Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (2024)

  • Gardening
  • Flowers
  • Roses

With a few stems from your favorite varieties and some inexpensive household items, you can propagate new rose plants for your garden.


Benjamin Whitacre

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (1)

Benjamin Whitacre

Benjamin Whitacre is a freelance garden writer who distils personal experiments, archival research, and scientific literature into entertaining, actionable articles for home gardeners. He completed graduate studies in plant biology, education, and writing at Harvard University. His favorite project during graduate school was a year-long investigation into the history of roses using uncited archival material from Harvard and the UK. In addition to BHG, Ben also contributes to garden publications like Mother Earth News and The American Gardener.

Learn about BHG's Editorial Process

Updated on October 13, 2022

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Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (2)

There's an open secret about roses: they're not only easy to propagate, but making more of these plants is one of the best, most magical parts of having them around. You could sprout the seeds, but growing roses from cuttings is the easiest way to reproduce your favorite varieties. There are several practical reasons to propagate roses from cuttings. If you have a variety that does especially well in your garden, rooting a few cuttings from that rose provides an inexpensive way to increase your collection. Or you may want to create backups of a rare variety or a family heirloom rose. Homegrown rose cuttings are also great for swapping with other gardeners. Here's how to grow roses from cuttings successfully, broken down into 10 simple steps.

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (3)

What you'll need:

  • Sharp pruners, scissors, or knife. Disinfect with rubbing alcohol or Lysol.
  • A 50/50 mix of perlite and potting soil. The mix should be sterile and hold roughly an equal amount of air and moisture.
  • Rooting hormone. This powder improves your odds of success, but it's often not necessary. It should always be used on harder-to-root rose types like Damasks, Hybrid Teas, older wood, or winter cuttings.
  • A 2.5- to 5-inch-deep pot that drains well. This could be as simple as the cut-off bottom of a plastic milk jug with holes punched in the base.
  • A clear cover to hold humidity around the cuttings. You could use the top part of that milk jug, or a 2-liter soda bottle with the base removed. A clear dry cleaning bag propped up with stakes around the pot works well, too.

Best Time to Take Rose Cuttings

You can successfully root rose cuttings any time of the year. But for more consistent results, check the weather forecast. Plan to take your cutting when daytime temperatures are above 55°F and below 90; the ideal is between 70 and 80. That will probably be in spring and fall. It's also best to take cuttings early in the morning.

10 Steps for Growing Roses from Cuttings

Overall, rose growing from cuttings is a simple process. Whenever you prune your rose plants or cut off the faded flowers, the balance of hormones in the removed stem changes. Under the right conditions, the changes stimulate it to grow roots. The resulting plant is identical to the parent.

1. Water the day before.

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (4)

Healthy, well-hydrated roses root better. Along with making sure to keep the parent plants in good shape through the growing season, water them the day before taking cuttings.

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2. Take cuttings.

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (5)

Choose stems immediately below flower buds that are just about to open. The second best option is stems beneath flowers that have begun to drop their petals. Aim for cuttings that are 4-8 inches long with three to five nodes (the regular intervals where buds, leaves, and stems emerge). The cut at the base should be about a quarter of an inch below a node and the cut at the top should be about a quarter inch above one.

Bonus tip: Heel wood often roots more easily. It's located at the base of a stem right where it emerges from another stem. Try pulling your stem straight out from where it attaches. Or cut slightly into the older shoot with a sharp knife.

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3. Place cuttings in water.

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (6)

Immediately put your cuttings into a container of water out of direct sunlight. Or wrap cuttings in damp paper towels and place them in a cooler. You want to keep the cut stems as hydrated as possible.

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4. Slice bottom end of cuttings.

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (7)

Rooting is part of a wound response for roses. Encourage increased rooting by vertically slicing through the green skin on the bottom inch of the cutting. Do this two to four times spaced roughly equally. Or you can gently scrape a strip or two of the green skin on the bottom inch (just don't remove the skin all the way around the stem). If the variety has large prickles, ripping them from the base also wounds the stem enough to encourage roots to develop.

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5. Dip cuttings in rooting hormone.

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (8)

If using rooting hormone, apply it to about two inches of the base of your cuttings. If you're trying to grow roses from cuttings without rooting hormones, steps 1-4 are even more important.

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6. Remove flowers and most leaves.

Cut off the flower bud or spent flower and all but the top leaf or two. Reduce the top leaves to three or four leaflets total. Slice the bud from the lowest node to encourage roots to grow.

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7. Place cuttings into potting soil.

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (10)

Stick your rose cuttings about two inches into a container of potting mix. Press the mix around the stem and water thoroughly. Then add your humidity cover and place the pot in a location with indirect sunlight. This could be on a covered porch, on the side of a shed, or under trees. Some people choose to root rose cuttings indoors on a shady windowsill.

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8. Check cuttings periodically.

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (11)

If your humidity cover doesn't have ventilation, lift it briefly a couple of times a week. You shouldn't need to add more water unless the potting mix seems to be completely drying out. Whenever you're lifting the cover, check for cuttings that have turned brown all the way to the base and remove them, along with any fallen leaves.

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9. Remove humidity cover.

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (12)

Rooting can happen within a couple of weeks, but expect it to take a month or two. When you start to see roots from the side or bottom of the pot and new leaf growth, you can begin to acclimate the new roses outside of the humidity cover. If you rooted several in a single pot, you should carefully repot them into individual containers.

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10. Plant rooted cuttings in the garden.

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (13)

Give your rooted rose cuttings 9 to 12 months to develop enough to plant in your garden. During that time you may want to move them to a slightly larger pot with a 20/80 mix of perlite and potting soil with slow release fertilizer to fuel new growth.

Tips for Propagating Roses from Cuttings

Growing roses from cuttings may start to sound complicated, but remember that these are just guidelines to get more consistent results. It's possible to stick a rose cutting directly into your soil and come back to find it rooted months later. Or maybe if you wrap cuttings in damp paper towels and forget them in a cooler on the 4th of July like I once did, you might find a few still alive and actually rooted on Labor Day. People have successfully rooted a 5-foot-long cane, a 1-inch cutting, and less-than-optimal wood in the heat of summer and the middle of winter.

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You can also add more tools to the process as you get into it. For example, using fluorescent lights, heat mats, and mycorrhizal fungi can increase your success. But there are some popular rose rooting tips that you should approach with skepticism.

Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (14)

Can you grow roses from commercial cut flowers?

Maybe, if you're sourcing from a local flower farm that offers roses cut the same day. It's not ideal, but you can always give it a try. However, roses bred expressly to sell as cut flowers are less likely to grow well on their own roots (they're usually grafted onto stronger roots), so even if you do succeed in rooting these cuttings, the resulting plants may not do well for you.

'Toffee' Roses Are So Popular, Some Florists Can Barely Keep Them in Stock

Another thing to keep in mind is that many commercial cut roses (as well as newer rose varieties) are patented. Those patents last for 20 years, so those roses cannot legally be propagated during that time without a license. Still, the overwhelming majority of roses are legal to root. Many of the older varieties actually depend on gardeners to preserve them by reproducing and sharing them. If you're interested in preserving historical roses, rooting them can be a great way to get involved in rose societies and historical sites in your area.

Can you grow roses from cuttings using potatoes?

There's a longstanding theory that potatoes are the ultimate rose rooting medium. It's very tempting to believe that all you have to do is make a small hole in a spud, perhaps add some honey and cinnamon, stick in your rose cutting, and go. But keep a couple of things in mind: potato tubers are actually alive. They have their own mix of plant hormones and immune defenses. And at least one academic study has found potatoes had a 100 percent failure rate as a rose rooting medium.

Can you grow roses from cuttings in water?

Another old theory suggests roses root easily in water. They may start the rooting process in water, but it doesn't go anywhere. There may be exceptions, so again, you can always try it and see if you have any luck. But expect the best results following the above guidelines.

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Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps (2024)


Yes, You Can Grow Roses from Cuttings–Here's How in 10 Simple Steps? ›

Use a stick or pencil to make a planting hole 3 to 4 inches deep in your rooting bed or container. Make it big enough so you can insert the cutting without brushing off the hormone. Stick the cutting into the hole so its bottom half and at least two nodes are covered,1 and then firm the soil around it.

What is the easiest way to grow roses from stem cuttings? ›

Use a stick or pencil to make a planting hole 3 to 4 inches deep in your rooting bed or container. Make it big enough so you can insert the cutting without brushing off the hormone. Stick the cutting into the hole so its bottom half and at least two nodes are covered,1 and then firm the soil around it.

What is the best time to grow roses from cuttings? ›

Rose cuttings should be taken from the current year's growth. You can take flexible, softwood rose cuttings of very new growth in late-spring and summer – these root quickly and easily. Semi-hardwood cuttings are taken in late summer and early autumn, when new stems are firmer and more mature.

How long does it take for roses to root from cuttings? ›

Rose cuttings take about two weeks to root if they are softwood cuttings. If you are rooting hardwood cuttings, it can take as long as two months before the roots start to develop. Only plant in the garden if the cuttings will have the time to develop a good root system before they go dormant.

Is it better to root rose cuttings in water or soil? ›

Rose cuttings do not propagate well in just water.

Some cuttings will root, but the success rate is usually about 20%, while you can get 80% success by propagating rose cuttings in soil medium or by layering.

Can you put rose cuttings straight into soil? ›

Place Cuttings Into Potting Soil

Stick your rose cuttings about two inches into a container of potting mix. Press the mix around the stem and water thoroughly. Then add your humidity cover and place the pot in a location with indirect sunlight. This could be on a covered porch, on the side of a shed, or under trees.

Can you root a rose cutting in a potato? ›

You can grow a rose bush from the stem of a cut rose by planting it in a potato. The naturally moist potato keeps the cutting moist while it sprouts roots.

How long to soak roses before planting? ›

Rehydrate your rose in a bucket of water for a minimum of 2 hours prior to planting.

How long does it take for rose cuttings to root in water? ›

It takes three or so weeks for roots to begin to form, and a few more weeks for them to become large enough to transplant into soil. In the meantime, your job is to change the liquid every single day.

How long does it take a rose to root in a potato? ›

You just drill a hole in a potato and slip a section of stem from a rose bush into the hole. Now plant the potato in the ground about 4 inches (10 cm) deep. Water well and cover with an inverted bottle to maintain high humidity. After a few weeks, your little rose bush will be well rooted!

How often should I water rose cuttings in soil? ›

Watering of the planting site every other day may be required to keep the soil moist but do not create a standing water or muddy soil situation. Once the new roses have taken root well and have begun to grow, they may be moved to their permanent locations in your rose beds or gardens.

What is the success rate of rose cuttings? ›

Propagating from cuttings is by far the most commonly used method of reproducing roses. However, even under optimal conditions a 90% success rate is thought to be “pretty darn good!” Why is it so tricky? Well, the simple answer is that cuttings lack a root system to take up water and nutrients.

Why do rose cuttings fail? ›

Not keeping your cuttings moist

The number one thing rose cuttings need to root successfully is constant moisture. Forget to water your cuttings, and they are guaranteed to perish.

Should I soak roses before planting? ›

Before planting, soak bare-root roses in a bucket of water for 8-12 hours to help rehydrate the roots. The entire plant may be immersed to rehydrate the canes. After soaking, trim off any damaged or diseased roots. Botrytis, a grey mold, is a common disease found on the roots and canes of plants held in storage.

What is the best soil mix for rose cuttings? ›

A mix of 50 percent peat/50 percent perlite may be ideal. Recut the rose cuttings to 3-4 inches and remove the lower leaves. You will have greater success if you dip the cuttings into a sterilizing solution, such as 10-percent bleach solution or 10-percent Lysol solution.

How do you make cuttings root faster? ›

Warm growing medium temperatures accelerate cell division which leads to faster callusing, root initial development and subsequent root growth. It also speeds up the dry-down rate of the growing medium, which also helps encourage better rooting. The best way to warm the growing medium is through bottom heat.

How do I know if my rose cuttings are rooting? ›

Keep an eye on the cuttings to make sure they're never dried out, as well as to make sure the cuttings are taking root. You can test to see if the roots are growing by gently tugging on the cuttings. You should be able to feel a slight resistance after a week or 2, meaning the roots are growing well.

Can you use a potato to propagate? ›

Can I Plant Store-Bought Potatoes? You can—and this TikTok gardener did. But typically, gardeners plant seed potatoes. The name is a bit misleading—potatoes don't actually grow from seeds, but rather sprouts from an already grown and ripened potato.

What do I put in my soil before planting roses? ›

Prepare Your Soil

When creating a new rose bed, add 2 to 4 inches of organic matter to the area prior to tilling. This will help improve the soil condition for your roses. Generally, you can add one-part compost, prepared planting mix, or aged manure to two parts of your garden soil.

What time of day should you water roses? ›

Water roses early in the day, at ground level, to help prevent diseases like blackspot. Avoid routinely wetting the foliage, especially when overcast. This can encourage and spread disease. Once a week spray your rose bush with water if needed and only on a sunny day.

How do you speed up rose growth? ›

Hit these six simple must-haves for how to make roses grow bigger, and you will be on your way to growing the perfect rose:
  1. Site. Roses crave sun, at least six hours a day is ideal.
  2. Soil. Plant roses in rich, well-draining soil. ...
  3. Mulch. Add a 2-3-inch layer of coarse, organic mulch around roses. ...
  4. Water. ...
  5. Inspect. ...
  6. Prune.

Can you put rose cuttings in water to root? ›

Can you root rose cuttings in water? Rose cuttings can be rooted in water, too. To do this, in late spring select a healthy stem from the current year's growth and cut a 15cm section just below a bud. Remove all the leaves leaving just the top two.

Is potato water good for roses? ›

Plants need nourishment to perform in the best way. Flowers and vegetables love potato starch and using potato water in the garden is a good way to give it to them.

Can I plant roses from a bouquet? ›

Yes, it is possible to grow roses from cut flowers, from a florist bouquet, or one you grab from your local grocery store. Given the right conditions, some of the rose cuttings taken should begin to grow roots within a month or so of placing them in water.

What season is best to transplant roses? ›

First, decide if you are going to transplant your rose while it is dormant (early spring), or if you need to move it during the non-dormant, growing season. The best time to transplant is always during the dormant season in early spring as it will cause less stress and shock to the plant.

What are the easiest roses to grow in containers? ›

Groundcover (a.k.a. "carpet") roses are our top pick for the best rose to grow in a container. They have a lower and more compact growth habit than shrub roses. This makes them look tidier when planted in a pot. Plus, they play well with others.

How many days in advance should I buy roses? ›

For example;

If you event is on a Saturday, I would advise receiving the flowers on Wednesday or Thursday to ensure you have time to condition and prepare the event. Working with this time frame of 2-3 days will allow you to condition the flowers correctly.

What happens if you don't cut rose stem? ›

Failing to prune your roses may lead to decreased blooms and a sick or even dead plant. Roses are notorious for being susceptible to a wide number of diseases. When you prune, you are helping the plant by cutting away dead and diseased canes.

Why are my cuttings rotting in water? ›

Providing too much moisture during propagation can result in rot and cutting loss. A practice often observed during propagation of unrooted cuttings is frequent, heavy misting, which provides too much moisture and should be avoided.

How long can you keep rose cuttings in water? ›

Place the cut ends of the roses making sure the ends are in water. Leave the cuttings in for a week or two or longer. I like to leave my cuttings in the water for even 1-3 months. You may wish to change out the water periodically, but I rarely do, if it gets to that point, I just plant them in soil.

Do roses need fresh water everyday? ›

Roses need at least one inch of cool (room temperature) water every day. Make sure that the water does not touch the bottom stem but only touches the outer petals, which can help them stay fresh and beautiful longer.

What to do before planting roses? ›

Prepare The Rose

You may need to wiggle the plant a bit to loosen some roots from the pot's bottom. If your rose is bare-root, unpackage the roots and inspect them. Clip away any roots that are broken or soft with rot. Soak the roots for about 12 hours before planting to ensure they don't dry out.

Is it better to plant roses in the morning or Evening? ›

A rose will be happy in a location that gets full morning sun but it will not be happy in a location that gets only afternoon sun.

Which mulch is best for roses? ›

These are the mulches we recommend for roses.
  • Sugar Cane mulch.
  • Mushroom compost.
  • Garden Compost.
  • Sheep Dags.
  • Whoflungdung by Neutrog.

Is sand good for roses? ›

If you want to make your soil drain better, add sand. But if your soil has too much sand, the water will drain too quickly to be available to your roses. Roses grown in soils with a high sand content will likely need to be watered more frequently than those grown in loamy soil.

Can rose stem be rooted in water? ›

Technically any stem you cut from a rose can be propagated in water, but you will have a much higher rate of success with young, pliable, green growth. Avoid the woody, older stems – these are best used for propagation via air layering.

Can you make a rose stem grow roots? ›

When to Propagate a Rose by Stem Cuttings. Rooting a stem cutting can be done almost any time, but cuttings taken from new growth that has recently flowered (rather than old, hardened wood) are more likely to root successfully. Spring or fall is the best time to take softwood stem cuttings.

Should I soak rose roots before planting? ›

Before planting, soak bare-root roses in a bucket of water for 8-12 hours to help rehydrate the roots. The entire plant may be immersed to rehydrate the canes. After soaking, trim off any damaged or diseased roots. Botrytis, a grey mold, is a common disease found on the roots and canes of plants held in storage.

What can I use instead of rooting hormone? ›

Making Vinegar Rooting Hormone

A teaspoon of vinegar in 5 to 6 cups (1.2-1.4 L.) of water is enough. Any type of apple cider vinegar at your local supermarket is fine. To use your homemade rooting hormone, dip the bottom of the cutting in the solution before “sticking” the cutting in rooting medium.

How do you root roses with honey? ›

dip the stem into honey. and plant it in some soil. it'll grow into a whole new rosebush. honey acts as a natural rooting hole room.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.