless you've incorporated).

Here's how it works is in three simple statements. Each statement is linked to a part of our tax guide that goes into more detail than we have room to cover here.

  1. Your taxes are based on profits, not on what you are paid by gig companies
  2. You'll pay income tax on your profits – these can vary a lot.
  3. Included in your taxes is a 15.3% self-employment tax, charged on every dollar of profit.

Once you have a grasp on that, it's easier to get an idea what to save. You can go into more depth with the video and other articles, but even a basic overview will help.

a. Independent contractor taxes are based on profit, not earnings.

If you received $20,000 from your 1099 delivery work this year, you aren't taxed on the total earnings of $20,000. Unless of course you fail to keep track of your expenses.

You will fill out a Schedule C on your taxes to show your earnings for your self employment business. On that, you will list your earnings and your expenses and come up with your net profit.

Then you subtract the expenses from the income. The money left over is the basis for your taxes. If you had $20,000 in earnings, and $10,000 in expenses, your profit is $10,000. The $10,000 is the taxable income, not the whole $20,000

This is why you MUST track your miles driven, and your expenses. To help with that, you may want to look at some of the tracking apps available. Two free ones are Hurdlr and Stride. We reviewed the Hurdlr app here and then reviewed the Stride Tax app here.

b. Income tax starts at 10% of your profits.

There are too many moving pieces to get into here. In reality, income tax doesn't start until your taxable income (profits plus whatever other income you or your partner made) exceeds your personal tax deductions.

The graphic below illustrates how tax brackets work for the 2022 tax year. You can learn more with the 1040 instructions found here on the IRS website.

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The income tax brackets aren't exactly simple when you start making more money. Additional income, your filing status, dependents, tax credits, all that can make your head spin.

Which is why I say this often: you really should get a tax pro.

It's also going to matter whether your 1099 income is the bulk of your earnings, or is it just a side hustle on top of other income?

That's why the flat rate estimates that you find in a lot of articles aren't helpful. Many base it on your gross income, which has you taking out far more than you need. If your other personal income or your 1099 business income is substantial, it could be less.

You want to make sure you're saving enough to cover whatever percentage equals your tax bracket.

Even more important, make sure you have a tax pro who can walk you through all this craziness.

c. The Self-Employment tax rate is 15.3% on every dollar of profit.

Income tax is goofy and varies pretty wildly.

Self-Employment taxes are comparatively easy. What did your business profit? Pay Uncle Sam 15.3% of that.

Think about Social Security and Medicare taxes – the FICA taxes on a paystub. Ever notice those are taken out of even the smallest paychecks? They're charged on every dollar earned.

That's what your self employment tax is. It's your version of Social Security and Medicare. We just never think about that because as a W-2 employee you never have to file those taxes.

The major difference is since the money's not withheld from our pay as contractors, we do have to pay it. You can't rely on deductions and exemptions here (other than your business expenses). You pay that on every dollar of profit.

Step 2: Figure out Your Profit Each Week

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (4)

How much did your business earn?

What did you spend?

How much was left over? That's your profit, the total taxable income from your business.

It's a little more involved than that. Part of what you ‘spent' is the part that you can claim for your vehicle expenses. For the 2020 tax year, you can claim 57.5¢ of car expense for every mile you drive for business.

Here's the thing: I don't personally sit down and do book keeping every week. I just do a very basic calculation.

Earnings minus 58.5 cents per mile (2022 tax year).

Okay, the IRS just made the mileage allowance more complicated for 2022. It's 58.5 cents per mile from January through June, and 62.5 cents per mile July through August.

While I have other expenses, they pale in comparison to the mileage deduction. For tax savings purposes, I only figure in the car expenses.

If you're in another line of 1099 work with more substantial expenses, you may want to add those in.

If I made $500 and drove 400 miles, I take $500 minus (400 x 58.5¢). In other words, I multiply my miles times the mile rate. 400 miles at 57.5¢ each is $234.

$500 minus $234.

I pay taxes on $266.

Keep it simple. Otherwise you'll psych yourself out of doing anything at all.

Step 3: Figure out how much to save.

Once you know your taxable profit for the week (or month or quarter, depending on how you decide to do things) you can start figuring out what to save.

In the example I gave above, $500 earnings and 404 miles, that came out to $266 in taxable profit.

Now you can do one of two things:

  • Calculate a percentage of your profit.
  • Use the tax calculator on a third party app like Hurdlr or Quickbooks Self Employed to calculate your taxes for you (affiliate links).

Here's the thing: Don't stress too much. You don't have to get this perfect. Your main thing is you want to have enough money saved to be in the ballpark of your tax liability.

Personally, I do the first one. I calculate 25% of my profit for the week. 15% covers self-employment tax and the 10% covers income tax. While overall I earn above the 10% tax bracket, 1099 work is my primary source of income, so 10% works quite well for me. It's always left a surplus in my situation.

In the example above with $266 in profits, 25% of that is $66.50

If you have a lot of additional earnings, you might go as high as 30%. This is where a tax pro could help a lot.

I've been really impressed by how Hurdlr calculates taxes. You set up a tax profile, tell it about your filing status, whether you have other income, etc. It will take all of that and figure out the percent for you.

Like in Step 2: I recommend simplicity. Don't overthink it. Don't make it so involved that you won't do it. That's why I like the flat 25%.

Step 4: Save it.

Don't touch a penny until you've pulled money out for your taxes.

I really discourage using instant cash out or instant pay for this reason: That money isn't yours yet. It's your business's. Instead, get your money in, take care of your business (literally and figuratively) and then you can give yourself a paycheck.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (5)

Now, get a different bank account. Don't attach it to your checking. It's too tempting to spend it if it stays in checking.

Put that money where you won't touch it for anything other than taxes.

And don't touch that money for anything else.

Step 5: Send it In.

How much money did you save? Each quarter, send it in to the IRS.

Some make this confusing by calling it quarterly taxes. This is not a different tax process. All that's happening here is you're pre-paying your taxes with quarterly payments.

Many online banks are starting to cater to small business owners and self-employed independent contractors. Some are setting up accounts that will automatically send the money in to the IRS for you.

This is you doing your own withholding for your employee, who happens to be you.

This is the best way to protect yourself. One, it protects you from spending the money. Two, it protects you from penalties and interest.

If you have to pay in more than $1,000 on tax day, penalties and interest can be added. If you're sending in money along the way, you avoid that problem.

Check out the link I put in that first line in this section. It goes into more detail, but the process is pretty simple. You fill out a form 1040-ES which is very simple. It boils down to “who are you and how much are you sending us?”

Again, don't stress. Just send it in. Do that and you won't have any major surprises come April 15.

There's a worksheet that the IRS gives you. It'll make your head spin. You don't have to do the worksheet. All it is is something to help you figure out how much to send in.

This takes me back to what I said earlier. Don't stress. Don't worry about being exact. Exact isn't possible until you've figured out your taxes for the year.

And don't make it too complicated. Complicated will make it easier to just give up. Don't do that.

To sum things up, here's what I do:

Understand: THIS IS NOT ADVICE. I'm not telling you what to save. If you want someone to tell you, either get a tax pro or at least use Hurdlr. This is my method, meant to illustrate one way to do things.

Each week:

I follow steps 2 through 4.

I do a quick profit calculation. Multiply my miles times 57.5 cents. Subtract that from my earnings.

I figure out 25% of that profit.

When all my payments come in from Doordash, Uber Eats, Grubhub etc., I have those sent to my business bank account. I don't touch a penny until I've taken out tax money, car expense money, and some paid time off money.

I put my tax money into a different bank account where I won't touch it.

Only after I've done all that will I transfer the rest to my bank account as my ‘paycheck.'

Each Quarter for the first 3 quarters:

The due date for each quarter is April 15, June 15 and September 15 (no, those are not all 3 months from one another. It's just a weird IRS thing) I just send in everything that I've saved.

I fill out a 1040-ES where I tell them who I am and how much I'm sending in. And then I send it in.

On January 15:

This one is a bit different because is the last quarterly filing.

I do a quick run at the end of the year to estimate what I think my taxes will be. It won't be precise because I won't have all the documents in, but I can get a ballpark.

Now I compare it to what I've sent in and what my wife's withholdings were. How am I sitting? What's the difference between those payments and what I think the taxes will be?

It's that difference that I'll send in. I'll keep the rest in my tax savings account, just in case.

And here's the thing: If it's close, I'll overestimate what I think I'll have to pay. It just makes it more accurate that way.

Why don't I just send the whole savings in on January 15? Nothing says you can't. I'd just rather have it in my bank. Why give the IRS an interest free loan?

This isn't the only way to figure your tax savings.

There are probably a lot of better and more accurate methods.

The IRS has their worksheets. You can always go by those, if you like to torture yourself.

I love that Quickbooks Self Employed and Hurdlr will calculate it for you. These are affiliate links. These are the two who do it the best that I know of.

The most important thing here is, save enough money so that when it's time for your annual tax return come tax season, you're not hit with penalties and interest for underpaying. And of course, so you don't have to scramble trying to figure out how you're going to pay off a big tax burden.

In the end, as a small business owner you're always better off to over save than not save enough. The worst case scenario is that you get a refund. That's better than scrambling in the end figuring out how you're paying this massive tax bill.

Stay on top of tax savings from day one. You'll make life a lot easier.

The Delivery Driver's Tax Information Series (Grubhub, Doordash, Postmates, Uber Eats, Instacart)

The Delivery Driver's Tax Information Series is a series of articles designed to help you understand how taxes work for you as an independent contractor with gig economy delivery apps like Doordash, Uber Eats, Grubhub, Instacart, and Postmates. Below are some of the articles

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (6)

How Taxes Work for 1099 Delivery Drivers and Independent Contractors

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (7)

What are your delivery driver taxes based on?

It is important to understand your taxable income is your profit, NOT your pay from Grubhub Doordash Postmates Uber Eats etc. Schedule C figures that.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (8)

How does itemizing or taking the standard deduction affect writing off delivery driver business expenses?

We examine the difference between business expenses and tax deductions, and why you can claim your expenses even when taking the standard deduction.

Tax Guide: Understanding Your Income

The following three articles help you understand what your real income is as an independent contractor.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (9)

Understanding business income as a 1099 gig worker

What income do you have to report as a contractor for Grubhub, Doordash, Postmates, Uber Eats and other delivery gigs? How and where do you report?

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (10)

What are 1099 forms and what do we do with them?

Episode 57 of the Deliver on Your Business Podcast. Once you receive your 1099 forms from Doordash, Uber Eats, Grubhub, Postmates and others, what do you do with them?

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (11)

What If My 1099 is Wrong?

What if the amount reported on your 1099 is incorrect? This is not an uncommon problem. Do NOT just let it ride, incorrect information could cost you a lot in extra taxes

Tax Guide: Understanding Your Expenses

The following eight articles help you understand the expenses you can claim on your Schedule C. Most of these are about your car, your biggest expense.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (12)

How do business expenses work for Delivery Drivers in the gig economy?

Introducing and explaining the business expenses as they are claimed on your taxes as a contractor for Grubhub, Doordash, Postmates, Uber Eats.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (13)

How to write off car expenses for gig workers

For those of us who do use our cars for gig economy delivery, the car expense is the largest expense item. You can choose between the standard mileage allowance and actual expenses.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (14)

How to Track Your Miles As a Delivery Contractor

Every mile that you track as a contractor delivering for Doordash, Uber Eats, Grubhub, Instacart, Lyft etc, is saves about 14 cents on your taxes. When you drive thousands of miles, that adds up.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (15)

What Miles can you and can you not claim for delivery and rideshare?

What miles can I claim when delivering for Grubhub, Doordash, Postmates, Uber Eats and other delivery gigs? Understand what miles you can and cannot claim.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (16)

What if I Forgot to track my miles?

What do I do if I didn't track my miles as a gig economy driver? We look at different places you can find evidence to use in building a mileage log.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (17)

How the actual car expense method works for gig workers

It is important to understand your taxable income is your profit, NOT your pay from Grubhub Doordash Postmates Uber Eats etc. Schedule C figures that.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (18)

Three Car Expenses Gig Economy Drivers May Not Know You Could Claim Even When Claiming the Mileage Deduction

You probably didn't realize that even if you claim the standard mileage deduction, there are some car related expenses you can still claim.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (19)

Besides My Car, What Other Business Expenses can I claim for Grubhub Doordash Postmates Uber Eats etc?

Besides your car, what expenses can you claim as a contractor for Grubhub, Postmates, Uber Eats, Doordash etc? We look at some different possible expenses.

Filling Out Your Tax Forms

Once you understand your income and expenses, what do you do with them? Where does all this information go when you start filling out your taxes?

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (20)

Filling Out Your Schedule C as a Grubhub Doordash Postmates Uber Eats Contractor

How do you fill out the Schedule C when you contract with gig companies like Uber Eats, Postmates, Grubhub, Doordash etc.? We talk about different parts of this form.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (21)

Understanding Self Employment Taxes for Delivery Drivers for Grubhub, Doordash, Postmates, Uber Eats etc.

Understand how self employment tax works as a contractor for Grubhub, Uber Eats, Doordash, Postmates or any other gigs. Know what it is,how much & be ready!

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (22)

Understanding the Income Tax Process For Grubhub, Postmates, Doordash, Uber Eats Contractors

How does our self employed income from Grubhub Doordash Postmates Uber Eats etc impact our income tax? We walk through the process on the 1040 form.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (23)

Here are Four Tax Deductions for Self Employed Contractors That Don't Go on Schedule C.

Most of our deductions as self employed contractors go on Schedule C. Four deductions benefitting Grubhub Doordash Postmates Uber Eats Contractors.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (24)

Do 1099 Delivery Drivers Need to Pay Quarterly Taxes?

We look at how quarterly tax payments work for gig economy workers (Uber Eats, Doordash, Grubhub, Instacart, Uber, Lyft, etc.)

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (25)

How Much Should I Save for Taxes? | Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats

Photo Credit:entrecourier.com

How much should I save for taxes when delivering for gigs like Grubhub, Doordash, Postmates, Uber Eats and others? These ideas help you prepare for taxes.

What should I save for taxes Grubhub Doordash Uber Eats Lyft Instacart (2024)


What percentage of my DoorDash should I save for taxes? ›

You should set aside 25-30% of your paycheck every month for taxes. Taxes from your side hustle aren't withheld, so you should be prepared. It's better to overestimate than underestimate. Tax deadlines are a good time to plan ahead rather than scramble.

How much should you save for taxes on UberEATS? ›

Income taxes

The amount you'll pay depends on the amount and types of other income you have, your filing status, the tax deductions and credits you're eligible to claim, and your tax bracket. A good rule of thumb is to set aside 25-30% of your net income to cover self-employment and income taxes.

How much money should I put aside for Instacart taxes? ›

Tax professionals recommend putting aside 30% of the income Instacart shoppers make for delivery services. This will make sure that you are covered come tax season. It may seem like a small tax but 15.3% self-employment tax can add up to a great deal. New shoppers are often surprised to learn how much they owe the IRS.

What should I keep track of for DoorDash taxes? ›

A 1099-NEC form summarizes Dashers' earnings as independent contractors in the US. It's provided to you and the IRS, as well as some US states, if you earn $600 or more in 2023. If you're a Dasher, you'll need this form to file your taxes.

How much should I set aside for taxes on DoorDash? ›

The general rule of thumb for independent contractors is to set aside approximately 25% to 30% of what you earn to cover both state and federal taxes. That amount covers: Self-employment taxes: The self-employment tax rate is 15.3% and consists of two parts: 12.4% for Social Security and 2.9% for Medicare.

Can you write off gas and mileage for DoorDash? ›

As a delivery driver, you are allowed to claim all miles driven during your DoorDash deliveries.

What happens if I don't claim DoorDash on my taxes? ›

When DoorDash sends you your 1099-NEC, they also send a copy to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). As a result, the IRS knows how much income you should be reporting and paying taxes on. If you don't pay your DoorDash taxes, the IRS will eventually send you a letter to demand what you owe.

Can you write off gas for Uber Eats? ›

If you use your vehicle for food delivery work, you can deduct maintenance and repairs for vehicle upkeep and expense. This may include expenses such as car payments, gas costs, oil changes, registration fees, insurance, parking fees, tolls, and depreciation (if you own the car or truck), new tires, or leasing costs.

Do you pay taxes on Uber eats less than 600? ›

UberEats income reporting

Even if you earn less than $600, UberEats provides a tax summary to all delivery drivers that provides a detailed breakdown of annual income and possible business expenses. The possible business tax deductions include a breakdown of miles logged, some expenses, fees, and taxes.

Can I write off my gas for Instacart? ›

Yes! Although Instacart uses estimated mileage as one component in its calculation of how much payment to offer per batch, this is not a mileage reimbursem*nt, so you can still deduct work-related mileage from your taxable income. Just make sure you have the documentation to back it up.

Can I write off car insurance for Instacart? ›

You can use the car mileage tax calculator to help you calculate the number of miles you've driven by the standard rate. Other car-related expenses you can deduct are gas, car maintenance, insurance, registration and vehicle depreciation.

How to write off gas on taxes? ›

Keep detailed records: To deduct gas expenses, you must keep meticulous records of your purchases. This includes saving all gas receipts and documenting each purchase's date, amount, and business purpose. Calculate business use percentage: You need to determine the percentage of your vehicle's use for business.

What do I put on my taxes for DoorDash? ›

You'll receive a 1099-NEC if you've earned at least $600 through dashing in the previous year. Form 1099-NEC reports income you received directly from DoorDash (ex. incentive payments) and driver referral payments. These items can be reported on Schedule C.

How do I reduce DoorDash taxes? ›

9 Best Tax Deductions for Doordash Drivers in 2024
  1. Mileage or Car Expenses. One of the best tax deductions for Doordash drivers—or any self-employed individuals—is deducting your business mileage. ...
  2. Phone & Service Bills. ...
  3. Hot bags, blankets & Courier backpacks. ...
  4. Tolls. ...
  5. Parking. ...
  6. Inspections. ...
  7. Roadside Assistance. ...
  8. Health Insurance.

What can I write off on my taxes? ›

If you itemize, you can deduct these expenses:
  • Bad debts.
  • Canceled debt on home.
  • Capital losses.
  • Donations to charity.
  • Gains from sale of your home.
  • Gambling losses.
  • Home mortgage interest.
  • Income, sales, real estate and personal property taxes.
Jun 14, 2024

How do I maximize my tax return on DoorDash? ›

Tips to Pay Less in Taxes and Save Money as a Dasher

A big tip is to use your business mileage log to deduct their non-commuting business mileage. Remember, the more accurate records you keep, the more you can save by maximizing the tax deductions you take.

Should I claim DoorDash on taxes? ›

If you earn more than $400 from GrubHub, Postmates, DoorDash, or UberEATS, you must file a tax return and report your delivery earnings to the IRS. Most delivery providers report income as sole proprietors, which allows you to report business income on your personal tax return.

Do I have to pay taxes on DoorDash if I made less than $600? ›

DoorDash is not required to submit your income information to the IRS if you made less than $600. It is your responsibility as an independent contractor to report your income and expenses on your tax return and pay any taxes owed.

What happens if you don't report DoorDash income? ›

When DoorDash sends you your 1099-NEC, they also send a copy to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). As a result, the IRS knows how much income you should be reporting and paying taxes on. If you don't pay your DoorDash taxes, the IRS will eventually send you a letter to demand what you owe.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.